all the way to fairy

Chapter 550 Ignore Love

Chapter 550 Ignore Love
"This space is actually a fragment of Huanshiling. The vibration in the past three years is the fusion of two fragments..."

Yunli's expression was complicated. She never expected that the Huanshiling, which had been used for so long, was incomplete!
And it's still incomplete.

What she had before was only the core and the most original part of Huanshiling. Only by finding other fragments can the complete small world within Ayane be restored.

Ye Xue's so-called Immortal Mansion is one of the main parts of Ling Nei's world, and it was left in the void.

The silk thread that Ye Xue got was just a piece of silk on this fragment, it could locate the position of the main body and build a passage.

This is also the reason why the time for space transmission is so long, and there is still a one-month interval. Lingsi needs energy to build a channel, and it takes time to accumulate energy.

When Lingsi built a passage to reach this place, Huanshi Ling wrapped around Ye Xue sensed the location of the fragments, and then found the passage to bring them here.

In other words, what Ye Xue got was just the silk.

Wait, Huanshiling has an owner, even if she got here through Lingsi, she won't let Ye Xue in, right?
As if sensing what she was thinking, Huanshiling sent a sense of grievance, Yunli was slightly stunned, her gaze fell into the distance, and she immediately understood.

The location of the fragments is in the void, if Ye Xue is not allowed to enter, she will die in the void, and Lingsi will also fall into the void.

In this way, to find this fragment, she had to wait until she was able to cross the void.

As a last resort, the fragments of Huanshi Ling could only leave a small space for Ye Xue to stand on.

Yunli was very touched by such a natal magic weapon designed for the master.

After listening to her explanation, Wei Lin was also stunned, so Ye Xue couldn't go out for the past three years because the master came back, and without the master's permission, he was not allowed to go in and out at will?

Also, how could Huanshi Ling be broken?
Broken to the point where only the core is left, the rank is still mysteriously high, what rank should the complete Huanshi Ling be, a holy artifact?Fairy?Or artifact?
After digesting for a while, Yunli suppressed the complicated emotions in her heart and beamed with joy. From now on, they are also monks with space!
Faced with the siege of Nascent Soul cultivators, they can also deal with it calmly.

She waved her hands proudly: "Let's go! Let's go inspect the territory!"

Tour the territory...

The corners of Wei Lin's mouth twitched slightly, "Before you woke up, I had been patrolling for more than half a month, and there was nothing but scorched earth."

"Isn't it?" Yunli couldn't believe it, "In such a small world, there isn't even a single spiritual plant?"

"What kind of spiritual plant can grow in a phoenix fire?"

"What about the ore?"

"Anyway, I haven't seen anything but scorched earth in the past half month."

Yunli's heart is stuffed, why don't she be so shabby.

After being depressed for less than a second, she became excited again. As a human being, don't be too greedy. If there is room, rare plants will not make demands.

Sooner or later, they'll be able to transform their small world into a picturesque wonderland!

After she was happy, she thought of Ye Xue and couldn't help but have a headache. How should I tell her?

Wei Lin didn't care, "There's nothing to explain, this is your magic weapon, and it's evident that she hasn't subdued it for more than 20 years."

"That's true from our standpoint, but from Ye Xue's point of view, it's me who stole her fairy mansion."

Ye Xue obtained Lingsi, and was able to enter and exit the world of Lingnei smoothly. From her point of view, although she failed to recognize the owner, the space was hers.

Wei Lin still didn't take it seriously, "So what, the jungle is the jungle among the monks, we just need to have a clear conscience."

"However, without her, I wouldn't have found this fragment so quickly. From this point of view, she is kind to me." Yunli took a deep breath, "Let's go, go and talk to her."

As she said that, with a thought, she pulled Wei Lin and teleported to Ye Xue's side.

The two people who appeared suddenly stunned Ye Xue, "Do you have spatial spiritual roots?"

Not only them, but Wei Lin was also shocked, not flying with an imperial weapon, nor traveling through the void, but spanning thousands of miles in an instant!

Yunli raised her eyes and said seriously, "This small world is mine."

Wei Lin was speechless, wasn't this too blunt, so blunt to the point of arrogance, if she hadn't said in person just now that Ye Xue was kind to her for helping to find the fragments, he would have thought she was here to provoke and show off.

Although her words were straightforward enough, Ye Xue was still puzzled by Zhang Er's monk, "What?"

"follow me."

Yunli led a few people to the edge of the small world, and made a trick, and the edge of the chaotic world immediately turned into a light orange veil texture.

"Have you seen this? This is my natal magic weapon. You have seen it before. What you call space is a broken part of it. Now the two pieces have joined together..."

