all the way to fairy

Chapter 549 Small World

Chapter 549 Small World

Surprised by surprise, Wei Lin immediately raised his hand and made a tactic, ready to throw the woman out of the gray fog.

Although letting Ye Xue fall asleep can also achieve the purpose of preventing her from passing out of the space, but if she wakes up in the middle, he didn't notice it immediately, and let her take the woman out, their previous efforts would not be in vain.

There is no doubt that in such a narrow range, she will be able to take away Qian Xiaoyan's mother and daughter.

And if he followed the trend with Ah Li, Huan Shiling could only stay in Ye Xue's space.

Qian Xiaoyan saw his intentions, rushed over immediately, and begged: "Don't kill my mother! Daoist, please, let my mother go, she didn't bewitch anyone..."

Wei Lin was unmoved, and only said indifferently: "Are you sure you are saving her?"

Qian Xiaoyan was stunned, her face full of doubts.

"Do you know how much perseverance your mother needs to survive the evolution of Gu worms? Are you sure that she is alive now?"

The two sharp questions made Qian Xiaoyan's face pale in an instant, and she fell to the ground. In the past ten years or so, she was able to go out with her master occasionally, but her mother stayed in a small space, and there were painful screams when the Gu worms moved... …

She turned her head to look at the distorted mother sliding down the gray mist wall, hesitating: "There are a lot of people in Zhongzhou Yexiao's family who have been infected by Gu, and their Gu insects have been cured. Both Qianjiu and Yingmei are from Remnant Ye Pavilion. The Yingmei he rescued, the Wanling Pill recipe was also given to the four major factions by him, and the master said that as long as he can find Qianjiu, it is possible to solve the mother's Gu."

Wei Lin raised his hand and removed Yi Rong, "Under the wind, it is also the Qianjiu you mentioned."

Looking at the person in front of him, Qian Xiaoyan's eyes lit up, looking at him expectantly.

Wei Lin didn't give her a chance to speak, and said directly: "I can't solve it. Yingmei used her body as a cage to seal all the Gu insects in her body, and then died together with the Gu insects."

Qian Xiaoyan and Qian Xiaoyan have heard about these things for a long time, but they are not reconciled, and they have a little expectation. Now that the bubble of hope has been punctured, Qian Xiaoyan is deeply desperate, and Dou Da's tears rolled down, "But My mother kissed her..."

Wei Lin lowered his eyes and glanced at Yunli in his arms, remembering that she had bounced the mother and daughter back into the gray mist before, he sighed imperceptibly, and said: "Now she is still a mortal body, and has not yet become a big girl. Misfortune, you can enter reincarnation after death;

If you go out and accidentally harm living beings, you will only end in ashes and smoke. "

With tears in her eyes, Qian Xiaoyan looked at Ye Xue helplessly: "Master, is what he said true?"

Ye Xue was silent.

At first, she really wanted to use the mother gu to take revenge, but after more than ten years of getting along day and night, she was also a disciple raised and carefully cultivated by herself.

She couldn't help but turn the mother whom her apprentice valued most into a killing tool, and she was concerned about the many innocent people in Nanling City, so she didn't do it for a long time.

Ye Xue's acquiescence made Qian Xiaoyan even more confused, but her heart gradually became biased. It is true that she didn't want her mother to leave her, but she couldn't be so selfish and let her mother suffer in pain until she disappeared.

She made a painful and difficult decision: "Really, I want to stay with my mother for a while, can you give me some time?"

Wei Lin glanced at Ye Xue, "A quarter of an hour."

Although there are still a few days before the one-month period that Ye Xue said, he is not sure if this time is true or not, and fifteen minutes is the maximum he can give.

At this time, Ye Xue also looked at him, and asked in a cold voice: "As expected of a killer, poison one after another."

"Three steps to hell, there is only one antidote, we are here waiting for you to come back." Wei Lin looked indifferent, not at all irritated.

Ye Xue sneered: "Qianjiu Yunli, if I remember correctly, neither of you is an alchemist. Since there is an antidote, it is naturally made by an alchemist. It is the same when I find an alchemist."

Wei Lin smiled slightly, "Naturally."

After the words fell, he raised his hand neatly and knocked her unconscious.

The three-step hell is one of several high-level poison elixirs developed by Zhenjun Lingchu, and the antidote can only be refined by Mu Yananran.

Since the two of them provided the clue of Bai Xu, they obviously also guessed that 'Bai Xu' had space.Ye Xue couldn't find them, so she had to come back and look for herself;

Found it, as long as she looks for it, An Ran and the two should be able to guess that they are trapped, and they will send Duo Duo to come.

Of course, this is a bad idea, the best way is to keep Ye Xue in the space.

A quarter of an hour later, Wei Lin, in Qian Xiaoyan's distraught, burned the woman with pill fire, and then kept paying attention to Ye Xue's situation.

