Chapter 552
Xu Linghui's eyes were shining brightly: "Even though Ye Chuchen was determined not to say anything, he was not annoyed, and instead tried his best to persuade Wen Xueluo to let us go."

Yunli was surprised, "Wen Xueluo actually came to Tianyun City?"

"Is your focus wrong?" Wei Lin was speechless, and Xuan Er murmured worriedly, "What does Hei Hua want you for?"

Yunli curled her lips: "What else can I do, I don't want to be Wen Xueluo's pet, oh, let's forget about that ugly snake."

Seeing her in a sudden mood change, Wei Lin was a little taken aback, and had never seen such a big reaction from her when mentioning Xingye Fuyue.

Besides, it is Dodo who has a grudge against Heihua.

Outside, Ji Ruochen had already been beaten to the point of despair. He knew very well the origin of the black flood dragon, and the rune that could make the black flood dragon bow down was indeed worthy of a deep opportunity.

He drooped his head, with a few strands of hair hanging down from his temples, covering his expression, and only heard a very soft murmur, "I am the first spiritual doctor who came out of Jiuliyuan in history, how do you know me?" There will be no luck."

His voice was extremely soft, and it disappeared in the night wind as soon as it overflowed his lips and teeth, but the fragility and unwilling trembling in it made people feel sad.

A dimness flashed across Xu Linghui's eyes, Xuan'er raised his eyes to look at the night sky, and said slightly bitterly: "Lin Xi, as the most beloved granddaughter of the leader of the righteous way, Zhenjun Fuyue, can't escape the fate of a family tool, let alone me."

Ji Ruochen obviously didn't expect that she would mention Lin Xi at this time, and he was stunned for a moment, then he frowned and said in puzzlement, "Everyone knows Lin Xi's thoughts on Mo Huai, Zhenjun Fuyue made the decision to marry the two, it's not for fulfillment What's on her mind, besides, Mo Huai is not bad in anything."

Xu Linghui sneered: "The person who can be regarded as a wooing target is not talented. Mo Huai is good, and Lin Xi is really happy with him, but this cannot change the original intention of the Lin family. The fact is that the Lin family regards Lin Xi's marriage as a A tool to bind Mo Huai to the Lin family."

Not knowing if he was thinking of himself, Ji Ruochen muttered, "Isn't this the best of both worlds? It not only fulfills Lin Xi's wishes, but also achieves the Lin family's goals."

"The best of both worlds?" Xu Linghui sneered, "Mo Huai doesn't have any affection for Lin Xi, and now he is secretly forcing him to marry Lin Xi as a Taoist couple with the friendship of master and apprentice. What will Xi's life be like?"

Yunli was surprised, the war between the Four Great Factions and Canye Pavilion is over, so it's not appropriate to pay attention to the marriages of the juniors at this time, isn't it?

Moreover, it is still a secret force!
Lin Xi is not in such a hurry, is she?

Wei Lin next to him frowned slightly, raised his hand and lightly touched her who was in deep thought, and said inexplicably, "Based on your years of experience in reading picture books, what do you think of Mo Huai and Lin Xi?"

"The experience of the painting book," Yunli repeated, her eyes lit up, she slapped her thigh, and said loudly, "It's worthy! The gloomy male protagonist who has a blood feud needs to be healed by the sunny silly white sweet , Proper little sweet text."

As soon as she finished speaking, she only heard Xu Linghui from outside saying: "Lin Xi is blinded by love, and can't see what kind of person Mo Huai is. Can't Fu Yue see it? With his temperament, he will always tolerate Lin Xi." pity?

Besides, I have inquired about it, Mo You was like Lin Xi when she was young, she was as proud as a little rooster in front of others, but she was obedient and obedient to Mo Huai, Chang Ai followed behind him, Brother Fang Mo, Brother Fang Mo called .

Tell me, when Mo Huai hears Brother Huai, who has almost the same tone of voice, will he think of Mo You and the Fang family's blood flowing like rivers. "

Yunli stroked her chin: "With the psychological shadow of Mo You, it seems that it can only be an abuse article about chasing his wife in the crematorium.

Mo Huai had a psychological shadow because of Mo You, the poisonous green plum. After being rescued by Tai Yizong, when he met Lin Xi, a girl of the same style, he was naturally afraid of avoiding it.

But, Lin Xi is his master's favorite granddaughter, he can't do too much, so he can only treat each other coldly, hoping that Lin Xi can get out of trouble.

However, our heroine Lin Xi, a little sun who grew up in love, insists on using enthusiasm and kindness to warm and heal the gloomy teenager.

The two have been in love for a long time, but Mo Huai has a shadow, refuses to admit that he is attracted to Lin Xi, and does a series of things that hurt our heroine several times.

