all the way to fairy

Chapter 536 Forest Center

Chapter 536 Forest Center
On the other side, Qingshan Yuanying and others chased after them at the fastest speed in their lives, but they have not been seen, and the breath left on the road is getting weaker and weaker.

Their hearts sank to rock bottom.

In order to capture Qianjiu, the four major sects even left Qinghe Valley temporarily, and they only learned the true purpose of this alchemy ceremony before they left.

Its importance and confidentiality are the highest. In this case, if they try to ask, it is difficult for them to detect and escape.

However, last night, when they arrived outside Nanling City, they learned that Qianjiu had set up a defensive formation at the venue!

Originally, the plan was to enter the city first, such as Headmaster Fu Yue, and after the alchemy ceremony began, they would go in quietly and activate the defense formation.

But this son is too vigilant, considering that if there is any disturbance in him, he will immediately flee away. Just in case, he can only temporarily change the plan, and everyone enters the city together, and immediately activates the defense formation to catch the turtle in the urn.

They never expected that they had already achieved this and let him escape!

Soon, the remaining breath of the two disappeared.

The eight Nascent Soul cultivators looked at each other, and immediately searched in one direction, one by one, and the Golden Core Foundation Establishment cultivators following behind also immediately joined in the action.

"Who opened the city gate!"

At this moment, there was a shout in the air, like thunder before a storm, containing endless anger.

The impatient male cultivator hurriedly said: "Zhenjun Fuyue, this is..."

Before he finished speaking, he was staggered by a palm flying from the sky, and the impatient man's mind was buzzing, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

After a while, he blinked his eyes, the blankness in his eyes faded away, he was suddenly ashamed and angry, the big knife in his hand shone coldly, and he slashed at Fuyue suddenly.

Fu Yue made a wrong step, moved away from the blade, raised his hand and slapped the blade, and the impatient man flew out with the blade.

"Idiots, who told you to open the formation!" Fuyue was furious, and the coercion of the Yuanhou monks radiated, and his sharp eyes swept over everyone.

Plop, plop, low-ranking monks couldn't take it anymore, fell to the ground, some people vomited blood and died on the spot, most of the Nascent Soul cultivators who stayed behind in Nanling City were in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, some couldn't stand it anymore, their legs trembled.

The impatient male cultivator got up from the ground, and said ferociously: "Fu Yue, you are deceiving people too much! My Runan Chen family will not stop here!"

Fuyue was full of rage, and when he heard the five fingers stretched and twisted, he sucked the impatient male cultivator over, grabbed his neck, and said every word: "The Chen family in Runan? I will sacrifice the flag with the blood of your Chen family in Runan!"

Fear appeared in the eyes of the impatient man, his neck seemed to be hooped by a steel ring, he couldn't breathe, and the spiritual power in his body seemed to be mired in mud, only then did he realize that Fu Yue's strength was far greater than before, terrifyingly strong.

It was black before his eyes, and when his body reached the limit, the hand stuck around his neck was finally released, and he was thrown out like a rag.

After regaining his freedom, the impatient man gasped for air, almost greedily breathing in the air.

Fu Yue took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and turned his gaze to other people, "Say, what's going on?"

Qingshan Yuanying shrank her neck, and told what happened at the North City Gate.

Fu Yue felt that his lungs were about to explode, he knew very well that Yunli Qianjiu was not the one who stole the mother Gu, so it was impossible to escape from the formation silently.

What's more, Qianjiu tore apart the domain, and blocked Yunli's sword and seriously injured him, and Yunli is not good at formations at all, how could he break through the formations and get out!

Reminiscent of the mother's Gu analysis in the daily newspaper, what else did he not understand, this dead girl was guarding the gate of the city, waiting for them to open the gate and walk out grandiosely!
Fu Yue turned and went back, he was afraid that if he took it down again, he would tear up these idiots with his hands.

Inside Nanling City.

An Ran looked at the restarted moat formation, and walked back and forth anxiously, "Did you say they escaped? Fu Yue and the others came back too quickly, and they can escape in less than a cup of tea." ?"

Sweeping her eyes over the disciples of the four sects walking hurriedly outside, she said again: "In this state, I should have escaped."

At this time, Duoduo came out from the void and said: "Sister Yun and the others are no longer in the city, and I saw Fuyue panic-stricken. Now those Nascent Soul cultivators are divided into several teams, looking for Sister Yun and the others from all directions."

An Ran's hanging heart fell to the ground, and as soon as her mind was empty, Yunli's light orange pupils kept flashing in her mind.

She reached out to hold the tea, wanting to take a sip of tea to calm down, but when she picked up the tea cup, she found that her hands were shaking constantly.

"Sister An, what's the matter with you?"

Dodo looked at her strangely, then at the white tiger Ayou lying on the carpet, and asked, "What's wrong with your master?"

