Chapter 546
After pondering for a moment, Wei Lin said: "I remember Ye Xue once said that her mother is a mortal, will she stay by her mother's side?"

"I haven't heard of it these days."

Yunli frowned, these days, she travels between various families, and with the phantom leaf on her body, she listened to a lot of family secret gossip.

About Ye Xue, no one has ever mentioned it.

Thinking about it, one can understand that Ye Xue is a taboo of all the families in Nanling City. For the Ye family, mentioning her will remind them of the embarrassment of being plotted by all the families;

As far as other families are concerned, mentioning Ye Xue is undoubtedly stepping on the Ye family's painful feet. It is unnecessary to make everyone unhappy because of some trivial matters.

Moreover, they were at a loss regarding Ye Xue's matter, and if the Ye family used this as an excuse, they would have to make concessions on certain matters.

Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration, and said softly: "You said, Ye Xue hasn't released the mother Gu for a long time, could it be because of her mother?"

Wei Lin was startled, and hesitated: "If she is a person who values ​​family affection, it is very possible."

Once the Gu worms are rampant, the first victims are mortals and low-level monks who have no power to protect themselves.

At noon the next day, the sun was shining brightly.

Huangliang Village.

In the criss-crossing fields, the farmers are busy, and in the village, every household smokes.

Outside a low, dilapidated small courtyard at the end of the village, Yunli leaned out from behind the big banyan tree, and said via voice transmission: "This is it."

Guessing that Ye Xue might be by Yemu's side, she immediately went to Ye's house to find someone to talk to, and learned that not long after the city lord's mansion soul search incident happened, Yemu was asked to move out of the original residence and go to the mortals thousands of miles away in Nanling City. Living place, Huangliang Village.

And Ye Xue was also moved to another courtyard. Later, Ye Xue disappeared, and Ye's mother also faded out of everyone's sight.

Considering that Ye Xue had been hiding in Xiefang Courtyard for more than a month, but had snatched away the mother Gu shortly after it moved into Xiefang Courtyard, it was very likely that she had left some imprint of her spiritual consciousness outside, and the two of them did not go forward directly.

They had excellent eyesight, and at a glance they saw an old woman sitting in a lush green vegetable field watering vegetables.

Her movements were very slow, and it took a lot of effort just to scoop water. She first turned sideways, grasped the edge of the wooden bucket with one hand, and tremblingly reached into the bucket with the wooden ladle in the other, scooping up half a ladle of water. Carefully let the barrel handle pass, and wobbled to the front.

However, she bent down, gently brushed the vegetable leaves aside with her left hand, and poured water on the root of the vegetable.

After watching for a while, Yunli suddenly felt that something was wrong, she didn't brush the leaves of the vegetables, but she was groping for where the vegetables were with her hands!
Yunli went around to the other side of the tree, moved her eyes up, and just saw the front of the woman, her eyes were dull and lifeless.

Mother Ye is blind.

Suddenly, a seven or eight-year-old boy leaned forward and poked his head out from the half-open door. He carefully glanced at the old woman to make sure she hadn't heard anything, so he came out cautiously, holding the door in his left hand. A steamed bun, holding an egg in his right hand, moved lightly to the outside of the courtyard.

The boy squatted in the corner, finished eating the steamed buns in twos and twos, then cracked an egg on the sharp stone to make a small opening, took out a straw from the nearby haystack, pinched off both ends, leaving only the thicker part in the middle, and inserted it into the small opening Stir it, and let it slip up happily.

Soon, a small egg was sucked clean. The boy squeezed slightly with his five fingers, and the shell cracked. He licked the torn egg clean, then got up, opened the courtyard door generously, and said with a smile: "Grandma Li!" , you are pouring vegetables again."

The old woman tilted her head, as if trying to recognize the voice, and she laughed after a while, "It's a tiger's head."

"Yeah." The boy responded obediently, "Grandma Li, let me water it for you."

"You're still young, don't get your clothes wet."

"It's okay, I'm strong, and I won't wet my clothes."

The boy slapped his chest loudly, took the wooden ladle from the old man's hand, shook it back and forth a few times, and then finished watering a small vegetable patch by the courtyard gate.

He put away the wooden bucket and ladle, and said obediently: "Grandma Li is done pouring."

"Hey, Hutou is so good, Grandma Li will give you pancakes."

"No need." The boy refused, but did not leave the yard.

The corners of Yunli's mouth twitched when he saw it, this little brat has a lot of eyes.

When the boy came out of the courtyard, Yunli threw out a small isolation formation, and then leisurely appeared, "Tiger head, right? Stealing old grandma's food is not a good boy's behavior."

Suddenly two people appeared, the tiger head was frightened, the cake in his hand fell to the ground, and he shouted in panic: "Ghost ghost..."

