all the way to fairy

Chapter 532 Unavoidable Name

Chapter 532 Unavoidable Name
"The process of the grand ceremony is out, take a look." Yunli was finishing the gossip script when An Ran came in.

She took a look and couldn't help complaining: "This is too simple."

The whole process is divided into three parts in total, thanking the master, bestowing the title, listening to the training, and the regular sacrifices to heaven, crowning and robes, and banquets are all cancelled.

"Under special circumstances, keep everything simple." An Ran sighed lightly, and she didn't want the first important celebration on the road to be hastily ended like this, but the situation was beyond her control.

With the return of Awakening Zhe, the battle situation in Qinghe Valley is becoming more and more tense. Under such circumstances, it is very difficult for the head teacher and others to find time to hold the alchemy ceremony for them.

Her words reminded Yunli, "Which true monarchs will come? There will be no problems in Qinghe Valley, right? Tomorrow is the grand ceremony, and the masters haven't arrived yet?"

The four factions want to use this grand ceremony to publicize the four factions and win over the hearts of the people, so they will not hide it. Maybe Xingye and others knew that they were going to hold a celebration that day.

If they broke the boat, regardless of whether the low-ranking monks lived or died, under the leadership of Xingye Jingzhe, broke out of the siege, recovered, and then made a comeback, wouldn't this siege be in vain.

"Don't worry, our four major sects have been passed down for thousands of years and have their own background. With the Supreme Elder Zhenjun Ling Su personally sitting in the town, with formations, it is still possible to trap them for a few days."

Yunli nodded, and suddenly remembered that she hadn't seen Mu Yan and Wei Lin for a long time, so she couldn't help asking, "Where's senior brother? Where's Ayan?"

"Now the Canglan monks are gathered in Nanling City, and the city defense team is too busy. They have been called to help, and I am here to call you." She said, grabbing Yunli's hand, "We used to familiarize ourselves with the process."

Thinking of the current grand occasion of Nanling City, An Ran's slight depression was swept away. Although the process was simpler, the scale was grand.

The alchemy ceremony is usually celebrated inside the sect, and only the baby ceremony will invite him to send monks, and most of them are elites from various factions who have made good friends.

Their alchemy ceremony this time invites monks from all over the world, but the number of viewers is even bigger than the baby ceremony!

As soon as they left the hospital, both sides of the street were full of people. As early as January, all the inns and restaurants in the city were full. Later, the people could only choose to sleep on the streets.

But the monks are used to sleeping in the open, so they don't care about these things. Once you set up a rich and exquisite house, any place can be your home. If you don't have money, you can just sit on the floor with a futon.

Facing the current grand situation in Nanling, Yunli couldn't help sighing secretly. It's not unreasonable that the four factions can still stand on the top of the sea for thousands of years. These high-level people are used to maximizing their interests.

A grand alchemy ceremony whose process was deleted to only the core link, became a grand ceremony after they made a fuss, and what the four sects did was to arrange a venue.

On the surface, the main event of the alchemy ceremony is to give them a Taoist name, but in reality, it is the final training.

The so-called listening training is to listen to the teachings of the elders, but among Fu Yue and others, it will definitely become the promotion of the four factions.

If they didn't need a fig leaf, maybe they would just omit the previous thanks to the teacher and the bestowal, and let the elders directly summarize the statement.

The two walked through the long street, and soon came to the meeting place in the center of Nanling City. The floor was paved with brocade, decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the core disciples of the two factions of Taiyixin shuttled among them, with joy on their brows and eyes.

Yunli caught sight of Wei Lin who was talking with someone, and she was about to walk over when she received a voice transmission from Wei Lin, "Call Chu Nan Mo Huai away."

She was stunned, and hurriedly asked through sound transmission: "What's wrong?"

"Tomorrow is the grand ceremony. At this time, Fu Yue and other Nascent Soul cultivators have not yet arrived, and the number of people has not yet been determined. Just in case, I will reserve a backup."

Yunli frowned, the battle in Qinghe Valley was tense, and the process of the grand ceremony was reduced and reduced, so it made sense for the teacher and the others to calculate the timing.

She went through the plot of meeting Fuyue and others in the Qinghe Valley camp last time, without revealing anything.

Even Mo Huai, seeing Fuyue was with the three of them, and he never went to see Fuyue alone, and everyone knew about the letter he sent to Fuyue.

"Just in case." Wei Lin raised his eyes and looked at the setting sun in the sky. The past few days have been very peaceful. Although the case of mother voodoo is difficult and the progress is slow, many interfering factors have been ruled out, and he is approaching the truth little by little.

Cultivation is also very normal, the years are quiet and good, and there are no waves.

But it was this kind of tranquility that made him a little uneasy. Logically, there were a large number of families in Nanling, and even though most of the Nascent Soul True Monarchs were now in the Qinghe Valley battlefield, each family had a Nascent Soul cultivator staying behind.

But he didn't feel any sense of crisis at all, and he wasn't so arrogant that he could compete with Zhenjun Yuanying.

God, it may have been shot.

Yunli pursed her lips, "It's a bit difficult to lure away at this time, I'm here to attract their attention."

She walked out of Chu Nan's side in twos and threes, and asked, "Senior Brother Chu, are you ready for your vestments for tomorrow?"

"I'll just wear martial arts clothes." Chu Nan looked indifferent.

Yunli shook her head, extremely disapproving: "The alchemy ceremony, there is only one life, so how can you be so casual on such an important occasion!

