all the way to fairy

Chapter 542 Acacia Valley

Chapter 542 Acacia Valley
"Impossible. Even True Monarch Yuanying has no antidote for returning to the mortal world, and he is like a mortal without any spiritual power."

She paused in disbelief: "Have you taken the antidote?"

Wei Lin ignored her, and was caught off guard. Zhong Sheng's attack would seriously injure her, but she was prepared after one blow, and the sound's attack had little effect.

The pill thing is to take advantage of the arrogance of the Nascent Soul cultivator. When the cultivation level reaches the Golden Core Nascent Soul, every realm is different. In front of the Nascent Soul cultivator, the Golden Core Stage is no different from building a foundation and practicing Qi. You can squeeze it at will Dead ants.

It's no wonder that the woman didn't take it seriously. After sprinkling purple smoke, she didn't seal their spiritual veins, and didn't even take away their storage bags.

But even if the woman was interrupted by herself during her exercise, and something went wrong, even if her consciousness was damaged, it would be unrealistic to kill her right away.

Wei Lin retreated to the shore, took out a set of formations, quickly set up a set of formations, and was about to get up to leave when he glanced at the sapphire flower vases on the table next to him and placed them together behind the flower-colored incense box, the lid of the box was staggered from the body of the box The seam is not completely closed.

His expression changed slightly, he had seen this thing in the Canye Pavilion market building, a good aphrodisiac, it is said that it is commonly used in Zuimenglou, for such a long time...

Wei Lin's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, he quickly covered his mouth and nose, thought for a while, picked up the incense box and went to the bathing pool.

Seeing the things in his hands, Jing Yan looked terrified: "What are you going to do?"

With a blank expression on his face, Wei Lin poured the entire box of aphrodisiacs into the bathtub with his backhand, and finally even threw the box in.

After all this was done, he found the array card and carefully opened the array. The setting sun outside completely fell into the horizon, and the moon was rising, making the earth hazy.

The serving maids were all in the front hall, and no one noticed that the formation had been activated. Naturally, a group of foundation-building maids couldn't find him who was invisible. Wei Lin left Jing Yan's palace smoothly.

On the other side, Xu Wei took Yunli straight to the secret room of the study.

The narrow stone steps stretch downwards, and a pair of night pearls will appear on both sides of the stone wall at intervals. After a while, the eyes suddenly open up.

Yunli was stunned by the sight in front of her. The secret room was huge, like an underground palace. The roof and surroundings were covered with mirrors. The soft light of the night pearl, reflected by the mirrors, illuminated the secret room as yellow as day, and it was unobstructed.

A huge bed was placed in the center of the secret room, and not far from the bed was a small soup pond, in which several naked women soaked;

Under the wooden frame to the west, a woman was tied behind the wooden frame legs with her hands cut behind her back.

Hearing the sound, the women looked back, their eyes extremely numb.

"Little beauty, have you been shocked by my son's gentleness?" Xu Wei said, "Don't worry, I will keep you just like them!"

Xu Wei's eyes filled with gloom when he thought of the revenge of losing his hand a few days ago. He has lived for hundreds of years, and no one has ever dared to treat him like this. These days, he is thinking about how to get revenge.

After much deliberation, the best revenge is to arrest, torture and torture the boy who is too cheap, and destroy what the other party cares most about!

Since that kid cares so much about her, he will destroy her himself!
Xu Wei grinned, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, waiting to see her panicked, tearful eyes.

Unfortunately, failed to do so.

The girl who was crying and calling her brother outside before was eerily quiet now.

She stood at the door of the secret room, her eyes were covered with frost and snow, like a thousand years of ice, and her whole body was breathing cold air.

His demeanor and every move seemed to be another person.

Inexplicably, Xu Wei panicked, his throat tightened, his throat joint slipped unconsciously, and he swallowed unconsciously.

Realizing that he was nervous, Xu Wei felt absurd, the other party was hit by Return to Mortal World, he was worse than a mortal, how could he be afraid of a mortal as a Golden Core cultivator?
Could it be because she is at the Golden Core stage, at the same level as her, and the ones who came here before were all qi-training and foundation-building monks.

Thinking of this, he planned to seal the girl's acupoints, but after entering, the silent girl said, "Is your room soundproof?"

Xu Wei was taken aback by this thoughtless question. He did a lot of things to kidnap people. The captured women either cried and begged for mercy, or ran back in a panic, or calmly and self-sufficiently looked for opportunities to escape, or simply catered to him. .

There are all kinds of them, but she is the first one to ask him if the room is soundproof.

