all the way to fairy

Chapter 545 Return to Nanling City

Chapter 545 Return to Nanling City

Sun Zhiqi, who was the owner of Yunli and the others' spirit ship, froze in place with a dull expression on his face, unaware of being sprayed all over his face.

After a while, he woke up like a dream, and pushed away Li Kaitai who was pulling his skirt, dodged to the stern, and at the same time, shouted: "My soul boat, what kind of son of a bitch did it..."

Naturally, he failed to catch anyone. The culprit was gathering on the deck like all the passengers, his eyes full of surprise.

Li Kaitai, the captain of the opposite spirit ship, also followed, the whole stern of the ship fell off, only a piece of cloud cedar wood was barely connected.

He leaned over to pick up a piece of remaining talisman paper, and said solemnly: "Which villain are you offending, the top-grade bursting talisman is obviously artificial!"

The Explosive Talisman is very powerful for low-level monks, but it is just scratching an itch for a huge monster like a spirit ship.

To use the Explosion Talisman to blow up the spirit ship like this, a large number of Explosion Talismans must be detonated at the same time, and the location of the explosion is also very critical. It is necessary to understand the structure of the Spirit Ship and know where the weak points are.

Sun Zhiqi stared, picked up the remains of a few talisman seals, and after identifying them, his heart sank. The few pieces he picked up at random could be vaguely identified as coming from different talisman masters.

Li Kaitai saw through his thoughts at a glance, and said: "There are tens of thousands of talisman masters in the mainland, and it will not work to check the source of the talisman seals. Moreover, it may not be done by the talisman masters. Maybe this is the reason why the other party will choose the bursting talisman."

Sun Zhiqi felt bitter in his heart, raised his eyes and saw the crowd rushing over, and said to Li Kaitai: "You count the losses, and I will compensate you later."

Li Kaitai nodded, and comforted: "Check slowly, you can always find out."

Sun Zhiqi smiled wryly. Cultivators value secrets. There are so many people on board, and if they are not kept together, there will be someone with a lot of background. If he really checks everyone, who will dare to take his spirit boat.

Yunli was quietly moving to the side of Fushu, but before finding the right time, Sun Zhiqi sacrificed another spirit boat and called everyone to change boats.

The corner of her mouth twitched, there was a spare spirit ship!
After thinking for a while, she flew to the new spirit ship, leaned on the side of the ship to look at the crowd, glanced over, and exclaimed: "Hey, Master Fushu? Why are you here!"

One of the eight peak masters of the Canglan Giant Taiyi Sect, Fushu is widely known. As soon as this name appeared, the crowd fell silent for a moment, and immediately exploded.

This is the Northern Wilderness, the site of evil cultivators, so what's the matter with an upright empress of the Yuan Dynasty appearing here!

All eyes focused on Fu Shu, especially the monks who were on the same boat with him, all retreated to the edge of the spirit boat, almost jumping off the boat and running away.

Yunli almost wanted to applaud, but as soon as they retreated, the figure of another person not far away appeared abrupt.

She looked over naturally, her unclosed mouth opened wider, and her eyeballs almost protruded from their sockets.

"Zhenjun Buyuan!"

The panicked crowd trembled even more, especially after someone identified them in detail and recognized their identities.

Li Kaitai, who had just returned to his spirit ship and was about to count the losses, broke out in a cold sweat. Although in their line of work, they only recognize spirit stones, and they are enough, not to mention taking righteous monks to the Northern Wilderness, or taking Can Ye It's no problem for the killer to go to Tianyun City.

But the premise is, don't be called out of identity!

The two Nascent Souls of the Righteous Way are capable of acting together, so the picture is definitely not small, and there are not enough high-level monks in the Northern Wilderness now...

The other monks on the spirit boat were also drenched in cold sweat. There was no fluctuation of spiritual power around the two of them, and there was extraordinary power between their brows. They looked like masters at first glance, who would dare to stare at them carefully.

Even if there are those who feel familiar, they will not think about the two great talents. At this time, shouldn't they be in the Nanshan Department?

Fushu squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at Yunli with a knife-like gaze, "Who are you?"

Catching his sight, Yunli was startled, stepped back abruptly, and quickly realized that she was one of the focus of everyone's attention, and she couldn't avoid it.

Clutching the cloak unconsciously with both hands, she bit the bullet and replied: "My little girl, Bai Xu, a disciple of Hehuan Valley's outer sect, was once ordered to work in Fenshui City."

His identity has been revealed, and he has no objection to pretending that he doesn't know each other. Bu Yuan stepped forward a few steps and stood side by side with Fu Shu. His gloomy eyes glanced at Yun Li, and he repeated softly, "Bai Xu?"

Yunli nodded, lowered her head anxiously, her body trembling uncontrollably.

After looking at it for a while, Bu Yuan nodded to Fushu in a subtle way, and Fushu also slowly remembered that among the monks sent by Hehuan Valley to Fenshui City, there was indeed such a little monk.