Ye Xueru was struck by lightning, and there was a 'buzz' in her head, and then it went blank. On the opposite side, Yunli's lips were opening and closing, but she couldn't hear what else she said.

All she knew was that the fairy mansion she had guarded for more than twenty years had been taken away!

Ye Xue was trembling with anger, and it took her a while to find her voice, "So, my fairy mansion is now your fairy mansion?"

She pinched her palm tightly, restraining the urge to strike. The two Jindan monks were the famous Qianjiu Yunli, and she was no match.

"It's always been my small world, you just got Yasi and the ability to enter here..."

Yunli explained seriously, but before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Ye Xue's sneer, "If you rob it, you rob it, why make excuses, it's not that I haven't been robbed of my magic weapon. Since I've become a bitch, what kind of chastity is there?" Archway."

Yunli heard these words harshly, she clenched her fist, then let go, she came to reconcile karma, not to fight.

Wei Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, and warned in a low voice: "Be careful with your words."

Yunli tugged on his sleeve, and shook her head slightly at him.

Ye Xue's eyes were red, and she clenched her fists, "You got a fragment, the contract is a natal magic weapon, and I also got a fragment, but I haven't succeeded in recognizing the owner yet.

Just because you got the shard's approval before me, is my space going to become yours?It's obviously a robbery, why bother to say it in a high-sounding way. "

Speaking of the latter, her voice trembled uncontrollably, obviously she also got the shards, and there was a chance, why the space just doesn't recognize it, and others can easily contract it as their own life.

Why is the one chosen never to be myself.

She pinched her palm tightly, tried her best to hold back the enthusiasm in her eyes, and said almost word by word: "Everyone depends on their own abilities, I am not as good as a human being, let you take away the space, you will kill or cut, listen carefully Respect."

Looking at the woman who was holding back her tears in front of her, Yunli was silent. Huan Shiling's origin directly involved her identity, so she couldn't explain it clearly.

After thinking for a while, she said softly: "I won't kill you. Since your cultivation base is insufficient, then wait for your cultivation base to catch up. I will leave Lingsi to you, and I will wait for your revenge."

Ye Xue had a sneering look on her face, but her tears couldn't stop falling. The journey to immortality is difficult. It is even more difficult for female cultivators like them who have no resources, no background, and no talent. Difficult.

This stubborn look of biting her lower lip, still unable to hold back her tears, made Yunli very unbearable, she sighed softly: "Anyway, I have to thank you for helping me find it, I can promise you a request , as long as it’s not too much, you can think about it.”

"Is this compensation? Ha, can you pay me a fairy mansion? If you rob it, you can just rob it, so why bother to pretend."

Wei Lin interjected coldly, "You have nothing to be wronged. Other people's fairy mansion has blessed you for 24 years, and you are still not satisfied."

If Huan Shiling was really in a fragmented state and was sacrificed by Ah Li, then it was indeed as she said, the space she got was hers.

But the Huanshi Ling has not been sacrificed, it is Ah Li's natal magic weapon, obviously, before it is broken, the owner is Ah Li.

Ye Xue wiped her eyes and said coldly: "What? Should I be grateful to Dade?"

Yunli tugged Wei Lin's sleeve lightly, shook her head at him, she said sternly, "I am a person who acts with a clear conscience, and the request is to repay you for helping me find the space debris. As for what you think, you can do whatever you want!"

After finishing speaking, with a thought in her mind, she sent a few people back to Huangliang Village, "Brother, let's go."

Looking at the familiar environment in front of her, Ye Xue's eyes were sore and unbearable, she really got the approval of the Immortal Mansion.

For more than twenty years, since she got the silk thread and sent it to the space for the first time, she tried every means to get the space's approval, but she still couldn't find a way.

Now, it easily recognizes others as its masters. Is its talent really that bad?Is Xianyuan really that shallow?
Seeing that the two put away the formation and were about to fly away with Yu Jian, she suppressed the grievance in her heart and hurriedly shouted: "Wait."

Yunli stood on the flying sword, looking back at her.

Ye Xue tightly clenched her fists, "I beg you to think it over, I want you to kill a few people, Nanling City Lord Zhong Xing, City Lord Mansion Chief Li Zhou, Ye Clan Head and Ye Shuang."

Yunli was a little surprised, she thought Ye Xue couldn't figure it out for a while with the humiliating appearance just now.

What's more, she didn't expect to make a good request for revenge. No matter what, she should save it for life-saving at the critical moment. It doesn't matter if she needs some spirit stone pills to improve her cultivation. Both are big problems.

Wei Lin's eyes were slightly cold, the three empress monks didn't want to kill Zhongxing and others for revenge, they wanted to use Zhongxing and others to kill them for revenge.

