Chapter 535
Yunli sneered: "With you, there will be no lives in your hands, right? No one among righteous monks kills people to seize treasures?"

"Sophistry!" Fu Yue snorted coldly, "There's no need to talk to her."

Next, everyone no longer held back their hands, and attacked with all their strength in tacit understanding. Along with the powerful offensive, they also fell with their fiery eyes.

With so many multi-infant monks, Yunli naturally didn't dare to take it hard. After thinking about it, she simply poured out a bunch of defensive equipment, saving the process of digging out one by one.

The eyelids of the besieging crowd twitched when they saw the defensive equipment piled up at her feet like a hill, so many!
One defensive magic weapon after another was broken, and Yunli's heart ached to death. There were many high-level equipment in it, which were originally used in the upper realm. With her current cultivation level, they could not fully exert their effectiveness and were wasted.

Looking across the crazy crowd, Fu Yue and Rong Qiu's fighting strength was obviously much higher than that of the others. Both of them were sword cultivators, and their attacks were extraordinarily fierce.

Under their attack, her defensive magic weapon seemed to be made of paper, and it would be destroyed within a few breaths.

Except for the two, Zhenjun Yanshi of Four Seasons Valley, as a powerful weapon refiner, is well aware of the weakness of magic weapons. Under the dark blue giant hammer, the speed of damage to magic weapons is even faster than that of Fuyue Rongqiu.

"Master, please be merciful."

An Ran finally recovered from the shock that her cousin was a demon cultivator. Seeing this situation, she immediately flew to Fu Yue's side to tell Yun Li: "Although she sneaked into the sect with impure purposes, she never did anything. She must have a reason for doing something unfavorable to the sect!"

"An Ran, step down! Just now she admitted it herself, she is Qianjiu's junior sister, a secret agent of Can Ye Pavilion, and everyone will punish her if she gets it." Fu Yue shouted without turning his head.

At this time, Mo Huai also came to Fu Yue's side, and An Ran felt a little hopeful. Mo Huai was the teacher's beloved disciple, and his words had no weight, so the teacher might listen to his words.

"Master, what Senior Sister An said is true. She has done bad things for us these years and destroyed many Can Ye Pavilion's plots. She should be..."

"Huai'er!" Fu Yue interrupted sharply, "You forgot how your Fang family disappeared."

"But she..."

Chu Nan and Zheng Rui hesitated for a moment, and they also pleaded for Yunli, but unfortunately they were all severely reprimanded.

An Ran was burning with anxiety, and said in a trembling voice: "Clan Chief Ye, Patriarch Xiao, are you going to attack her too? Without her, Zhongzhou City would still be in Canye Pavilion's hands."

Xiao Zhen's face became more and more ashamed, and he looked at Ye Zheyan, "Old Ye, we..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Ye Zheyan, "An Xiaoyou, in the face of big right and wrong, personal friendship must be put aside. If we let her go because of her merits in encircling and suppressing witchcraft today, there will be killers in Canye Pavilion in the future." Do you want to let go of good things?
She is the killer of the Canye Pavilion, since she stands on the opposite side, she will never die! "

"But the killer of Remnant Ye Pavilion wants to kill her too, the Soul Breaking Curse just now..."

"An Ran, step back!" Fu Yue's voice became more severe.

An Ran clenched her fists and closed her eyes weakly, "But she is clearly not wrong. She has saved Chu Nan, Qin Fei, and so many people from the Zhongshan family. Are you not afraid of the hearts of monks all over the world when you treat her like this? "

"Back then, the monk in the Yuan Dynasty was hit by the soul-shattering curse, which was also the end of the soul-destroying daoxiao. She is a little golden core monk, but she can dissolve the spell. If she doesn't keep it, she is the remnant of the witchcraft sect." Someone answered, the greed in his eyes was not concealed .

An Ran was full of disappointment. This is the sect they rely on wholeheartedly. These are the powerful people of Cang Lan, who, for their own selfishness, disregard right from wrong, and turn black and white.

Yun Li was very touched that An Ran could still intercede for her when her identity as a demon cultivator was exposed without any explanation, but in this situation, Fu Yue and others would doubt her if she pleaded for them again and again.

"You don't need to plead for me. From the beginning to the end, I knew that there would be such a day. When I make friends with you, what I value is your character, not your pious master."

After persuading An Ran, she turned back to Ye Zheyan: "When Patriarch Ye speaks, he still has to use his brain. Standing on the opposite side means immortality? Why, give up using the panacea to divide the killer of Canye Pavilion?"

"All right."

At this time, Wei Lin's sound transmission sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness, and Yunli immediately put away the unused defensive magic weapon.

Wei Lin took out a box, and put neatly stacked top-grade spirit stones into the formation, and the rich silver spiritual power outlined a mysterious formation, enveloping the two of them.

