all the way to fairy

Chapter 551 What a Profound Opportunity

Chapter 551 What a Profound Opportunity

As he said that, remembering that he hadn't tried Huanshiling's power yet, he proposed: "Why don't you take away the flying sword and I'll come to Yuling, and I haven't tried its power yet."

"Can you test the power of flying?" Wei Lin expressed doubts.

Yunli lowered her head and stroked the silk yarn, "Try it, ouch——"

Before she could finish speaking, a length of ribbon suddenly floated up and stabbed her forehead with such force that she fell onto the flying sword.

Hearing the movement, Wei Lin hurriedly looked back, only to see a few faint red marks on her fair forehead.

"Hit me?"

Yunli stared wide-eyed, pointed at Huan Shiling on her wrist, raised her head in disbelief and said to Wei Lin: "My natal magic weapon hit me?"

Damn, can you believe it?

Wei Lin took a closer look, the slender and messy red seal really came out like a gauze, "What did you do just now?"

"I didn't do anything." Yunli spread her hands innocently.

The next moment, her right wrist was pulled outward by a strong force, and she flew out with a whimper, falling straight down.


Wei Lin hurriedly swooped down with his sword, and was about to go down to pick her up, when he saw her flying up from the ground, straight into the sky.

Looking intently, she saw her right hand raised high, as if someone was pulling the Huanshi Ling on her wrist and lifted her up, the speed was so fast that it disappeared from the end of the field of vision in the blink of an eye.

Before he could catch up, she fell headfirst and fell down, also being dragged by Huan Shiling.

Wei Lin's heart tightened suddenly, could it be that the fragments that fell into the void were contaminated with some kind of evil spirit?
When Yunli appeared in his field of vision again, he rushed over, but Huan Shiling's speed was too fast, and he missed.

After many attempts, Huan Shiling failed to stop Huan Shiling, and he didn't see any malice, but it gave people the feeling of a child's prank.

He relaxed and stood on the flying sword leisurely, watching Yunli go up and down, back and forth among the clouds.

Yunli was made dizzy by being led up and down, she tried to control Huan Shiling, but who would have thought that Huan Shiling, who had always been in touch with her, got into a temper and just didn't stop.

After a few rounds, she realized that Huan Shiling did it on purpose!

When she found out that Wei Lin had actually stopped to watch the fun, she couldn't hold back anymore, and said angrily: "If you don't stop, I will throw you into the cesspit."

Huan Shiling stopped suddenly, Yunli propped her head, dizzy.

Wei Lin held back his laughter, Yu Jian came down, and asked knowingly, "Are you all right?"

"There's something wrong!" Yunli glared at him, "It's too much for you to just watch it play tricks on me!"

Looking at her chicken coop head, Wei Lin laughed out loud, she was the first one to be so embarrassed by the magic weapon of natal life.

"stop laughing!"

Wei Lin suppressed his smile, and reached out to help her straighten her hair, "This is a good thing, it shows that Huanshiling's spiritual wisdom is gradually opening up."

Yunli rubbed Huanshiling angrily, "If you have intelligence, you can't come up and just tease the master."

During the rest of the journey, Yunli kept chattering to Huanshiling, vowing to make her return to her obedient and obedient appearance, which made Wei Lin laugh.

Tianyun City, the other courtyard of the Ye family.

The bleak moonlight sprinkled the land, and the luxuriant tree crowns and grass, under the cold moonlight, produced countless mysterious shadows, which looked like ghosts from a distance, baring their teeth and claws.

Ye Chuchen walked back with tired steps. For more than three years, the witch Lan Yi hadn't been seen to make a move. Many people gradually believed what Yunli said, that Lan Yi was dead.

In the past three years, various sects and sects have been negligent for various reasons, and they are no longer united in besieging Canye Pavilion, especially the evil sect headed by Guizong. Immediately, he withdrew from Qinghe Valley on the grounds that he was worried about the safety of the sect.

If things go on like this, it will be a matter of time before all sects and factions withdraw from the battle in Qinghe Valley, but Ye Xiao's family can't withdraw, the Central Continent is plagued by Gu, and the great feud is over. Even if Canye Pavilion doesn't care, the two families can't save face Come.

Once the other sects withdraw, the casualties of the four sects and the two families will increase greatly. The Lingzhi elixir must be prepared early, but the encirclement and suppression for many years has consumed a huge amount of resources of each faction. How can they gather so many in a short period of time?

He frowned and thought hard all the way, went back to the yard, entered the house and closed the door, activated the house restraint, turned around and saw two people sitting on both sides of the table by the window.

Ye Chuchen broke out in a cold sweat, and the long sword appeared in his hand instantly, "Who is here?"

