Chapter 539

The scorching sun in June was like fire, there was no cloud in the sky, and the sun was scorching the earth.

After the war with Remnant Night Pavilion, more than half of the monks who came to Tianwu Forest to experience training, Linxi Town's business was deserted, and there were even more teahouses to rest. It can be described as empty.

In such a sweltering afternoon, the bored shop waiter was even more drowsy.

"Xiao Er, here is a pot of good spiritual tea." The crisp voice woke Xiao Er from his drowsy state.

He looked up, and saw a flying sword landed outside the door, and a man and a woman stepped out of it, wearing fresh green shirts, looking very refreshing on this hot summer day.

The two are very young, with fairy looks and graceful looks, and noble temperament. Looking at their extraordinary backgrounds and the direction they came from, they probably came back from the experience of Tianwu Forest.

What worried Xiao Er the most was that the two of them arrived quietly, if the girl hadn't spoken, he would not have noticed that someone was coming.

His heart palpitated for a second, and he was relieved again. Since he came from Yujian, his cultivation base was at least at the foundation establishment stage. He was a little monk at the third level of Qi training, so it was normal for him not to notice it.

Xiaoer smiled all over his face, and went up to greet him, "Guest officer, please."

After drinking a cup of tea, Yunli touched the beads of sweat on her forehead, "It's finally cooler, this damn weather is so hot."

Xiaoer smiled and responded with a few words, but thought in his heart, so this girl has not yet established a foundation, so the other one is probably a monk in the foundation stage.

That's right, under the current situation, most of the Nascent Soul Golden Elixirs are in the Qinghe Valley battlefield, and only the foundation-building and Qi-training monks will go out to practice.

Wei Lin put down the teacup, glanced at the empty teahouse, and asked: "Why is there no one there, is there another change in this battle?"

"Hey," Xiao Er put the teapot in his hand on the table next to him, and began to pour bitter water, "I think the two fellow Taoists have been in the forest these days, so they didn't know something, and something big happened a few days ago."

Yunli blinked, "Zhengdao has besieged Canye Pavilion for more than ten years, and there has been a stalemate, what can be the big deal?"

"The Remnant Ye Pavilion is too shameless to have placed a spy in the Taiyi School. He is still the head teacher, that Yunli, you know?"

Yunli nodded, "I know, I heard that she has repeatedly made military exploits and assisted Ye Xiao's family to eliminate Gu King, how did she become a spy?"

"Oh, don't mention it. I admired her a lot before. She is young and has a good cultivation. She is not like other genius disciples who are innocent and willing to help low-level monks like us."

Xiao Erzhong sighed heavily, "Who would have thought that all of this is a conspiracy by Canyege, and also, in the eyes of those heaven's favored ones, we are all ants, so we are not worthy of their rescue."

Yunli and Wei Lin looked at each other, feeling a little uncomfortable, and hurriedly asked, "What conspiracy?"

"It's Canye Pavilion's bitter plan to clear up the Gu insects. The purpose is to help her quickly build up her prestige and pave the way for her to go to Qinghe Valley to rescue the Gu King's host later."

Yunli felt that her head was a bit out of control, and Xiaoer had an expression of someone who had come here, "This is the genius of Canye Pavilion, only when the Gu King is near, can the Witch Gu Killer display its maximum combat power.

However, we are rightly enclosing the Qinghe Valley so tightly that no fly can fly out, let alone send the host of the Gu King to Zhongzhou City.

Yunli and the two spies deliberately revealed that only the Gu king can kill mature Gu insects, and lured the Ye Xiao family to cooperate with them in rescuing the Gu king's host body. Later, they wanted to let the Gu king's host body go. Fortunately, patriarch Ye found out in time and thwarted their plan.

He also pretended not to know their identities, so that they let down their vigilance, and used the alchemy ceremony to set up a trap a few days ago, but unfortunately, they still ran away. "

Xiao Er was both contemptuous and fearful, "After the incident came to light, Canye Pavilion launched a frenzied revenge. Half of the Nascent Soul True Monarchs who returned to Qinghe Valley from Nanling City were killed or injured, and ten of the four major sects also died."

Wei Lin was dazed, and after her identity was revealed, they guessed that the four major factions would pour dirty water on her, but they never expected that their ability to reverse black and white had become so proficient that it was so good!

Not only completely wiped out their achievements in the eradication of Gu insects, but also directly labeled them as the party helping the evil.

"Depend on!"

An angry shout brought Wei Lin back from his sluggishness, and when he was about to transmit the sound, Yunli almost exploded in anger. She made a trick and quickly removed her disguise, revealing her true colors.

Wei Lin wanted to stop him, but it was too late. He watched the little boy beside him sitting on the ground in shock, stammering: "You are..."

