all the way to fairy

Chapter 557 Underestimated

Chapter 557 Underestimated
Jin Qing pursed her lips and said, "What Fu Yue means, the seal of Dong Lu is probably not his own handwriting."

"That's even worse."

Su Xi was in a hurry, if it wasn't for Qian Jiu's handwriting, it meant that there was someone behind him, and he went to the fairyland in the future, so that people could see the clues, how to deal with himself!
He took a deep breath, and patiently persuaded him: "Fu Yue's move is nothing more than trying to use the immortals to quickly improve after going to the Qingxuan Continent.

But besides Qingxuan, there is also the fairy world.

Not to mention the sin of devouring the immortal, will it make people lose their souls in the ascension and thunder calamity, and if they are lucky enough to go to the immortal world, how can they know that the person behind the immortal will not see it, what should we do then?
What's more, this immortal has a lot of background, and what he has to face at that time is the pursuit of the sect of the fairy world family! "

After finishing speaking in one breath, seeing Jinqing's gaze on his hand, Suxi realized his gaffe, hurriedly withdrew his hand, took a few steps back, and said seriously: "The road is long, we won't be able to do it for a while. The convenience of this will damage the long-term road. Think about it carefully, I will go first."

When he walked to the door, Jin Qing's soft voice sounded behind him, "Okay."

Su Xi laughed.

At this time, outside the Valley of Four Seasons, Duo Duo came out from the void and said excitedly, "They're gone!"

"Where are you going?" Yunli frowned, these people must be too impatient, counting the time, the news should have just reached Qinghe Valley not long ago.

As soon as the front foot news arrives, the back foot will leave. People like Zhong Xing don't even want to pretend.

She looked at Wei Lin next to him. In such a short period of time, his injuries have not recovered much at all, and it is definitely not possible to hit him directly.

Should the assassination be delayed?

She frowned, a little unsure. Later, their cultivation level will improve, and it will be easier to find opportunities to assassinate.

But if Zhong Xing guessed something from the deaths of Patriarch Ye and Ye Shuang, it would be even more difficult to succeed if he was on guard.

Moreover, time is running out, the two must be killed before Donglu opens, and the cause and effect must be resolved, and Xingye and others must be avenged.

"Sister Yun, what are we going to dress up this time?" Duoduo's excited voice interrupted her thoughts, and Yunli became even more confused.

Needless to say, Zhongxing and his party must be on the private spirit boat on the return journey, or when most of the Nascent Soul cultivators in Nanling City are present, it is useless to pretend to be anything.

After thinking for a while, she said: "How about I drag them into Ling Nei's world first, and there are space cracks, which can also restrain their combat power."


As soon as her words fell, Wei Lin vetoed her, and leading others into the small world required spiritual guidance.

The spiritual consciousness of Zhongxing and Li Zhou, the post-Yuan monks, is not comparable to that of Ye Xueqian and Xiaoyan. If they resist, her spiritual consciousness will be backlashed.

Thinking of her fragile consciousness, Yunli was not sure if she could succeed.

After thinking for a moment, Wei Lin asked: "Duoduo, can you open a hole leading to the void?"

Yunli's eyes lit up, what a good idea!
"I'll try." Saying that, Dodo flashed into the void.

Seeing that half of her body was outside, half of her body disappeared, as if there was only half of her body, and there was no black hole in the whole process.

Yunli couldn't help but support her forehead, if people like them had to open the door to enter the void, Duoduo would be passing through the wall.

"You still remember Xingye, think about how he did it when he came out of the void, you have to open a hole first..."

After a day of training, Dodo finally understands the difference between opening a door and passing through a wall.

After she became proficient, Yunli decided to act immediately.

Considering that Li Zhou is good at using poison and Wei Lin's injury is not yet healed, if someone sprays him with poison again, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Not long after, the spirit ship of the city lord's mansion boarded.

After some discussion, Zhongxing waved his subordinates to retreat, but he still frowned and thought hard.

Why did Yunli Qianjiu choose to assassinate the head of the Ye family?

Do they have any grievances with the Ye family?

In my impression, these two have no intersection with the Ye family or their Nanling City.Could it be that they were annoyed that they provided a venue because of the ambushes at the alchemy ceremony last time?

This is a bit of a soft persimmon, the leaders are the four major factions, and these aristocratic families can only obey.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something strange behind him, and when he turned his head, he saw an orange veil floating in the air. He had never seen that veil with his own eyes, but he was very familiar with it.

In the past three years, this orange silk that was described and painted by others has been widely circulated among Nascent Soul monks, and has been discussed more than once.

But how is it possible?
After all the subordinates went out, the ban in the house was activated almost seamlessly. After that, there was no change in the ban. How did they come in?
When he was shocked, the orange silk lit up, and the speed was as fast as a ghost, and it shot towards his face in an instant.

Shock turned into shock, Zhong Xing still reacted very quickly, while hurriedly backing away from Cheng Ling, while sacrificing his natal magic weapon.

At this time, a figure appeared out of nowhere in the dancing orange silk, and Zhenjun Zhongxing's eyes were about to pop out.


Space magic weapon!

