all the way to fairy

Chapter 554 Assassination

Chapter 554 Assassination
The older male cultivator also had a look of regret. They knew very well that the other party made such a big noise, and they were swearing their sovereignty. If they stepped forward at this time, they would be an enemy of the other party.

Duan Geng and other Foundation Establishment cultivators rested their minds, but several Golden Core cultivators were unwilling to give up.

Although the opponent is a sword cultivator at the Jindan stage, and his combat power is far superior to ordinary people, it is precisely because of this that they are not reconciled.

Jianxiu has always been a leader of the same level, and it is obviously extraordinary that he can make the opponent so valued. Who would be willing to give up without a fight.

A middle-aged man with a handsome appearance and wearing a plain cross-breasted robe held the Diaolong Cangxiu knife and took the lead, rushing into Qingyu Mountain like lightning.

Not to be outdone, the other Golden Core cultivators scrambled towards Lantau Mountain, but before they entered the range of Lantau Mountain, they saw a middle-aged man flying upside down from the forest with blood on his mouth.

Then, there was a strong wind in the forest, and the trees were blown upside down, the green leaves separated from the branches, turned into green dragons, and hovered upwards.

The sound of the sword sounded, and the green dragon roared angrily, and rushed straight towards the several people. The terrifying power made the several people suddenly change color, and they retreated quickly while mobilizing their spiritual defenses.

However, the sword intent was sharp, and the speed was as fast as shrinking an inch, and it was in front of them in an instant, breaking through the defense.

Not long after, several people also flew out like middle-aged golden cores, which was the result of mercy.

A cold and indifferent voice came from the depths of Qingyu Mountain, the tone was not high-pitched, but it was clearly heard by every monk, "Whoever enters Qingyu Mountain will die."

Seeing this scene, those Foundation Establishment cultivators who hadn't retreated immediately scattered like birds and beasts.

After the few golden cores landed, they immediately fled away without caring about other things.

After expelling human cultivators and monsters from the Lantau Mountains, Wei Lin selected a Tai Chi Xuanling Formation and included the entire Lantau Mountains into the range of the formation.

After thinking about it, he set up a killing array on the periphery.

After doing all this, he returned to the previous position, only to see that Yunli was practicing boxing clumsily and slowly, and a dozen giant trees around him had fallen down. The bright light drove away the gloom, making people feel brighter.

Wei Lin teased with a smile: "Hey, the sun is coming out from the west, and you actually practice boxing on your own initiative."

She has never been active in practicing kungfu, especially the boxing and hammering techniques that affect the image of a fairy. If he hadn't stopped her, she would have sold them without even looking at them.

Yunli pouted. Unarmed combat techniques such as boxing and palm techniques are the best way to adapt to physical strength. If it weren't for this, she wouldn't want to practice it.

While practicing, she suddenly stopped and murmured: "I remember that I should know Tathagata Palm, how did you practice?"

Wei Lin was puzzled: "What Tathagata palm?"

"It was the slap I gave Yue Yi outside Shanxin Town."

After thinking about it for a while, Wei Lin remembered that Yue uttered obscenities at that time, which annoyed her, and he was so far away that he hit him in the face; also, she also used this palm technique last time when she was hit by a gu to fight back. .

Yunli raised her hand and tried her best to remember the way she performed it twice. This set of palm techniques was accidentally triggered when she was angry. She should have learned it before, but how did she perform it?

First of all, the palm method is performed from a distance, and it should be similar to the method of fetching objects from a distance, but how to do it without spiritual fluctuations when performing it?

Aiming at the tree trunk on the opposite side, she swung it out suddenly, but there was no response except for the wind blowing the leaves next to her.

She didn't believe in evil, and waved her palms several times, but she was too excited to wave her hands, forgetting that she hadn't adapted to the new body strength yet, so she took a big step subconsciously, her foot sank into the ground, her body wobbled, and she fell to the ground. on the ground.

"Pfft!" Wei Lin couldn't help laughing, his clumsy appearance looked like a duckling just learning water.

"Let's practice your boxing." He shook his head. If the principle and effect alone can be used to reverse the way of performing it, can the secret method in the world still be called a secret method?

"But I know it, I've learned it, cheats and cheats, remember quickly!" Yunli patted her head, racking her brains to search for memories, but still found nothing.

In the next three months, while practicing boxing to adapt to her physical strength, she recalled her palm techniques. Her strength was almost adapted, but she still had no clue about her palm techniques.

She also knew that this matter could not be rushed, so she put it aside and began to discuss the assassination of the three Zhongxing, and contacted Dodo.

After all, they are the three empress monks, so they must be treated with caution. Just in case, they decided to organize their belongings in advance and put the valuables into the world of Ling Nei.