Yunli's face was dark, "Have you ever seen such a beautiful ghost?"

Hutou boldly looked at the two of them. Ghosts really didn't look like this. Then he raised his head to look at the sun hanging high in the sky. He asked slowly, "Are you immortal masters?"

Yun Li nodded with a grimace, "I have a few questions for you, and you must answer them truthfully. If you dare to lie," she grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, "I'll make your nose longer!"

Hu Tou covered his nose in fear and nodded wildly.

Yunli couldn't stop laughing, with a straight face, she asked solemnly: "Why do you steal food from the old lady?"

"I'm hungry," Hutou rubbed his belly, feeling aggrieved, "And, I helped her with work."

"You can't do it after work. If you don't ask yourself, it's stealing. If you want to eat, you can tell grandma directly." She looked at the tiger's head, and the series of actions were extremely proficient, which shows that she has done a lot before.

She probed along the topic, "Grandma is alone. She is old, has inflexible hands and feet, and has no income. You take it away. What does grandma eat?"

Hutou hurriedly defended: "I didn't take all of it. Grandma Li is actually rich. She has a lot of food there. I only take a little bit every time."

Yunli's eyes flickered slightly, Mother Ye was a helpless old man, but there was no shortage of food, so there was indeed a problem.

She looked at Wei Lin.

Wei Lin frowned, it seemed that Ye Xueyin might be taking care of Mother Ye in the dark, but the possibility that the Ye family sent someone to take care of her could not be ruled out.

After thinking about it, he lowered his eyes and asked, "Apart from helping her water the vegetables, what else have you done for her? Did you sweep the house?"

Hutou nodded, then shook his head again, "Her room is quite clean, I haven't swept it, but I have helped her carry water, light the fire, and run errands!"

Yunli's eyes lit up, she was a blind old woman, her house was very clean and abnormal, she said via voice transmission: "Ye Xue left Fenshui City ten years ago, Hutou is only seven or eight years old, if we guess it is not Wrong, Ye Xue has been here all this time, if you can’t find anything, go ask the adults.”

After thinking for a while, Wei Lin said: "Don't show up, since the Ye family moved her here, there is no doubt that Huangliang Village has a connection with the Ye family, if you show up rashly, it may attract the attention of the Ye family;
She has lived here for so many years, so there must be many people who know about her. She is blind and lives alone. With the temperament of the villagers, there must be people who talk about her. Let's listen slowly. "

Yunli agreed, and after dismissing Hutou, she raised her voice, "Go to the place where the clothes are washed by the river, there are a lot of news there!"

Gossip is human nature, especially women, who can reveal any secrets when there are too many people.

Sure enough, after only staying for a few days, the two learned from the conversations of the women in the village that when Ye Mu first arrived in Huangliang Village, she cried and cried all day long, blinded her eyes, and had no one to care about her. Sloppy, everyone in the village said she was crazy.

Later, I gradually adapted to the life of blindness. As time passed, the pain was also diluted, and I gradually figured it out.

She found a kind-hearted peddler in the village, that is, Hutou's father, and every once in a while, he would buy some food for her from the town, and when she was old, she finally regained her personal appearance.

There are also rumors that the yard where she lives is haunted by ghosts, and except for Hutou and Hutou's father, few people come and go with her on weekdays.

At this point, the two finally confirmed that Ye Xue was in Huangliang Village, secretly taking care of Ye Mu.

They set up formations opposite Ye Mu's small courtyard, built a small wooden house and stayed there, waiting for Ye Xue to appear.

Their side is very quiet, but Fushu Buyuan in Beihuang is full of chicken feathers.

With the successive arrival of the high-level left behind from various factions in the Northern Wilderness, the attitude of the evil cultivators became more and more determined.

At the alchemy ceremony, the four major sects paid special attention to it, which made Canglan cultivator know that Qianjiu had a secret; Swaying underneath.

After being hit by the Soul Breaking Curse, not only was she fine, but she also counteracted the caster. Now, everyone is very concerned about what kind of monster she is.

The high-ranking monks of Canglan wanted to control them in their own hands. On the territory of Beihuang, there was such a legitimate reason as the grievances with Hehuan Valley. How could the monks of Beihuang miss this opportunity and let Fu Shu Buyuan take away the two of them? people.

Ever since the half-threat and half-invitation came to Suizhou City that day, the two of them were almost under house arrest in the city, and a bunch of people followed them wherever they went. Brother in charge, explain!
Opening the window, I glanced at the disciples of the Ghost Sect who were waiting neatly downstairs. I felt so relieved that my liver hurt, and I slammed the window shut, saying bitterly, "I didn't realize they were so united before!"

