Chapter 547

The named disciples in charge of the teaching are the spies of Remnant Night Pavilion, the direct disciples of Taiqing Peak colluded with spies, and the rising star Mu Yan...

If this gets out, Tai Yizong will lose all prestige!
No, I have to tell the master brother this news as soon as possible!
Fu Shu firmly suppressed his trembling fingertips, and said, "I'll pass the news to the master master first."

What he could think of, Bu Yuan thought of earlier, he didn't make it clear, and only continued to analyze after the news came from Fushu and he recovered his composure.

"That day when the spirit boat met, we didn't recognize them. We could have slipped out of the Northern Wilderness without anyone noticing, but Yunli broke our identities."

Speaking of this, he frowned, "Perhaps the collision of the spirit ship was also designed by them, so they deliberately dragged our pace here, why?"

After sending the news to Fu Yue, Fu Shu calmed down a lot, and guessed after hearing the words: "It must be that what they did in Beihuang will reveal their whereabouts?"

Bu Yuan nodded, "This is the most likely answer, the question now is what did they do in Beihuang."

Fu Shu frowned so much that he could pinch a fly to death, and he came all the way to the Northern Wilderness, of course not to tease Jing Yan and kill a little-known little golden pill.

Next, the two didn't mention chasing Qianjiu Yunli, but only asked to see Jing Yan, hoping to get some news from her.

But Jingyan felt that it was too embarrassing, and refused to see them. These days, she is like a firecracker, and it explodes at any point.

When the two sides were endlessly tugging, Fushu's letter came into Fuyue's hands.

Looking at the secret scroll with layers of restrictions, Fu Yue's heart skipped a beat, and he waved his hand to place another isolation restriction in the existing formation in the house, and then he opened the secret scroll with a formula.

Seeing the content clearly, his pupils trembled, and he hurriedly ordered: "Songyin, go and call the Qingyan."

His series of cautious actions all showed that the matter was of great importance, Song Yin nodded, and hurried to Fenshui City to find Mo Huai in a blink of an eye.

No, just after leaving the gate of the camp, I received another voice transmission from Fuyue, "Come back."

Songyin was startled, although he was puzzled, he still went back as he said, only to see Fuyue's expression was obscure, he didn't say anything, just sat quietly, his fingers unconsciously turned.

Song Yin knew that this was his habit of thinking about things.

Fu Yue's eyes are heavy, An Ran has changed a lot these years. After walking out of Taiqing Peak, he followed a few people to Zhongzhou, Fenshui City, and Nanling City. Although they were protected most of the time, they have experienced it after all, and it is no longer like before. , there is no attack technique at all.

Did she learn to protect herself at the right time during the experience, or did she realize it long ago?
If she had seen the situation clearly, or if Yunli had woken her up, it is very likely that the two parties had colluded.

Furious, and quickly suppressed by him, the question now is not whether they have colluded with each other, but whether Yunli values ​​the two of them enough!
Huangliang Village.

Time flies, one month flies by, and Ye Xue has not appeared for a long time.

Yunli leaned against the big tree, looked at the small courtyard under the sun, her head was bald, there were always signs that Ye Xue was quietly taking care of her by her side, but it has been a month, why is there still no one? Woolen cloth?

"Could it be that she has discovered us?"

Inside the wooden house, Wei Lin slowly opened his eyes, finished a round of practice, and said helplessly: "You have to be patient, it's only been a month."

"One month is a bit short for us monks, but Mother Ye is a mortal, or a blind mortal, so if she doesn't care for a month, can Ye Xue feel at ease?"

While speaking, Huan Shiling on her wrist moved slightly, and then she felt a weak fluctuation of spiritual power.

Yunli was shocked suddenly, and hurriedly transmitted the sound to Weilin: "Someone is here."

Could it be Ye Xue?
The next moment, there was a sharp shout in the empty air, "Who?"

Yunli was stunned, was discovered? !

How could it be possible, she didn't use her spiritual power, she just sent a voice, or through the meaning of coolness, even the monks after Yuan Dynasty couldn't find out.

Is Ye Xue's spiritual sense stronger than that of the Empress Yuan monks?
In doubt, Wei Lin behind him threw out a bell-shaped magic weapon, and slammed it at the place where the sound sounded.

Yunli hurriedly took out the Huanshi Ling, spread it from the ground, and hit and fell with the falling bell-shaped magic weapon to block it in all directions.

Inside the Admiralty, a woman in white slowly emerged. It was Ye Xue, whose cultivation was at the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, she was finally trapped.

She sighed in her heart, but the movements of her hands did not stop for a moment, driving Huan Shiling to wrap around Ye Xue's wrist.

As soon as Ling Shafu touched it, Ye Xue immediately jumped up and moved quickly in the golden bell.

It's a pity that the Admiralty Bell is only a square inch, and the Huanshi Ling spreads out to be full, and the difference in cultivation between the two sides is huge, how could she escape.

