all the way to fairy

Chapter 548 Space Mutation

Chapter 548 Space Mutation
Wei Lin heaved a sigh of relief, stopped in his tracks, and asked via sound transmission: "What happened?"

In a hurry, forget that she is not afraid of fire at all.

Yunli looked at Huanshiling who was having fun in the sea of ​​fire, rubbed Mumu's cheek, "I don't know, Huanshiling is just crazy."

At this time, Ye Xue's voice sounded, interrupting the voice transmission between the two, "Why are you alright?"

Ye Xue was stunned, she couldn't believe what she saw, the sea of ​​flames that could instantly burn a late Jindan cultivator to ashes, but didn't even burn a single hair of hers!

In the raging fire, she stood casually as if she was in her own backyard, without offering any magic weapon or using any spiritual protection.

"Master." A timid voice sounded, drawing everyone's attention. The girl in blue looked uneasy, and unconsciously leaned against Ye Xue.

Yunli was surprised: "You accepted her as your apprentice?"

After thinking about it, she realized that there was nothing to be surprised about. The girl had been staying in this space, and Ye Xue was the only person she came into contact with except for her muddle-headed mother.

If she has spiritual roots, she can only practice with Ye Xue.

Ye Xue pursed her lips tightly, knowing what the little apprentice was afraid of. In fact, she was also flustered. Facing high-ranking monks, their only reliance was the sea of ​​flames.

Now, this Jurchen is not afraid of the sea of ​​fire at all, even if she thinks of a way and successfully pushes the man into the sea of ​​fire, the Jurchen will avenge him.

How to do?Do you really want to hand over Xiaoyan's mother and daughter to them?

When she was hesitating, an orange veil suddenly flew out of the calm sea of ​​flames, unfolded slowly above the sea of ​​flames, and then drifted into the distance with the heat waves.

Seeing Huanshiling drifting away, Yunli was stunned: Brother, what are you doing, are you running away from home?
Her figure flashed, and she was about to chase, when her feet shook suddenly, the ground shook, and she almost fell to the ground again.

At this moment, Huan Shiling was out of her range of perception.

The calm sea of ​​fire rolled up, like a major earthquake under the sea.

The torrential fire waves rolled from the sky, and the red waves pushed and chased, gradually approaching from far away, getting higher and higher as they got closer, and louder and louder as they got closer, just like thousands of troops galloping with a thunderous bang.

The gray fog was shaken by the turbulent fire waves and became extremely unstable, scattered and gathered, and might dissipate completely at any time. The scalding hot air hit from the gaps in the gray fog, scorching people's souls to tremble.

The blue-clothed girl Qian Xiaoyan hugged Ye Xue in horror, and the woman who was sitting still stood up at this moment, her numb and indifferent face had emotions that had not been seen for a long time, and her eyes were full of fear.

Ye Xue's complexion was as pale as paper. After staying here for several years, they knew very well the power of the sea of ​​fire. Under the waves of fire, they would disappear into nothingness in an instant, just like the monks she once threw into the fire. Base, or Jindan, there is no difference.

However, it will take a month for the space to open again, even if she is willing to give up the space and take them back to Canglan, she can't do it now.

Seeing that the fire dragon was approaching, and its destruction was only a moment away, she desperately hugged the shivering little apprentice.

At the critical moment, she saw the figure of the woman in the sea of ​​flames flashing, coming to the front of the gray mist.

In front of the rolling fire waves, her figure was so small, yet so tall, as if the sky had fallen, and she could hold it up.

With Yunli's back against the gray mist, as her fingers fluttered, dots of crimson light appeared, and with her spiritual power, a circle of light curtain was built outside the gray mist.

The surging fire wave rushed here, and suddenly changed its course a foot in front of the light curtain, detouring from both sides.

Wei Lin retracted his flying sword, fell from the sky, pushed Ye Xue and the other three to the other side, stood back to back with Yun Li, and was on guard against Ye Xue and the three taking the opportunity to harm her.

With a flash of inspiration on his fingertips, a elixir was stuffed into Ye Xue's mouth. His eyes were like lightning, and he said sharply: "The Wandu elixir will take effect in half an hour. Only a special antidote can cure it. Take us out together and give it to you immediately." Antidote."

Ye Xue looked panic-stricken, and said in a trembling voice, "It will take a month to send again."

"What!" Yunli turned pale with shock, "Isn't this your fairy mansion, whose fairy mansion still has a time interval for teleportation?"

"If I can escape, I will leave when you come in."

"Damn!" Yunli panicked, she was not in any danger, but what should I do, senior brother, this sea of ​​fire may be phoenix fire, once it is contaminated, there will not be a single bone left.

Wei Lin was quite calm, and quickly analyzed the current situation. Although the Nirvana Heavenly Fire could push back the sea of ​​fire, it was unknown when the shock would subside.