Ah You shook the tiger's head, "I don't know."

An Ran clenched her fingers tightly, trying to stop the trembling of her fingertips. The cousin she watched growing up couldn't possibly be a demon cultivator.

Taking a deep breath, she analyzed: "She is close to Wei Xiaosan, Fu Yue and the others will inevitably guess about my cousin's identity, and they will definitely threaten her with me. She only said that she is for my safety. Fairy."

As she spoke, she looked up at Mu Yan, who was opposite, seeking approval, "Isn't it?"

Mu Yan sat quietly, like a sculpture, her eyes were broken and lifeless.

An Ran frowned, and suddenly realized that since the accident happened, she has always been in this state of wandering, and she was dragged back by herself when she came back.

At that time, she herself was in a panic and panicked, so she didn't notice Mu Yan's abnormality.

"What's wrong with you?" An Ran reached out and pushed gently.

Mu Yan blinked her eyes, as if she had regained her senses, and there seemed to be inexplicable emotions flowing under her blurred eyes.

Under such gaze, An Ran felt a sense of strangeness in her heart. She frowned and looked at the person in front of her, trying to find out the strangeness.

Suddenly, Mu Yan stood up suddenly, "I want to be quiet."

After finishing speaking, she flashed her figure, entered the room, and activated the formation.

Not to mention An Ran at this moment, even the ignorant Duo Duo noticed something strange, she blinked her eyes, and went in relying on the contract, "Sister, you..."

"Duoduo, I need to be quiet."

As soon as Dodo opened her mouth, she interrupted her, and then she sent her out of the inner room, temporarily suspending the contract.

Duoduo stood at the door in a daze, and turned her head to look at An Ran in doubt, "What's wrong with my sister?"

An Ran was astonished, Mu Yan loved Duoduo so much, she never said a word of seriousness, and was very obedient.

They suggested several times to make Dodo change her timid temper, all because her pampering made little progress, and now they have pushed Dodo out!

After a while, An Ran exhaled heavily, and took out all the pills on her body, "Duo Duo, go find them and send them over."

Although he escaped temporarily, the next journey will not be easy. I heard that Wei Xiaosan is still injured.

Duoduo looked in the direction of the inner room, then at An Ran, took a pile of bottles and jars, and escaped into the void.

When the sunset covered the sky, Wei Lin woke up leisurely.

There was a burning pain from the wound on his back, he felt himself moving at high speed, he was startled, he struggled to sit up, and saw the orange yarn, like an arrow leaving the string, speeding like lightning in the sea of ​​clouds.

Wei Lin fell into a daze, this is flying in the sky!
No matter how fast they are, they are not as fast as Nascent Soul cultivators. Flying in the sky like this, isn't that courting death!

Before he could question him, Yunli, who was next to Yupi Huanshiling, noticed him waking up, tilted his head and said in surprise, "You're awake! Quick, check to see if there are any remaining poisons."

Time was running out, and after confirming that the panacea took effect and the poison was cured, she concentrated on Yuling and fed him a few more healing medicines on the way.

Wei Lindang turned off his spiritual sense alert, and hurriedly said: "Get down quickly, how can you be in..."

Halfway through the speech, he stopped abruptly. He was a little unbelievable. Within the scope of his spiritual consciousness, there were at least nearly a hundred birds, of different types and different cultivation levels, distributed around them, around them, and under the sea of ​​clouds.

The only thing in common is that they are all flying south!

What's more, there is a seventh-level bird on the front, back, left, and left, which has been flying on the edge of his spiritual consciousness. As long as it deviates a little, it will go out of the range of his spiritual consciousness.

He couldn't believe it was a coincidence.

Suddenly, the seventh-level eagle in the east chirped, and suddenly changed its course, no longer heading straight south, but flying southwest.

Then he found that Huanshiling also changed direction accordingly, flying to the southwest in a parallel line.

After flying about 3000 meters, Chang Ying changed back to the south direction again, and they changed accordingly.

Wei Lin's expression was complicated for a moment, whoever escaped cautiously, who was as powerful as her.

Seeing his expression, Yunli beamed with joy, "Isn't my exclusive guard cool?"

Unable to answer, he said awkwardly: "They definitely didn't expect us to fly in the sky in a grand manner, and they might find us in some ravine and dense forest right now."

She flicked the broken hair on her forehead: "Hmph, who am I? The majestic king of the sky, will he hide from XZ like a mouse!"

Wei Lin, who had been dodging around like a mouse countless times, felt his hands a little itchy, and wanted to punch some stinking and arrogant guy.

Seven days later, the two successfully arrived at the destination of the trip, Tianwu Forest.

The four major sects have planned for so long, regardless of Canye Pavilion, they want to catch Wei Lin, which shows their determination, and they will not give up easily.

Right now they need a place with rich aura to recuperate their wounds, if other places are discovered by monks from the four sects, they will inevitably have to flee again.