At this time, he received a voice transmission from Buyuan: "Qianjiu is important, go to Beihuang first, and we will talk about the latter."

Fu Shu nodded. After the matter of the Northern Wilderness, let the elder brother in charge go and argue with the evil sects. Now the key is Qianjiu Yunli. In the past few months, the two disappeared without a trace. After running away, there was nothing behind.

Thinking of this, he quickly sacrificed the spirit boat and wanted to leave on his own.

Yunli was very anxious. She never expected that the two of them would be so tough. After being identified, they would force their way into the Northern Wilderness!

"Do your best and listen to the destiny. I have sent a voice transmission to Sun Zhiqi and asked him to pass on the news to the family of the Northern Wilderness School. I also sent letters to the Northern Wilderness as a steward. The rest is up to the destiny."

Wei Lin's sound transmission sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness, and Yunli settled down, as long as they stop them before they reach Yongzhou City, with what they are doing now, both the good and the evil must have a good fight, even if Fu Shu Buyuan is open and honest, the evil faction is powerful Also verify that these times are enough.

She pursed her lips, trying to provoke the evil cultivators to stop the two of them, but after thinking about it, she felt that it was inappropriate. If she spoke again, it would easily arouse suspicion. Senior brother can't hide his cultivation, so it's not good to show up at this time.

At this moment, Li Kaitai, who was pale, stopped them with trembling lips, "Two True Monarchs!"

Facing Fushu Buyuan who was coming and going, Li Kaitai said tremblingly: "It is the honor of the villain for the two true kings to be able to take the villain's spirit boat. Although the spirit boat is destroyed now, the villain has a spare spirit boat, yes, yes continue……"

Not to mention helping Shu Buyuan in his mind, even the inexperienced low-level monks on the two passenger ships could tell that he was delaying time.

Fushu was already in a bad mood because of such a sudden change, and when he saw a little-known little golden pill, he also wanted to trick them into delaying time, his eyes were suddenly as cold as a cold knife, and his murderous intent was undisguised.

Li Kaitai was sweating profusely, and he swallowed back the nonsense that followed, not daring to say another word.

Yunli was slightly startled, she didn't expect that a spirit ship captain who only recognized spirit stones would dare to procrastinate for time.

"Let's go." Buyuan stopped Fushu. A captain of a spirit boat is insignificant, but the evil faction who followed up made a big fuss about his death, so the gain outweighed the loss.

Especially now, the evil faction is trying to withdraw from the alliance, but they can't find a reason, so they killed Captain Ling, so they rushed to give them pillows.

When the figures of the two disappeared into the sky, Li Kaitai couldn't hold on any longer, and sat down on the deck, panting heavily, "I'm scared to death!"

Sun Zhiqi also kept rubbing the sweat on his forehead, and sent a voice transmission to him, "I hope those vicious cultivators who are usually ferocious can stop them in time."

Wei Lin flew over to the Xinling ship and urged: "Captain Sun, we have to leave quickly!"

The relieved passengers hurriedly responded as if waking up from a dream, "Yes, yes, hurry up!"

"In case they suddenly feel that it is better to kill and silence, then we..."

"Captain Sun, hurry up!"

A group of people climbed onto the new spirit boat and kept urging.

Li Kaitai also came to his senses, and hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Sun Zhiqi, "Old Sun, you hurry to the Nanshan Department, and you have to tell us the great powers of the Northern Wilderness about the situation here."

"it is good!"

Sun Zhiqi was startled, and hurriedly ordered the steward to drag those slow-moving people onto the new spirit boat, and the imperial spirit boat sped southward at lightning speed.

The Northern Wilderness Gobi is boundless as far as the eye can see.

The two of Fushu flew under the stars and the moon for two days, but were stopped.

The man was dressed in a black robe that was tightly wrapped from head to toe, with a ferocious ghost mask on his face. If it wasn't for the different style of the black robe, at first glance, he would have thought it was the killer of the Canye Pavilion.

He was full of ghostly aura, and he could feel the cold air blowing towards his face from a long distance away. It was clearly noon at this moment, but behind him was the strange and deep night sky like ink.

"You two came to my Northern Wilderness, why are you?" His voice was hoarse and cold, as if he had been frozen in an ice cave for thousands of years.

Fu Shu's eyes were heavy, and he spit out: "Gui Cang!"

Gui Cang, the second lord of the Ghost Sect, stood on the spot, with his right hand, a black bone knife slowly appeared in his hand, a stern murderous aura suddenly surged in the sky and the earth, the wind was strong, and the protective light curtain of the spirit boat was in front of the stern wind. , like thin paper, was distorted and deformed by blowing.

Fushu's complexion suddenly changed, isn't he in retreat?

Gui Cang is an out-and-out combat lunatic, he will do anything to fight, even if it is the words of Gui Cong, the great lord of the Ghost Sect, he only occasionally listens to it.

In addition to his cultivation and comprehension, he was either fighting or on the way to a fight. His combat experience and skills were extremely rich, and his offensive was extremely fierce. Even a monk whose cultivation level was higher than his was quite difficult to deal with.