Good-looking and decent clothing can not only highlight our importance, but also respect for others. "

"In terms of decency, the school's clothing is the best." Chu Nan didn't want to discuss clothing with the girls. A few days ago, he had seen that the three of them attached great importance to clothing, from color to details. finalized.

It's just a piece of clothing, it's horrible.

"The martial art costume is decent, but it's too plain." Yunli called Mo Huai and Zheng Rui who was next to him, "Senior brother Mo Zheng, you don't want to wear martial arts costumes, do you?

Don't blame me for not reminding you, my cassock tomorrow is light gold, like a flowing cloud, dazzling;

As for Senior Sister An, she is red, bright and compelling; although Ayan's color is an unobtrusive light cyan, the details are exquisite.At that time, you will be overwhelmed and lined like dusty potatoes, don't blame us. "

Zheng Ruilang laughed and said: "In this way, we have to wear martial arts costumes. The three junior sisters are beautiful and beautiful. Naturally, we have to let the monks all over the world take a good look at the demeanor of my Taiyi nun!"

"That's thanks to the three senior brothers for their courtesy!" Yunli raised her eyebrows and smiled, then frowned and looked at the white clothes on him, "Senior Brother Chu is fine, but the white clothes of our sect are a bit like mourning clothes. auspicious."

Mo Huai reminded in a cold voice: "There are a lot of white clothes in the birth ceremony of the uncles, so it's not auspicious!"

From the corner of the eye, seeing Wei Lin approaching a few people, Yunli guessed that he had already left behind, so she shrugged: "Some people believe in this kind of thing, and some don't, it depends on the individual. There is this custom in my hometown, anyway, I am I care more. If you don’t care, please feel free.”

In the early morning of the next day, a quarter of an hour before the start of the alchemy ceremony, Fu Yue and the others finally arrived.

Looking at the people filing down from the spirit boat, Yunli was stunned, why are there so many multi-infant masters here?
Canglan's famous sects and aristocratic families all sent representatives, which she had expected a long time ago, and they naturally wanted to show their respect for the alchemy ceremony of the core disciples of the two schools of Taiyixin.But the Nascent Soul True Monarchs of the four major sects in Qinghe Valley, why are they all here?
To promote the merits of the four factions, a few people are enough.

She was a little uneasy, and slowly clenched her fists, controlling the urge to transmit sound.

When the last Zhenjun Fushu put away his spirit boat and stepped into Nanling City, the protective array was activated. After a short period of silence, the crowd became noisy.

"What's going on? How did the defense formation start?"

"What is this going to do..."

The corners of Yunli's lips curled up in doubt, and she tilted her head slightly to look at Fuyue and the others. Unfortunately, those who can cultivate to the Nascent Soul Stage are very shrewd and can't see anything.

She calmed down quickly, and listened to Fu Yue's words: "Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient, the remnants of the witches and Gu sect are arrogant, in order to prevent accidents, we have specially activated a large formation to protect the city, in case there are killers making trouble."

"So that's how it is, thank you True Monarchs!" Someone shouted loudly.

"That's right, even holding the Alchemy Ceremony for the disciples is a rush."

"Famous teachers produce great apprentices, congratulations to Zhenjun Fuyue..."


Then there was one after another of congratulatory flattery.

Taiyin Peak Chu Xingwen, who was in charge of preparing for the alchemy ceremony, went up to greet him, and directed the disciples of the two factions to sit down with all the true kings.

When the good time came, the distant bells rang throughout Nanling City, and the monks watching the ceremony fell silent.

Fushu stood on the high platform and said loudly: "The ceremony begins!"

Yunli exhaled lightly, and walked shoulder to shoulder with the other five people on the big red brocade carpet, step by step towards the high platform.

The brocade carpet is woven with fine wool, it is very soft, and it feels light and light when you step on it, like walking in the clouds, implying that the future is bright and it will go straight to the sky.

Seeing Fu Yue, Fu Shu, Jin Shu and Master Zheng Rui on the high platform, Master Zhizheng Zhenjun, Yunli's face was sullen and her palms were sweating.

Soon, the six people walked to the high platform and came to their masters. Because of the absence of 'Fuyu', Fuyue accepted An Ran's apprenticeship ceremony on his behalf. Yu', Fu Yue still accepts it on his behalf.

In this way, four of the six people on the field stood in front of Fu Yue, such an obvious gap caused everyone to sigh.

After several people stood still, Fushu said loudly, "Thank you, Master."

"Disciple Yunli (An Ran|Mu Yan|Mo Huai|Chunan|Zheng Rui) thanks to the master|master for teaching!"

Yun Li's face was stern, and as everyone bowed down, her mind was tense, her senses were fully open, and she paid close attention to every move around her.


Three voices sounded almost at the same time, Fu Yue's tone was low, and the rising end of the voice showed his joy, mixed with traces of imperceptible tension.

Jinshu's voice was soft and filled with emotion; Zhizheng Zhenjun's voice was loud and proud, and his pride was undisguised.

After thanking the teacher, it is time to bestow the Taoist name.

Fu Yue looked at An Ran, and said kindly: "Your master is in retreat, so I will give you the title this time."

"Let the teacher bother you." An Ran bowed her knees and saluted again.

Fu Yue looked in the direction of Qinghe Valley, "The evil spirits are raging, and we only hope for He Qing Haiyan. Your generation starts with the character Qing, Mo Huai, given the name Qingyan, and Yunli, given the name Qingyue."

Even at this time, Yunli couldn't help but want to complain, and it all went around the word Yue, speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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