Chapter 556
At this moment, the danger was relieved, his heart relaxed, the previously suppressed injuries broke out completely, his eyes were blurred, his consciousness seemed to be separated from his body, and he couldn't feel the existence of his limbs.

The cool thing melted in his mouth and slid down his dry throat, only then did his eyes become clear again.

Raising his eyes to meet a pair of anxious eyes, Wei Lin gently shook his head, "It's okay, just take care of it."

Yunli panicked: "This can be called nothing!"

There is almost no spiritual power in his body, the whole body has become a sieve, blood spurts, and internal organs and meridians are also damaged in many places. If he is not treated in time, he will report to Yan Luodian immediately. This can be called nothing!
Wei Lin looked up at the blue sky, this was his normal state.

Along the way, the opponents are almost all people whose cultivation level is higher than his.

If you want to win, you can only grab a chance by attacking hard, only by attacking desperately and preventing your opponent from showing their full strength.

Over time, he has formed a unique fighting style. Once he starts, he is like a puppet that cannot feel pain. His attacks continue, one move is stronger than the other, and the strongest combat power erupts in the shortest time.

The benefits of this fighting method are obvious. In a short period of time, you can exert your strength several times your own and be able to defeat powerful enemies;

The downside is that the suppressed injuries will break out in an all-round way after the event. If it is severe, it will cause death, and if it is light, it will take many days to recuperate.

Thinking of his difficult journey, Yunli remained silent and silently helped him deal with his injuries.

Taiyizong, Wanqing Palace.

As soon as Duoduo appeared from the void, An Ran Mu Yan went up to meet her, and asked anxiously, "How is it?"

Duoduo's eyes were shining, and her face was full of excitement: "It's so fun! Brother Wei and I pretended to be father and daughter..."

Seeing her posture of starting from the beginning, Mu Yan hurriedly interrupted: "Get to the point."

Time is running out, and I have to make an alibi for Dodo soon.

"That person cast a particularly large and terrifying fireball. Sister Yun wrapped him and the fireball in Huanshi Ling, and then he blew himself up to death."

Mu Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and asked again: "Then are they both okay?"

An Ran's frowning brows relaxed, and she continued, "Since Duoduo is back, they are naturally fine. Alright, take Duo Duo to Tianxiang Tower as soon as possible."

Mu Yan nodded, and immediately took Duoduo to Tianxianglou for a big meal.

If you want to assassinate a monk after the Yuan Dynasty, you can't use the natal magic weapon, and you can't hide your identity.

If someone connects the girls with Duoduo, not only will their relationship with Yunli and Duo be exposed, but also Duo Duo's space teleportation will be exposed.

After eating the spiritual meal, Dodo immediately put down the bowls and chopsticks, and the sound transmission urged: "Sister, let's go back quickly."

Mu Yan was stunned, this was the first time she saw Duo Duo, a snack foodie, who was so indifferent to eating, never came to Tianxianglou before, it was not for half an hour.

Is role-playing so much fun?
After returning to the Wanqing Palace, Dodo wanted to go outside the Four Seasons Valley to find Yunli, but Mu Yan hurriedly called her, "The sleeping grass is about to expire, so send the sleeping grass to Lin Chenna first."

"it is good."

Before Mu Yan could speak, she ran into the house, picked up the sleeping grass that Mu Yan had ground, and went to Lin Chen's residence.

This impatient look made Mu Yan very worried, and she secretly regretted letting her go at this time.

Prescribing medicine is a meticulous job, and there are many people serving Lin Chen, if Duo Duo hurriedly reveals his flaws and makes people discover the clues, the two of them will be exposed in advance.

After confirming that there was no one in the room, Duo Duo came out of the space with the invisibility talisman attached, poured the sleeping grass powder into the flower pot beside the bed, and then rushed to the outside of Four Seasons Valley.

"Sister Yun, Brother Wei, let's go!"

Yunli counted the time silently, and only half an hour had passed. It seemed that Duoduo was very reliable at the critical moment.

She took out the portraits of Zhongxing and Li Zhou and handed them to her, "Go to Qinghe Valley, find these two people, and follow them. Once they leave Qinghe Valley, come back and tell us immediately."

Now, all sects and factions want to withdraw from the encirclement and suppression, and the head of the Ye family is dead. The aristocratic families in Nanling City will definitely not let such a good excuse go.

The next thing they have to do is to find out the movements of Zhongxing's master and servant, and plan to assassinate them on their way back to Nanling City.

After a pause, she instructed again: "Don't forget to go back to Taiyi to see your two older sisters from time to time."

Duoduo nodded vigorously, glanced at Wei Lin, who was practicing kung fu and healing not far away, and asked again: "Will I play father and daughter with Brother Wei next time?"


