all the way to fairy

Chapter 538 Similar breath

Chapter 538 Similar breath

Leaving aside the semi-finished products on the ground, the three on the table, the one on the far left, is the face of my cousin that day.

The plump melon-seeded face, willow-leaf eyebrows, and the clear almond eyes seem to hold the most beautiful light golden sunset, the skin is more radiant than snow, really like the halo of a pearl, the jade is shining, and there is a hint of nobility and holiness between the eyebrows and eyes.

The one in the middle is exactly what she looked like now when she was seven or eight years old. Her brows and eyes have not yet opened, and she wears a neat high ponytail. Let a drop fall.

The one on the far right is a little girl of three or four years old, with a pale face and a little sickness, and this picture seems a little out of harmony.

Mu Yan pursed her lips, did not answer, raised her hand to burn the waste paper on the ground, and silently put away the paintings on the table.

"and many more."

An Ran called her to stop, stepped forward in two steps, held down her hand holding the painting, and carefully observed the picture of the three or four-year-old girl.

She finally understood why there was a sense of incongruity.

A lock of hair on the right side of the little girl is a few inches away from her shoulder. At first, she thought that the picture was the wind blowing, but the rest of the hair hangs obediently behind her shoulder. The wind can't just blow a lock of hair. hair.

After hearing what she said, Mu Yan was stunned, a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes, and she asked, "Under what circumstances would hair look like this?"

An Ran was stunned, "Isn't this your mistake?"

After a long silence, Mu Yan said: "This is what I saw in my dream."

An Ran's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it: "Did you see her in a dream?"

Dodo also blinked her purple pupils, looking at her curiously.

Mu Yan looked down at the three paintings and shook her head, "In my dream, she only looked like she was three to seven years old. Other dreams were very vague, but these two looks were very clear, and they also appeared in my dream. most frequently."

Mu Yan's heart was a little shy. In fact, there was another person in her dream most frequently, but that person's figure was always blurred. In the dream, she tried her best to see that person's face clearly, but she couldn't do anything. arrive.

After being shocked, An Ran said, "Could it be that the two of you have a relationship in your previous life?"

"Sister Yun and Sister Yun have very similar auras, of course they are related." Duoduo said it as it should be, and looked at the two with some puzzlement.

Mu Yan's brain exploded, a white light exploded, and she asked blankly, "What did you say?"

Duoduo blinked suspiciously, and repeated obediently: "Sister, you have a similar aura to Sister Yun."

"What smell is similar?" An Ran asked anxiously.

Dodo shook her head blankly, "It's just very similar."

An Ran and Mu Yan looked at each other, the room was very quiet, this kind of silence made Dodo very uncomfortable, she pointed to the little girl's painting, and asked curiously: "Sister An, you haven't talked about the hair yet."

Mu Yan also looked over, she didn't learn painting systematically, and now these are drawn by herself in her spare time, and she doesn't understand the artistic conception, only relying on the monk's extraordinary memory, and engraved what she saw on paper That's all.

An Ran exhaled foul air, "While lying down."

lying down?

Mu Yan was startled, why was she lying down?

After a long time, the two ordered Dodo not to talk to outsiders today, so they began to pack their belongings and prepare to return to the sect.

"Why do you suddenly want to go back to the sect?" Mu Yan asked.

"The senior officials of the Canye Pavilion made a sudden move, and our righteous way suffered heavy casualties. There was news yesterday that the head teacher was worried that the Canye Pavilion would launch a counterattack, and asked us to retreat to the sect first."

Mu Yan's eyebrows stretched: "Then Ali and the others will be much safer."

"Not only is it safe, but the two of them are comfortable now." Duoduo's eyes sparkled, "There are a lot of spiritual fruits."

This nonsensical words made Mu Yan confused, but An Ran felt a little sad, "They are in the center of Tianwu Forest, even the Demon King is polite to them."

Mu Yan lowered her eyes, not knowing how to comfort her, An Ran is a person who values ​​blood and family.

Mu Yan retreated these days, and An Ran didn't even talk to anyone. She held back for too long. She sat down in front of the case and said in a deep voice, "I don't understand. How did she become a demon cultivator?"

At first, she still had fantasies, but when Dodo brought back the news that they were in the center of Tianwu Forest, the fantasies were shattered.

"I wondered if Yaoxiu replaced her, but Wei Xiaosan values ​​her cousin so much, it's impossible for someone to replace her, and even have a close relationship with the person who replaced her.

You said, could it be that when they were in the Remnant Ye Pavilion, the cousin was in danger, her body was destroyed like Yu Sheng's, and then she took away the monster? "

Mu Yan: ...

"They were only monks in the Qi training period back then, and their spiritual consciousness was weak. How did they seize the house?"