"Not good! Songyin, control her!" Fuyue's pupils trembled, holding the long sword in his hand, he followed the domain, and ran over regardless.

However, it was already too late, the space teleportation array had already been activated, and they still had several defenses unbroken.

Yunli sacrificed the Huanshiling to protect them, and smiled at An Ran: "Take care of yourself."

After finishing speaking, she looked over the crowd and looked at Mu Yan, but she saw Mu Yan standing alone on the high platform, staring at her in a daze, with something flickering in her eyes.

She stared intently to see clearly that the formation had already begun to transmit.

Seeing the two of them disappear, Fu Yue was anxious and angry, turned around and shouted at Song Yin: "What's going on? Why didn't you control her?"

After shouting, without waiting for his answer, he raised his voice and shouted: "Chasing!"

The monk in charge of the formation came to his senses, immediately made a formula, put away the formation, and all the Nascent Soul monks disappeared into the venue with a flash.

Only the empty box containing the spirit stones was left on the spot, and the unique golden sword emblem of the Taiyi Sect on the box shone dazzlingly in the sunlight.

"I'm going, it's only this far!" Regardless of the dizziness of the teleportation, Yunli immediately looked around after the teleportation, but found that she was still in Nanling City, and not far from the venue!
She was about to cry, a box of high-grade spirit stones fell down, and they were let out of the venue!

Fortunately, there was an array to separate them, so Fu Yue and the others did not see where they came out from.

"Go to the venue." Wei Lin whispered.

Yunli didn't say anything else, quickly took a picture of the invisibility talisman, and before Fu Yue and others chased him, he dodged to the edge of the venue and kept his voice quiet.

Now, almost all the monks in the city are at the ceremony venue, and running in the empty city is a shining target.

When other monks came out, they mixed into the crowd, and then found a place to disguise themselves, and then tried to get out of the city.

Now I just hope that Fuyue and others will not lock other people in, and only the Nascent Soul cultivator will come out.

Almost as soon as the two stood still, the magic circle covering the entire venue was closed, and then several figures swept out, divided into four groups, and rushed straight to the city gate.

The two remained silent, and after a while, they saw the crowd coming out of the ceremony. Some people shouted to catch the devil and rushed towards the city gate. foot.

There were a little more people waiting, and the two of them immediately stuck to the edge of the crowd, crossed the long street, picked a hidden corner, changed their faces quickly, and then appeared and merged into the crowd, holding the magic weapon and shouting to arrest The devil, rush to the city gate.

From afar, I saw two Nascent Soul monks standing in the air tens of meters away from the city gate, watching the people pouring out of the city.

Yunli was secretly anxious, and prevented people from approaching the city gate, how could they sneak out in troubled waters!
"Two True Monarchs, although our cultivation base is low, we still want to do our part in eliminating demons and defending Dao." Someone said loudly.

His words were immediately echoed by many people, who expressed their willingness to help catch the devil, and Yunli followed the crowd in shouting a few times.

"To shut up!"

Cultivator Nascent Soul interrupted their determination impatiently, and cast his ruthless eyes across the crowd, "You are doing your best if you don't approach the gate of the city. If anyone dares to approach, no matter what sect or sect, they will all be executed as devils!"

The undisguised murderous intent calmed down the hot-headed crowd, and some people immediately changed their words: "It's because I didn't think carefully, everyone, what we have to do now is to stay in the city and don't let the devil get in among us."

While speaking, the person in front turned around and walked back.

Yunli clenched her fists tightly, if Fu Yue and the others didn't find them, they would definitely guess that they were still in the city, and it would be very difficult to escape.

In addition, the defense of Nanling City will be stronger if it is delayed for a moment.

She took a deep breath, turned around and walked back with the crowd, sound transmission Wei Lin: "Give me a drop of your blood."

There was a hint of doubt in Wei Lin's eyes, but he didn't ask any more questions. He lightly scratched his nails on his fingertips, and a drop of blood came out.

Yunli herself forced out a drop of blood, and with her fingertips concealed in her wide cuffs, she made a formula, and with a few glances, she informed Wei Lin of the plan via voice transmission.


After receiving the sound transmission, Wei Lin immediately turned around and ran towards the city gate.

A group of monks who were walking towards the city suddenly became violent, and the two real monarchs in charge of the city gate were shocked. They were just in case, but they were actually still in the city!
Surprised or surprised, they reacted without slowness, quickly released the domain, sacrificed the magic weapon, and blocked the road leading to the city gate from left to right.

Wei Lin's eyes were condensed, and Mo Lijian was in his hand, making a clanging sword sound. If the Linglie's sword intent had any substance, the tip of the sword trembled slightly, and the green wind swept across. In an instant, it turned from a gentle breeze into a twelfth-level tornado.

