all the way to fairy

Chapter 533 Grass Grass!I forgot!

Chapter 533 Grass Grass!I forgot!

At this time, Yunli couldn't help but be thankful that Zhenjun Fujian was killed by her senior brother just after waking up, otherwise, if Fuyue and the others had any associations at this time, she would be able to reveal her secrets in minutes.

"An Ran, Qing Shi; Mu Yan, Qing Wei."

After Fuyue, Zhenjun Jinshu gave Chu Nan the title, "Heqing Haiyan, Shihe Suifeng. Taiyizong chose the word Qing to start this generation of disciples, and our Tianxin Pavilion starts with the word Sui.

You became famous when you were young, showing your sharpness, and the road is long, you must also know how to hide your strength and bide your time, and the name of the road is Sui Yin. "

Chu Nan was stunned for a moment, and said, "Thank you, Master, for granting the title!"

Afterwards, Zhizheng Zhenjun was given the name Qingning by Zheng Rui.

During this period, Wei Lin moved a few steps calmly, and arrived under the pillar on the right edge, where he had set up a small defensive formation yesterday.

At that time, people were coming and going nearby, and it was only enough time to set up a simple defensive formation. However, there are so many monks in Nanling City right now. It's not that easy for him.

With a slight movement of his fingertips, a ground escape talisman quietly appeared in his palm. He raised his eyes to look at the high platform, hoping that they had guessed wrong.

The naming process is over, and the next step is to listen.

As Yunli expected, Fuyue's eyes swept across several people, revealing mixed feelings.

"I still remember that when you first entered the sect, you were still children who were ignorant of the world. From the introduction of energy into the body, the experience of the sect, to the battle of wits and courage between Jiuliyuan and monks from other lands, you have been able to stand on your own before you know it."

Speaking of this, his eyes moved away from Yunli and the others, and he scanned the crowd watching the ceremony from left to right very slowly, and finally landed somewhere directly behind.

With a solemn expression, he said in a deep voice: "We are full of disasters and disasters. 10 years ago, the daughter of the Xu family fell into a demon, and half of the living beings in the mainland died at her hands;
It’s hard to recover some vitality, but 3 years ago, another catastrophe happened, the spiritual energy was lost, and the way of ascension was banned; thousands of years ago, there was a rebellion by the witches and Gu sects. Although we tried our best to encircle and suppress them, there were still fish that slipped through the net and kept slaughtering me secretly. Brother Lan.

However, the monks of my generation are tenacious and never afraid of battle. In the past, Master Huijue used his body to overcome the demons. Today we can also eradicate the remnants of the witchcraft sect!

Presumably everyone already knows that the Gu King of the Wu Gu Sect is dead, and from now on, there will be no Gu troubles in Canglan Continent! "

As soon as he finished speaking, the crowd erupted, some cheered loudly, and some burst into tears.

Amidst the joy, an old man squeezed forward, suddenly knelt down on the ground, choked with sobs and said: "Poverty Wang Meng, thank you Patriarch Ye and Patriarch Xiao for killing my harm. The blood vengeance of more than a thousand members of my Wang family has finally been avenged!"

Someone who knew him beside him said softly: "He was originally from Yicheng. Thousands of years ago, the Wang family was considered a respectable family in Yicheng. Only a few people who went out survived."

Even though the people present had not experienced that catastrophe, they had heard from their elders that there were not a few relatives who fell at the hands of Wu Gu sect. They felt empathy for the old man's experience and knelt down to thank the Ye Xiao family for removing the Gu king.

"Old man from the Zhongshan sect, if it wasn't for the Taiyi Sect sect Yun and Feng to save us from the fire..."

Following Tian Xiao's narration, the crowd hated the Wu Gu Sect more and more, and became more grateful to the Ye Xiao Family who removed the Gu King.

When everyone's emotions were almost fermented, Ye Zheyan stepped out from the side and said loudly: "The Gu worms are harmful to Cang Lan, and everyone gets them and punish them. Although we paid a heavy price, fortunately, we wiped out the Gu worms in the Zhongshan system , destroyed the conspiracy of Canye Pavilion, and did not let it wreak havoc."

The audience was naturally grateful again and again.

Ye Zheyan raised his hand, signaling for everyone to be quiet, and then said modestly: "It's not only the credit of my family that can eliminate the Gu worms, these juniors also made great contributions. If it weren't for their help, the Gu problem would not be solved so quickly."

He turned around slightly, and his admiring eyes fell on Yunli and the others, "Little friend Yun is both wise and brave, went deep into the Qinghe Valley to rescue the host of Gu King;

Mo Xiaoyou and Chu Xiaoyou were calm and calm, and secretly set up the nine-turn lotus formation; An Xiaoyou, Mu Xiaoyou, was so proficient in alchemy that he refined the Tianxiang Midan, and with concerted efforts, they killed the Gu king and completely solved the Gu problem. "

Yunli's fingertips moved slightly. This remark completely wiped out the credit of the senior brother. Is it because the four factions do not want the credit to fall on a loose cultivator, or do they have other purposes?

As soon as he finished speaking, an old man twitched his long gray eyebrows, his face full of surprise: "Hey, does the sun come out from the west today?"

While speaking, he took a few steps to the right, put his hands on his forehead, and looked up at the sky in the east.

"Hahaha, so I'm not the only one who thinks this way. I never thought that Patriarch Ye would have the day to push the credit." Zhenjun, who was at the bottom seat on the right, got up and teased Ye Zheyan.