While questioning, he wanted to open the restraint to call someone, but he saw a faint moonlight, and one person turned his head to look at it. Against the background of the moonlight, his light orange pupils reflected a strange brilliance.

"It's you!"

Yunli got up and walked towards him: "I'll fulfill my promise."

Ye Chuchen was startled, until the familiar and mysterious rune appeared in her palm, he realized that she came to terminate the contract.

"Are you really going to lift it?"

He was a little unbelievable, right now the four factions and two are the main force chasing them, and he is in charge of most of the Ye's firm, well-informed, don't they want to learn about the movements of the four factions through him?

"Don't cancel it, keep it for the New Year." Yunli quickly made a tactic, calling out the rune between his eyebrows, and calling out the rune in his own palm, scattered the rune, and returned his heart and blood.

Such an embarrassing matter should naturally be resolved early.

When the rune disappeared in her palm, Ye Chuchen didn't feel relieved as he expected, but felt inexplicably lost.

He looked at the blood in his hand with a complicated expression, and he really solved it!

Looking back on these years, apart from keeping it secret and letting Qian Jiu hang out with the Jinye Pavilion guards before entering Jiuliyuan, she didn't make excessive demands, and most of the time, it was a normal transaction.

After the contract was released, Yunli immediately called Wei Lin to leave, remembering what happened to An Ran, and said: "A piece of advice, don't say what you shouldn't say, the contract has been terminated, we have nothing else to do, if you commit a crime against me , I will not care about the relationship between master and servant in the past."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for his answer, he and Wei Lin jumped out of the window and disappeared into the shadow of the whirling tree
It was only then that Ye Chuchen realized that the two of them had passed through layers of formations in the other courtyard and arrived at his room, as if they had entered a land of no one!
After leaving Ye Family's other courtyard and walking to the forest in front of the other courtyard, Yunli remembered something, "Now all sects and sects are still watching in Qinghe Valley, let me give them a push."

She casually placed a small isolation barrier on her side, took out a picture stone, and said seriously: "We have found the robbed mother Gu and removed it. From now on, there will be no more Gu troubles in Cang Lan." .”

Wei Lin disagreed: "The siege has lasted for more than 20 years, and all sects and factions are already tired. There is news that Lan Yi is dead. After a while, they will find excuses to withdraw. There is no need to make multiple moves. , but leaked our whereabouts."

"How can it be unnecessary? We have worked so hard to find the mother Gu, and we have done something, so people must know. As for leaking the whereabouts,"

She took out three picture stones, "A few more, let Duo Duo help release them in the four major cities of Tianyun, Nanling, Hengyue, and Qingyang at the same time, so that no one can know our whereabouts."

Wei Lin shook his head, how many people would believe that there is no comment or evidence, "Forget it, it's up to you."

Just as he was about to withdraw from the quarantine and leave, someone came from the direction of Ye's other courtyard, Wei Lin's heart trembled slightly, Ye Chuchen was chased by someone?

With a sweep of consciousness, it turned out that it was Xu Linghui and Ji Ruochen who entered the forest one after the other. Coincidentally, they stopped outside their isolation barrier, and then set up a bigger isolation barrier.

Yunli's eyes lit up, this was not what they wanted to eavesdrop on, who made Xu Linghui directly put them under the restriction.

In the secluded forest, the moonlight was cold and lonely, which made Ji Ruochen's brows look even more sad. He pursed his lips tightly and asked in a deep voice: "This is the Taoist couple you are looking for. They are not married yet. In front of the servants He reprimands you and doesn't give you any face, how can he care about you at all."

With a questioning tone, there was an unconcealable distress in his eyes.

Xu Linghui remained expressionless, she turned sideways gently, and pulled a leaf from a branch hanging beside her, her voice was so light that she seemed to be talking about other people's affairs, "I don't care, what I want is the identity of the mistress of the Ye family."

A look of distress flashed in Ji Ruochen's eyes, "If the Ye family really wanted to train him to be the patriarch, they wouldn't let him take over the Ye's firm and distract him from his cultivation."

Besides, Ye Chuning hadn't had an accident before, so he was the Ye family's default choice for the next patriarch.

Xu Linghui pinched the root of the leaf and turned it slowly, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, confidently and calmly: "It's okay, I will make him the head of the Ye family."

Ji Ruochen was helpless and bitter, "Without Ye Chuning, how could you know that the Ye family would not have a younger generation with better talents, and cultivating a successful helm of a business firm would take as much energy and resources as cultivating a patriarch. The Ye family may not necessarily support Ye. Chuchen is in charge."

The Ye family made their fortune through business, and paid special attention to business affairs. For other sects and families, business affairs are mostly handled by children with poor talents.