Before he could figure it out, the girl seemed to have gotten the answer from his expression. She nodded and sneered, "It seems quite soundproof."

The words fell, snap!

The crisp applause sounded, Xu Wei spun around on the spot several times before he stopped in a daze, and pointed at Yunli tremblingly, ""

The clear sound of applause attracted the naked women in the room. When they saw the person who had been beaten clearly, there were waves in their numb eyes, and a strong light of hope burst out from a pool of stagnant water.

The dizzy Xu Wei didn't know why, he caught a glimpse of the girl raising her feet quickly, and then he flew upside down, with unspeakable pain coming from his lower body, he curled up on the ground, clutching his crotch, gasping for breath in pain .

The next moment, Yunli had already flashed to his side, and with a light kick with her right foot, Xu Wei's curled up body turned into a sprawled sprawled on the ground.

The situation is critical!

Xu Wei reacted and was about to fight back. A delicate and exquisite Ruyi woven satin embroidered shoe stepped on his crotch with lightning speed.


Earth-shattering screams flew out of Xu Wei's mouth, Yunli covered his ears in disgust, and the orange gauze in his hand flashed, wrapped around his neck, and cut off the piercing screams.

She murmured softly, "Mistake."

After saying that, she stepped on Xu Wei's vitals on the ground and rubbed them repeatedly with her forefoot.

Xu Wei wanted to scream, but his neck was strangled almost to death. His eyes were round and protruding from their eye sockets, his face had already turned purple-black, his tongue was completely sticking out, and he could only make a hoarse hissing sound.

He picked the orange yarn with one hand and pulled it out, and pushed the foot on his lower body with the other hand, but if he couldn't push it, he scratched it instead.

It's a pity that Yunli has a spirit gang to protect his body, and he scratched fiercely on the spirit gang, but it didn't work.

After struggling for a while, Xu Wei found that the strangulation on his neck was not fatal. At the critical moment, his mind cleared up a lot, and he immediately realized that he had lit the soul lamp, and the other party dared not kill him.

There is no need to worry about your life, so it is of course the most important thing to save your life. Although you don't know how much you can save if you are rescued now, you can't sit still and wait for death.

He greeted Yunli's lap with both hands instead, but without spiritual power, his scratching in front of Linggang was like a mayfly shaking a tree.

Spiritual power?

Xu Wei was taken aback for a moment, his mind was sober from the pain, only then did he realize that he had been sealed off at some point!

when did it happen?
In the excruciating pain, he tried to open his eyes and looked up, only to find that the frost in the eyes of the other party had dissipated, leaving only peace, but he saw a firm killing intent in the peace.

Xu Wei was desperate.

Yunli didn't stop until the touch from her feet turned into hard ground. She lowered her eyes to see that there was a mess under her feet, with scarlet blood and yellow-white unknown liquid oozing from Xu Wei's pants.

"Hey, disgusting!"

She hurriedly moved her foot away, but the white-bottomed jade-colored shoes had been polluted, and there was a small piece of wetness on the inside upper.

Frowning and thinking for a while, she took out a pair of clean shoes and put them on, then burned the dirty shoes.

After finishing all this, she raised her head to look at Xu Wei, who was twitching constantly, and said coolly, "I'm planning to let you go, you're rushing to die. A thing that relies on sucking other people's cultivation base to form alchemy, Who gave you the confidence to flirt with your peers?"

Xu Wei was in pain and anger at this time, and he was from a good background. He had good talent, and his journey went smoothly until he reached alchemy.

I never expected that such a catastrophe would be caused by a wrong look.

At this time, the veil that was strangling tightly around his neck suddenly loosened, and Xu Wei's heart relaxed, and the other party really didn't dare to kill him.

He clutched his neck and coughed fiercely, breathing greedily. Only after losing it can he know how wonderful it is to breathe freely.

As soon as his breathing resumed, piercing pain hit his lower body, and the screams overflowed his lips and teeth uncontrollably. He secretly became ruthless, and when he was out of trouble, he would definitely cut this little bitch into pieces!

Suddenly, the body was frozen, and a dark red elixir was thrown along the open mouth, Xu Wei's heart trembled, poison poison poison poison!
He wanted to question, but his body was frozen, so he could only slightly turn his eyeballs to pray.

Yunli ignored him, went to the west side of the wooden frame, untied the woman who was tied to the wooden frame, put a piece of clothing on her body, took out a few sets of clothes and put them on the ground, grabbed Xu Wei's storage bag and turned it over. Turn over, find out the array card, withdraw the array, and replace it with your own.