Yunli's eyes suddenly tightened. In the worst case, their goal is indeed the senior brother!
Except Fuyue and four people who stood on the high platform with them, the rest of the Nascent Soul cultivators who watched the ceremony were seated on both sides of the high platform.

Wei Lin stood obliquely behind the last monk Yuanying on the right, and the two true monarchs seemed to move casually, but approached him from different directions.

Although it may be just a coincidence, there are too many coincidences today.

She unconsciously held her breath, sweat dripping down her back, what to do...

With so many multiple infant monks, the city defense array has also been activated, how will the senior brother escape?
From the corner of her eye, she looked at the left and right sides calmly, seeing the dark Nascent Soul monks, her scalp felt numb.

Nima, what do you think, to deal with a Golden Core cultivator, it's fine to set up a trap, is it worth using so many multi-infant cultivators to siege?

When she was in a state of confusion, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a middle-aged male cultivator with a soft face in the crowd, secretly moving towards Wei Lin's direction, wherever he passed, someone would automatically make way for him.


Her body was faster than her mind, she let out a stern voice, and flew down from the high platform. At the same time, the orange silk shot out from her hand, approaching the feminine man.

Her speed was too fast, Fu Yue and others next to her were all focused on Wei Lin, they didn't expect her to make a sudden attack at all, before they could react, Huan Shiling was already wrapped around Yan Jun's neck.

"Who are you, what do you want to do sneakily?"

Just as Yan Jun was about to answer, he felt that the silk on his neck had turned into a sharp blade. While mobilizing his spiritual power to resist the silk knife, he threw out the illusion-breaking spell.

In his opinion, Yunli has misunderstood, as long as Qianjiu's disguise technique is broken, Yunli will naturally understand that he is not an assassin, and will let him go.

But he overestimated himself and underestimated Yunli, his resistance didn't help, and when the illusion-breaking spell came out, his head flew into the sky.

Then, Yunli's figure flashed, and she stopped in front of Wei Lin. The orange gauze in her hand spread out, and she frantically transmitted her voice: "Why haven't you left yet?!"

A drop of cold sweat oozes from Wei Lin's forehead. In fact, when she yelled 'someone', he crushed the earth escape talisman, and at the same time took a step towards the pillar with the formula in his hand. He didn't want to, and didn't respond at all.

Not only the formation, but also the ground escape talisman hadn't taken effect, so he made a quick decision and wanted to run away.

As soon as Yunli finished transmitting the sound, she saw that the spell that was supposed to be stopped by Huanshiling passed through Huanshiling without any obstacles!
She hurriedly called out the Linggang, but she didn't want to, the milky white light still didn't stop, passed through the Linggang, and shone on her face, as if it was really just light.

All of this happened in a very short period of time, when Yan Jun's head was accompanied by the fluttering orange silk across the front of the high platform and fell down, Fu Yue and others managed to recover.

Seeing the fluttering orange gauze in front of the pillar, blocking the two of them tightly, preventing Qian Jiu's face from being exposed to everyone's eyes for the first time, Fu Yue was so angry that his head was buzzing.

Not caring about being angry with Yunli, he flied towards Weilin with a flash of his figure.

Yunli pretended not to know, and shouted behind the fluttering orange silk: "There are assassins!"

She stared intently at the crowd, as if looking for accomplices, the fantasy world silk danced, and the orange yarn made a clanging sound in the air, and the Nascent Soul cultivator rushing towards her had to raise her hand to brush her silk away.

In this short period of time, Wei Lin's body flew far away like an arrow off the string.

The people watching the ceremony were stunned, what's going on?Hasn't the assassin already been killed?What are you True Monarchs rushing to that direction in a murderous spirit?
When Wei Lin's figure rushed out from behind the fluttering orange veil, they looked over naturally, only to find a familiar face.

"Thousands and nines!"

"Why is he here?"

Some low-level monks were so frightened that they couldn't speak. Since the opening of Jiuliyuan, this once notorious genius killer of Canye Pavilion has disappeared. Everyone thought he died in Jiuliyuan!

Why did it suddenly appear in Nanling City? It's still in the mid-stage Golden Core!
"Don't panic!" On the high platform, Fushu Zhenjun shouted loudly, "We have already laid a net of heaven and earth, this time, the devil can't escape!"

Everyone realized that there are so many Nascent Soul cultivators present today, the one to be afraid of is the devil!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Wei Lin froze, suddenly made a big turn, walked around half of the venue, returned to the previous position, and quickly sacrificed several defensive magic weapons.

Fushu shouted: "Start formation!"

Doubts arose in his heart, the array laid down by Qianjiu had been dismantled last night, he should have found out, otherwise he wouldn't have escaped, but why did he go back again?

Huh?Wait, why did a stunning girl suddenly appear?
Hey, isn't that dress Yunli's?
His eyeballs almost popped out.

Looking at Wei Lin who was frantically throwing the defensive magic weapon beside him, Yunli didn't react for a moment, and asked through sound transmission: "What are you doing back? Holding me hostage?"

"Fairy Yun?!" Before Wei Lin could answer, an unbelievable shout sounded, "Yaoxiu?"

The noisy venue was so quiet that a needle could be heard for a while.

Yunli turned her head in a daze, seeing that everyone was so startled that their mouths were open from ear to ear, Fu Yue and other Nascent Soul Masters who were chasing after him also froze in place as if they had seen a ghost.

She blinked, looked at Wei Lin's delicate and familiar face again, and suddenly realized that her own face had also been changed.

"Hold the grass! I forgot!"

 Thanks to Yizhixiang, JY Fanmei, and Yushan Baobao for their monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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