all the way to fairy

Chapter 544 The Unexpected Person

Chapter 544 The Unexpected Person
"Then, you also followed."

After Liu Yanyan opened his mouth, Wei Lin, who had stopped speaking, suddenly spoke out, his voice was very soft, his tone was extremely gentle, but he was determined.

Liu Yanyan's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly raised her eyes, her figure was clearly reflected in those beautiful eyes. At this moment, Liu Yanyan suddenly felt that she had become as transparent as glass, from the inside to the outside, There is no secret that can be hidden.

She blinked her eyelashes twice quickly, nodded and said: "Yes, I'm so curious, she can escape Guanshi Zhao in the middle stage of foundation establishment with a nine-level Qi training. I followed Bai Xu and looked at the two of them. Pass through Qingyu Street in the east of the city one after the other, turn into Baijing Lane and disappear."

Yunli stared into her eyes, and confirmed: "Are you sure the two of them are gone? Have you checked if they are nearby? Could it be that they turned into the next house?"

Liu Yanyan shook his head: "Baijing Lane is a dead-end alley, with a bluestone wall at the end, and the other side of the wall is the kitchen of Yuelai Inn. I asked Chef Ling. Saw the human imperial weapon flying.

On both sides of the alley are the back doors of Duobao Pavilion and Yun Tea House, and there are no traces of fighting, so I guess, "

She took a deep breath, jealousy and excitement intertwined in her eyes, and said almost word by word: "That female cultivator has a fairy house!"

This secret has been in her heart for 20 years, and every time she thinks about it, she feels like a cat scratching her heart. However, her strength is low, and now this "Bai Xu" method is more ruthless than the previous Bai Xu, she can only deepen this secret. Bury my heart.

Fast forward 20 years, 'Baixu' is getting stronger and stronger, and she is already a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment, but she is stuck on the ninth level of Qi training, and the foundation establishment pill has not yet been found.

She also thought about exchanging this secret with the real people and real monarchs in the valley for the foundation building pill, but she is only a small qi practitioner, so she has no confidence to negotiate terms with the powerful people.

The monks in Hehuan Valley have no taboos. After the other party gets the news, they are very likely to kill her first to prevent leaks.

This time she struggled for a long time before she decided to take the risk and come here to have a try. The talisman ring just told some innocuous experiences, and they were able to give the Foundation Establishment Pill, which shows that they are not stingy.

Being able to hold up injustices for his sisters, follow Bai Xu for thousands of miles, and there is a sense of glory in his eyes, he is an extremely decent person.

The most important thing is that she has been stuck on the ninth level of Qi training for too long, and if she delays any longer, she will be sent to the Kadan Mine to dig spiritual mines, and she will end her life.

The temptation of the Immortal Mansion, not to mention the Golden Core cultivator, even the Yuan Empress True Monarch could not resist, she fixedly looked at the two, wanting to see the excitement in their eyes.

However, no.

The men at the middle stage of Golden Core had calm eyes, as if they were hearing the most common trifles, while the women at the early stage of Golden Core frowned slightly, as if they were thinking about something.

Sensing her sight, the two raised their eyes and looked over, waiting for her next words.

Liu Yanyan was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly continued: "When it was dark, Bai Xu appeared, but I didn't see the female cultivator. I thought it was Bai Xu who killed the female cultivator and got her fairy mansion.

But when I went to find her, I found that she had a very cold conversation with the nun who sells alchemy in the alchemy hall, not at all like Bai Xu, so I didn't dare to appear in front of her, and Guanshi Zhao died the next day. "

She pinched her sleeves tightly, her voice trembling uncontrollably: "At that time, Guanshi Zhao was Bai Xu's best friend, and he bought her a house in Yongzhou City, if Bai Xu was in Yongzhou City, he would definitely go to her.

She must have recognized Guanshi Zhao, the one who chased and killed her with Bai Xu, so she killed him.

I hurried back to Hehuan Valley that day, and Fake Baixu had been living in the house in Yongzhou City. Later, people said that her temperament had changed a lot, she was silent and cold, and she was no longer the good at dancing.

A year later, a witch gu person broke out in Canye Pavilion, Gu Nei stopped the cooperation with Canye Pavilion, and sent his disciples to Fenshui City, and she followed her. Since then, I have never seen her again. "

After digesting for a while, Yunli asked, "Do you still remember her original appearance?"

"Yes." Liu Yanyan immediately took out a scroll and handed it to her, "Before I came, I finished it."

Yunli took it, and the woman in the painting was dressed in a white shirt, with red lips and fair complexion. She was a small jade-like beauty, but the gloomy and indifferent eyes between her eyebrows destroyed the beauty.

For some reason, she felt that this face was a little kind, as if she had seen it somewhere.

But where did you see it?

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Wei Lin's brows slightly raised, and a look of surprise flashed across her face. She hurriedly asked via voice transmission, "Do you also think Mian Shan?"