Yunli's focus was not on the three empresses, she asked curiously, "Who is Ye Shuang?"

Zhongxing was the one who plotted against Ye's family and used Ye Xue as a raft. Li Zhou was Zhongxing's capable officer, and under his impetus, he pushed Ye Xue step by step into the abyss of being searched for souls.

Not to mention the head of the Ye family, his unfairness caused the Ye family children to plot against each other, and after the accident, he immediately abandoned the car to protect the handsome.

But who is Ye Shuang, there is no such a number one person among the real masters of the Ye family.

At the mention of this name, Ye Xue's face was visibly distorted, and she almost gnashed her teeth: "Realist Qinzhi's registered disciple."

That strong hatred, if Ye Shuang was in front of her eyes, Yunli would have no doubt that she would eat his flesh raw.

Master Qinzhi's registered disciple, if she remembers correctly, the cause of the incident back then was that Master Qinzhi wanted to select a named disciple from among the girls in the Ye family's branch, so could Ye Shuang be the last one to be selected?

Glancing at Ye Xue who was full of hatred, Yunli felt like a cat was scratching her head, there was a story!
"Okay, I see."

After she finished speaking, she immediately started gossiping via sound transmission to Wei Lin, "Based on my years of experience in reading scripts, this Ye Shuang is likely to be the culprit of Ye Xue's soul search incident."

Wei Linyu drove his flying sword into the clouds, and he didn't care about other people's grievances, so he responded casually, "Ye Xue paid a terrible price, and the last registered disciple was someone else. If it arrives, it will be destroyed, doesn't she still want to kill Qinzhi?"

Yunli stretched out her index finger and shook it again and again: "No, no, it's not that simple. Back then in the City Lord's Mansion, not only Zhong Xing and the other three searched for her soul, but all the patriarchs of the major families in Nanling City went there.

As for the Xue family, Ye Xue was identified as the spy of the Can Ye Pavilion because she tried to frame Xue Fu; by the way, and you, if you hadn't pointed out that Ye Wen died of poisoning, she would have succeeded in blaming Xue Fu. There is no follow-up.

However, the only ones Ye Xue wanted to kill were Zhong Xing and Ye Shuang.Moreover, she has obtained the mother voodoo for more than 20 years, but she has not done it for a long time, and she has never let the woman voodoo transform anyone, which shows that she has her own persistence, and she does not casually harm the people of the voodoo voodoo.

The Xue family was involved because she wanted to blame Xue Fu, and you are also a passerby who was dragged into it innocently.So even though she was identified because of you, she did not seek revenge from you.

As for other aristocratic families, she probably let it go because she was not sure who was in collusion with the City Lord's Mansion.From this point of view, Ye Shuang must be one of the culprits that caused her tragedy. "

After thinking about it, Yunli's thoughts became more and more smooth, "Her father is dead, mother is just a mortal, her own talent is not outstanding, she is definitely not valued in the Ye family, and her personality is also introverted, so how did she know that Ye Where did the patriarch appoint Ye Wen?"

She blinked her eyes, looking like she was holding the wisdom pearl, "Ye Shuang can finally become the registered disciple of Zhenren Qinzhi, and she was also one of the candidates.

Then the most reasonable guess would be that Ye Shuang was dissatisfied when she learned that the patriarch Ye had decided on Ye Wen, and intentionally disclosed the news to Ye Xue, who was sure to win!
Hey, wait, Master Qinzhi went to Fenshui City to make alchemy, did he bring Ye Shuang from Zhaoying Lingzhi?It's rare for Ye Xue to sneak into Xie Fangyuan, and the target is Ye Shuang? "

Yunli was shocked, and hurriedly pulled Wei Lin to beg for approval, "I think I've got the truth!"

Wei Lin didn't turn his head back, and focused on Yu Jian: "Is their matter related to us? How important is the truth?"

Yunli was stunned, and then she let go, "That's true."

She took out a spiritual fruit and took a big bite, still couldn't help sighing, "Tsk tsk, this Ye Shuang is not easy!"

Wei Lin rolled his eyes, no matter how scheming he is, all plots are useless in the face of absolute strength, "You have that idle mind, why don't you think about where we are going next."

"Well, let's find Ye Chuchen. I have to cancel the contract, and then retreat to the eighth level. After that, we will help her avenge and end this karma."

She gnawed the spirit fruit in twos and twos, and after a simple cleaning, her little finger picked up the Huanshi Ling on her wrist to play with, but she didn't want to, but the veil slipped from her fingertips.

She froze for a moment, looked down at the light orange silk on her wrist, and murmured: "It's strange, why do I feel that it has changed, it's a bit ignorant of me."

 Thank you, Da Luo Jinxian, for your monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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