Yunli ignored it, quickly took out a photo stone to activate it, and cursed: "Your uncle, you dare to pour dirty water on me!"

She stood up and faced the photo stone, "Don't think that I'm running for my life now, you can do whatever you want, I've seen black and white, I've never seen you so shameless...

After crackling and cursing, she put away the picture stone, and dragged Xiao Er up from the ground, "immediately, immediately, take this picture stone to Ziguang City, and release it in the most crowded place, if you dare to do anything wrong thought,"

She sneered, looked down, and said in a vicious voice: "I crushed your eggs—"

With quick eyes and quick hands, Wei Lin covered her mouth before she uttered the last word, and glared at her, "Don't swear."

Yunli took his hand away, and said dissatisfiedly: "Brother, I'm talking harshly, I will lose my momentum if you do this!"

Xiao Er wants to cry, no, with your current status, even if you don't speak, you are very imposing.

Wei Lin had a serious face, "You can't swear even if you speak harshly, how could a little fairy say such things."

Oh, Yaoshou, from speaking foul language to talking yellow accents, where did you learn all these messy mannerisms!
As soon as the girl's design was mentioned, Yunli became obedient in seconds, blushing and said to Ai Ai: "Little fairies sometimes get dizzy with anger, people don't usually look like this."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the waiter standing next to him, and said angrily, "Why are you still sticking here, wait for me to see you off?"

The waiter was startled, and ran away!

A few days later, on Linlang Street, the busiest place in Ziguang City, a picture stone suddenly lifted into the sky.

"Your uncle, dare to pour dirty water on me!"

The clear and crisp cursing resounded through Linlang Street, and everyone looked up blankly, and saw Yunli, the spy of the four factions who had been hunting for these days, appearing in the video, she raised her eyebrows and scolded two of the four factions. .

"With your siege, not even a single mosquito can fly out? I'm laughing myself to death, how many times has Xingye Jingzhe come in and out, did Xingluo sleepwalk and float to Bal'er Lake to die... and the Yexiao family, I am ungrateful, I should have waited for both of your families to die before we went..."

Everyone was stupefied, Fu Yue and other Nascent Souls were always high-ranking beings, yet someone dared to blatantly scold them!
The clumsy rhetoric released by Tai Yizong can only deceive unknowing low-level monks, but anyone who has some channels and some brains knows that Fu Yue is trying to win respect.

The dignified and righteous leader has accepted a spy from Remnant Night Pavilion as a registered disciple, and this spy is also a demon cultivator, which is simply laughable.

But who is the leader of the righteous way, and who controls Donglu, especially in the current situation, and they have to count on the four major sects to eradicate the remnants of the Wugu sect? They can only pinch their noses and pretend to be deaf and dumb, and let him Turn white into black.

She never expected that this Yunli would be so angry, even if she was running for her life, she would dare to fight openly and jump out to refute.

Ziguang City is very lively, and it is not uncommon to scold people, but it is very unusual for the unattainable Nascent Soul to be scolded.

A large number of monks flocked to Linlang Street. When the City Lord's Mansion received the news and arrived, Linlang Street was already crowded with people, and the city defense team was blocked outside and could not enter.

I don't know that it was the clever ghost who cast a small magic trick to make the voice in the picture stone spread throughout Ziguang City.

The faces of the city defense team turned green, and the others were happy to hear it, but the people in their city lord's mansion will definitely be held accountable afterwards.

Jin Dan Ding Hao, the chief of the city lord's mansion who was left behind, was about to resort to strong tactics and entered Linlang Street, when he suddenly heard an angry female voice say: "I used to be the spies of Canye Pavilion, but we were all forced.

We went through a lot of hardships to find the antidote to Devil May Cry, and sold the formula of the panacea to Tai Yizong, hoping that the four major sects could use the panacea to defeat the killer of the Remnant Night Pavilion.As for them, after getting the Dan Fang, they hid it and had to let everyone fight the killers.

This group of Nascent Souls are really good at calculating, hum, isn't it that Donglu is about to appear, and your four major sects want to monopolize Donglu. "

Ding Hao's heart was full of turmoil. He also participated in the alchemy ceremony a month ago. He was very clear about Tai Yi's incident of splashing dirty water. Can Yege surpassed Ling Su, Fu Yue and others, and cast the Soul Breaking Curse on her, which shows that he hates her. to the bone.

She also heard about Wan Ling Pill, but she didn't say the specifics. If Wan Ling Pill can really cure the poison of Devil May Cry, it will greatly shake the killers of the Can Ye Pavilion, and it can disintegrate the Can Ye Pavilion killers in a short period of time. night pavilion.

It is very clear what the four major sects intend to do by hiding this news and letting their aristocratic sects fight with the killers.

