all the way to fairy

Chapter 537 Phantom?Creation?

Chapter 537 Phantom?Creation?

"Subordinate Runing, see Your Highness." The demon king followed suit and immediately changed his words, heaving a sigh of relief.

The monster clan can only have one king, and with the blood of the Feng clan, he respects her as the king, and he is sincerely convinced.If the new king takes the throne, if he wants to stand up, his former demon king is the best choice.

The address was a ready-made breakthrough, he was already prepared to be humiliated, but he never thought that she would easily resolve all the conflicts with a single word, Your Highness.

In front of her, he is naturally a subordinate, but to other people, he is still the demon king, and being a subordinate of the Feng clan is not a humiliation, but an honor!
Yunli didn't know that she had said something casually, and that she had already had such a complicated explanation from Runing, so she directly expressed her intention of coming: "This time I came here to find a place with rich aura to heal my wounds, nothing else."

Runing turned sideways slightly, pointing to the vast and endless lake behind, "Spirit Lake is the place with the strongest aura in our Tianwu Forest, I will take you there."

Yunli nodded, and was about to speak when a big man with a naked upper body and a white bearskin around his waist jumped out from behind. After seeing the ceremony, he said courteously: "Your Highness, I will take you there, the demon king is busy."

The big man is tall and burly, with a naive face, and his cultivation is only at the seventh level, but he dares to surpass the other demon cultivators in the transformation stage, and interrupts her conversation with the demon king.

Yunli frowned slightly, although this face was unfamiliar, there was a sense of intimacy, when she concentrated on feeling it carefully, she was astonished, isn't this the white-nosed bear that she contracted casually on Dengtai Mountain.

"It's you."

Yunli quickly figured out what was going on. She was confused at the beginning, and directly used the master-servant contract used to accept the guards, which was only used by the four spirits to accept the guards.

With this contract, although the white-nosed bear is just an ordinary monster, its status is far above other high-level monster cultivators, and even the monster king has to give it a little bit of light.

Generally speaking, with the blood of the white-nosed bear, being able to live in the outskirts of the Tianwu Forest is an honor, and it is the limit to be able to cultivate to the fifth level.

Now that he lives in the center of Tianwu Forest, he has broken through the bloodline restriction, and has leapt to become a seventh-rank monster.

Yunli looked at the Demon King, "These years, the Demon King has been bothering me."

"It should be, since Bai Bi is His Highness's personal guard, his strength must naturally be improved, but with his current strength, he may not be able to protect His Highness, so His Highness wants to take another personal guard?"

As soon as his words fell, Yunli felt hot eyes falling on him, even the demon king was eager to try.

The corners of her mouth twitched. There is a quota limit for this kind of personal guard. She only has twelve quotas, and after contracting Ye Chuchen, White-nosed Xiongzhen and Ayou, it will be full.

The identity of Can Ye Pavilion's spy has been exposed, and Ye Chuchen must be found to release the contract as soon as possible. If people find out that she used the contract of receiving personal guards to threaten people to keep it secret, they will be laughed to death.

She said with a wooden face, "No."

After finishing speaking, Kuku ordered the white-nosed bear: "Lead the way."

All the demons showed regretful expressions, and they couldn't help sighing secretly for the good luck of the demon bears.

Walking around the palace, one can see floating peaks of various sizes floating above the lake from a distance. From Baibi's introduction, he learned that these floating peaks are the training places of Tianwu's high-ranking demon cultivators.

Baibi took them directly to the largest floating peak, "Piaomiao Peak is the place where the demon king cultivates, and it is the floating peak with the strongest aura in Tianwu. If there is not enough aura here, you can go to the practice room in the lake."

Yunli took a look, good guy, there is a circle of chrysanthemums planted on the edge of Fufeng, with small bell-shaped flowers stretching out, and the condensed spiritual liquid rolled down along the leaves and fell into the lake.

On the top of Fufeng Mountain, there are also five chrysanthemums of the holy spirit, a bunch of marble-sized spiritual power fruits glowing in the sun.

Looking at the other floating peaks, there are also Lingzhu orchids standing on the edge, but the number is not as many as Misty Peak.

The Spirit Lake really lives up to its name, it is a lake where spiritual liquid condenses.

Yunli is jealous, they are all so rich, only they are poor ghosts.

"Just here." The aura here is strong enough for them to heal their injuries and practice.

She waved back the white wall with a calm expression, and after he left, the Fufeng Formation was activated, and she immediately screamed, "Ahhhhhh, so rich! Why are they all so rich!"

The calm and calm image was shattered to the ground.

Wei Lin covered his ears with a complicated expression.

At the beginning, he was chased and killed by the demon cultivators of Tianwu because he trampled to death a plant of chrysanthemums.

After the excitement, Yunli urged: "Senior brother, you should practice quickly to heal your wounds."