It would be best for Lin Xi to be disheartened and leave sadly; only then did Mo Huai realize that he had already been moved by Lin Xi, broke through his psychological shadow, and fell in love with her. "

Yunli rubbed her hands excitedly, "Tsk tsk tsk, we have to have another male lead, when the male lead hurts the female lead, save her, protect her and comfort her!"

Wei Lin's head was full of black lines when he heard it, and he only felt that his brain was pumped, so he was worried that she would treat Mo Huai differently.

Looking at the excited expression on his face, he couldn't help but feel sorry for Mo Huai, who is wrong to fall in love with such a heartless person like her.

Outside, Xu Linghui and Ji Ruochen were still going on, although he didn't care about other people's affairs, but in the current situation, he could only be forced to listen.

Only Xu Linghui said softly: "Since I am destined to sacrifice for the family, why don't I choose the best one. Besides, the Ye family is different from other families. In addition to cultivation talents, they also value business affairs. As long as I can manage the business well, I will I can climb up!
She took a deep breath and said word by word: "I will not always be a tool of the family, and I will not let myself be reduced to the same fate as my aunt."

Ji Ruochen lowered his eyes and looked at a certain ground not far away, with a deep bitterness in his heart. If she was looking for Ye Chuchen, he thought he could still compete.

But what she likes is Ye Chuchen's birth status, Ye Chuchen's status as a Taoist couple, how he, a monk from the common world, can compete with a family that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years.

It's just that he is not reconciled, the girl who rescued him from the mud, the girl he has been looking up to and pursuing, will eventually become someone else's Taoist companion.

He defended in a low voice, his voice extremely bitter: "I am not City Lord Wen, I have no relationship with him..."

"I know." Xu Linghui interrupted him, "Junior brother, you should be mature too, we are monks, and cultivation is the most important thing, these love affairs will only delay the path.

You can come out of Jiuliyuan, the road is broad, you should put your mind on cultivation, don't be obsessed with petty love. "

After saying that, she put away the restraint, turned around and walked towards Ye's other courtyard, "Your world is very vast, don't trap yourself."

Ji Ruochen stood there with his head down, like a puppy abandoned by his master, pitiful and helpless.

"Hey." After a long time, a low bitter sigh escaped from his mouth, he moved his stiff limbs, Yu Jian left.

"Finally gone!" Yunli put away her little restraint, "What does it mean that the Lin family gave up on Lin Chen? Can it be saved?"

Wei Lin shrugged, "That's just right, Mu Yan and Dodo will be safe."

The next day, they came outside the Taiyi Sect Huzong Mountain, Yunli tried to contact Duo Duo, and at close range, they quickly made contact.

After waiting for a while, she saw Duo Duo come out from the void, she hurriedly took out the picture stones, and explained: "In a few days, you will play the four picture stones in Tianyun, Nanling, Qingyang, and Hengyue respectively. .”

Dodo took the photo stone, looked at it curiously, put it away, and complained with a pout: "Last time, I left as soon as I said, and I left for three years. When I met, I assigned tasks to others, and didn't ask if they were doing well." .”

Yunli's dark face, what's the matter with this boudoir's resentful woman's tone?

For the past three years, the few of them have been practicing alchemy in the Taiyi Sect. With Ah Yan's doting on her, how can they have a bad life.

Yunli was patient, and asked with a smile, "Then how are you doing?"

Duoduo's eyes lit up, "That's great! I'll take Tianxianglou, Yuelai Restaurant, Haoyurenjia, Zhangji Restaurant..."

She snapped her fingers, but found that ten fingers were not enough, so she gave up, and simply said: "Anyway, even after trying all the spiritual meals in restaurants, the one made by my sister is the best."

Yunli rolled her eyes, and said: "If it's delicious, let your sister make more for you, and we'll leave first. Remember some tasks, and you must play it in the busiest places in the four major cities."

"You can't go!" Dodo grabbed her sleeve, "My sister told you to wait a while, they will come out in a while."

Yunli's body froze, and he hesitated, "Would it be dangerous to meet at this time?"

"It's okay, although the sisters have to make a lot of pills now, we often go to Tianyun."

"Uh..." Yunli was puzzled.

Wei Lin glanced at her, "It's useless to escape, you have to face it sooner or later."

After finishing speaking, he said to Dodo: "We'll wait here, you go and bring them over."

Duoduo agreed, and fled back into the void.

Watching Duoduo leave, Yunli's face was full of confusion, and she asked, "I saw my cousin, what should I say?"

When talking face to face, my cousin will definitely ask, she can't lie.

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows: "Are you only worried about An Ran? What about Mu Yan? Are you not worried that she won't accept you as a demon cultivator?"

