all the way to fairy

Chapter 553 Strengthening

Chapter 553 Strengthening
"That's good. Pay attention. Once he shows signs of waking up, leave the Taiyi School immediately and let Duo Duo come to me. We will probably go to the Nanshan Department later."

As she said, Yunli frowned. The far water cannot save the near fire. If the Taiyi sect suddenly launched an attack, the two alchemists were almost powerless to resist. When Duo Duo found her and rushed over, the daylily might be scared. It's cold.

"In this way, after we avenge Ye Xue, we will find a place to practice near the Taiyi Sect, and it will be convenient to contact us if we need anything."

Mu Yan:! ! !
Is this too bold?

Yunli felt that it was still not safe, and this move was only a temporary solution, not the root cause. She turned her eyes, glanced at Duo Duo who was playing with her fingers, and said, "Ayan, you are spoiled, and you are also staring at Duo Duo. I don’t want her to lead people across the void, as long as she can lead you to hide in the void.”

Hearing that the conversation involved her, Dodo immediately looked over and immediately retorted: "I can lead people into the void, didn't I take you across before that?"

Yunli rolled her eyes: "You can also be called a leader. At most, I will hang on you and enter the void, and I will rely on me to resist the raging of the void throughout the whole process."

Duo Duo's little face was about to wrinkle into a bun, pitifully, "But I don't want to be alone in the dark void."

Yunli is also very helpless, she doesn't want such a small cub to stay alone in the void, but Yingmeng Lingdie cultivates with the power of the void, and the aura has little effect on her.

Thinking of Dodo's childhood experience, Mu Yan couldn't help but feel distressed, she rubbed Dodo's head lovingly, and said: "Don't worry, she is still a kid, the most important thing is to grow up, and there is no rush for cultivation. Don't worry, Senior Sister An and I will protect ourselves."

Yunli disagreed: "What if, if Lin Chen wakes up and you don't know about it immediately, and he tells about Duo Duo and senior brother dealing with him together, the Taiyi sect will definitely attack him.

Yingmeng Lingdie is precious, Duoduo is naturally fine, but what should you do?If they want to get Dodo, they must kill you. "

Mu Yan was silent. She looked down at the ignorant toddler whose nose and eyes were wrinkled and who was saying rejection all over. Something vaguely flashed through her mind. Before she could grasp it, those images disappeared completely, leaving only the eye socket Inexplicably sour.

She said softly: "Let her grow up slowly, the tragedy of growing seedlings cannot happen again."

Yunli blinked her eyes, to encourage the seedlings to grow?

Not so much, right?

It was just asking her to learn a spell, she scratched her head in doubt, "Again? Who was encouraged by the seedling?"

Mu Yan was stunned for a moment, a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes, she pursed her lips and said, "A slip of the tongue."

Wei Lin at the side was thoughtful, he called out gray mist to cover his body, and said, "Duo Duo, take me to the void."

Yunli's eyes lit up, the gray mist can block the space gap, theoretically speaking, it must also be able to block the power of the void.

However, the power of the void flowing from the space crack is different from being directly in the void. She tugged on his sleeve worriedly, "It's too risky, wait for Duo Duo to improve her cultivation and try again."

"It's okay, I only enter for a short time, and I won't walk through the void."

Yunli let go of her hand: "Then be careful, if you can't hold on anymore, let Duoduo take you back immediately."

Duoduo's problem is that due to her low cultivation base, the defensive cover condensed with the power of the void can't last for too long, and the defensive cover is not proficient in driving it.

He also instructed Dodo to bring Wei Lin in, but after a few breaths, the two came out, Wei Lin's left index finger was dripping with blood, but his eyes were frighteningly bright.

Yunli stepped forward to check quickly, and found that it was only a skin trauma, so she was relieved and asked, "How is it?"

"It works!" Wei Lin's brows and eyes were full of joy, "It took a whole breath before it was pierced by the power of the void."

Although the time is short, it is enough to prove that the gray fog can make people stay in the void!

Mu Yan was shocked, "What are these gray fogs? They can resist the void?"

"The origin of space, you can use them to construct a separate space." In her free time, Yunli tried to outline the shape of the gray mist in detail to trigger the inheritance memory. After many attempts, she really found the information about the gray mist.

Although the gray mist is useful, what Wei Lin possesses is still too little to condense a solidified and stable space, and besides, it can't protect An Ran Mu Yan either.

Yunli continued to persuade Duoduo: "How about we only go to the void to practice for two hours a day?"

Duoduo pursed her mouth, haggling reluctantly: "Half an hour."

"Is there anyone who haggles like you? It's more ruthless than half haggling..."