Although there was no danger along the way, but he kept on thinking, and he was flying at a high speed, so he would not dare to practice deeply.

Wei Lin nodded, sat down next to Zhulan, the holy spirit on the top of the mountain, and was about to practice his kung fu, when he suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, what is the magic technique for us to escape from Nanling City?"

At that time, his consciousness was already blurred, and he could only vaguely see two figures passing through the formation.

Yunli moved her fingertips slightly, and a leaf appeared in her hand, "Here, it's an illusion."

It's just that it was only a human being who transformed that time. Transforming living creatures is much more difficult than leaves and sand. She only conjured up a vague human silhouette, and with the help of blood to increase breath, she passed through the world in a very short time. Only then did the formation method fool the two Nascent Soul guards.

Wei Lin was horrified, her illusion was different from other illusions, she didn't control people's mind, she focused on the illusion itself, the previous leaves and sand were fine, but the living things were appalling.

Just imagine, if one day the living creatures she transforms are as real as the grains of sand and leaves today, wouldn't she be able to use spiritual power to create a complete environment!

No, this is not an illusion, this is clearly a creation!

He had no doubts that she would be able to do it.

When she first practiced magic sand and magic leaves, it was not as good as the most common blinding method, but with practice, now she can make fake ones by making sand leaves casually. If she didn't touch it personally, she would not be able to tell the difference with the eyes alone.

What if one day, you can't tell the truth from the fake even by touching it?

After hearing his conjecture, Yunli was stunned. The phantom was a fourth-order breakthrough, that is, after a person built the foundation stage, the world of mortals was unlocked with a small magic method. Since then, no other secret skills have been unlocked.

"The world of mortals, the magic world, do you think it is possible, they are matched, and the end of this set of exercises is the illusion world?"

After finishing speaking, she was stunned, and her heart was beating non-stop. In this way, the rank of the world of mortals and the fantasy world is higher than what she guessed now!

"It must be possible!"

Wei Lin's eyes suddenly lit up. All along, the function of phantoms is only used for eavesdropping. Although the effect is very good, it is not enough compared to the heaven-defying level of Hongchen's cultivation technique itself.

Yunli stayed where she was, and it took her a long time to come back to her senses. She raised her wrist and looked at the orange gauze on her wrist, "If the world of mortals ends in an illusionary world, then is my usage of Aya wrong?"

Her whole body was numb. She had practiced kung fu for decades and used magic tools for decades, but she couldn't even enter the door.

After being bald for a while, the two of them adhered to the concept of being straight from the boat to the bridge, and put it behind them. They practiced and healed.

Of course, the illusion had to be done quickly, it was too difficult to transform living creatures, so she decided to proceed step by step, first to create a complete tree.

After all, trees are living things. If you practice the magic tree well, and then practice transforming bugs, one day, she will be able to conjure up a complete world!
Their days are very peaceful, but the Qinghe Valley is gloomy and gloomy.

Xing Ye, Jing Zhe, and Bai Lu tried their best, but Lan Yi's injury was still not under control and kept getting worse.

This day, Lan Yi moved her fingertips slightly, and slowly woke up, her sallow and skinny cheeks rarely had a few traces of blood.

The hearts of Xingye and the others sank to the bottom, and Lan Yi's vitality had been exhausted. They all knew very well that now it was just a flashback.

"Second brother."

A voice as low as a mosquito overflowed from Lan Yi's slightly parted lips, and Xing Ye weighed down the weight on his face, and said, "Just wake up."

Lan Yi pulled the corner of her lips with difficulty, "I know... I don't have... much time."

In just one sentence, she spoke intermittently and brokenly, her voice was high and low, Xingye said softly: "Don't talk nonsense, nothing will happen, you just ran out of life essence, the second brother has already sent someone to find Kun Yuanzeng Shoudan is gone."

"It's too late." Lan Yi shook her head lightly, her condition seemed to be much better, her voice was also powerful and no longer interrupted, "The art of witch-cursing is inherently forbidden by the law of heaven, with seven evils and eight deficiencies, six relatives are weak, my Lan family Relying on the substitute puppet technique, it has been passed down for three generations, and it is still broken here after all."

Xingye and the others were silent, and the witch-curse technique was powerful and overbearing. It could use small objects such as eight-character objects as a medium to murder powerful enemies and spy on the secrets of heaven.

However, how can there be such a good thing in the world, and the price required is extremely heavy. The Wu Gu sect has been passed down for thousands of years, and there are families that control Gu, but there has never been a family of witch curses. All wizards can only be passed down for two generations.

With a word of emotion, Lan Yi quickly put away her sentimentality, and said: "Qianshi has great luck to protect the body, and the origin should be not small."

Regarding this point, Xingye and the others had long guessed it, but now that it was confirmed, they immediately felt heavy.