The nearby crowd was involved, and was torn apart by the strong wind condensed by the sword intent in an instant. In the blink of an eye, there was no one beside the two of them.

The people who survived the catastrophe drenched in cold sweat and retreated in horror.

The two Nascent Soul cultivators at the end of the road were also blinded by the strong wind, and even the domain was a little unstable.

The two were shocked, they were in the mid-stage Nascent Soul, a whole realm higher than Qian Jiuke.

Besides, not to mention that the gap between Jindan Nascent Soul is like a natural moat, there is a huge difference between each realm of Nascent Soul stage, which is too big to be made up.

Qian Jiu is only in the middle stage of alchemy, but with her fierce sword intent, they can shake their domains!
Wei Linfei rose vertically, his body was as graceful as the snow, he raised the blue long sword high in his hand, and slashed down fiercely, the whirlwind sword intent swept along the street, forcibly tearing a hole in the domain of the two true monarchs.

The two quickly passed through the gap like green smoke, and ran towards the city gate.

"Not good!" The green-clothed Nascent Soul on the left was the first to come back to his senses, swung his sword backhand, the sword light was like snow, he rushed out, and caught up with the two of them in an instant.

Wei Lin stagnated slightly, and threw himself on Yunli's back, blocking the moment the sword light fell.

Rich blood spread from the top of the head, and immediately there was a rain of blood, Yunli's heart shrank suddenly, and immediately thumped like thunder.


"I'm fine..."

The warm breath sprayed against her ears, and immediately felt her back sinking, and Wei Lin's head drooped on her shoulders.

Yunli bit her lower lip tightly, Huanshiling flew out and wrapped him around her back, and continued to swipe towards the city gate. When the last formula in her hand was completed, she slapped Wei Lin and herself with an invisibility talisman with her backhand.

At this time, it happened to be at the gate of the city.

After one blow, the two Nascent Soul cultivators quickly rushed towards the city gate. The distance of tens of meters would pass in the blink of an eye in ordinary times.

But at this moment, this short distance is like tens of thousands of meters away. They watched the figures of the two condense under the city gate for a moment, passed through the city suddenly, and disappeared!
The two couldn't believe what they saw, not only them, but also the people behind.

This is the protective formation of Nanling City, which is not inferior to the protective formation of the four major sects, and the two actually escaped!

How to do it?
"What about people?"

The true kings at the other city gates noticed the movement, and each sent a person to check, but they saw that everyone at the north city gate was stunned, so quiet that a needle could be heard.

An impatient male cultivator hastily pushed the Qingshan Yuanying, and asked again: "Where is the person?"

"Going out." Qingshan Yuanying stared wide-eyed and said blankly.

"Going out?" The impatient man couldn't believe it, the formation is still in good shape.

"True Monarch, they really escaped, we saw it with our own eyes." A cultivator onlooker hastily explained, "Just now, Qian Jiuyi's sword tore apart the domains of the two True Monarchs, and then..."

"Hiss!" The impatient man gasped, "Why are you standing there, hurry up!"

A mere Golden Core cultivation base can simultaneously shake the domains of two Nascent Soul cultivators. The methods of these two people are unpredictable and cannot be taken lightly.

Thinking about the case of the disappearance of the mother Gu before, the formation was good, but the person disappeared.

The Yuanying who stayed behind hurriedly asked people to activate the formation and chased them out. When they found the aura left by the two outside the city gate, the last bit of doubt was dispelled. Chase quickly.

At the gate of the city, after all the Nascent Soul cultivators chased them out, Yunli flew out of Nanling City with Wei Lin on his back.

After her, those monks who wanted to catch them and curry favor with the four sects also left the city, looking for the past.

Yunli walked around to the woods at the south gate, set up a formation, put down Wei Lin, lifted his clothes, and saw a sword wound, from right shoulder to left waist, across his back, almost splitting him in half.

The wound was turned outward, exposing the spine and ribs, and the blood that flowed out was dark purple.


Yunli hurriedly took out the detoxification pill and took it for him. After thinking about it, she was worried, so she simply took the panacea pill for him, and treated the wound briefly.

Then he carried him on his back, stepped on the footwork of Jinghong, and ran to the south.

It was not far from Nanling City, and there were still so many multi-infant monks looking for them. At this time, Yu Jian was a shining target, but running on the ground was not an option, the speed was too slow.

After thinking about it, she used her spiritual sense, found all the birds in the forest, and gave them orders.

After a while, bird monsters flew out of the dense forest, with different cultivation bases, some were seven levels higher, and some were only one level lower.

The harpy scattered and flew out in all directions.

When they flew to a certain distance, they began to fly south. At the same time, Yunli sacrificed the Huanshi Ling and flew into the sky with Wei Lin.

(End of this chapter)

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