Now, the two sides are in the same realm, even if there are two of them, it will not be easy to deal with Gui Cang.

"We came here for something important..."

Just as Fu Shu opened his head, the bone knife slashed at them with a terrifying dark light. The spirit boat defense circle could only last for a breath, and it smashed to pieces.

The complexions of Fushu and the others changed drastically, and they leaped forward immediately, an incomparable dark light fell on the spirit boat, and the spirit boat could only hold for a few breaths, and they followed in the footsteps of the defensive magic circle.

"Gui Cang, don't forget, now Guizong and Zhengdao are in a cooperative relationship, do you want to destroy the relationship between the two parties?" Fu Shu raised his voice and shouted.

Unfortunately, Gui Cang turned a deaf ear, tapped his toes, and instantly rose to the sky, holding the bone knife high, like a Shura commanding all the ghosts, a strange black color spread from the bone knife, instantly dyed the only part of the clear sky into black.

The sky was gloomy, and the ghost energy was surging, as if in the ghost world.

Under the boundless black color, Fushu and Buyuan are as insignificant as a drop in the ocean. At this moment, they only feel that what they are facing is not a ghost, but a thousand ghosts and souls in the underworld.

"Qianjiu! Let's come to Beihuang to find Qianjiu and Yunli!"

Following Bu Yuan's shout, the sweeping ink color stopped instantly, and soon receded like a tide, and the sky light reappeared.

"Qianjiu?" A question floated out from under the ferocious mask, "Have they come to the Northern Wilderness?"

Fu Shu is helpless, the matter has come to this point, so he can only tell the whole story, "There is no trace of the two in the Nanshan department. I heard that Jing Yan was plotted by a Jindan mid-stage male cultivator. We guess it is Qianjiu."

Gui Cang stood in the air without speaking.

At this time, a middle-aged male cultivator wearing a black robe of the same style flew over from behind Gui Cang. He helped his crooked hair and said, "It is true. A few days ago, Hehuan Valley chased and killed the two Jin Dan, our ghost sect also sent some people to help."

After comforting Gui Cang, the man said to the two of Fushu with a serious face: "Don't worry, the two true lords, Qianjiu Yunli is the killer of the Canye Pavilion. As an ally, Gui Zong is obliged to arrest them and bring them to justice. The two true lords Please go back at ease."

Fu Shugang's soothing expression froze suddenly, he knew it would not be so easy, he took a deep breath, and flatly refused: "The two Qianjiu are very cunning, you have never fought against them, you are afraid you will suffer, we should come in person... "

While the two sides were arguing, Yunli and Yunli had already arrived in Qingyao City in the spirit boat, and quietly left the compensation spirit stone in Sun Zhiqi's waiting room, and the two got off the boat, Yujian rushed to Nanling City.

In the south in June, it is the rainy season.

The drizzle lasted for several months. Even if the monks were not afraid of the cold, heat and wind and rain after building the foundation, such a gloomy and gray sky was really unlovable.

Outside Nanling City, there was no one there, the world was silent, only the sound of rain was left.

Above the clouds, Yunli lowered her eyes and looked down. The ancient and majestic Nanling City was hidden in the rain and fog, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

She felt emotional and said softly, "I didn't expect us to come back again."

The number of times he was hunted down, Wei Lin didn't have so many emotions, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Why, don't you dare to go down?"

"How is it possible!" Yunli raised her chin, "It's just a small city, what's so scary about it?"

After finishing speaking, she tiptoed lightly, jumped off the flying sword, and landed gracefully on the path in front of the city gate, throwing a piece of spirit stone at the gate guard, without looking sideways, and calmly walked into the city.

Wei Lin laughed, shook his head, and followed into Nanling City.

In the days that followed, the two acted separately and wandered around Nanling City for several days, visiting every corner and every corner. Yunli even pretended to be a little maid and sneaked into the Ye family, the city lord's mansion, the Xue family, the Wang family and other big houses. The aristocratic family, after searching one by one, did not find any signs of Gu worms.

She breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's okay, Ye Xue hasn't retaliated yet."

The next thing to do is to find her as soon as possible, but that's the hardest part.

Ye Xue has a fairy mansion, as long as there are enough spirit stones and pills, she will be fine if she doesn't come out for ten or eight years, but they can't stay in Nanling City for a long time.

After thinking for a while, Yunli said: "How about we go to the gate of the alchemy hall to guard, no matter where she hides, she must practice, and her talent is only average, so she must use pills."

The corner of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, reminding him: "We are fleeing."

Appearing in one place for a long time, no matter how careful they are, they will attract the attention of interested people. What's more, where is Dantang, the pillar industry of Ye's Trading Company, there are so many people coming and going every day.

Not to mention staying for a year or a half, if you squat for a day, you may be regarded as an unruly person who intends to rob Pill Hall.

 Thanks to Carrot Rabbit, Ci Shu Shengge, and Yizhixiang for their monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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