After coaxing and seducing, after much effort, Dodo finally got Dodo to agree to practice in the void for an hour every day.

After convincing her, Yunli exhaled lightly, and asked Mu Yan: "Is there any poison? The kind that can poison the monks of Empress Yuan."

"What are you going to do?"

"To save Ye Xue, I owe her karma, so I have to avenge her by killing Zhongxing and Patriarch Ye."

Mu Yan took a deep breath: "You agree to this kind of busyness! That's a monk after the Yuan Dynasty!"

"Just because you can't beat someone doesn't mean you can't kill him."

Yunli shrugged her shoulders, her face full of indifference, she hugged Mu Yan's shoulder with a smile, raised her eyebrows at her: "Didn't I come to ask you for poison?"

"Let's not talk about Yuanhou monks' five senses, whether they can successfully poison and cultivate to Yuanying, ordinary poisons have little effect on them." Mu Yan disapproved.

"Ordinary ones are useless, but unusual ones are okay, isn't there a poisonous pill that can seal the throat with blood in Ling Chu's pill formula?"

The corner of Mu Yan's mouth twitched: "Poison pill, the premise is that you have to let them take it."

Cultivators like Zhongxing and Patriarch Ye who have lived for thousands of years don't know how to refine and know a lot of spiritual plants. Besides, highly poisonous things are often accompanied by strong smell and color. Can be stuffed.

Yunli said, "We didn't expect to kill them with poison without anyone noticing, the poison is only used to restrain them.

Hey, do you still have the can of venom that came with the Nether Needle?I remember that the poison worked well, Yu Sheng was planted on it last time. "

Mu Yan couldn't persuade her, and the pot of poison hadn't been used much, so she said helplessly to Duo Duo: "Go back and get your sister An."

"Don't, don't." Yunli stopped immediately, the pot of venom was used for her cousin's self-defense, she took it away for a long time, what if there is danger here.

"There's no rush for now, we'll talk about it when we want to act, and we should borrow Duo Duo at that time."

Saying goodbye to Mu Yan, the two found a place with rich spiritual energy to practice in seclusion. With the accumulation of ten years of seclusion in the Weeping Valley of the Immortals, supplemented by the spirit stone of the demon pill, after six months of hard work, the eighth-level realm finally loosened.

Spiritual energy surged around, rushing towards Yunli, Wei Lin was overjoyed, and hurriedly set up barriers around her, while he stood outside, vigilant about the surrounding situation.

The majestic spiritual power pours into the limbs and bones, completes the cycle of the sky under the traction of the red dust kung fu, and finally enters the dantian, and the demon core spins rapidly, forming a huge vortex.

More and more spiritual energy entered the dantian, and the demon pill had no time to absorb it, and the tide in the dantian was gradually rising and surging...

Finally, in the early morning of the next day, when the sun was rising and the sky was filled with rays of light, Yunli suddenly heard a soft sound coming from nothingness, indicating that the advancement was successful.

Yunli exhaled, there shouldn't be any pain of melting muscles and bones this time, after all, Nirvana Heavenly Fire is melting all the time.

Just as this thought flashed through his mind, the next moment, the Yaodan that had calmed down in his dantian was startled and spun again. The difference was that instead of absorbing it, pure spiritual power poured out.

As soon as the spiritual power came out of the dantian, it immediately entered the meridians, flesh and blood, and the little scarlet lights in the blood seemed to be ignited by the spiritual power, and the more intense pain spread like a tide.

"Your uncle's!"

Yunli quickly wrapped the Huanshi Ling around her body, took out a piece of silk and stuffed it into her mouth, no, it still hurt so much, she rolled on the spot, hit the restraint, and the restraint melted immediately.

Wei Lin was concentrating on his vigilance, when suddenly he heard a light pop, and then he saw the restraining light screen flash off suddenly, and an orange thing rolled out, followed by a scream piercing through the forest, straight into the sky .

He was so excited by the sound that he hurriedly condensed his spiritual power shield to defend himself. When he recovered, the orange stuff had already rolled down the mountain, leaving scorched black grooves along the road.

"Ali!" He called out, and hurriedly used his body skills to catch up with her. After chasing for three miles, he found her in a lake in the middle of the forest.

At this time, the lake had dried up, and the bottom of the lake cracked and sank. As she rolled, the bottom of the lake continued to sink.

There were sharp screams one after another, shaking the whole mountain.

Thousands of miles away, a male Xiu was in a fierce fight with a fifth-rank bull demon. Suddenly, a scream came from far away in the mountains, but he didn't care.

This Qingyu Mountain Range is one of the many mountain ranges on the border between the Dongshan System and the Nanshan System. Although it is not comparable to the Tianwu Forest, there are still many big monsters. Demon.