Bu Yuan didn't respond, the strength of the evil cultivator was far from the righteous way, facing the great powers of the four major sects, they naturally wanted to unite, but Fu Shu just couldn't hold back his face.

At that time, Fu Shu was also a famous genius, and he cultivated smoothly to the Yuan Dynasty, but now he is completely suppressed by Gui Cang, who is nearly a thousand years younger, so Fu Shu is naturally unhappy.

He was different, he was born in a commonplace, with average talent, and he has worked hard all the way to today. Bu Yuan doesn't care about these false names.

As long as Qianjiu Yunli can be caught in the end, the process is not important.

With half-lidded eyes, he silently sorted out his thoughts. Jing Yan and other Nascent Souls had been searching for more than ten days. Counting the troops sent by Hehuan Valley, the pursuit had lasted for more than half a month, and they still found nothing. Like last time, The two fell silent again.

Could it be that they are no longer in the Northern Wilderness?Then when did you escape?

After a little thought, Bu Yuan immediately gave up this direction. In the Nanshan system, everyone worked together and analyzed various possible methods, but they still didn't understand how they escaped from the siege in a short time after they left Nanling City.

Bu Yuan raised his hand and rubbed his temples, forcing himself to relax, and simply stopped thinking about the two of them.

As soon as he relaxed his mind, he gained something instead. He suddenly got up and said sharply: "No, that female cultivator has a problem!"

Fushu, who was in a hurry to get angry, was almost taken aback by him, and he saw that Buyuan's face was flushed abnormally, his thick eyebrows were like unsheathed sharp knives, and his tiger eyes were full of brilliance.

Fu Shu couldn't react to the nonsensical words, and asked, "Which female cultivator?"

Zhenjun Buyuan closed his eyes and calmed down quickly, "A little foundation-builder, who is still a disciple of the evil sect, recognized us and shouldn't hide? Her reaction was to call out our identities, something is wrong!"

Fu Shu finally realized who he was talking about, frowned and murmured: "She is young and inexperienced, it is reasonable for her to blurt out in shock when she suddenly sees us."

"No!" Bu Yuan flatly denied, "You didn't respond when I called out, what about me? Later she called out my identity again."

Fu Shu was still hesitant: "At that time, it was only a matter of time before everyone recognized you, calling you out, doesn't it just mean that she has a rough temper and can't speak well.

Besides, Hehuan Valley has been cooperating with us for many years. It's not because of the incompatibility in the past. She has stayed in Fenshui City for many years and is used to living in peace with us orthodox monks. It's okay to see that we are not afraid. "

"No, she is Yunli!" Bu Yuan shook his head, these seemingly normal things looked extremely suspicious after being connected with another clue.

Fu Shu was surprised, that Bai Xu was only a female cultivator in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and her cultivation was not up to par, so how could it be Yunli?

But Bu Yuan was so sure, he thought of Fu Yue's evaluation of Bu Yuan, he was thoughtful and meticulous, and he was best at finding the enemy's flaws from tiny details.

Quickly asked: "Why?"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Bu Yuan's lips, "When you mention Yunli, what do you think of? Meng Zhan Shen Dao recognizes her as the master? Appreciate Fu Yue as a teacher? Break out from Jiuliyuan? Help eliminate Gu troubles? Or from our queens? The monks escaped?

However, apart from these dazzling events, she also did other things, such as saving Qianjiu from Dengtai Mountain. "

Fu Shu was startled slightly, Xuan Er's eyes widened, and he cried out: "Her cultivation level..."

The female cultivator who rescued Qianjiu had fought with the Xiao family's children, and she was indeed at the middle stage of foundation establishment, but at that time, Yunli was on the seventh level of Qi training to the outside world, or the seventh level of Qi training that had been verified by climbing the ladder.

After photographing the Dream Slayer, so many high-ranking monks paid close attention to her overtly and secretly, and quite a few came into close contact with her, and no one discovered that she was hiding her cultivation.

Fu Shu was horrified, what is the origin of this demon cultivator, Meng Zhan Dao and Huan Shi Ling are unique magic weapons in the world, and she actually has a hidden magic weapon that can hide the truth from all the empress monks!

Bu Yuan continued to analyze: "If you think about it carefully, if the 'white catkins' hadn't broken our identity, we wouldn't be in the situation we are in today."

Fu Shu had a complex look on her face. Back then she went to Mount Dengtai with Mo Huai and Su Xu, and when she found Qian Jiu, Mo Huai and Su Xu decided to pursue her.

Given the importance Fuyu attaches to An Ran, Su Xu must have asked Yunli to stay and protect An Ran without asking.

She went to save Qianjiu, why didn't An Ran say anything, and Mu Yan.

Fu Shu felt his heart was about to jump out, if the three of them colluded, then Tai Yizong's joke would become a big one.

(End of this chapter)

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