Dodo blinked and said excitedly: "Could it be that next time we two play mother and daughter?"

The corners of Yunli's mouth twitched, this kid wouldn't think they were playing tricks, would she?

She said vaguely: "I have to think about it, you go and look at them first."

Duoduo nodded, devoting herself to the great cause of surveillance with all her energy.

Sending Duoduo away, Yunli was about to practice to recover her spiritual power, when she suddenly saw someone coming out from the direction of Sijigu with a sword, it was one of their targets, Ye Shuang.

Looking at the anxious look, as if she already knew the news of the assassination of Patriarch Ye, she couldn't help but sigh, it is worthy of being a family that has been passed down for thousands of years. News of the death spread to Four Seasons Valley.

To deal with a foundation-building cultivator, there was no need to wait for his spiritual power to recover, Yunli immediately dodged out, and threw a spirit blade casually after Ye Shuang flew a certain distance.

Ye Shuang, who was flying anxiously, suddenly felt a pain in her neck, and immediately a warm liquid flowed out. She subconsciously raised her hand to touch it, and the bright red blood on her hand stained her eyes. Before she could figure out who would assassinate her, she went straight Straight down from the flying sword.

"Junior Sister Ye!"

A male cultivator who came out from behind saw it, and immediately stepped forward to catch Ye Shuang. Unfortunately, half of Ye Shuang's neck was cut off, and he was powerless. He opened his mouth in his arms, and before he could utter a word, he There was no sound.

"Who?" The male cultivator looked around in fear.

Under the thin sea of ​​clouds, the dead branches are covered with ice crystals, and the ground is covered with silver, and it is quiet.

One day later, the news that the head of the Ye family was assassinated in the street reached the ears of the Nascent Soul cultivators in Qinghe Valley. Just as they expected, Zhong Xing and other Nascent Soul cultivators in Nanling City couldn't sit still and bid farewell to the four major sects. Said that he would go back to protect the safety of Nanling City.

Fu Yue and the others are extremely popular, but there is nothing they can do about it. Now that the hearts of the people are not in harmony, the alliance will be disbanded sooner or later.

At the same time, they were also shocked and angry at the audacity and arrogance of Yunli and Yunli, who dared to assassinate the monk after the Yuan Dynasty with a mere Golden Core cultivation.

The most frightening thing is, let them succeed!

"Fellow Daoist Fu Yue, we can't wait any longer, let them grow, who will be able to catch them in the Canglan Continent in the future." Upon entering Fu Yue's residence, Master Zhuo Ru of the Phantom Palace hurriedly said.

Fu Yue sat down slowly, with a sullen face: "No, we still know too little about them, so we can't act rashly."

After Nanling City failed to capture Qianjiu alive, the few people thought over and over again, and found that they knew very little about the methods of the two.

Whether it's Yunli or Qianjiu, in the past, they were crushed against the same level, and they were running away against high-level monks. Only when they rescued Zhongzhou did they reveal the tip of the iceberg.

These are far from enough.

It may be the last chance to use Anran Muyan to set up a game this time. After knowing the hole cards of the two as much as possible, set up a game accordingly.

"But their growth rate..." Zhuo Ru was burning with anxiety, seeing that Fu Yue had made up his mind, he turned to Jin Qing, "True Lord Jin Qing, what about you?"

Jin Qing struggled, and was about to speak when the ban rang, and after a while, Su Xi walked into the house with Song Yin's notification.

He glanced at the three people in the room. They were all people who saw the vision of the Misty Swamp with their own eyes. It was self-evident what they were discussing.

He didn't criticize, and said in a low voice: "There are more and more people leaving, Fenshui City is no longer safe, I decided to let Lingxi go back to the Mirage Palace first, I can't leave, can I let Mohuai Chunan escort me?"

In addition to the Nascent Soul cultivator, there are many Golden Core cultivators in the Phantom Palace. He would say that, but naturally he couldn't trust the combat power of those disciples.

Without thinking too much, Fu Yue immediately raised his voice and ordered Song Yin to notify Mo Huai.

Suxi looked at Jinqing again, she looked down at her fingertips, she was silent for a moment, and said: "I watched Lingxi grow up, of course."

After getting the consent of the two, Suxi didn't stay any longer, and went out immediately after thanking him, as if he didn't care about what they were talking about.

However, when the three of them finished discussing and Jinqing walked back, she found Suxi waiting outside her courtyard.

She paused slightly, then walked slowly to Suxi, and asked casually, "Why are you here?"

"The two of us haven't chatted for a long time, and now that the war is not in a hurry, I came to chat with you."

The corners of Jin Qing's lips curled up in a sarcastic arc, and she opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything, she just opened the courtyard restraint silently, and made a gesture of please.