In a short while, Ye Xue was already entangled by Huan Shiling like a rice dumpling.

While struggling, she hurriedly asked, "Who are you?"

"For the sake of you not using it yet, hand over the mother Gu and let it go!" Yun Li stepped out from behind the tree, and shouted in a cold voice, but she didn't have any confidence in her heart. Ye Xue had the space, and they couldn't stop her if she wanted to leave. .

Wei Lin followed closely behind, and waved his hands to set up a formation around the Jinzhong, in case the villagers noticed the strangeness here.

Fortunately, it is noon, the sun is scorching, most of the villagers are at home, and Ye Mu's courtyard is in a remote place at the end of the village, otherwise Ye Xue's shouting would attract many people.

Ye Xue glanced at them quickly, it wasn't the Ye family, they were here for her.Since the target is themselves, they will not do anything to their mother before they catch themselves.

Thinking of this, bursts of light golden light gushed out of her body immediately, and immediately afterwards, Yunli felt the familiar breath of void.

"No, she's going to escape into space!" Yunli cried out urgently, spiritual power poured out of her body, Huan Shiling tightened suddenly, trying to wrap Ye Xue around.

Wei Lin stretched out his hand to rest on the Huanshi Ling, looked at Ye Xue in the light golden light, and said calmly: "Let her escape, we will wait here, we have plenty of time, we can afford to wait."

As he said that, his gaze passed Ye Xue and landed on the dilapidated small courtyard behind, implying something: "I just don't know Mrs. Ye, can you afford to wait?"

Ye Xue's complexion changed suddenly, and she looked back subconsciously. Under the bright sunlight at noon, the small courtyard stood quietly. In the corner of the courtyard, a huge banyan tree was lush and lush, casting shade on the ground.

Under the tree, there was a reclining chair, and she seemed to see her mother lying on it, holding a cattail fan and shaking it gently.

Ye Xue suppressed the soreness in her eyes, turned her head and looked at the two of them coldly, "If you hurt her, one day, I will make you pay with blood!"

Yunli was speechless, and they didn't say what to do to her mother, they just stayed here and waited for her to come out.

After a moment of slander, Ye Xue's figure slowly disappeared in the golden bell, and Yunli was about to take back the Huanshi Ling when she suddenly discovered that Huan Shi Ling was also disappearing!

"What's going on?" She was stunned.

The next moment, Huan Shiling felt a pulling sensation, and she was pulled over in a daze, and slammed into the golden bell, and the golden bell was instantly sunken into a human-shaped pit.

Wei Lin next to him was also stunned by the accident, and soon he realized that he quickly put away the golden bell, grabbed Huan Shi Ling, and hurriedly shouted at her: "Hurry up and take Huan Shi Ling away!"

Void is no joke, although Huanshiling's material can exist in the void, but if it is lost in the void, where can I find it!
Yunli cried and said, "I can't take it back."

As early as the moment she was pulled over, she immediately wanted to take it back, but failed, and Huanshiling who had entered the void completely lost contact.

She hastily urged the Huanshi Ling to unfold, and at the same time turned her head to look at Wei Lin, screaming: "What should I do, I can't take it back!"

Die or die, what kind of situation is this, it has never happened before!
Regarding the void, not only she has nothing to do, but Wei Lin is also the same. He held on to Huanshiling tightly, trying to stay calm, "Don't panic, Huanshiling is your natal magic weapon, and you can't lose it. Xu, Void, and flowers What about Doo?"

Yunli is about to cry, the emptiness is boundless, if it is lost, it will take a year and a month to find it.

In just a few breaths, the length of Huanshiling had stretched to the limit, and Yunli's mind went blank. Could it be that she is really going to become the first monk in history to lose her natal magic weapon!
Unexpectedly, when the silk head in her hand was about to be dragged into the void, her whole body was also surrounded by light golden light, and she didn't feel any sense of pulling.

When it came into contact with a person, the light golden light flourished, surrounding the two of them, and then Yunli's eyes went dark, and she felt dizzy.

It seemed as if a century had passed, when the light came back to the eyes again, Yunli was already in a mess, and immediately felt the scorching air waves overwhelming, as if he was in a volcanic magma.

After being hit by the heat wave, most of her dizziness went away, and her mind became clear instantly. Just as she was about to check Wei Lin's situation, she put one hand around her waist.

Wei Lin was already one step ahead of her, recovering from the dizziness caused by the long-term space transmission.

"How did you get in?"

An unbelievable exclamation came from below, Yunli looked down and saw Ye Xue raised her head, staring at them dumbfounded.

Next to Ye Xue, stood a young girl in the Qi training period wearing a blue shirt, with an oval face, willow eyebrows, and bright eyes full of surprise, and faintly curious.

Opposite the girl in blue, a woman sat with her head bowed and her knees hugged.

Looking around again, there was a sea of ​​flames, and there was a layer of faint gray mist around them, connecting the sky and the ground, separating a small space of one square meter.