After finishing all this, she said to the stagnant or excited women in the soup pool: "His poison pill will be poisoned to death in three days, and the formation will be opened after twelve hours, then you can leave, as for running or Report me to Hehuan Valley, whatever you want."

After finishing speaking, she stepped out of the secret room and heard a few words of thanks in a trance, but she didn't care.

Soon, they came to the meeting place agreed with Wei Lin, under the faint light of the silver moon, there was no one there, but the coolness in the sea of ​​consciousness showed that Wei Lin was here, just invisible.

"Moonlight Lake is in the southeast, let's go."

He received Wei Lin's voice transmission from afar, and then a gust of wind passed by, and he was already rushing towards the southeast.

Yunli was stunned for a moment, hurriedly chased after her, and asked, "How many days can the formation you set up trap Jingyan?"

Before they discussed, they trapped Jing Yan for three days, who would have thought of Hehuan Valley, she was asked to leave by Xu Wei, so she had no choice but to trap Xu Wei for three days.

Seeing senior brother Guan's impatience, there must be something wrong with Jing Yan, right?
"Three days."

"Then what are you in such a hurry for?" Complaining, she speeded up to follow, and began to chatter, "How do you know that Moonlight Lake is in the southeast, did you ask someone? Who is it? Will it be recognized?"

Wei Lin didn't answer any of her questions, instead he speeded up and distanced himself from her.

"What's wrong with you?" Yunli realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly speeded up to catch up.

Wei Lin speeded up without saying a word.

When he was approaching Moonlight Lake, he actually flew over directly with his sword, quickly opened the barrier with his token, and jumped into the lake.



The guard's exclamation brought the stunned Yunli back to her senses, she hurriedly dodged over, knocked one of the guards unconscious with one hand, dragged the two guards into the nearby grass, and simply cast a blindfold, she hurriedly jumped into the water.

"Senior Brother! Senior Brother——"

Could it be poisoned?Or is the previous poison not fully resolved?Yunli was a little flustered, and swam over looking for a refreshment.

In the dark night, she couldn't see her fingers underwater, so she felt cool as a guide, and soon she found Wei Lin.

"Brother, are you poisoned?"

She grabbed Wei Lin who was sinking, condensed a spiritual shield to protect the two of them, and took his hand, the palm was hot, feverish, really poisoned!
"What kind of poison did you get? Ordinary detoxification pills are useless? I still have a panacea here." She was so anxious that she swiftly took out the panacea and handed it to Wei Lin involuntarily.

In the pitch-black environment, he couldn't see Wei Lin's condition clearly, but he felt his breathing getting heavier.

Yunli took out another luminous pearl, under the soft light, Wei Lin opposite was flushed, his forehead was sweat or water, it kept rolling down, his clothes were covered with water, dripping down under the spiritual power cover.

With a backhand, she sent a wave of spiritual power over to dry his clothes. If he has a fever, if he gets wet again, don't catch a cold.

Wei Lin was stunned.

Yunli realized later that there was something wrong with his expression, a little helpless, he didn't look like he had been poisoned.

She blinked, "What the hell—"

Before he finished speaking, the hand holding Wei Lin turned over, his slender fingers grabbed her hand, and pulled her over with a strong force, and then one hand wrapped around her back, and the other hand supported her. The back of her head slowly pressed her into a warm embrace.

Yunli was stunned, the clear heartbeat beside her ears was like the gushing flow of magma after a volcanic eruption, and her breath was full of the fresh and clean smell of his body, her face was burning hot, and her mind went blank.

After an unknown amount of time, she stammered: "What are you doing? We are still in Hehuan Valley."

The hands around his waist tightened a little, his usual clear voice was very hoarse, "You found this by yourself."

"What?" Yunli was confused, and moved her head, trying to look up at him.

"do not move."

The voice above her head became deeper and hoarse, revealing a different kind of temptation, dangerous and deadly, the hand behind her head pressed her head back gently and firmly again.

Yunli felt that the embrace in front of her was getting hotter and hotter, and the astonishing body temperature was transmitted through the fabric, and her mind finally turned around.

Realizing what she had just done, her cheeks seemed to be on fire, so hot that she let out a soft 'oh' guiltyly, but unconsciously put her arms around Wei Lin's waist.

Wei Lin was startled for a moment, then smiled silently, his eyes were like water.

Time passed slowly, and I don't know how long it took, the two embraced each other speechlessly, only the gentle sound of the gentle breeze coming and the rippling water.

Yunli only feels that the time is long and intoxicating, and the years are quiet and beautiful. If she can stop here, she will live up to this life.

 Thanks to zggdzjlhlzxy, Piao Piao Qian Ying, and Bai Busy Remnant for their big monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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