"Ye Xue."

Ye Xue?

Yunli was stunned for a while before remembering that Ye Xue from the Ye family in Nanling City, the girl whose soul was searched by Nanling's high-level officials, they saw her again in Ziguang City later.

She was shocked suddenly, Ye Xue, Daoist Qinzhi!
At the beginning, Ye Xue would be searched for her soul because Daoist Qinzhi wanted to pick a girl to be a registered disciple next to the Ye family. Sequence tragedy.

If Ye Xue was extreme, it would be reasonable to hate Daoist Qinzhi.

Yunli took a deep breath, and said to Liu Yanyan, "What do you want?"

Liu Yanyan pursed her lips, glanced at the expressions of the two, and whispered, "Zhu Jidan."

Yunli rummaged for a while, found a few from a pile of spoils, gave her two directly, and said, "Just in case."

After thinking about it, she took out another bottle of Qi Gathering Pill and gave it to her, "Thank you for your trust."

When it comes to the space of Immortal Mansion, most people will not leak it easily. Although Liu Yanyan has no ability to take away Ye Xue's space, it is a risk to tell them.

Liu Yanyan was stunned, she couldn't believe it, although Qi Gathering Pill was useless to Jindan monks, but Canglan's favor was as thin as toilet paper, and most of the unused items were sold in shops, and she also handled her own utensils in the same way of.

Except for elders and relatives, no one will give gifts easily.

"Take it." Yunli gave her the Qi Gathering Pill, and pulled Wei Lin out of the teahouse.

Back at the inn, she hurriedly said, "So, Ye Xue is most likely in Nanling City now."

The final result was Ye Xue, which was beyond Wei Lin's expectation. Thinking of the scene in the city lord's mansion that day, he couldn't help but sigh.

He would hate him even if he was in a different place.

Obviously, through questioning and verification, it is possible to find out whether she is the person who colluded with Canye Pavilion, but due to the calculation of the interests of various families, he chose a tough soul search, completely disregarding her life or death.

What is even more chilling is that it was none other than the head of the Ye family who proposed the soul search that day.

In order to prove the Ye family's innocence, he abandoned the car to protect the handsome man and offered to search for the soul.

The hatred of searching for the soul is unforgettable in a lifetime. Many families in Nanling participated in it that day. It was too difficult for Ye Xue, a small foundation cultivator, to take revenge on these Nascent Soul True Monarchs.

Although Gu worms cannot destroy high-level monks, they are deadly to low-level monks. Ye Xue has hatred in her heart, and is afraid that she wants to turn Nanling City into the second Zhongzhou City.

Knowing the direction, the two took the spirit boat and rushed to Nanling City that day.

Taking advantage of the rush time, Yunli and Yunli discussed when and where Ye Xue might release the mother gu in their small room.

Yunli first made a guess: "Could it be that Ye Xue doesn't know how to control the mother Gu?"

Ye Xue left Fen Shui City ten years ago. For such a long time, there has been no movement regarding the Mother Gu. Is it because she hesitates, or does she not know how to control the Mother Gu?

Wei Lin frowned. His encounter with Ye Xue was only a matter of searching for souls back then. He didn't know her temperament and behavior style, so he couldn't guess whether she would soften her heart.

As for controlling the Mother Gu, at Ye Xue's age, she should know very little about the Mother Gu, but after Canye Pavilion released the Witch Gu, she stayed in Fenshui City for several years, if she paid attention, she might know about it.

While thinking, he glimpsed a small black spot in the sky outside the window from the corner of his eye. He subconsciously swung his consciousness and found that it was a spirit ship flying towards him.

There were a lot of guests on the spirit boat, and it was impolite to use his spiritual sense to check all the time. He was about to withdraw his divine sense, when he suddenly found a familiar face.

Fu Shu!

Wei Lin's heart trembled, and his spiritual sense carefully swept over the spirit ship. Soon, in another corner of the deck, he found another familiar face, Bu Yuan.

"What's wrong?" Yunli poked her head out of the window.

"Come back." Wei Lin turned her head back and said in a deep voice, "It's Fu Shu and Bu Yuan."

"What are they doing here?" As soon as the words came out, Yunli quickly remembered that An Ran had asked Duo Duo to tell them that now it was Bu Yuan and Fu Shu who were tracking their whereabouts.

She was very surprised: "Come to look for us? How do they know we are in Beihuang?"

After thinking for a moment, Wei Lin said, "It should be that the story of Jing Yan and Xu Wei spread to the south, and they guessed that we did it."

Yunli patted her head in frustration, "I'm careless."

Jing Yan and the others don't know their origins at all, but Fushu and the others are very clear, especially they are particularly concerned about the two of them, a Jindan mid-stage male cultivator against the Nascent Soul mid-stage Jing Yan, and a Jindan early stage For Fu Shu and the others, don't be too guessing.