"Okay! Put the spirit stones in first." Yunli clapped her hands, looked at the neatly stacked spirit stones on the ground with satisfaction, and with a thought, the spirit stones disappeared from the original place and entered the fantasy world silk.

After placing the spirit stones, they began to arrange the magical artifacts again, packing the various magical artifacts into boxes according to their grades, for later processing.

Opening the world of Ayane, she was about to put the magic weapon in, but found that the spirit stone she put in just now was gone!
"Damn! Where's the spirit stone?" Yunli couldn't believe her eyes, hurriedly entered Ling Nei, and opened up her consciousness. The empty small world, except for the scorched earth, was just a few magic weapon boxes she just put in. Not even half a spirit stone!
Wei Lin's brows were straightened, he couldn't really lose it, right?

That is almost all of their belongings. If those spirit stones are lost, then they will only have about a hundred middle-grade spirit stones left. What about cultivation?
A quarter of an hour later, Yunli came out with her head drooping, and howled with a mournful face: "It's gone!"

Wei Lin only felt his qi and blood surge up, his eyes turned black, and he almost couldn't stand still, he could lose all of this, it was a small world inside the magic weapon of natal life!

He took a deep breath: "From now on, all the valuables will be kept here, and you should stay far away."

Yunli wants to cry but has no tears, why is she such a prodigal.

After a few deep breaths, Wei Lin finally came to his senses, glanced at her who was downcast, and comforted her: "Forget it, it should be absorbed by Huan Shi Ling, so it's not considered lost."

Previously, Huanshiling swept away the entire sky crystal-contained spirit stone mountain. It can be seen that a lot of spiritual energy is needed. There are no living things in the small world. The spirit stone can only be absorbed by Huanshiling. Huanshiling is her natal magic weapon. Not lost.

They have to keep the pills and formations for their own use, but the magical artifacts can be sold. With so many magical artifacts, if they are properly operated, they can sell a lot of spiritual stones.

Yunli was devastated, of course she also knew that Huanshiling had absorbed it, Huanshiling needed spiritual energy, so she naturally had to work hard to feed it, but why did she absorb all the spiritstones at once, they still need to practice!

"Wait, it won't be hungry, it sucked the magic weapon too!" Thinking of this, Yunli checked it quickly, and then she became numb.

Is this Nima a sky-swallowing beast? It swallows everything and is not picky at all!
Wei Lin couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching wildly, did he feel that their life was too easy and forced them to work?

After mourning for a while, Yunli glanced at the forest, bent down to pick a low-level spiritual herb, and said angrily: "I don't believe it anymore, you swallow everything."

She took the spirit grass into the small world, put the spirit grass aside, and stared at it.

In just a few breaths, the spirit grass withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then crumbled into ashes.

Yunli: ...

Next, she tried various things, such as ores, pills, talismans, robes, and even caught a little monster to go in.

Except for monsters, all dead objects disappeared.

She is numb all over, the way to open this small world is wrong!

Don't ask it to be like Wen Xueluo's Yunshu Immortal Mansion, where there are all kinds of rare animals, natural materials and earthly treasures, but give her a chance to decorate it!

Wei Lin silently put all the items into the ring he got from Jing Yan, turned around and walked to the small wooden cabin next to him, "Then perfect the assassination plan."

Yunli's eyes lit up, yes, True Monarch Yuanying must have a solid net worth, after the assassination, it's not too much to return some blood by the way!

She immediately revived with full blood, ran into the house, excitedly said: "A city lord, a patriarch, tsk tsk tsk, you are going to get rich!"

"Don't be too happy, the monks in the prime of the Yuan Dynasty don't know how effective the venom can be."

Wei Lin shook his head, glanced at the sapphire flower vase on the table, which was full of leaves, and couldn't help but be speechless: "Why do you put so many leaves in it?"

He picked up the vase and was about to throw away the leaves, but he accidentally touched the texture of the leaves, "Is it all your illusion?"

"A work of practice." Yunli raised her eyebrows triumphantly, the seniors who were most familiar with her couldn't tell the truth from the fake, so it could be seen that her technique of imagining leaves was well established.

Since she decided that the way to go is to go to the world of illusion, if she has nothing to do, she will transform something casually and practice.

Yunli's eyes froze, and she murmured softly: "Illusionary object, Huanshiling..."

She picked up a handful of transformed leaves, and said loudly: "Let's go and verify it", and the two of them were introduced into Ling Nei's small world in an instant.

Put the leaves on the scorched earth and wait anxiously.

One breath, two breaths, a cup of tea time...

A quarter of an hour passed, and the leaves were still lying quietly on the scorched earth. She was basically sure that the transfigured things could exist in Aya Nei's world!

After being shocked, Wei Lin said complicatedly: "It seems that our guess is correct. The end of the illusion is the illusion world."