Seeing that the one-month period had passed, he was even more vigilant. On this day, the whole body of Ye Xue who was sleeping suddenly shone with light golden light.

Wei Lin was extremely helpless. These days, he has been paying attention to it all the time, but the space in the Immortal Mansion is so overbearing that he can teleport it with just one thought.

He took the sleeping Yunli out of the range of the golden light to prevent being teleported out, while trying to stop Ye Xue.

It's most likely useless, but it's worth trying anyway.

Unexpectedly, the golden light flashed for a full quarter of an hour, and Ye Xue and the two did not send it out.

He was overjoyed, could it be that the shock had blocked the space!
Ye Xue's forehead was covered with cold sweat, she couldn't believe it: "How could this happen?"

After she finished speaking, she tried again, but the golden light flickered out. This time, Wei Lin saw it clearly.

The golden light was a slender silk thread, and he immediately understood that the silk thread that Ye Xue picked up in Wutongshanfang City was her fairy house.

He was suddenly in a complicated mood. Is the way to get the Immortal Mansion too simple? The two Explosive Talismans were put together without any effort or spirit stones, just picking up the Immortal Mansion for nothing.

Compared with his own tragic experience, he felt that Ye Xue was an eyesore!
Since she couldn't get out, he simply put his mind on the gray mist of the sacrifice, which lasted for three full years.

And Yunli also fell into a deep sleep for three years.

Wei Lin was terrified in his sleep, if not for her pulse being as strong and powerful as ever, and her breathing getting longer and longer, he would not be able to sit still.

In the past three years, he has refined all the gray mist, but every strand of the gray mist is independent, and to drive it handily requires continuous practice.

Being in other people's Immortal Mansion, with a narrow range and having to guard against Ye Xue, he couldn't practice, so he simply practiced driving the gray mist.

On this day, he directed the gray mist to swim around as usual, adjusting the shape of the ball at will. The vibration that had lasted for more than three years suddenly stopped, and the sea of ​​flames also slowly stopped churning and slowly returned to subsidence.

No, it's not just subsiding, the sea of ​​fire is receding!
Wei Lin was amazed, from the few words he had with Ye Xue's master and apprentice earlier, it is not difficult to guess that the sea of ​​fire has always existed since Ye Xue got the Immortal Mansion.

Now, it retreats like a tide!
He looked at Ye Xue, seeing her expression of disbelief at first, and then she was ecstatic.

After the sea of ​​fire around him subsided, Wei Lin tried to collect the gray mist into his dantian, only a thin layer remained to surround the surroundings, and he didn't feel the burning sensation.

Three days later, the sea of ​​flames disappeared completely, leaving scorched earth all over the place, and the entire Immortal Mansion became even bigger. There were many spatial cracks in the gray sky.

Wei Lin avoided the spatial rift, stood under a complete sky, thoughtful, obviously the spatial rift had always existed, and was only covered by the flooding flames before.

But within the gray fog, they were not affected in any way. What exactly is the gray fog?
He was frowning and thinking hard, when a golden glow surged beside him, he was startled, and hurriedly tried to stop it.

In the past three years, Ye Xue kept trying to get out of the Immortal Mansion, but all ended in failure. He guessed that the Immortal Mansion should be closed due to mutations.

Now that the shaking has stopped, the closure is likely lifted.

A quarter of an hour later, Ye Xue looked at the silk thread in her hand in despair, "Why can't I get out?"

They still couldn't get out, Wei Lin felt relieved.

Xuan Er was also a little worried, what happened to this Immortal Mansion, could it be that they can only be locked up here?

Looking down at Yunli who was sleeping peacefully in his arms, he forced down his worries, and no matter what, he went to get Huan Shiling back first.

With his flying sword, he cautiously came to a crack in space, took out a low-grade magic weapon of the yellow rank, stretched it in front of the crack, and the magic weapon was smashed to pieces by the overflowing void force in an instant.

He took out another one, wrapped it in gray mist, and stretched it to the crack. This time, the gray mist and magic weapon were intact.

After verifying that the gray mist can indeed resist the power of the void overflowing from the crack, he immediately covered the two of them with the gray mist, and flew in the Immortal Mansion, looking for Huanshiling.

Ye Xue, his experimenter, also saw it, and was immediately jealous and aggrieved. She was able to resist the erosion of space cracks. It can be seen that the gray fog has a lot of origins, and the gray fog is hers, but it was taken away by others.

However, she couldn't say anything, if Qianjiu hadn't sacrificed the gray mist in time, they would all have died in the sea of ​​fire.

The enlarged Immortal Mansion is still in the shape of a long strip, but the width has been expanded several times. As for the length, I didn't know how long it was before, so it's hard to compare it now.

Wei Lin only knew that he had been flying for half a month, but it was not over yet, and Huan Shiling was nowhere to be seen.

