Chapter 543
As the night darkens, the bright moon hangs high, and the bright and clear moonlight falls in strands, covering the earth with a veil.

Under the cover of the night, and with Jing Yan's token, Yunli and Yunli walked through the barriers of formations and came to the sea of ​​flowers at the gate of Hehuan Valley.

This Drunken Dream Acacia is not only a compound of various elixirs, but also a natural barrier for the Hehuan Valley. Its fragrance has a strong ecstasy effect. Without the special antidote of the Hehuan Valley, it is difficult for even Nascent Soul Zhenjun to wake up and get out of the Acacia Valley.

Above the sea of ​​flowers, there is a formation specially set up by the great power of Hehuan Valley to prevent people from crossing the sea of ​​flowers in Drunken Dream from high altitude.

Relying on his memory, Wei Lin quickly found the antidote for Drunk Dream Acacia from Jing Yan's ring, put it in his mouth, nodded at Yunli, and immediately flew with his sword above the sea of ​​flowers.

Flying only a mile away, three female cultivators appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness who were applying the rain technique to the sea of ​​flowers. Yunli couldn't help complaining, that's what's wrong with the monks, they work day and night.

The three qi training female cultivators, the two of them took it to heart, and flew straight forward. Unexpectedly, the conversation of the three of them actually involved them.

"Hey, what do you think that bastard Bai Xu did? It caused two Jindan Daoist people to look for her everywhere." A female voice suppressed her excitement, and the gloating in her tone was undisguised.

"What else can there be? Didn't Senior Sister Fu say that she cheated on the sister of the real Jindan Daoist, and they came here to trouble her. Tsk tsk, the reward for inquiring information is Jidan, what a big deal! So good Why didn't you find me?"

The two of Yunli and Yunli looked at each other, and then slowly stopped, only listening to the female voice before, inwardly and outwardly relieved, "Now let me see what she will do, the bitch has finally been punished!"

"How long has it been? Why do you still hold grudges? If you want me to tell you, a man who can be easily coaxed away by a few tears is fine."

"Am I doing it for the dog man? I am doing it for myself. Because of her few words, I almost died in the belly of a snake. She is fine, she said a few nice words in a soft voice, and then coaxed away the demon pill."

Speaking of the past, the woman was resentful, and her tone gradually became gnashing of teeth, "One early Golden Core and one late Golden Core, I see where she can find a late Golden Core to be her backer this time!"

"Don't be too happy, this matter is pending! Bai Xu hasn't met Happy Valley for many years, and the other party came here to find her, obviously he has no clue, and Bai Xu has always been very cunning. By the way, Liu Yanyan, You live in the same room with her, do you know where she will hide?"

The female cultivator who had been working so hard and remained silent all this time said timidly, "No."

"You ask her what's the use, three sticks can't knock a fart out of the saw-mouthed gourd, and Bai Xu is the man's house today, and the man's house tomorrow, and he can rest in his yard for a few days a year..."

After swearing at Bai Xu for a long time, the second daughter put aside this topic and started talking about other gossip.

Yunli left disappointed. She thought she could hear some other news, but it was all known news.

After leaving Hehuan Valley, she asked, "Where are we going next?"

Having no clue about Baixu's affairs, and somehow offending Zhenjun Yuanying, Yunli was speechless.

"Yongzhou City."

"Huh?" Yunli blinked, "It's dark under the lamp."

According to common sense, they should run for their lives non-stop, and they would already be tens of thousands of miles away in three days.

Suffering such a great humiliation, and her nephew dying so miserably, Jing Yan will definitely send people to chase and kill them as soon as she escapes, who would have thought that they are actually in Yongzhou City.

Wei Lin nodded: "After we discovered Jing Yan, we fled the city as soon as possible. Except for her, no one knew that she was chasing us. Therefore, the previous appearance can also be restored, and continue to inquire about the news."

Yunli was stunned, "Would this be too risky, in case Jing Yan posted our previous portraits."

"will not!"

Wei Lin slightly curled his lips, and said firmly: "She knows that our looks are fake. In order to escape for her life, she will not change her appearance later, and it is useless to tell her subordinates."

Having said that, why doesn't Jing Yan play her cards according to common sense?

Restoring their previous appearance, the two returned to the inn they had set up before, without attracting anyone's attention.

It's normal to go out in the evening and return at dawn, and no one would have expected that in this short period of time, they had already wandered around Hehuan Valley.

Three days later, Yunli and Yunli were having dinner at the old restaurant next door, when they suddenly saw figures passing by from the direction of Hehuan Valley, passing through Yongzhou City, divided into three groups, and headed straight to all directions.

"What's going on in Hehuan Valley? Such a big battle!"

"If anything can happen, it must be that one of Zhenjun Jingyan's cauldron has escaped. How many times has this happened, so there is no fuss."