Yunli raised her eyes and saw that the gray-black scorched earth was vast and boundless, and she couldn't see the end at a glance. Before her eyes were bursts of blackness, and every plant and tree would have to be transformed by her. How long would it take?

Wei Lin got up and patted her on the shoulder: "There is a long way to go."

After a long time, Yunli had to accept this cruel reality. With a slight movement of her fingertips, a branch appeared, and she was full of pride: "Then start from the branch."

After finishing speaking, he stuck the branch in his hand on the ground, but unexpectedly it didn't go in.

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows: "It seems that you have to start from the sand."

It's all transformed into the world, and it's okay to transform into some sand by the way. Yunli quickly accepted it, and made a pile of sand, and then inserted the branches into the transformed sand. This time it went smoothly, and no more moths emerged.

Thousands of miles of scorched earth, a handful of yellow sand, and a branch fluttering in the wind.

The time is long, and the new wind blows up unknowingly, and the snowflakes are falling on the world one after another.

The severe cold and bitter weather failed to stop the enthusiasm of the residents of Nanling City. The Gu and witch curses were lifted one after another, people no longer panic, and members of the major families came back one after another.

A few days ago, the head of the Ye family returned to Nanling City on the grounds that the Ye family's sword casting furnace produced a high-grade treasure. He planned to personally host the opening ceremony of the magic weapon.

This made the residents of Nanling more at ease. Although the top-grade treasures of the heaven rank are rare, it is not that the Ye family has not refined them before. It is just an excuse for the patriarch to come back in person.

The Ye family has withdrawn from the battle in Qinghe Valley, will the other families be far behind?

In the bitterly cold weather, there was an endless stream of pedestrians on the street, and all kinds of hawkers came and went one after another.

"Wang Hongyi! Who is she!"

A high-pitched high-pitched sound was inserted into the middle-of-the-road hawking, piercing the eardrums of passers-by.

Looking for the sound, I saw a woman in a pink dress standing on the street with an unbelievable expression on her face. She raised her finger to the tea stand in front of her, her body trembling uncontrollably, like a butterfly with a dead leaf in the wind, crumbling. .

In front of the tea stand, a look of panic flashed across the face of the fair-faced middle-aged man, and he pretended to be calm and yelled back: "Why are you yelling!"

Next to the man, the little girl carved in pink and jade trembled in fright, and the crystal hibiscus cake in her hand fell to the ground. She timidly leaned against the man, and said softly, "Daddy, I'm scared."

The man's expression immediately calmed down, he held her in his arms, and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, Daddy is here."

"Father?" The woman swayed, the blood on her face faded in an instant, but her eyes turned red in an instant, "Wang Hongyi, you murderer, you actually have such a big child behind your mother's back!"

As she spoke, the woman took out a huge axe and slashed at the man.

The passers-by couldn't help shaking their heads, feeling sympathetic, the woman is only at the early stage of Golden Core, how can she be an opponent of a man at the middle stage of Golden Core, this ax looks menacing, but in fact it may not even be able to touch the hem of the man's clothes.

Sure enough, the middle-aged Bai Jing picked up the girl and turned sideways slightly, easily passed the murderous axe, raised his hand and stretched out two thin fingers, pinched the blade of the axe, frowned and shouted: "What are you doing, you scared my daughter."

After finishing speaking, he softly coaxed the little girl. The little girl was already so frightened that she burst into tears. She couldn't be coaxed well, and the white man's complexion became even more ugly.

Seeing that a domestic violence was about to unfold, the passers-by silently stepped aside, fearing that they would be affected.

The woman tried her best to feed her baby, but she didn't take the ax back from the middle-aged man's hand, and she couldn't help crying: "Wang Hongyi, you are not human! You came to Qingyu School when you were seven years old, and I will do everything to you. Daddy privately I gave you the magic weapon of the elixir, and I gave it to you, and this is how you repay me..."

The woman's cry made the onlookers suddenly feel sympathetic, especially the female cultivators, who spoke out to help.

"Shameless little boy, relying on others to form alchemy, just mess around outside!"

"I'm afraid I didn't get this kind of cultivation by relying on women to eat soft food..."

There are also those who advise women, "I said, sister, you are the only one who can be relied on in the world, and it is not good to give the resources for good cultivation to some heartless man, and keep them for yourself."

"That is, you are able to form alchemy, and you are very talented. If you hadn't given the resources to the heartless man, with your cultivation base, how could he be so arrogant..."

More to watch the excitement, "Tsk tsk, the little girl is carved with jade, and her mother's appearance is not bad, this real person is very lucky."

"Qingyu school? Which mountain system? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Small sect, Cang Lan is so big..."

 Thanks to the busy leftovers for the monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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