At this time, Yunli is still in the state of being stripped from the world.

She tried various methods, but she couldn't get out of that terrifying state. She only had one consciousness left, and she couldn't mobilize her spiritual power or control her spiritual consciousness.

The long period of ignorance made her almost go crazy, and she couldn't help wondering if this life of hers really existed.

Something fell and rippled in circles, as if an invisible door had been opened.

There was a clear and shallow breath in the ear, and the warm nose sprayed on the face, which was slightly itchy, and the clean and clear breath surrounded her, as firm and warm as holding her arms.

She was on the verge of tears, and finally regained her five senses and felt the existence of this world again.

She slowly opened her eyes, the darkness faded, and the first thing that caught her eyes were those familiar phoenix eyes.

Yunli smiled with relief, and murmured softly, "Having five senses makes me really happy."

That's right, she already understood that the state of being stripped from the world is actually the situation after losing the five senses. She slowly raised her hand, filled with emotion, "It turns out that the touch is the most important."

The feeling of being stripped from the whole world comes from the sense of touch the most. When the sense of touch is restored, you will instantly feel that you are alive.

Wei Lin was rejoicing at her waking up, but was a little confused by her nonsensical words, "Did you have a nightmare?"

"Yeah, what a terrible dream."

Yunli had lingering fears, and it was fine if the deaf and dumb were together, why would they lose their sense of touch? It was more terrifying than turning into a vegetable.

Wei Lin checked it carefully and found nothing abnormal, so he was relieved, "Just had a nightmare?"

"How many nightmares do you want me to have?"

Yunli's face was stern, one is scary enough, okay?

"It's not bad to have a nightmare for three years. If it's a good dream, you might be addicted to it and don't want to wake up. That's fine, just wake up. Get up and find Huan Shiling."

"Three years?" Yunli was astonished, she quickly hooked his neck and sat up, confirming: "I slept for three years?"

"Three years and four months."

Yun Li was numb, so she said it was too long. Could it be that the time in her dream was one to one with the reality?

She recalled the dream, and couldn't help feeling palpitations, it was too terrifying, so scary that she was a little familiar, she couldn't help leaning on Wei Lin, trying to expel those terrifying feelings.

Feeling her trembling uncontrollably, Wei Lin was taken aback, and hugged her back, what kind of nightmare can scare her like this.

"Dream about Wanwan?"

"No." Yunli's body trembled like a sieve, and the feeling of terror did not dissipate after waking up from the dream, but became clearer and clearer, as if it was about to be carved into the depths of her soul.

"In the dream, I lost all five senses, only one consciousness remained, and I was trapped in a small space, unable to move."

That loneliness, that powerlessness was so real, so real that it didn't feel like a dream at all.

She hugged Wei Lin tightly, as if to prove her existence.

A nightmare for three years, it is indeed a bit weird, Wei Lin frowned, and was waiting to be comforted, when she suddenly heard her ask: "Did you hold me all the time when I fell asleep?"

"That's not it." Inside the narrow gray mist sphere, there is Ye Xue who is eyeing her like a tiger. If you don't hug her, it's hard to set her on fire.

A warm current flashed through Yunli's heart, the trembling gradually weakened, and finally calmed down, she let go of Wei Lin, and said, "Then I'm fine, don't be afraid anymore."

Wei Lin:? ? ?
"So, what are you afraid of? Loneliness?"

Yunli nodded vigorously, "It's so scary to be stripped of the whole world, there's nothing I can do but wait.

I also blame myself, I didn't think of you in my dream, even if I can't do anything, isn't there you.

If I have such a dream again next time, I will tell myself this, and I should not be so afraid. "

While speaking, she glanced at the surroundings from the corner of her eye, and she was stunned: "Why are we in the sky? Hey, where is the sea of ​​fire?"

Wei Lin thought about the business, and didn't bother to explain to her, urging: "Hurry up and find Huan Shiling."

Maybe when the ban on Immortal Mansion will be lifted, if they can find Huan Shiling before the ban is lifted, they can go back to Canglan with Ye Xue.

Thinking of the magic weapon of her own destiny that she ran away from home, Yunli also became anxious and hurriedly tried to sense it.

With a movement of consciousness, the entire Immortal Mansion came into mind, rolling mountains, deep valleys, and dry riverbeds unfolded slowly in her mind like a scroll.

She was stunned, her eyeballs almost fell out, "Hold the grass! Hold the grass! Hold the grass!"

"What's wrong? Did you sense it?"

Yunli swallowed, turned her neck stiffly, and Mumu replied: "I found it after looking for it, but I was a little surprised."


She took a deep breath, looked up into Wei Lin's eyes, "We are in Huanshiling now."

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, not understanding.

"It means that we have a fairy mansion, ah no, it's a small world."

 Thanks to Carrot Rabbit for the big monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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