This is not the case for the Ye family. Half of the clan's children concentrate on cultivation, and the other half are in charge of business affairs. The talent of each generation of candidates for the helm of the firm is second only to that of the patriarch.

"Whoever said that being the helm of a commercial company cannot be the patriarch." Xu Linghui's eyes were shining with brilliance, and the gloom in the forest seemed to be pushed back a little by the brilliance in her eyes.

"I want him to be at the helm of the firm, and he is also the patriarch!"

Yunli, who was eavesdropping, couldn't help but praise her ambition, and had to admit that they underestimated her before, and they didn't pay attention to the disputes between little girls at all.

Facing his ambitious sweetheart, Ji Ruochen was dejected and powerless, and said without confidence: "Even if you have such intentions, what about Ye Chuchen? Will he listen to you? Can he do it?"

Xu Linghui ignored what he said before, and said categorically, "He can!"

Ji Ruochen was stunned, she played with men in the applause since she was a child, and she didn't believe in sweet words, but she would trust him wholeheartedly.

"That's why you trust him?" His heart seemed to have a big hole, painful and empty.

"of course."

Xu Linghui didn't seem to hear the dryness and reluctance in his voice, nor did she see the bitterness on his face. The corners of her eyes and brows were full of confidence and joy.

"Everyone says that talent is important. In my opinion, what matters to us monks is chance and luck. Without chance, even the best talent is useless.

Just like Lin Chen, the talent is good enough, Shan Jinlingen, and a sword cultivator, has been named Canglan since the Qi training period, what about now?Not even a cripple.

He was healed by you, so I don't need to say more about the situation now, the Lin family is ready to give up on him.

There is also Ye Chuning, who was also a famous young man in the mirror back then, but in the end he ended up with no bones left. "

After finishing speaking in one breath, her excited heart calmed down a little. She squinted her eyes slightly and said meaningfully: "Only a genius who has grown up is called a genius."

She changed from her calm and calm excitement in the past, and Ji Ruochen's heart throbbed achingly when she saw it. This appearance is so similar to those women who are deeply in love. Their eyes are full of lovers, and no matter how good others are, they can't get into her eyes at all.

He closed his eyes, not looking at her happy and proud expression for other men, and said bitterly: "How do you know that Ye Chuchen is the one who has the chance."

Xu Linghui smiled slightly, "Before, he was only the number one heir at the helm of the firm, and other people were also in the reference of Patriarch Ye. Do you know why Patriarch Ye made a decision before he had formed alchemy?"

Without waiting for Ji Ruochen to ask, she smiled lightly, with a strange light in her eyes, "About the third year you entered Jiuliyuan, when the four factions were secretly preparing to besiege the Remnant Ye Pavilion.

In the name of Ye's Trading Company, the four factions transported all kinds of resources to the Nanshan system. One time, I went back to Xianyumen from Tianyun and took a spiritual boat. The spirit ship was shattered, and he saved me.

The spirit ship was destroyed, and we were separated from the others. In desperation, we had no choice but to go on our way with the sword. Who would have thought that in the wolf valley, we would meet the wolf king and lead the group to besiege a cargo team.

The wolf king regarded us as accomplices of the cargo team, and the cargo team regarded us as robbers. Both sides attacked us, but neither of us was good at fighting.

At the very moment, I saw a light golden rune appear between his brows. At that moment, I clearly saw that all demon wolves, including the wolf king, froze for a moment.

Afterwards, the demon wolf stopped attacking us, instead stopped the cargo team's attack and let us go.

Is the opportunity deep enough for the rune that can make the eighth-rank wolf king meet Duxianghu? "

The eavesdropping Yunli's mouth twitched, what a great opportunity!

Suddenly feeling eyes on her face, she raised her head, and saw Wei Lin touching his chin, muttering thoughtfully: "There are still benefits, or we can make a contract too."

Yunli: ...

"We're eavesdropping, don't talk." Covering your mouth with the bodyguard contract is enough to embarrass you, and if you turn your future husband into a bodyguard, she won't have any face in the future, it's too stupid.

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, "What are you afraid of, there are restrictions, they can't hear you."

"Listen attentively." Yun Li put on a wooden face.

I saw Xu Linghui exhale lightly, her pink face was slightly red, her eyes were radiant, and her excitement did not decrease but increased: "I suspect that it is not only the eighth level, but also higher level demon cultivators.

Since that time, I have paid attention to the attitude of monsters towards him. Daoist Danyang's spiritual pet, Cang Jie with the blood of Kunpeng, also has a surprisingly good attitude towards him!
And a few days ago, we met Wen Xueluo when we went out. She wanted to kill me, but her spiritual pet, the black flood dragon, was very excited after seeing Ye Chuchen's rune, and kept asking where the rune came from. "

 Thank you Cishu Shengge for your monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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