all the way to fairy

Chapter 555 Assassination

Chapter 555 Assassination (2)

A few streets away, the head of the Ye family stepped out of the gate of the Ye family, and found that the people gathered here were noisy, his brows were knotted, and he asked in a deep voice: "What's going on over there?"

The guard at the door hurriedly stepped forward and reported: "A woman found out that the Taoist couple has someone outside, and the child is four or five years old, and they are making trouble."

At this moment, Patriarch Ye also heard a lot from the crying of the girl, the crying of the woman, and the words of the onlookers. The fighting in the city is a matter of the city lord's mansion. He doesn't care, and said softly : "Let's go."

As he said that, he flew up with the servants on his left and right, and flew out of the city. Due to the protection of the sky above the city, they flew not very high, and soon arrived near the place of quarrel.

After such a short time, the little girl was crying out of breath, Jindan Nanxiu couldn't bear it anymore, he shook the hand holding the axe blade forcefully, and the woman who was crying sadly was taken away by the strength.

When she was stunned and unable to recover, she heard the male cultivator scold angrily: "Slut, I have tolerated you for a long time! I have to take care of everything. I am your Taoist companion, not your son. I will tell you when I go out to eat... "

The woman on the ground finally came back to her senses, and she looked crazy: "Wang Hongyi, I will fight you!"

The woman held a huge ax as fast as a wisp of smoke, and she came to the man's body in an instant. The huge ax body shone with brilliance, and the ax blade was as silvery as snow, as if lightning pierced the sky.

The male cultivator was shocked, and hastily summoned his magic sword to block.

The knives and swords collided heavily, and the air around the two of them surged, stirring up whirlwinds.

The woman whose cultivation level was lower by one realm was in a state of madness, her explosive power was astonishing, and she was evenly matched with the male cultivator for a while.

The spirit of Ling Lie's sword surged and collided, and the male cultivator could only tightly protect the girl in his arms. This action made the woman's eyes even scarlet. She swung her wrist, and the ax handle hit the male cultivator's elbow holding the child hard. superior.

The man's entire arm was numb, and he could no longer use his strength. The girl was immediately thrown upside down by the turbulent air.

Seeing this situation, the onlookers who dispersed at the beginning of the fight between the two couldn't help mourning for the girl. The aftermath of the Golden Core cultivator's battle, these foundation-building cultivators couldn't bear it, let alone a four or five-year-old mortal girl, I hope the protective measures given by his father can protect her.

Their gazes followed the girl across the teahouse to the mid-air, and only then did they realize that the head of the Ye family was passing by with his personal servants, and it seemed that he was going out of the city.

And with the girl flying upside down, the next moment, she will hit the patriarch Ye and the other two, and the crowd will pay her respects again. This is bad luck.

The head of the Ye family is not a person who pity the weak and cherish the young. If a girl bumps into her, he will only be regarded as an offense and will be swat to death like a fly.

I still remember that many years ago, a baby who was ignorant of the world cried and cried when he was upset, and was struck by his divine sense and died on the spot.

Seeing that the girl was about to bump into him, the male cultivator who was fighting fiercely with the woman turned his head and saw this scene, he was frightened out of his wits, his whole body was shaken with spiritual power, shaking the woman away, and yelling, he rushed towards the girl: "Ninny!"

Everyone's hearts were tightly clenched, the girl cried for her father, and frantically drew her hands, trying to grab something, but in the air, she could only grab the air.

In a panic, she tore off the dark green wreath necklace from her neck, and threw it on the right shoulder of the head of the Ye family in a panic. Everyone thought: It's over, there is no chance to survive this time.

Patriarch Ye didn't even give one out of the corner of his eyes. With a flick of his fingers, a burst of spiritual power smashed the collar to pieces just as it was about to touch his shoulder, and the dark green liquid splashed on his shoulder.

Not only the onlookers were stunned, but even Patriarch Ye's personal attendant was stunned for a moment. How could a mortal girl carry, um, poison?

Patriarch Ye's muffled snort woke him up, and he focused his gaze, only to see the patriarch Ye's figure shaking twice before falling straight down.

What is so poisonous?

The personal attendant reacted, with a sharp sword in his hand, he quickly stabbed at the girl. At the same time, his mind was always paying attention to the situation of Patriarch Ye, "Patriarch! How are you?"

When his sword was about to stab the girl, he was picked away by the male cultivator who came in time. The sleeve of the male cultivator raised his robe, and a crystal red light appeared. Surrounded by the red light, the girl disappeared in an instant.

On the other side, Patriarch Ye hadn't landed yet, a smear of orange tangled towards him, as if the murderous intent had substance.

He quickly sealed the meridians on his right shoulder, and the domain suddenly appeared. He didn't think about it, but he couldn't restrain the orange yarn. distance.