She sighed softly, and said consolingly, "It's useless for us to guess here now, no matter whether she is a human or a demon, she is still Ah Li and our friend."

"But she's not my cousin anymore." An Ran blurted out, her eyes were slightly astringent, her voice trembling slightly, "If the demon cultivator is always with us after our reunion, where will my cousin go?"

"No, didn't you say that Young Master Wei values ​​Ah Li very much, and he won't let anyone take her away. The current Ah Li is the one who came to Canglan with us, the cousin who grew up with you. "

"We are all human, how could she become a demon?"

Things are back to where they were.

After pondering for a moment, Mu Yan asked softly: "Is blood so important? Isn't the love we have been with all these years more important than blood? Friends who have been together for a long time are better than relatives."

An Ran was dumb, and smiled helplessly for a while, "I also need to be quiet for a while."

Time passed slowly, and half a month later, Canye Pavilion stopped its crazy revenge, and the high-level officials of Zhengdao outside Qinghe Valley were also discussing Yunli.

Ye Zheyan played with the folding fan in his hand, and said, "I haven't found any trace of the two for so long, could they have already left the Nanshan Department?"

Master Suxi nodded slightly, expressing his agreement, "Yunli acted in a unique way. When she was a spy, she was high-profile and refused to suffer a little bit. As a result, we never doubted her. Will she keep a high profile in this escape? style?"

"A high-profile escape? How to escape? Just flying with the sword?" Master Yan Zhao, the owner of the Four Seasons Valley, disagreed, "It's a good way to be a spy and do the opposite, but isn't it to die if you run for your life with great fanfare? ?”

Ye Zheyan spread his hands, "Then where did they go..."

Fu Yue pressed his temples and ignored everyone's arguments, Nanling City's meticulous plan failed to win Qianjiu, let alone escape the city, if he wanted to catch him, he had to find a way to set up a plan.

He lowered his eyes, and simply took advantage of the discussion among the people to question Song Yin beside him.

"Why didn't you control them that day?"

Song Yin, who was silently working as the background board, was caught off guard by the sound transmission. She was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "Her bloodline is much higher than mine. My little illusion can't control her."

A flash of surprise flashed across Fu Yue's heart. Although Songyin's bloodline was not top-notch, it was considered good in Tianwu Forest. If it weren't for the Baisong Taolu clan's gentle nature and not good at fighting, they could even be ranked in the first echelon.

"You haven't even made a move, Zeng Zhi can't control it? Can't control her, what about Qianjiu?" Fu Yue's eyes were piercing, just one breath, just one breath to control the two, they can break through the defense and take down two people.

The Baisong Taolu clan has talents and skills to spy on people's hearts. Under their gaze, there is nothing to hide from their thoughts.

Back then they got a magic bead by chance, and the pure-natured Baisong Taolu could easily make people relax their vigilance. With the talent skill of peeping people's hearts, using the magic bead is even more powerful.

His illusion has long been accomplished, even these Yuan Empress cultivators would fall into illusions unintentionally. Although the two of Qianjiu are tricky, will even illusion be useless?
Thinking of what he saw outside the Misty Swamp 3000 years ago, Fu Yue was a little uncertain.

After being silent for a while, he asked again via voice transmission: "You have been in touch with Yunli a lot, but you didn't realize that she is a demon cultivator?"

Song Yin's eyelashes trembled slightly, and his memory flashed back to that year in an instant, when he was about to retreat, Fei Qifeng suddenly heard the breath of a divine beast, and the natural suppression from his blood made him unable to move.

The breath appeared quickly and disappeared quickly, only for a short moment, but it made him break out in cold sweat, and his physical and spiritual power were in turmoil.

Afterwards, he learned that Zhanmengdao recognized the master, and asked him to inquire about the cultivation of the monster before contacting him, and he guessed that the beast was Yunli.


After a pause, Songyin cautiously suggested: "Can you suspend the pursuit of them, I am worried that the Yaozu will retaliate, and now we are fighting with Canye Pavilion, if the Yaozu takes the opportunity..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Fu Yue, "No, we have an agreement with the demon cultivators, and they will not interfere in our human cultivator affairs."

Song Yin was secretly anxious, the agreement was signed between the demon king and the human race, Yunli was a divine beast and had grown up, the demon king had to follow her orders.

She is young and vigorous, if she can't swallow this breath, and wants to launch the monster tribe to retaliate, the monster king can't stop it, but also has to help.

These days, Songyin's heart is like being roasted on fire. As a spiritual pet, he must be loyal to his master, but as a subject, he cannot do anything to hurt the demon king.

Runing ascended to the position of Demon King by virtue of his strength, and his bloodline was only slightly higher than theirs, so they didn't have to listen to his orders.

But Yunli is a divine beast, a natural born king, and her bloodlines are too disparate. Even if she only has a seventh-level cultivation, no monster dares to offend her.