The use of Nirvana Skyfire consumes a lot of consciousness and spiritual power, and Ali cannot use it for a long time.

Quickly scanning the scattered gray mist around him, his eyes lit up. Since the gray mist can circle a pure land in the sea of ​​fire, as long as the gray mist can be confined around them, it can also resist the sea of ​​fire.

He pursed his lips, and said through voice transmission: "You hold on first, I will try to gather the gray fog."

Yunli nodded, looking at Huohai with a little doubt.

The previous fire was calm, but now, every flame is agitated, and the entire sea of ​​flames is like a savage beast that has lost its mind, frantically trying to destroy everything.

Infected by the emotion of fire, she also became irritable, as if there was a fire burning in her heart, which made her almost lose her mind.

She kept taking deep breaths, trying to suppress the inexplicable emotions in her heart, and protected the gray fog space.

Wei Lin condensed a spiritual power shield between the gray mist and the light screen built by Yunli, and then tried to close the spiritual power shield. The spiritual power shield easily passed through the gray fog, and did not have any effect on gathering the gray fog.

He was not discouraged, the gray mist was able to separate a space in the sea of ​​fire, the origin must be extraordinary, how could it be imprisoned by him so easily.

After thinking about it, he tried to use the sacrificial refining formula. For monks, things that recognize the master are easy to control.

The tactic seemed to fall into the void of air, only a trace of gray mist reacted a little, and it quickly disappeared.

It is feasible to sacrifice and recognize the Lord.

He changed the method of sacrificial training, integrating his heart and soul into the tactic, using multiple methods, and finally established a weak connection with some gray fogs. Regardless of strengthening the connection, he began to sacrifice other gray fogs.

Ye Xue on the side was stunned, she had been in this space for many years, she never thought that these gray fogs could also be sacrificed!

After a short period of shock, she hurriedly followed Wei Lin's example and performed a formula to sacrifice to Hui Wu.

It’s just that the gray mist looks light, but it’s actually extremely heavy. Each thread is as heavy as Mount Tai, and the connection after the sacrifice is extremely weak. .

The vibration under the feet became more and more violent, and the whole space was like a spinning top spinning at a high speed, spinning around, and several people were almost thrown out.

Wei Lin had to suspend the sacrificial training, he inserted Mo Li into the ground, and at the same time stretched out his arms to wrap around Yunli's waist.

And the three of Ye Xue had already been thrown out, hitting Yunli's light curtain non-stop.

Wei Lin frowned slightly, green vines flew out from his fingertips, entangled Ye Xue, and dragged him back into the gray mist.

Seeing this, Yunli thought, to deal with witches and Gu people, fire attack is better, the fire here is far more than ordinary pill fire, why not take the opportunity to throw the mother Gu into the sea of ​​fire to get rid of it, so as not to bother later.

She was about to control the light curtain and let the woman out, but the woman suddenly went berserk, her figure suddenly skyrocketed, she fell to the ground with a bang, and then quickly stomped heavily on the ground.

After stabilizing her figure, she quickly grabbed Qian Xiaoyan who was flying around, hugged her in her arms, bent down and used her strong body to protect her daughter tightly.

Yunli's heart skipped a beat, she is a Gu person, but she is also a mother, after more than ten years of Gu insects entering her body, her love for her daughter has not changed at all.

With such a strong will, she has no doubt that she can evolve into a Gu king.

She blinked her eyes, moved her fingertips slightly, and the light curtain near the mother and daughter trembled, bouncing them back into the gray mist.

Such a mother should at least have the chance of reincarnation.

At this time, Ye Xue, who was dragged back into the gray mist by Wei Lin first, stabilized her figure and hurriedly caught the two of them. Afterwards, she imitated the example and immediately threw her magic sword into the ground, and asked the little apprentice to do the same.

Wei Lin entangled himself with Yunli and the Mo Li sword stuck on the ground, and then continued to sacrifice Huiwu.

Time passed slowly, and the thing that worried him most still happened. A quarter of an hour passed, and the vibration showed no sign of stopping, and Yunli's complexion was already turning pale. According to past experience, she would soon come to her mind knowledge limit.

The space is still vibrating, the sea of ​​flames is churning, it will not stop for a while, and the progress of his sacrifice is slow, not enough to cover the surrounding area.

While ignoring it, he frantically made tricks, trying to establish contact with more gray mist, and at the same time shouted at Yunli anxiously: "Quickly stop the fire!"

Yunli only felt that there were thousands of fine steel needles piercing in the sea, and her brain was almost bursting with pain. Hearing this, she shook her head slowly but firmly, and said with difficulty: "If I can't hold on anymore, you can protect yourself with gray mist." That's it."

She didn't know how long she could hold on, she looked past Wei Lin, and looked at Ye Xue and the three behind him. If it was impossible, she could only give up these three and protect the senior brother with all her strength. As for how to get out of space without Ye Xue , is not currently considered.