"I know you guys have an agreement and won't tell others easily, but everyone has guessed some of Fu Yue's actions over the years."

After entering the house, Suxi cut straight to the point and pointed directly at the secret, which made the sneer on Jinqing's lips dull and dull.

Sure enough, if he hadn't asked for something, it would be too late for him to avoid her, so how could he come to her on his own initiative.

"Qianjiu is related to the seal of Donglu. He made good friends with the juniors of your two factions before. We just need to turn a blind eye and let the juniors come and go. We can pass him without any effort and firmly secure Donglu. Take control.

But Fu Yue chose the most outrageous and direct method, insisting on completely controlling him in his own hands, the intention is definitely not small. "

Speaking of this, Suxi raised his eyes to Shang Jinqing's eyes, and said earnestly: "Ah Qing, we have held on for so many years, and we are about to hold on until the clouds open to see the moon, so don't make mistakes at the last moment .”

Hearing the title 'A Qing' again, Jin Qing was a little stunned. How long has it been since anyone called her that?

Hearing the back, she couldn't help being stunned: "You came here to tell me this?"

Suxi nodded: "What should be done and what should not be done, you must have a steelyard in your heart."

After speaking, he said goodbye and left.

Jinqing's heart was like a clear spring, and with the relationship between the two of them back then, if he asked at that time, she would definitely tell.

For more than 3000 years, he talked to her about it for the first time, but he came to advise her not to go astray.

Jin Qing felt that the sockets of her eyes were a bit astringent, and the ice in her heart for many years finally melted slowly.

She has been hesitant about this matter, but at this moment, she suddenly wants to believe him again.

When Suxi was about to step out of the room, she said softly: "We saw a phantom of a young man in the Misty Swamp."

Suxi stopped, then suddenly turned around: "What?"

"Actually, we went outside the Misty Swamp, where the golden glow shone, and the fog was dispelled by the golden glow.

There is a young man in the light, with blood in the corner of his mouth, lying flat, as if asleep.

Just as we were about to go in and check it out, the golden glow dissipated, and a dense fog spread rapidly from the swamp, so we had no choice but to leave quickly. "

After finishing the secret that has been hidden in her heart for many years in one breath, Jin Qing's heart is much lighter. Seeing the three of Fuyue gradually bewildered over the years, she is also very entangled in her heart.

Suxi was shocked. A catastrophe happened that year, and Donglu disappeared. The general guess is that a strange treasure came to the world and sealed Donglu.

If the man in the golden light is real, wouldn't it mean that it was not the strange treasure that caused all this, but the immortal.

As if seeing what he was thinking, Jin Qing said: "So we guess that the accident in Donglu was mostly caused by the seriously injured immortals, and the lost spirit energy was used by the immortals to heal their injuries."

Su Xi's fingertips trembled, and he quickly analyzed: "If you don't return to the fairy world after being seriously injured, but come to our lower plane, this fairy must be on the verge of death.

There are two ways for the immortal to wake up. One is to heal the wound with the help of spiritual energy, break the seal, and walk out calmly;

The seal of Donglu has been lifted, and no immortal has come out, so it should be the second type. "

He suddenly raised his eyes and gasped: "You think Qianjiu is the immortal who seized the house and rebuilt it!"

Jin Qing nodded, "Liang Country is adjacent to Misty Swamp, and it is most suitable to choose children from there. Of course, there are also suspicions in other places, but Qianjiu is too amazing, so amazing that she doesn't look like people from our plane."

Suxi frowned: "But Qianjiu has no fairy fate."

After the panacea was refined, they immediately picked out a few killers for questioning. Xing Ye was too cautious, and the killers knew very little. The news about Canye Pavilion did not reveal anything, but they got another shocking news.

The famous Qianjiu has no fairy fate!

Jin Qing said: "Because of this, it means that he is an immortal."

Su Xi was stunned, logically speaking, if there is no immortal fate but has spiritual roots, he would be obliterated by the heavens, but Qian Jiu not only survived well, but also successfully cultivated to the middle stage of the Golden Core.

If he was an immortal who rebuilt with mysterious methods, it would make sense to be able to do all of this.

Thinking of Fuyue's inevitable victory, Suxi was startled, and blurted out: "So Fuyue and the others want to eat immortals!"

As soon as the words came out, he himself was stunned.

Seeing that Jinqing nodded slightly to confirm, he immediately became anxious, and came to her in a flash, clamped her shoulders tightly with both hands, and hurriedly said: "Aqing, you must not interfere in this matter!"

His subordinates subconsciously used force, eager to persuade her, "No matter how badly injured you are, you are still an immortal. In front of him, we are no different from mortals. If you are seriously injured, can mortals kill you?
Among other things, just because he can seal Donglu, we can't provoke him! "

 Thanks to Sugar, the foggy two big monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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