I don't want to, the bull demon who was fighting with him was terrified and wanted to run away, how could Duan Geng let go of such an opportunity, and stabbed the bull demon's vitals with his sword.

He secretly sighed, this unlucky ghost had done a good deed before he died, the bull monster was on par with him in strength, if there was no breath of the big monster, maybe how long would we have to fight.

He happily took out the demon pill, and was about to put away the body of the cow demon, when he suddenly felt the mountain shake. Looking back, a bunch of monster beasts emerged from the depths of the mountain range, including eight-level monsters. An eagle demon with no discernible cultivation level is more powerful than the eighth rank.

Duan Geng was so frightened that he couldn't bear the shit, and he didn't care about the corpse of the bull demon, so he sacrificed his flying sword and flew wildly.

Flying not far from Qingyu Mountain, he met another monk who was flying wildly, and hurriedly inquired: "Fellow Daoist, what's going on, are all the monsters crazy?"

The monk was a bit older, although his level of cultivation was similar, but he had more knowledge than Duan Geng, he heard the words and replied: "It's probably some kind of natural talent and earthly treasure that has matured, and the big monsters are fighting fiercely to snatch it."

Duan Geng also realized that if pure monsters were fighting each other, other monsters would be fine if they didn't step forward, so there was no reason to flee.When Tiancaidibao was born, the big monster would drive out low-level monsters in advance in order to prevent shameless people from taking advantage of them.

His eyes lit up in an instant, the treasures of heaven and earth that could be snatched by the big monsters in such a grand manner must be very precious.

Rolling his eyes, he immediately invited the elder monk: "Fellow Daoist, the monsters are afraid to act presumptuously due to the suppression of their blood, but we are fine, so why don't we go and try our luck?"

The elder monk hesitated for a moment, and readily agreed. The monks' practice is against the sky. They compete with others and the sky. Opportunities come before them. If they are afraid of danger and dare not go, then what is the way to practice.

Wei Lin also noticed the changes of the monsters in the mountains. When Yunli sat up from the pit, he hurriedly performed a dedusting technique, lifted her onto the flying sword, and prepared to flee away.

Such a big movement will definitely attract many people to try their luck.

Just after taking off, before reaching the high altitude, Yunli moved, broke free from his hand, and fell straight from the flying sword. Wei Lin was also caught off guard and fell out of the flying sword with great force.

He was completely dumbfounded, he clearly saw that she just raised her arm slightly and moved it slightly, why is there such a strong force!
Because it was not far from the ground, by the time he realized it, Yunli was about to fall to the ground, so he rushed over to catch it.

Yunli said weakly: "You first, stay away from me."

While talking, her back and spine were sore and itchy, as if there were countless ants crawling inside. She couldn't help but leaned back against the tree and rubbed against the trunk. The tree broke suddenly, and the huge canopy shook and fell.

Wei Lin was stunned, and blurted out: "This is..."

Yunli kept her previous movements and didn't dare to move at all. When she heard this, her face flushed suddenly, and she stammered, "That... seems to have increased my strength again."

She was about to cry, she was already strong enough, why should she increase her image!
Her right leg was also a little uncomfortable. She couldn't help it, and moved. The soil under her feet sank, as if she had stepped into the mud.

Wei Lin supported her who was about to fall, Yunli froze, and hurriedly said: "Let go of me, I can't control my strength now."

Wei Lin let go slowly, watching her, like a toddler, take a few steps crookedly, then fell to the ground with a slap, making a big hole.

But even with her extremely uncoordinated limbs, she gave people a very dangerous feeling, which made one's heart jump.

Yunli raised her head, her face flushed red: "Well, I have to get used to it for a while."

Wei Lin swung his consciousness, and many monsters have carefully returned to their habitats. In addition, there are also a large number of people cultivating towards this side, mainly Foundation Establishment monks, only a few Golden Core monks.

"I'm going to set up the formation."

After speaking, he disappeared among the swaying green shadows.

In this situation, it is obviously impossible to control the sword. The body is undergoing strengthening, and the itching from the bones can't be held back. If they move a little, they will fall from the air.

Passing by the lake that was evaporated by her, white smoke came out from the scorched earth and black stones from time to time. After thinking about it, Wei Lin jumped into the air, and Mo Lijian held it high. Point to the sky.

The cultivators who were rushing to this side hurriedly stopped, looking at the mighty sword intent in the center of Qingyu Mountain in surprise.

Duan Geng beat his chest and stamped his feet: "It seems that someone got there first."

 Thank you Huanxi 202082545 greatly
(End of this chapter)

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