In Ziguang City, there were quite a few relatives and friends who participated in the battle in Qinghe Valley, and they were all shocked when they heard the words.

Yunli didn't feel it was enough, and released another shocking news, "By the way, Lan Yi, the witch of Canye Pavilion, is dead, so don't thank me too much."

"This, is this impossible?" Some people couldn't believe it.

Yunli in the picture stone seemed to anticipate their question, raised her chin, and looked at everyone, "Believe it or not!"

Then, the image disappeared.

Outside Ziguang City, Wei Lin glanced at Yunli who was puffing up beside him, raised his eyebrows and said, "Calm down."

Yunli touched the tip of her nose guiltily, "I didn't just want to vent my anger, I cursed and cursed and my thinking became clearer, didn't I just divide them up casually."

A large part of the reason why Canglan's many sects and aristocratic families participated in dealing with Canye Pavilion was because Canye Pavilion was a remnant of the witchcraft sect, and they were afraid of witchcraft.

But now, the Gu King is dead, and Lan Yi, the only one who knows the art of witch and curse, is also dead, leaving only a group of killers in Remnant Ye Pavilion.

Although Xingye Jingzhe is powerful, their main enemies are the four major sects, and other sects and aristocratic families can't afford to resist, especially the four major sects maliciously consume their strength first.

"How do you know that Lan Yi is dead?"

"The nemesis of the witch curse technique is the power of faith. I have such a strong power of faith, and even ten blue minds can't bear the backlash."

Wei Lin was speechless, so he guessed, thankfully she said it so confidently.

He shook his head helplessly, and raised his flying sword, "Let's go, it's time for the City Lord's Mansion to come out and arrest people."

Yunli jumped onto the flying sword, "Let's find a place to research and bring out the itinerary record to see if there is no clue of the mother Gu. If not, we have to go to Fenshui City."

Wei Lin was stunned, "You still have to find the mother gu, the four major sects splash dirty water, and there are not many people in Cang Lan who can help you talk."

Yunli was in a slightly astringent mood, saying that she was not sad, it was a lie, and the others were fine. Tian Xiao and others from the Zhongshan family they had rescued did not give a single word of help after their identities were exposed.

She raised her head slightly and sighed softly: "The cultivators of Canglan are indeed very indifferent. Mortal warriors still know that a great hero is one who serves the country and the people.

My generation of monks, receiving spiritual energy and practicing spells, is much more capable than warriors, but without half a chivalrous spirit, stealing people's property, bullying the weak, it's sad and lamentable. "

"Then you still need to check the mother's Gu." Wei Lin raised his eyebrows.

"Gu worms are rampant, not only harming them, but also people I care about. For those relatives and friends who care about, I have to investigate. Besides," she paused, "since I have been affected by these beliefs, Blessed by power, it is natural to perform duties.”

Wei Lin smiled, "Then check."

After leaving the sphere of influence of Ziguang City, the two picked a hidden place in a mountain forest, set up a formation, and began to check the itinerary records they brought out.

They didn't bring out many records, so they went through all the records at noon the next day, Yunli frowned: "Nothing unusual, I don't know if other people are still checking it?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Duoduo appeared after a burst of space fluctuations, complaining in a muttering voice, "Why did you leave Tianwu Forest? I've been looking for you for a long time, and my legs are broken."

The corners of Yunli's mouth twitched, when did this baby walk by?

She shook her head and asked, "Why are you here, shouldn't you be on your way back to Taiyi Sect now?"

After leaving Linxi Town, she wanted to go to Nanling City to explain to An Ran, but before she arrived, she learned from passers-by that the two of them had returned to Taiyi Sect.

Dodo handed over a volume of records, opened it, pointed to a line of text in the lower left corner, and said, "Sister asked me to bring this to you."

Yunli looked over and saw that this record was about a female cultivator named Baixu from Hehuan Valley who arrived in Fenshui City nine years ago.

Duo Duo turned to the next page, and the two of them stared at each other for a moment. After arriving in Fenshui City for half a day, the female cultivator named Bai Xu left.

These two items are not a big problem, but compared with another piece of information, they are very suspicious.

The period before and after they sent the mother Gu to Fenshui City was the focus of attention, so Yunli remembered that part of the information very clearly, including this Baixu.

According to the combination of the three pieces of information, this Bai Xu left one month before they arrived in Fenshui City, and returned to Fenshui City five years later, stayed for less than half a day, and left again.

It was completely in line with their guess. The person who had the space sneaked into Xiefang Yuan in advance, and after taking away the mother and daughter, hid in the space for a few years, and left Fenshui City when the wind calmed down.

 Thanks to Carrot Rabbit for the big monthly ticket! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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