Chapter 540
Yunli is very excited, this is the most likely clue so far, the ninth floor is this Bai Xu who has stolen the mother Gu!

"It's just that she left Fenshui City a month before we arrived. At that time, the two of us hadn't arrived at the Nanshan Department, and the mother gu might not have formed yet."

Wei Lin's eyes were bright, and he answered: "So, she originally had other purposes, and it was just a mistake to rob the mother Gu."

Yunli sighed, no wonder it was never found, no matter how sophisticated the plan is, it will leave clues, but the original purpose of the other party was not the mother Gu, and it has been wandering outside the scope of investigation.

"Hey, I remember that the person who will be admitted to Xiefang Courtyard in a month's time will be Master Qinzhi. Baixu's target will not be Master Qinzhi, right?"

Wei Lin frowned: "It's possible. But Qinzhi doesn't live alone in Xiefangyuan. She also has maids and disciples. It's not necessarily that Baixu's target is them."

Yunli got up, "It's okay, we just need to find Bai Xu, it seems that we have to go to Hehuan Valley!"

If Baixu really robbed the mother Gu, then she would definitely not return to Fenshui City. Of course, if she has space, she might not return to Happy Valley.

But they had to get to know Bai Xu better before they could find her.

After searching for so long, she finally found a clue. Yunli was full of energy and decided to get up and go to Hehuan Valley immediately.

Seeing Duoduo who was about to go back, Yunli bit her lip and stopped her, "Send a message to your sister An."

Taking a deep breath, she said firmly, "I am Yunli, and I am also a demon cultivator."

Duoduo blinked, very puzzled, and was about to ask, Yunli pulled Wei Lin Yujian and flew away.

She dodged into the space, returned to the spirit ship, sat down at the table angrily, picked up the spirit fruit on the table, took a big bite, and chewed hard.

Mu Yan was taken aback, then asked with a smile, "Who offended you?"

"Who else is there, Sister Yun." Duo Duo pouted, feeling aggrieved, "I'm a bit stupid, but I'm learning not to be ashamed to ask, and Sister Yun doesn't even give me a chance to ask."

Now, Mu Yan was a little curious, and Ali was not impatient, "What do you want to ask?"

"She asked me to bring a message to Sister An, she is Yunli, and she is also a demon cultivator." Duoduo was aggrieved and puzzled, "I was just curious, isn't this the truth, why Sister An didn't know, and asked me to tell it... "


Mu Yan hurriedly made a quiet gesture to her, then turned her head to look at An Ran worriedly, opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

After being stunned for a moment, An Ran smiled wryly: "So there is no explanation, only a conclusion."

Mu Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and she persuaded softly: "Everyone has secrets, this matter is of great importance, she should be more careful."

An Ran raised her eyes and stared into her eyes: "You spend a lot of time together, did you guess something?"

Mu Yan's eyelashes trembled slightly. As early as in Jiuliyuan, from Shaohao Luo's completely different attitudes, she guessed that Ah Li had some relationship with him.

Now knowing that she is a demon cultivator, a bold idea came to her mind, that Ah Li is also a phoenix.

She pursed her lips, looked back at An Ran, and said softly, "I can't even guess. I'll wait for her to tell me the truth, and you have to believe her."

Northern Desert Gobi.

Pieces of gravel, long yellow sand, not only the style is very different from other mountain systems, but also the climate is extremely harsh.

One moment the sky is clear and the red sun is high, the next moment the sky is dark and the sky is dark, wind, sand and rocks are common, monks rarely fly their imperial weapons, even for Jindan monks, encountering evil winds is very dangerous.

In addition, there is also the rolling up of yellow sand, which is not fatal, but it is also annoying to throw on the body.

The monks who come and go often take the spirit ship, relying on the defensive magic circle that comes with the spirit ship, which is worry-free and safe.

In order to find out the news, Yunli did not drive her own spirit boat, but followed the flow and boarded the spirit boat bound for Yongzhou City.

Yongzhou City is the largest city square from Hehuan Valley, and there are many Hehuan Valley disciples coming and going. If you want to inquire about Baixu's news, there is a good choice.

Yunli leaned halfway on the ship's side, raised her eyes to observe the passengers on board, and the monk Hehuangu could distinguish them very well.

No matter men or women, they were all wearing tulle and revealing clothes, just short of having the words Hehuan Valley written on their foreheads.

The Hehuan Valley female nuns are obviously well versed in the way of seductiveness. Under the light gauze dress, there is a large white and hazy chest, and the side of the skirt is slit, which is almost open to the thighs. When walking, the layers of skirts Putting it down, the slender white and tender thighs appeared and disappeared.

But the face is covered with a veil, which completely conceals the appearance, leaving only a pair of pure, charming, or bright eyes, which evoke people's associations.