Tianwu Forest is the domain of demon cultivators, even if the four sects knew they were here, they would not dare to chase them here with great fanfare.

Not long after entering the forest, I saw a Nether Tiger rushing out from the inner circle in the distance. The aura on his body was somewhat familiar, it was Xuan Chen.

Yunli raised her eyebrows, Nether Tiger lived in the center of Tianwu Forest, and would not come out easily, obviously, he came to find them.

When approaching, the gray-striped white tiger stood upright and turned into a human form. It stopped at a distance of one meter from Yunli and knelt down on one knee: "Meet my king."

"What are you here for?"

Xuan Chen replied respectfully: "At the order of the demon king, come to meet the king."

Going to the center of Tianwu Forest, Yunli looked at the pale Wei Lin beside him, and said, "Lead the way."

Wei Lin was startled, and sent a voice transmission: "There are not as many metamorphosis demon cultivators in the center of Tianwu Forest as there are Nascent Soul cultivators in mainland China. Are you sure you want to go?"

"Don't worry, I'm Phoenix, and my blood is much higher than theirs, so they dare not do anything to me. There is a lot of spiritual energy there, so you can heal your wounds."

"Where's the demon king?" Wei Lin was still worried. All the monsters would honor her as king when they saw her, but Tianwu Forest itself has a demon king. The so-called king does not see the king, and the monster clan cannot have two kings.

"Monster beasts are different from human cultivators. The effect of blood suppression is very obvious, and nothing will happen." After a pause, she continued, "Besides, I haven't taken the position of Canglan Demon King seriously yet."

After a moment of silence, Wei Lin agreed. Anyway, she always acted on her instincts. Since she dared to go, the possibility of accidents should be very small.

Xuan Chen was overjoyed, and hurriedly got up to lead the way. The three of them had just walked about ten meters away, when a red-haired young man sprang out from the dense forest, and said respectfully, "Feng Wang, please."

Suddenly a twelfth-level demon cultivator popped out, Yunli was taken aback, saw who was coming, and said angrily, "What are you doing hiding here?"

Hong Yu knelt down abruptly, faltering: "Subordinate, subordinate..."

The subordinates have been working for a long time, but they didn't give a reasonable explanation. Yunli was speechless when he was so stupid, "Get up and lead the way."

Hong Yu hurriedly stood up and led the way, "Please."

Xuan Chen naturally retreated behind them.

Unlike the insects and birds singing and the hustle and bustle outside, the more you go in, the quieter it is.

The towering giant trees are lush and lush, and the layered canopy cuts the sky into gray-blue ribbons. Even on sunny summer days, the forest is dim and dark.

Suddenly, the light in front gradually brightened, passing through two huge ancient trees, it suddenly became clear, and the green grass appeared in front of my eyes.

Wei Lin was stunned, and murmured: "The center of Tianwu Forest is actually a meadow!"

"There are more than just grasslands," Hong Yu raised his eyebrows, proudly said: "Hills and plains, mountains and rivers, tribal towns, our place is no worse than human cultivation!

It should be said that counting from here, it is the territory of our demon cultivators, and the forest outside is just our city square. "

Yunli raised her eyebrows, she really has the strength to compete with Renxiu.

After flying for half a day, they finally arrived at their destination. Above the endless blue lake, there was a magnificent palace suspended.

By the lake, stood a group of demon cultivators, the first one, with silver hair and blue eyes, wearing a moon-white robe, majestic and noble.

The moment she looked over, Yunli's full attention was attracted by this man, as if that was the center of the whole world.

She blinked her eyes, and the mysterious feeling dissipated, and she quickly understood that this is the contemporary Demon King.

When the few people flew to a certain distance, everyone by the lake knelt down and shouted in unison: "Welcome King Feng."

The mighty shout echoed in the air for a long time.

Looking at the devoutly kneeling figures, even the demon king, Wei Lin felt the dignity and majesty of the phoenix for the first time, and he suddenly understood where the power of faith came from.

In the mortal world, dragons and phoenixes are the symbols of the royal family, and they are auspicious. There are hundreds of millions of creatures who believe in them. Among the monsters, they are the supreme beasts, and there are countless monsters following them.

Yunli's eyebrows twitched, Feng Wang, is this because she is afraid that others will not know what breed she is.

After landing, she used her spiritual power to support the demon king to stand up, "Please get up, demon king."

Hearing this, the Demon King, who had just reached halfway up, knelt down again, "The subordinates are terrified, the Phoenix King is in front, and dare not be called king."

"Call me Your Highness."

 Thanks to 941 Dessert, book friend 140808154105094, I am Da Luo Jinxian, Xiaoxiang Yanying, Bao who loves oranges, radish rabbit, book friend 160531133349116, and Bai busy leftovers for their big monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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