"It's different this time. Didn't you see that the elders of the affairs hall are personally involved!"

"Hey, don't tell me, the chasing team this time is led by Golden Core cultivators! Could it be that the escaped furnace is in the Golden Core stage?"

"Hey, don't worry about anything, just hide, if you hit the muzzle of a gun at this time, you will either die or be injured!"

The crowd was talking.

At noon the next day, as soon as Yunli entered the restaurant, she noticed that the expressions of the people were not right, their faces were full of secret excitement, they winked at each other, as if they were eager to share, but they were too afraid to say anything.

As soon as he saw them, Zhang Chuan, the shop boy that day, immediately ran forward to greet them, and said courteously, "The two guests are here, please hurry up, the box next to the window is reserved for you, is it still the old rule?"

These days, the two of them come here to eat at this time every day. If the disciples of Hehuan Valley have any news about Bai Xu, they will tell them through Zhang Chuan, and the two will be rewarded according to the content of the news.

It's a pity, except that Bai Xu's fellow countryman gave more comprehensive information and got a foundation building pill, the people behind said that it was either repetitive or irrelevant, and the two of them gave some spirit stones as appropriate.

Wei Lin hummed, and walked towards the window on the second floor. As soon as he entered the box, Yunli hurriedly grabbed Zhang Chuan, and asked curiously: "What happened? Why do I feel like everyone has some secret? .”

Zhang Chuan looked around, carefully closed the door of the box, and activated the isolation restriction, and then said: "You two came from a long way, I'm afraid you don't know that there is a Yuanying Zhenjun in the Xu family of Hehuan Valley, whose Taoist name is Jing Yan, I am used to love to rape and kidnap men to make their furnaces.

A few days ago, another one was kidnapped. Although the other party's cultivation base was low, he was cunning, not only escaped, but also countered Jing Yan. "

He coughed twice, and his face flashed with embarrassment, "I heard that the other party poured a box of Seven-day Huan into the soup pool where she bathed, and trapped her in the hall alone; After the cauldron, he hurriedly summoned Keke, and a dozen furnace cauldrons entered the sleeping hall, and at this moment, Kekeke Zhenjun has not come out yet."

Yunli was dumbfounded, is the medicine so effective?She couldn't help but glance at Wei Lin out of the corner of her eye, what perseverance!
Wei Lin's face was dark, and he interrupted: "How could such a thing get out?"

Yunli also realized that Jing Yan was also a prominent figure in Hehuan Valley, so she shouldn't have covered up this kind of thing, how could it be known to everyone?
"Someone leaked it on purpose." Zhang Chuan didn't take it seriously, and then remembered that the two were not from the Northern Wilderness and didn't know the situation in Hehuan Valley, so he explained in detail.

It turns out that the owner of Hehuan Valley has been inherited from generation to generation, and there is only one middle-stage Nascent Soul. However, the Xu family has two Nascent Souls, and the great elder Jing Xing is a post-Yuan monk. Both in terms of quantity and quality, he has overwhelmed the lineage of the valley owner. .

Along with the strength, there is also the ambition of the Xu family. The Xu family wants to sit on the position of the owner of the valley, from the name to the reality, to firmly grasp the Hehuan Valley.

The valley masters of the Hehuan Valley in the past must pass the Miaohua Illusion Trial before they are eligible to become the Valley Master. To pass the Miaohua Illusion, one must practice the Liuli Heart Sutra, the supreme heart method. However, only the valley masters can practice the supreme heart method of Hehuan Valley .

It didn't work out in name, so the Xu family wantonly squeezed out Guzhu's lineage, and often didn't give the current Guzhu face to the outside world.

The current owner of the valley will not sit still, the two factions come and go, you dig a hole and I set up a trap, this time Jing Yan has suffered such a big fall, the owner of the valley will naturally not let it go.

Yunli sighed straight away, there are power struggles everywhere, not thinking about it, Zhang Chuan changed the subject, and said: "This time the Xu family is also unlucky, I heard that the only son of Zhenjun Jing Xing, Xu Wei died in a secret room, what is the state of death? A miserable one, I heard that..."

"Xiaoer!" Yunli was startled and hurriedly interrupted.

When Zhang Chuan was talking about Xing Chu, he was suddenly baffled by a loud voice. Although he was stunned, he blurted out professional words, "Guest officer, what do you want?"

Under Wei Lin's slightly puzzled eyes, Yunli blinked quickly, her eyes swept over the empty table, and she said with a forceful manner, "serve the food!"

"Ah? Oh!"

Zhang Chuan picked up the teapot, quickly poured tea for them, and said repeatedly: "I asked the kitchen to make it an hour ago. It's almost ready at this point. I'll go and have a look."

Watching the dazed Zhang Chuan leave, Wei Lin narrowed his eyes and asked, "What did you do?"