Yunli's eyes turned cold, and Huanshiling suddenly appeared in her hand: "We can't let them go to the Northern Wilderness, at least not now."

The two of them did not hide their cultivation in Yongzhou City. Once Fushu and Shu went there, they would soon find out that the people in Yongzhou City who were inquiring about Baixu's whereabouts were the ones who trapped Jing Yan and killed Xu Wei.

They don't expect those people in Hehuan Valley to keep it a secret, since they can tell all kinds of things about Bai Xu's life for a little profit, can they still expect them to keep it a secret from Nascent Soul True Monarch?
Yunli stood up: "I'll lure them away!"

As long as it takes a while to let them settle Ye Xue's matter, even if Fushu and the others know their purpose, it doesn't matter.

"Don't be impulsive." Wei Lin hurriedly grabbed her, with a helpless expression on his face. Since the transformation into the seventh level, she has been visibly floating up.

Competing in speed with two empress monks, thanks to her daring!

Hey, I miss the former Ali who only squeezed soft persimmons and pretended to be cowardly when encountering hard stubble. It's so worry-free.

"Showing up is the next best thing to do."

Yunli sat down again, waiting for his best plan.

Wei Lin gave her a quick analysis, "Beihuang is the site of evil cultivators after all. Although we are now cooperating with Zhengdao, it is impossible for two righteous monks from the Yuan Dynasty to set foot here, especially the high-level monks who are staying in Beihuang now. rare."

Yunli thought for a while, the highest level of cultivation in Hehuan Valley is Jing Yan's unreliable middle-stage Nascent Soul, and other evil sects should be similar.

With the reminder, Yunli quickly drew inferences, and immediately thought: "I also released the news that Lan Yi was dead before, after this period of fermentation, all schools and factions have guessed.

I am afraid that now is the time to slack off and want to withdraw from the encirclement and suppression.At this time, Fushu Buyuan appeared in Beihuang, which was tantamount to playing in the minefield of the evil cultivators. "

Although he didn't know what Bongdi was, Wei Lin understood her words roughly, nodded and said: "That's right, that's why they concealed their cultivation, pretended to be ordinary monks, and took the spirit boat to the Northern Wilderness."

Yunli couldn't help complaining: "These two people are too unprofessional, since they are pretending to be ordinary people, at least they have changed their appearance!"

"At any rate, she is a powerful Empress Yuan. She can condescend to hide her cultivation and take a passenger ship is the limit. If she keeps hiding, it will be embarrassing to say it."

Yunli pouted: "So we don't need face?"

Wei Lin sighed helplessly, "Now, I still need to sacrifice my face."

Immediately, the corner of his mouth twitched, "I was led astray by you, talking about business, business matters."

Yunli was overjoyed, and then said seriously: "Understood! What we have to do now is to find a way to reveal their identities in public!"

As she said that, she rolled her eyes and thought about it: "You disguised me as Bai Xu. Ye Xue stayed in Fenshui City as Bai Xu, and Bu Yuan and the others probably met her. That's right. It doesn't matter if they haven't seen 'Bai Xu', 'Bai Xu' has seen them!"

As long as she puts on Bai Xu's face, she can logically reveal their identities.

Wei Lin thought for a while, although this method is inappropriate, it is indeed the best way to deal with the situation.

Glancing at the approaching spirit ship from the corner of his eye, he nodded, "Yes, I have to find a way for you to discover them naturally."

After a quick discussion, Wei Lin sent a Dao transmission talisman to Beihuang with the voice of the steward on the ship, and then disappeared to the stern of the spirit ship, while Yunli came to the deck to pay attention to the position of the Qi training monk on the ship.

The speed of the two spirit ships was very fast, and they were heading towards each other again, but they met after a while, just as the hulls of the ships passed by each other.

Amidst the loud noise, Yunli's spirit boat drifted sideways like out of control, and spun rapidly, reaching a distance of [-] meters in an instant, bumping the spirit boat that Fushu and others were in, shaking and spinning like a top.

"Ah ah ah..."

There was a sudden change in the calmly sailing spirit ship, and the people on board couldn't react in time, and many people were thrown out. Fortunately, the spirit ship's defensive barrier was opened in time to avoid the danger of falling thousands of miles into the sky.

Yunli tapped her toes, and caught the qi training monks, especially the few boys and girls on the boat who were in the qi training period. They lacked experience at first glance. When encountering such a sudden accident, they couldn't recover for a long time.

A quarter of an hour later, the two spinning spirit boats finally stopped, and the owner of the opposite spirit boat flew over angrily, pushed aside the crowd, went straight into the center of the spirit boat, grabbed the lapel of the spirit boat owner, and asked angrily: "Sun Zhiqi, what are you doing?" You bastard, how did you steer the spirit boat? The sky is so big, you have to crash into Laozi’s spirit boat, right? You pay for Laozi’s spirit boat!”

(End of this chapter)

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