The gray mist is light and thin, but it is as solid as a rock in the endless sea of ​​​​fire, motionless.

Ye Xue and the three of them were packed to the brim in one square meter of space, so naturally there was no room for the two of them.

Moreover, they knew very little about Ye Xue's Immortal Mansion, even if they could squeeze in, the two of them would not get close.

Wei Lin immediately took out his flying sword, floated in the air, and looked at the gray fog around him vigilantly.

With her safety guaranteed and Huanshiling not lost, Yunli's heart sank and she looked around carefully.

Ye Xue's Immortal Mansion is a long strip, and the left and right width can be explored to the bottom with the spiritual sense. It is about tens of kilometers wide, but the length is endless and cannot be explored to the end.

However, a sea of ​​flames is too embarrassing!
Think about Wen Xueluo's Yunshu Immortal Mansion, full of spiritual energy, beautiful scenery, rare and exotic beasts running around, and buried in heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Looking at Ye Xue's Immortal Mansion again, there is still fire besides fire. Even Ye Xue, the master, can only move about within one square meter aggrievedly. A bed is not too small, so it's not as good as her log cabin.

Tsk tsk, the difference is not one or two points.

Ye Xue's face was gloomy, and she asked again: "How did you get in?"

Yunli was also confused about this matter, only vaguely felt that it had something to do with Huan Shiling, she spread her hands, "Obviously, I followed you in."

"This is the mother and daughter, right?" Wei Lin interjected quietly, interrupting their meaningless inquiries.

Yunli's eyes fell on the face of the girl in blue. The girl has undergone eighteen changes. After more than ten years, the girl has grown into a slim figure. When she looks closely, she can still see a bit of the shadow of her past.

The woman kept her head down, unable to see her face, but the familiar aura already showed her identity, and they were indeed the mother and daughter.

The biggest trump card failed. Facing the two Jindan real people, Ye Xue's scalp was numb, she pursed her lips, and forced herself to be calm: "What do you want?"

She tried her best to calm herself, the sea of ​​fire outside was a threat and a sharp weapon to eliminate powerful enemies, the old man Zhou Hai was still at the late stage of Jindan, he was thrown into the sea of ​​fire and burned to ashes in an instant, and he didn't even have time to struggle.

However, at the beginning Zhou Hai was designed by himself, forced to bring him in, and kicked him into the flames before he could react.

These two people followed in by themselves. They had recovered from the dizziness of teleportation, had a preliminary understanding of the surrounding environment, and were very cautious. How could they be pushed into the flames together in an instant?
Ye Xue's words reminded Yunli that their purpose was mother gu, if Ye Xue took a gamble and took the woman, mother and daughter away, and left them in this wretched fairy mansion, she couldn't guarantee that, the fantasy world Ling was able to take them back to the Canglan Continent smoothly.

Wei Lin is a man, and it is inconvenient to squeeze in with them, so Yunli jumped down, squeezed into the middle of the three, and glanced at the woman, "As I said just now, there is no grievance or enmity, as long as you put her Leave it to me, and we will let it go."

While speaking, she waved the Huanshi Ling to wrap around Ye Xue, preventing her from escaping the space again, her spiritual power entered the Ling, and her spiritual consciousness spread over, only then did she realize that part of the Huan Shi Ling was stuck outside the Immortal Mansion!
The cloud pear is cracked, what kind of bad luck is it today, using a natal magic weapon, so many things.

She tried to tug, and the calm sea of ​​fire suddenly rolled over, the fire waves swept across, sparks crackled and exploded, and excitement came from the fantasy silk, and before Yunli could react, unrivaled strength came from the fantasy It was reported from Shi Ling that she flew out in an instant and fell into the sea of ​​flames.

Ye Xue, who was hesitating whether to push her into the flames, was stunned. She hasn't done it yet?
Immediately she came to her senses and hurriedly shouted, "I didn't push it."

The two golden elixirs were pushed into the sea of ​​flames together, which was what Ye Xue wanted. The golden elixirs had built their foundations, and the gap was too big. The other party could kill her with a single raise of his hand, and leaving one alone was tantamount to courting death.

Wei Lin ignored her.

"Ali!" He hurriedly called, and he dodged to fly into the flames.

As soon as the gray mist came out, the body-protecting spirit scorpion melted like morning dew, and the scorching air was so scalding that the flesh and skin would melt, and the temperature was no lower than Shaohao Luo's phoenix fire.

He sacrificed a heaven-level defensive weapon to connect seamlessly, and was about to continue to rush into the sea of ​​flames, when Yunli got up cursing, spit out the rock ash in his mouth, and cursed: "Your uncle, last time Throw me all over the place and hit my brain; this time throw me a dog and smash my face, you have a grudge against me!"

 Thank you that I am Da Luo Jinxian, book friend 20180822093211188, r1010, who is left in vain, and Carrot Rabbit for the big monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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