Among a group of scantily clad monks, Yunli and Yunli, who were tightly covered, were particularly conspicuous, but neither of them concealed their cultivation, and neither of them stepped forward to make trouble.

Yunli glanced at the crowd, and found that Bai Xu was at the foundation-building stage. Considering her age, she should be an outer disciple of Hehuan Valley, and those who interacted with her were naturally also outer disciples at the foundation-building stage or late Qi training stage.

There are about a dozen Hehuan Valley disciples on this spirit boat, and two of the female cultivators who are in their early 20s at the foundation stage should be inner sect disciples. The possibility of knowing Bai Xu is extremely small. Among the remaining people, who are the appropriate ones to ask questions? Woolen cloth?

Yunli was frowning and thinking, when a sleepy Jindan male cultivator walked out of the cabin. He was yawning, smelled of alcohol, and looked like a drunkard with a hangover.

The drunkard man glanced at the people on the boat, and when he saw Yunli, his eyes lit up immediately, and he came to her in two or three steps, his wretched eyes wandering unscrupulously over Yunli.

Yunli was frowned by the smell of alcohol on her face, and before she could speak, the drunk man took out a folding fan from nowhere, lifted her chin, and said in a breathless way: "Oh, you look so tender, come and talk to her." Brother, be happy-"

Before he finished speaking, a silver light flashed across, and the alcoholic man's hand holding the folding fan flew out in a parabola, and his shrill screams resounded through the spirit ship.

The drunk man hugged his severed hand and yelled, but the reaction speed of those Hehuan Valley female cultivators was still there, one of them rushed to help him treat the wound, and the rest surrounded Yunli and the other two.

The leading female cultivator shouted sharply: "Who are you? How dare you hurt people in my territory of Hehuan Valley."

Wei Lin's brows were light, "Why, you want to avenge him?"

The female cultivator sneered, "Although we are only foundation building and Qi training monks, we can't help you two, but don't forget, this is the territory of Hehuan Valley!"

At this time, the drunkard man whose wound had been treated finally recovered from the stinging pain. He looked at Wei Lin, "Where did you come from?"

The corners of Yunli's mouth twitched slightly, and the co-author had only seen the existence of the senior brother now, and his eyes were not usually bad.

Because he was going to come to Hehuan Valley, the prostitution den, the senior brother deliberately made her appear ordinary. The current appearance can only be regarded as delicate and handsome. With her bean sprouts figure, it is called a clear soup with little water.

This appearance can be molested by others, Yunli is very speechless.

"Boy, you are doomed. Come, let me take him down!"

The steward on board also rushed over at this time, seeing this situation, he couldn't help gasping, this master is the only son of Zhenjun Jing Xing of Hehuan Valley, his hand was chopped off on his spirit ship, if Zhenjun Jing Xing pursues it, ouch Yo!

Looking at each other again, he swallowed the order that came to his mouth abruptly. The two such young Jindan monks seemed to have a lot of background.

He couldn't help being annoyed, this Xu Wei, who is used to being domineering, must wink a little bit.

One of the opponents is at the same level as him, and the other is one level higher than him, yet they dare to step forward to make fun of him. Isn't this picking up dung with a lantern and looking for death!

The steward shrank his neck, and the guards who pointed out with their eyes retreated back. Neither side could afford to provoke them, so they had better hide.

Xu Wei hesitated for a while, but he didn't see the steward coming out, so his nose turned out of anger, "Wang, you shy turtle, get out of here, my lord!"

He shouted until his voice became hoarse, and no one came out. Seeing Wei Lin's stern gaze, Xu Wei felt a warning sign, and jumped off the spirit boat without hesitation.

Seeing that Wei Lin's feet moved slightly, and wanted to chase him down, Yunli hurriedly grabbed him, and said via voice transmission: "Forget it, it's important."

This wretched guy looked like a high-ranking member of Hehuan Valley. If he was killed at this time, Yongzhou City would inevitably cause ups and downs. At that time, how could they inquire about Bai Xu's news.

She glanced at the Hehuan Valley cultivators remaining on the boat. Everyone hurriedly jumped off the spirit boat as if they had just woken up from a dream.

Yunli secretly thought it was a pity, she originally wanted to find out about these people.

Three days later, they finally arrived in Yongzhou City. The two of them went to a restaurant frequented by monks who cultivated Qi and established a foundation, asked for a private room, and ordered a table full of spiritual meals.

"Guest officer, your food is ready." Xiao Er grinned from ear to ear after receiving the spirit stone ordered by Wei Lin.

Wei Lin moved his fingertips slightly, and another spirit stone appeared in his hand, "Xiaoer, I'll ask you about someone."

Xiao Er's eyes lit up, and he nodded frantically like a chicken pecking at rice, "Say what you say, Xiao Er will know everything."

"Hehuan Valley disciple Bai Xu, do you know him?"