Yunli shook her head, and blurted out: "She won't. The reason why I am friendly with Ayan is because we are speculative and friends. Even if I am a demon cultivator, I am still her friend.

But my cousin is different. The trust between us is based on blood relationship. Now this blood relationship is inexplicably gone. What should I say?

If I was originally a demon, and I borrowed her cousin's body to nourish my soul, then she would definitely break with me. This is stealing in disguise. "

In Wei Lin's view, these are not problems at all, "You are still you, the one who got along with her since childhood, has always been you, what is unacceptable."

"Cousin, she values ​​blood relationship very much." Yunli let out a heavy heart, "Do you remember Zhao Wanying?"

This name is a little strange, Wei Lin thought for a while before he remembered, "Concubine Zhao's niece lives in the palace all the year round, she has been at odds with you two since she was a child, and she pinches her when she meets her."

Yunli nodded, "Uncle granted her permission to live in the palace permanently, in order to find a companion for my cousin."

The royal family of the Liang Kingdom has always been prosperous, and there are very few princesses in the past. Her uncle is only a cousin and the only princess, so she is naturally loved and cherished in every possible way.

Fearing that she would be too lonely as a little girl, Concubine Zhao specially asked Concubine Zhao to take Zhao Wanying, whose parents were one year old, to live in the palace for a long time.

Zhao Wanying is smart and well-behaved, with good manners and good manners. Everyone in the palace is full of praise for her, but the cousin especially doesn't like Zhao Wanying, and feels that she has taken away the love of the elders.

As a rare girl in the royal family, after she was born, she was favored by her uncle, grandmother and others, but her cousin never had any dissatisfaction, because she was her cousin and the princess of the royal family.

After thinking about it, Wei Lin suggested through sound transmission: "Then you have absorbed the blood of a monster by chance and become half human and half demon."

Yunli categorically vetoed it: "No, paper can't hold fire, one day she will know the truth, and by then, the two of us will become enemies."

"You want to tell her the truth?" Wei Lin narrowed his eyes and raised his voice unconsciously.

"How about that!"

As a phoenix, she is indeed far superior to other demon cultivators and human cultivators in terms of strength and physical strength. Even Fu Yue and other empress monks cannot kill her easily.

For demon cultivators, she can still suppress them with blood, but humans are very special.

Inherited for hundreds of millions of years, talented people have emerged in large numbers, and various secret techniques have emerged one after another, so no one knows that there is no one who can deal with her.

People are unpredictable, and she will not risk her own safety.

Wei Lin breathed a sigh of relief, the divine beast Phoenix was too attractive, in Jiuliyuan, Shaohao Luo crushed everyone to death, but he couldn't stop their coveting hearts, let alone her now.

Yunli walked back and forth nervously in the restricted area, feeling overwhelmed, raising her eyes to look in the direction of Tai Yizong from time to time.

During her torment, a flying sword broke through the clouds and flew straight towards them. On it was a woman in a green shirt fluttering, it was Mu Yan.

Yunli's heart rose, and she looked behind her subconsciously, but she didn't see An Ran's figure for a long time. It was not until Mu Yan fell outside their restraint that she was finally sure that only Mu Yan came.

She was relieved at first, and then lost. Cousin, don't you want to see her again?
Mu Yan entered the restricted area, looked around the two of them, and breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine."

Yunli pursed her lips, and asked hesitantly, "Cousin, she..."

"Recently, a batch of elixir is going to be sent to Fenshui City. She has to look at it herself, so it's hard to go away."

"That's it." Yunli responded softly. With her current status, she doesn't need to do everything by herself. It's actually very easy to figure it out.

Mu Yan took two steps forward, took her hand, and comforted her softly: "You know her temper, give her some time, she can figure it out."

Yunli nodded slightly, and asked again: "By the way, what's the situation with Lin Chen? Why did the Lin family give up on him?"

Previously, when the battle situation was so tense, Ling Su Zhenjun, who was the most powerful of the four factions, resolutely abandoned the battle and took him around with ordinary rescue methods. It can be seen that he was valued by him, why did he have to give up?
Mu Yanchao Wei Linnu pouted, "It's not that your senior brother is too powerful, the power of the law has not been solved, these years, it is all up to Zhenjun Ling Su to help him offset the erosion of the power of law with his own cultivation and school resources.

Now, all sects and factions are ready to move, wanting to withdraw from Qinghe Valley, only relying on the head teacher and others, who is the opponent of Xing Ye Jing Zhe.

Zhenjun Ling Su had to go to Qinghe Valley, so Lin Chen couldn't take care of it.Moreover, if there is no solution, he is a bottomless pit, and there are so many resources to fill it. "

 Thank you Yushan Baby for the monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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