Tianwu Forest Center.

In half a month, with the support of strong aura and the elixir generously donated by Runing, Wei Lin recovered from his injuries.

The two visited this mysterious place with great interest and got a lot of information. At first, the Linghu Lake was just a spiritual spring. Lingzhu orchids are planted on the floating peaks, and over time, Linghu Lake is formed.

Later, the demon king passed away, and the largest group of the demon clan, the Nether Tiger and the Liuyan Fire Lion, competed for the position of the demon king. lake.

As time went by, although the two clans competed, they also adhered to the common idea of ​​collecting and absorbing chrysanthemums to nourish the spirit lake. The aura contained in the spirit lake became more and more intense, which was cheaper for a moonlight ray growing in the spirit lake.

Later, the moonlight ray broke through the water and defeated the strongest of the Nether Tiger and the Flowing Fire Lion with one against two, and sat on the throne of the Demon King.

This is the current Demon King Runing.

But after all, he is only one person, and it is very difficult for him to face the prosperous Nether Tiger and Flowing Fire Lion, and he has many shackles in his actions.

Later, Runing promoted the Niaozhi Luoshu Demon Lujian, who also had no clansmen, and the not weak Linyu White Bear Clan, Qilingyan Clan, Strange Shadow Sparrow Clan, etc., to fight against the Nether Tiger Clan and Liuyanhuo Lion Clan.

Gradually, the Linghu Lake was no longer the habitat of any clan, and became shared by Tianwu high-ranking demon cultivators, but the right to distribute it was in the hands of Runing.

He is fair, and all the monsters are uniform. Today's monster clan is united like never before.

After her naive bodyguard, the white-nosed bear, came to Tianwu Forest, it was also Runing who made the decision. Only by practicing the Linyu White Bear Clan's kung fu can he break through the shackles of his bloodline and advance to the seventh level.

After hearing this, Yunli admired Runing very much. He has good strength and good brains. This technique of dividing power and checking and balancing is no worse than that of ordinary emperors.

After a leisurely period of time, the two were about to leave, the hatred of Devil May Cry in Can Ye Pavilion, the revenge of many calculations, they couldn't swallow this breath without revenge.

There are also four major factions. They are bound to win the Eastern Continent, and they will face each other sooner or later.

The most anxious thing is the mother Gu, in Yunli's words, she doesn't want to go through all kinds of difficulties to get rid of the Gu king, and then another Gu attack will come again in a few years, then their hard work in the past few years will be in vain.

After persuading them a few times, seeing that they had made up their minds, he said: "In Jiuliyuan, Bailu joined forces with outsiders to kill our Yaozu, and he was a traitor to Tianwu; now he dares to cast a curse on His Highness, let us go Kill him, avenge His Highness, and give a warning to the Four Great Factions."

Yunli immediately objected, "There's no rush, just wait."

Lan Yi just died in Canye Pavilion, if another accident happened to Bai Lu, Xingye would definitely retaliate wildly.

Now that the right way is riding a tiger, and now they run out to share Xing Ye's anger, that Fu Yue will wake up laughing from his dream.

Runing was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized, and hurriedly said: "This subordinate is reckless, it is indeed inappropriate for us to intervene at this time."

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, and Hong Yu, who glanced behind him from the corner of his eye, was obviously relieved, and soon realized that Runing didn't really want to kill Bai Lu at this time.

The four major factions have just joined Ali, and at this time the demon clan intervenes, and if one is not careful, it will develop into a battle between the adult and demon clans.

It's just that Ah Li was cursed by Canye Pavilion, so he can't do nothing. Now Ah Li personally opposes it. He not only protects the interests of the demon clan, but also gives Ah Li enough face.

Wei Lin was secretly vigilant, for his ability to overwhelm the Nether Tiger, the Flowing Fire Lion and many other ethnic groups in Tianwu, to ascend to the position of the Demon King, is really not a good thing.

After leaving the Tianwu Center, Wei Lin pointed out Runing's thoughts, and said: "Although he is willing to live under you, but his thoughts are too deep, we should not go to the Tianwu Center before our cultivation has reached Nascent Soul."

Regarding these, Yunli didn't care much, and she didn't want to involve the Yaozu. Now the four major factions and Canye Pavilion are restraining each other, which is just right.

It would be even better if there was a way to pull other small and medium-sized martial arts families out of the battle.

As for the other point he was worried about, there was no need to worry. She didn't dare to set foot in the Tianwu Center before, because she didn't know what kind of monster she was, and she was worried that her blood would be swallowed by a high-level monster.

The divine beast phoenix, one of the four spirits, the top bloodline of the monster clan, not all monsters can swallow it, besides, there is also the longevity curse.

(End of this chapter)

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