Xiao Er frowned, thought about it for a moment, and said: "There is such a person, she used to come to our store often, but this happened many years ago."

"Oh?" Wei Lin raised his eyebrows lightly, and put the spirit stone on the table, "Where is she now?"

"I don't know about that." After pondering for a moment, he added: "The last time I saw her was more than ten years ago. Hehuan Valley participated in the siege of Canye Pavilion. She was sent to the Nanshan Department. The spirit ship passed by Yongzhou City. I I glanced at her from a distance, and then I never saw her again."

Yunli nodded, and said, "How much do you know about her experience?"

It is very likely that Bai Xu is not in Hehuan Valley. If you want to know her whereabouts, you need to know her life, so that you can deduce where she has gone.

"I'm just a waiter in the shop, and I don't know much about their disciples. But I know one person, and I heard that she and Baixu are from the same village.

The two joined Hehuan Valley together, and their relationship was very good at first, and Bai Xu often brought her with him when he came to our store.

Later, for some reason, some quarrels arose, and the two gradually became acquainted.If you look for her, you will definitely get news about Bai Xu. "

Yunli's eyes are subtle, this kid is quite shrewd, he actually recommended Bai Xu's enemy to them.

Under Xiao Er's matchmaking, the two met Bai Xu's enemy.

This is a flamboyantly dressed woman with mean and tired eyes, upon meeting her, she asked coldly, "What's your relationship with Bai Xu?"

Combined with Xiaoer's words, Yunli guessed something vaguely, and said: "Personal revenge, she cheated on one of my sisters, let's seek revenge from her."

"This bitch, still has the same virtue." The woman's face was contorted, and she spat fiercely, and the mean and vicious words jumped out one by one, without any seriousness.

After a while, she had enough scolding, her eyes sparkled, "I can tell you about Bai Xu, but I will ask you for a Foundation Establishment Pill as a reward."

Yunli frowned, "I want to build Jidan in just a few words, I have a lot of appetite."

"Building Foundation Dan is very difficult for us low-level monks, but it is not difficult for you Jindan monks."

Yunli frowned, even though he said that, this greedy look was really disgusting.

Wei Lin gave her a calm look, and said in a calm voice, "As long as the information you give is worthwhile, it's not impossible to build Ji Dan."

The woman let go of her clenched fists and said, "She is my nanny's daughter and also my maid. Because of my nanny's relationship, I regard her as my sister. Later, we were found to have spiritual roots, so we joined Hehuan Valley together. .

I am a four-spiritual root, she is a three-spiritual root, her aptitude is not good, and she has been unable to break through for a long time. Later, she and the steward of the affairs hall tricked me into making me the furnace of the steward, and she got the marrow washing pill from the steward... "

Yunli was stunned when she heard that, and Bai Xu probably wanted to use this to get revenge after she got a powerful weapon like the Mother Gu. They wanted to learn about her enemy from Bai Xu's experience, so as to figure out where she is now.

But after listening to the woman's words, she felt that there might be more people seeking revenge on Bai Xu.

According to the woman's words, after joining Hehuan Valley, Bai Xu grew rapidly. At the beginning, she calculated her sisters in exchange for Xisui Pill to improve her cultivation, and later relied on her good looks and long-sleeved skills to deal with male cultivators and seek benefits. .

Once a blue-faced confidant can no longer bring her benefits, she will very decisively get rid of it.Of course, in these processes, those girls who love blue-faced confidantes are also hurt.

In short, Bai Xu is a monk who does everything possible and is dedicated to improving her cultivation. I don't know who she wants to kill, but there are many people who want to kill her!

Wei Lin picked up the teacup and took a sip, his eyes were calm and insightful: "Tell me in detail how she plotted against you."

The woman's eyes tightened suddenly, and she unconsciously grabbed the brocade handkerchief in her hand.

Yunli also looked at her, other things are fine, but there must be an inside story about her becoming a furnace.

The founding school of Hehuan Valley was a pair of Taoist couples after the Yuan Dynasty, who pursued the mutual benefit of Taoist couples, but as time passed, the taste gradually changed. Some people failed to resist the temptation and began to absorb the cultivation of others.

Although the disciples of Hehuan Valley's reputation is like a stinking ditch, and they casually treat the monks sent by him as furnaces, but it is forbidden among the disciples in the sect, at least on the surface, it is not allowed.

Since the woman is a disciple of Hehuan Valley, how dare the steward blatantly treat her like a furnace?

She must have something in the hands of the steward or Bai Xu.

Under Wei Lin's penetrating eyes, cold sweat dripped from the woman's forehead, and she stammered.

It turned out that she wanted to exchange Baixu and the steward for the marrow pill. Who would have thought that Baixu would find out her plot and come up with a plan, and the steward also felt that it would be easier to deal with her, a hopeless monk with four spiritual roots, so he happily cooperated with Baixu.

(End of this chapter)

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