Yunli's eyes wandered: "What else is there, just the poisonous pill given by Ayan, which took three days to be poisoned."

"Really?" Wei Lin looked disbelieving, but he didn't ask further.

After eating, they stayed until [-]:[-] as usual, and no one came to inform them of the news, so the two got up and went back to the inn next to them, Yunli was worried along the way, for fear that someone would discuss it in public.

Fortunately, the residents of Yongzhou City still know how to advance and retreat. Although people are tacitly aware of it and discuss it in private, they still know how to speak out in public.

Walking to the main street, Wei Lin stopped suddenly, his eyes glanced casually around, and finally landed somewhere on the second floor of a teahouse diagonally opposite.

"What's wrong?" Yunli looked over, the window of the tea room was closed, so she couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.

Wei Lin withdrew his gaze and sent a voice transmission: "Someone said that she knew a shocking secret of Bai Xu."

"A shocking secret? Space?" Yunli was startled. If this is the case, then maybe this person can really tell them some useful information!
The two walked into the teahouse, and a fair-looking young man greeted him, and said warmly, "You two guests, please go upstairs."

Passing by that box, Wei Lin paused slightly, seemingly casually said: "Let's just take this one."

The young man had no objection, opened the door enthusiastically, welcomed the two in, and fluently announced their tea.

Yunli glanced around the room, and saw a faint fluctuation of spiritual power in the corner, and her aura was that of a woman at the eighth level of Qi training.

Waiting for Xiao Er to bring tea, she bowed and left, a flash of inspiration flashed in the corner, and a timid woman with clean clothes appeared. Real people."

Yunli raised her eyebrows, and the moment she saw her, she recognized her. This girl was the taciturn one among the three female cultivators who met watering the Drunken Dream Acacia that night when she was leaving the valley.

The two quickly exchanged glances, and Wei Lin said calmly, "Do you have any news about Bai Xu?"


The woman's thin white fingers pinched the edge of the cuff, her voice was dry and nervous: "The current white catkins are fake."

Yunli was startled, she thought that the other party would surprise them, but she didn't expect that it would be an explosive news.

She collected herself and said in a deep voice, "Please explain in detail."

The woman raised her head tremblingly, and said slowly: "On July 20, 23 years ago, Bai Xu and I were ordered to go to Wutongshan Fangshi with Zhao Guanshi to do business. After we finished, we were wandering in Fangshi and saw a female cultivator buying amulets. seal.

The stall owner is a novice, and the quality of the talismans is very bad. The female nun picked and picked, and finally chose two burst talismans with better quality. take the lead.

The silk thread is a very common material, but the color is beautiful. The stall owner agreed without thinking too much. The nun braided the silk thread into a small flower and pinned it in her hair.

Under the sun, the little flowers shone with fine starbursts, which were really beautiful. The stall owner praised the female nun for her ingenuity.Bai Xu felt that there was something wrong with the female cultivator. She said that what the female cultivator wanted was not the talisman, but the silk thread.

Bai Xu said that if she had chosen her hair at random, she wouldn't have made it into a flower and stuck it in her hair on the spot. This was too deliberate, as if she was deliberately trying to reassure everyone. "

Yunli raised her eyebrows, and it had to be said that Bai Xu was as meticulous as a hair and well versed in human nature.

She has roughly guessed the follow-up development. Based on the understanding these days, since Bai Xu knows that the silk thread is extraordinary, she will not let it go.

Sure enough, Liu Yanyan said: "Bai Xu told me to keep an eye on the female cultivator, she went back and called Manager Zhao and others. The female cultivator left the stall and walked around the city for a few times before returning to the inn where she was staying. , I almost lost track.

Zhao Guanshi said that she was too cautious. There is a city defense team in Fangshi, and it is inconvenient to do it. We followed her for three days before she left the city.

Who would have thought that she was really vigilant, and she was spotted as soon as she left the city gate. After chasing her to the woods three kilometers away, she disappeared.We searched for it for a month, and searched thousands of miles around, but there was no trace of her, and the whole person seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. "

Yunli's eyes were fixed, space!

Now, she is basically sure that this 'Bai Xu' is the one who stole the mother Gu.

"And then?" she asked.

"We haven't been able to find her, and we can't stay in Wutong Mountain for a long time. Manager Zhao asked a friend in Wutong Mountain to look after her. As soon as we heard about the female cultivator, we immediately sent a letter to inform us, and then we returned to Hehuan Valley."

Liu Yanyan twisted her fingers, and her voice became tense unconsciously: "Unexpectedly, in the first month of the next year, I saw her again in Yongzhou City, and I also found that Bai Xu was following her."

 It seems that I am the monthly ticket of Da Luo Jinxian, Carrot Rabbit, and Lei Siyan!
(End of this chapter)

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