Wei Lin saw the determination in her eyes, and stopped persuading her, he became ruthless, and forced out a few drops of his heart again, desperately cultivating more fog.

The spiritual power of his consciousness surged like a tide, and spells flowed out of his hands like flowing water. Under the extreme madness, he entered a mysterious state, his consciousness seemed to be completely out of his body, like a bystander, watching with cold eyes Make a sacrifice by yourself.

Yunli, who was struggling to support herself, noticed wisps of gray mist swimming around, forming a sphere with a diameter of about two meters around several people.

Feeling it carefully, he found that these gray fogs had a vague connection with Wei Lin, and there were still a lot of gray fogs converging towards them, constantly strengthening the ball.

Yunli was surprised, she had already figured out the trick and became proficient!
A quarter of an hour later, except for a few strands of gray mist that Ye Xue sacrificed to float around her, the rest of the gray mist converged on the sphere, tightly protecting them.

Seeing this situation, Yunli's heart sank, she couldn't hold on any longer, and fell straight down. The moment she was about to hit the ground, a pair of hands covered in gray mist caught her.

There was a weak smile on the corner of her lips, "You are so good, you have mastered it so quickly."

"Ali." Wei Lin's eyes almost overflowed with worry.

Yunli tried her best to cheer up, "I'm fine, I'm just very sleepy and want to sleep."

"Sleep if you want to sleep, brother is watching you."

"No." Yunli tried to open her eyes, "This may be Fenghuo, it's very dangerous." If she didn't look at it herself, she was worried.

Wei Lin clenched his fists, feeling a great sense of despair in his heart. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have worked so hard at all, and there was never a moment when he realized clearly that he was a burden.

Yunli tried her best to widen her eyes, the red light gradually dissipated, and her vision was completely dark.

Silence, deathly silence!

The rumbling and thundering sounds of space vibrations and the burning laughter of raging flames all disappeared, and the world was silent, and she couldn't even hear her own breathing.

There is no light, no sound, no smell, and even no sense of touch. The whole person seems to be in nothingness. She seems to have only one consciousness left, staying alone in the lonely nothingness.

This feeling is too scary, like being stripped away from the whole world at once.

"Ali?" Looking at Yunli who was slowly closing her eyes, Wei Lin felt a little flustered, checked and found that she was just asleep, so he felt relieved.

This time I forced myself to hold on for so long, I'm afraid I'll have to sleep for a while before I can recover.

He cast his eyes on the gray fog around him. For ordinary artifacts, as long as they recognize their owners, they can know the relevant basic information, but these gray fogs are very strange.

He has sacrificed and recognized the Lord, but he doesn't even know what they are, and even the way to drive them is the result of his continuous experimentation.

The spatial vibration still persisted. While waiting for Yunli to wake up, he made a single-handed tactic and continued to practice to strengthen the connection with the gray mist.

Seeing that the one-month period is approaching, the shock still hasn't stopped, Yunli is still sleeping, Huan Shiling is missing, and Ye Xue is already eager to take Qian Xiaoyan and her daughter away, Wei Lin frowned.

Immortal mansion space-like items, mysterious and arrogant, can't be obtained to make it recognize the owner, and I don't know what Ye Xuexian's mansion will show to the outside world, she can't kill it.

But if you don't kill her, when the time comes, she will run away, and there is no way to stop her.

Space is not like other magic tools, it requires spiritual power to activate it, and it only needs a thought to spread it away, even if he seals her spiritual veins, it won't help.

Ye Xue obviously also knew that he would not let her go easily, and had been secretly vigilant all the time. The moment Wei Lin looked over, her fingertips had a little inspiration, and a porcelain white round bowl rose into the air, growing bigger and bigger.

At this moment, the coercion of the golden core stage suddenly appeared, Ye Xue's face turned pale, and a fishy sweetness rose in her throat.

The hand formula was interrupted, and the porcelain white round bowl on her head was dangling, but she couldn't cover it immediately. Immediately, she felt a pain in her mouth, and an unknown object was forcefully squeezed into her mouth and melted away. The bitter taste was in her mouth. Mouth spread.

The coercion of the golden core stage, Qian Xiaoyan, a small Qi training disciple, couldn't stand it, and immediately fell to the ground, the woman was furious, her eyes were bloodshot, and she rushed towards Wei Lin viciously.

Wei Lin embraced the sleeping Yunli, raised his leg sideways, and swept across with a whip kick. The gray mist ball was already small, and the few people were very close to each other. The woman completely endured the whip kick. Flying out of the gray fog, I didn't want to just stick to the wall of the gray fog ball.

Wei Lin was surprised that the gray fog was so strong!
 Thank you Xichuang Jianzhu for your great reward, and thank you sumo4 and Bai busy leftover for your monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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