The art of witch curse is not afraid of high cultivation, it is those people with deep luck who are afraid of it. These people are blessed by heaven, and the price of cursing them is extremely high.

A demon cultivator who dangled under Bailu's nose, but he didn't even see the clues, must have a bloodline far above Bailu's, and his origins must be insignificant.

Xingye exhaled slowly, "No matter what her background is, Second Brother will avenge you."

Lan Yi smiled, and the crystal liquid slipped from the corner of her eyes, "I didn't expect that half of my life was destroyed by the four major factions, and half by Xing Luo's hands. If only you were in the valley that year."

Xingye's mind was numb, if he got the divination results early in the morning, when Xiaobi found out that Qianjiu had no spiritual roots, they would have seen some clues, and they would not have tactfully tried and let him grow up.

After a long time, he said, "It's all the second brother's fault. He should have left Bai Lu in the valley to protect you back then."

Speaking of this matter, Xingye regretted it too much. At that time, Jingzhe was in seclusion. If there was a crisis in the valley, he would leave the seclusion. As Lan Yi's Taoist partner, Xing Luo had always been obedient to her and protected her personally. He thought that nothing would happen.

He never expected that his stupid younger brother would betray Canye Pavilion and hide the result of divination because of a trivial matter of love and love.

But if he lost any trust in this stupid brother back then, leaving Bai Lu behind, even if he had ten guts, he wouldn't dare!
The moonlight outside the window is dim, and the sky is faintly dawning.

As the morning wind passed through the hall, Lan Yi felt that the only bit of heat in her body was also taken away. When she was dying, she was unwilling to leave with doubts.

She raised her eyes, tried to open them wide, looked into Xingye's eyes, and asked, "Second brother, where did you go back then? You knew I was doing divination, why did you leave for three years?"

After waking up from Lian's state of mind, these words stuck in her throat, half a year, as long as he came back within half a year, Xing Luo didn't dare to hide the result.

She stared intently at Xingye's eyes, trying to get some answers from them, but his eyes were like calm lake water, seemingly clear but actually unknown in depth.

After a while, he blinked his eyes, as if he came back to his senses, his eyes were gentle, adding a bit of warmth, he couldn't tell whether it was guilt or something else.

"I have to go to some important things in person."

The deep and magnetic voice, the light and calm tone, these advantages that she admired and was obsessed with most in the past, are now like a sharp blade, cutting her already failing heart to the brim with blood.

"Better than me," she paused, and continued to ask without giving up: "Is it more important than Can Yege's future?"

Xingye only looked at her quietly with lowered eyes, without answering.

However, Lan Yi had already got the answer, the light in her eyes completely dissipated, she slowly closed her eyes, and a drop of crystal rolled down from the corner of her eyes.

The room fell into silence, and after a while, Xingye slowly got up and walked outside.

"A generous burial, with ten Nascent Souls from the four major sects."

"Yes." Bailu Jingzhe responded in unison, raised her eyes and watched him leave.

But one day, Fu Yue, who was still searching for Yun Li and his wife near Nanling City, received an urgent summons.The master of the Remnant Ye Pavilion and the three major killers all shot together, and the formation was in jeopardy.

The Nascent Soul monks who returned to Qinghe Valley from Nanling were intercepted and killed by them, with heavy casualties. Among them, 4 people from Taiyi Sect died, 3 people each from Tianxin Pavilion, Mirage Palace, and Siji Valley, and more than half of the other sects were killed.

Fu Yue and the others took a deep breath, left Fushu and Buyuan behind, and led a group of Jindan Foundation Establishment disciples to continue searching for the traces of Yunli and Yunli, and the others immediately returned to Qinghe Valley.

Inside Nanling City.

"Ayan, we are going back to the sect, open the door quickly."

An Ran looked at the tightly closed inner room, feeling a little worried. Ever since she said she wanted to be quiet that day, she never came out again.

During the period, An Ran also tried to call her, but there was no response. I thought it would be the same this time, but I didn't want to, and the ban was lifted soon.

Duoduo rushed in like a whirlwind, whimpering and complaining: "Sister, you ignore me."

After being stunned for a moment, An Ran hurried in, only to see Mu Yan's haggard face, comforting Douduo in a hoarse voice, "It's my sister who is wrong, she is just thinking about something."

After speaking, he raised his head again and said to An Ran, "Sorry, I made you worry."

"What's the matter with you?" An Ran still doesn't understand why she locked herself in the house and made herself look like this.

While speaking, his eyes swept across the room, and he was immediately attracted by the three paintings on the table. Then he swept the floor, and the paper was thrown all over the floor, all of which were painted by one person.

An Ran bent down to pick up a few, then looked at the three paintings on the table, and said in astonishment: "Are you trying to figure out what she looked like when she was a child?"

 Thank you book friend 160531133349116 for your great reward; thank you for your monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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