The sluggish onlookers below finally came to their senses. At this moment, everyone's psychology was surprisingly consistent.

Hold the grass!Someone dared to assassinate Patriarch Ye!
Damn, it's still an assassination in the street, and it's still two Golden Core monks!
The crowd of onlookers immediately dispersed and fled. As soon as they reached the end of the street, they heard Patriarch Ye's frightened and angry voice.


Cloud pear?

The name sounded familiar. After thinking about it for a while, everyone was both scared and curious. It turned out to be Yunli, a spy from the Canye Pavilion who escaped from a group of Nascent Soul cultivators a few years ago!
Think about that man again, Jindan mid-stage, my god, he couldn't be the famous Qianjiu!

How dare these two people come to Nanling City?Could it be for revenge?
What they wanted to say was exactly what Patriarch Ye wanted to say at this time, he sternly shouted: "You dare to come to Nanling City, how dare you!"

Patriarch Ye was both happy and angry. Fuyue was very concerned about Qianjiu. Everyone knew that Qianjiu must have a shocking secret. Fushu Buyuan still did not find the two of them.

Now that a person appeared in front of his eyes, if he could grasp it, then this secret would be...

However, these two men had the audacity to assassinate him in the street, obviously they didn't take him seriously, he was furious, and in the eyes of a human and a monster, he was a soft persimmon, he didn't dare to seek revenge from Fuyue and others, but he dared to come assassinate him.

As soon as the words fell, he felt the wind in the back of his head, Xiaoxiao's sword intent pierced through the air, and his complexion changed suddenly. The power of this sword intent was already able to break through his defense.

At that moment, without thinking about it, he turned around and called out his natal sword, and waved it airtightly in front of him, blocking all the monstrous sword intent.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced down, his personal attendant got up on the ground, jumped and found that the spiritual vein was sealed, turned his head and hurriedly said to the scattered onlookers: "Friends, help stop the devil."

Patriarch Ye swung his sword to block the intent of the sword, while cursing the idiot secretly, the monks are indifferent, and he actually put his hopes on a bunch of qi training and foundation building to get involved in the battle for the Nascent Soul Golden Elixir.

The attendant yelled twice, and realized that he was being stupid, so he hurriedly sent out a warning signal.

Patriarch Ye was almost pissed off by him. The guards at the door of Ye's house had already discovered the situation here, and immediately entered Ye's house to call for someone. Why should he be used as a warning.

The most important thing now is to close the city gate and activate the protective array to prevent the two from escaping.

Just as he was about to shout, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a flash of bright orange behind him, his heart froze, his figure flashed, and he moved quickly in a small area.

Judging from the past achievements of the two, whether it is Qianjiu's sword or Yunli's silk, they are both rare magical weapons and should not be underestimated.

The gorgeous veil is like a living dancer, dancing gracefully, and can accurately block the direction of his breakout every time.

At this moment, Qian Jiu suddenly stopped.

Without the sword intent to force people, Patriarch Ye immediately calmed down a lot, and the domain reappeared. Although it couldn't restrain Lingsha, it could protect him.

His gestures are constantly changing, the speed is too fast for people to see clearly, it seems that countless hands have been transformed, and a bright red fireball is slowly formed from his hands, like a small sun.

Yunli was happy, she controlled Huanshiling to slow down the destruction of the domain, and instead flew up and down around Patriarch Ye, trapping him all around.

The members of the Ye family have already rushed out, including the Nascent Soul cultivator. This assassination must be done quickly.

The members of the Ye clan who rushed out of Ye Mansion were stunned.

In the sky above Nanling City, half of the sky was full of red light, and the fire was fierce; half of it was covered with green leaves, and the sword intent was overwhelming.

"Quick! Close the city gate and activate the city defense array!" shouted a Nascent Soul cultivator from the Ye family, while dodging towards the air battle situation.

The cultivators of the Ye family divided into several teams and shot in all directions. Some went to close the four city gates, some went to call for help from other families, and most of them rushed to the battle.

Before the Ye family's Nascent Soul reached the stage of the battle, he saw green leaves gather to form a green dragon, roaring and rushing towards him, and he hurriedly raised his sword to deal with it.

Just at this moment, there was a loud noise, and the blood-red sun exploded.

"It's Ye Family's Flaming Meteor Shower!"

The crowd was horrified. The flame meteor shower is a secret skill of the Ye family. It is said that it evolved from the perception of casting.

These small sparks also contain huge energy, and when they touch the target, they will explode again.

The founding family Ye family can continue to this day, this secret skill is indispensable. With this ultimate move, the disciples of the Ye family dare not easily provoke even monks whose cultivation base is a bit higher than theirs.

The flaming meteor shower personally launched by the head of the Ye family is so powerful that half of Nanling City may be destroyed.

The onlookers who were eating melons no longer cared about looking strange, and fled desperately, with a red light above their heads, as if the whole sky was burning, and there was a faint hope of escape.

Everyone was desperate, angry and sad. In the eyes of high-ranking monks, these low-ranking monks were worthless. Other families have family protection circles, which can keep them safe.

For the Ye family, it was nothing more than compensation for property losses in the city afterwards, and their deaths would only serve as bargaining chips for other aristocratic families to beat the Ye family hard.

Unexpectedly, the flame meteor shower did not fall for a long time. Looking up, I saw the dark red mushroom cloud spread to several feet and then stopped abruptly. A layer of light orange gauze surrounded the surrounding area, covering all the sparks.

Yunli's arm went numb, she was not afraid of flames, but the energy of the explosion at that moment was almost the same as that of a Nascent Soul cultivator's self-explosion. I could barely hold Aya.

They would take the risk and choose to attack in Nanling City, not far from Ye's family, just to make Patriarch Ye have some scruples and not to use this famous move easily.

Who would have thought that before this forced people into a desperate situation, the head of the Ye family would brazenly display the flaming meteor shower, without any regard for the people of Nanling City, or for the fact that there were many other members of the Ye family below.

Fortunately, Huan Shiling stopped her, otherwise these people below would all be dead.

However, this is considered self-inflicted, can not live.

The gap in cultivation lies here. With her strength, it is not easy to kill the monk after Yuan.

However, the head of the Ye family overestimated the power of the flaming meteor shower and underestimated Huanshiling. The flames that exploded did not break Huanshiling's siege as he expected, and the desperate person became himself.

Patriarch Ye was still calm when he saw the sparks that were supposed to scatter in all directions. He had expected this situation long ago.

The orange silk is an extraordinary product, and it is normal that the flame meteor shower cannot be damaged in a short time.

Bursts of brilliance glowed all over his body, the domain circulated, and the spirit gang added to his body. As long as he waited for a while, Cheng Ling couldn't withstand the power of the flaming meteor shower, and his crisis would naturally be resolved.

I don't want to, after a few breaths, the orange silk showed no signs of damage, but his domain spirit gang, under the intensive bombardment of Mars, was almost unable to hold on.

He finally panicked, and to make matters worse, his right shoulder was stiff and painful, and the flow of spiritual power was blocked.

Yunli slightly hooked her lips, spiritual power poured into the fantasy silk like a tide, and there was a little crimson light that entered the silk along with the spiritual power!
Huanshi Ling is full of brilliance, with the addition of Nirvana Skyfire, Patriarch Ye’s flaming meteor shower has increased in temperature, and the spirit of the domain has melted like morning dew. In addition, the toxin has taken effect, and the spiritual power in the body is blocked. He is powerless to stop it. In a moment, it was swallowed by the bright red flames.

"The patriarch—"

The members of the Ye family who were paying close attention called urgently, and the Ye family's Yuanying didn't even care, and the domain companion wanted to forcibly pass through the offensive range of Qingye Jianyi.


After receiving Yunli's sound transmission, Wei Lin flicked his wrist, and swung out another move, Wanshiqingliu, with one blow, he rushed towards the city gate.

At the same time, Yunli quickly absorbed the Nirvana Heavenly Fire, and then used the Huanshi Ling to absorb most of the heat from the Flaming Meteor Shower, and then flew towards the city gate, leaving the city at the last moment when the city gate was closed.

After leaving the city, the speed of the two did not slow down, and they came to the isolation formation that had been set up in advance, where Duo Duo was waiting.

Yunli took Wei Lin into the world of Ling Nei, while Duo Duo took the fantasy world silk and fled into the void, Tao Zhiyaoyao.

When Yunli came out again, she was already outside the Valley of Four Seasons, and she quickly set up an isolation formation, while Wei Lin quickly removed Duo Duo's disguise, and hurriedly said: "Hurry back to Tai Yizong for a walk, and come back in an hour."

With sparkling eyes, Duoduo nodded heavily and returned to Taiyi School.Watching her leave, Yunli sat slumped on the ground, panting heavily.

A strong smell of blood wafted from the tip of her nose, she turned her head and saw Wei Lin lying on the ground, half of his light blue clothes turned black and red, even the ground on his body was soaked in blood.

"Why is it so serious? Wasn't it fine just now?" Yunli was shocked, and hurriedly checked the injury.

Wei Lin was lying on his back, like a fish out of water, gasping for air, his lungs were like fire, every time he exhaled and inhaled, the wound was affected, it was a burning pain.

It is not easy to compete with the Nascent Soul cultivator. In the previous battle, it seemed that he completely suppressed the Nascent Soul cultivator who came to support from the Ye family, and then ran away calmly. Such a violent attack stopped the opponent's pace.

 Thanks to Carrot Rabbit and Die Bian for their monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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