She has a magic weapon of space!

In the extreme shock, a chill suddenly rose from his back. Invisibly, it seemed that a door had been opened, and the feeling of danger made him want to scream.

He moved three feet horizontally to the right, and the hem of his clothes brushed against the desk next to him, and there was a soft click, and the desk split in two.

Before he could rejoice in the future, he kicked one foot on the side of his waist, and an unparalleled force came, and he flew out immediately.

Kicking Zhongxing into the void with one kick, Yunli swept all the items in the house into the fantasy silk, and then entered the silk herself, and Duoduo led the silk to Li Zhou's room, followed the same method, and easily dealt with it.

The whole operation, except waiting for Zhongxing to finish the meeting in the void, was less than a cup of tea, which made Duoduo feel very fulfilled.

When Yunli gave her half of Zhongxing Li Zhou's spirit stone, she became even more excited, and immediately proposed to go to Qinghe Valley to kill Fuyue as well.

In the name of keeping them from worrying about it, in fact it is too troublesome to drug Lin Chen every once in a while.

For her, it was easy to get in and out of Lin Chen's house, but administering medicine was a delicate job, and there were too many things to pay attention to, and it was too cumbersome.

Hearing that black lines appeared on Yunli's face, she immediately vetoed it. Huan Shiling's inner space, coupled with Duo Duo's fleeting moments, and black holes in the void, are indeed invincible when the opponent is unprepared.

But Xingye is the spiritual root of space, this method is ineffective for him, if he first deal with Fuyue and other four major sect monks, without their main enemies, the target of Xingye's hatred will definitely be transferred to other monks of Canglan.

At that time, he is likely to go on a killing spree.

Yunli said softly: "Persevere, we will deal with Xingye Jingzhe after we have dealt with them."

"Then you guys have to hurry up."

Yunli nodded and reassured: "Don't worry, your brother Wei and I will start to set up the spirit array after we recover from our injuries."

Wei Lin said, "Don't procrastinate any longer, just deal with Lin Chen directly."

Yunli thought about it too, sleeping grass is so expensive, it would be a waste to use it on him.

The new wind picked up, and it was winter in a blink of an eye.

On this day, goose feathers and heavy snow fell one after another, from night to noon, there was still no sign of stopping.

However, the Qin Yaxuan in Tianyun City was full of seats, and the guests sat around in twos and threes, talking loudly.

Talking too much, the tea was refilled frequently, and the waiters in the shop shuttled around, so busy that they didn't touch the ground.

"Hey, have you heard? The owner of Nanling City is dead, and no one knows who the murderer is." The suppressed voice couldn't hide the excitement.

"You don't need to say that, it has been widely circulated in the early days. I heard that after the spirit ship arrived at Nanling City, Zhongxing Zhenjun did not come out for a long time, and the people in the City Lord's Mansion realized that something was wrong.

The restriction was forcibly opened, and the room was empty, not even a chair was left.Not only him, but a follower of Yuan Empress also died in the city lord's mansion, and the scene was exactly the same..."

In the private room on the second floor, Duo Duo was chattering endlessly, her face was full of compliments.

Mu Yan laughed, "It's fine in private, you have to restrain yourself outside."

These days, as the Nanling families withdrew from the alliance, the sect was gloomy, and the disciples of Zhu Jindan were always on the alert, for fear that they would be sent to Qinghe Valley at this time.

At this time, the face is full of joy, which is too eye-catching.

At this time, in the heated discussion downstairs, a female voice suddenly broke in: "Is the body not in the house?"

The tone is cool and clean, and it looks very abrupt amidst the excited gossip.

Mu Yan and the others looked over and saw two female cultivators sitting in the west corner of the downstairs. One was dressed in white and was at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and the other was dressed in green and had a sixth-level Qi training.

An Ran and Mu Yan glanced at each other, both of them saw surprise in each other's eyes, Qinyaxuan was just an ordinary tea house in Tianyun City, and most of the people who came and went were monks who practiced Qi and established foundations.

Generally speaking, most of the downstairs halls are low-level qi training disciples. These days, because of the death of Zhongxing's master and servant, many late qi training monks and some lively foundation building monks will also come to the first floor to discuss with everyone.

But looking at the woman's expression and behavior, it doesn't look like she loves to be lively. On the contrary, the whole body of the white-clothed female cultivator exudes a chill that strangers should not enter.

The two sat alone in the corner, if they didn't take the initiative to make a sound, no one would have noticed them at all.

The people downstairs were obviously a little stunned by the sudden interruption, and a male cultivator on the ninth floor of Qi training replied respectfully: "The body is missing. After checking the soul lamp later, it was confirmed that the two of them are dead."

"It's really dead." Something flashed in the eyes of the female cultivator in white, and she let out a light breath. The coldness around her body seemed to fade a bit. She stood up and said softly: "Xiaoyan, let's go."

Soon, the figures of the two girls disappeared into the wind and snow, An Ran frowned: "Why does it feel like she came here specially to confirm whether Master Zhongxing is dead or not?"

Mu Yan: "Could she be Ye Xue?"

An Ran nodded, "It should be."

Whether it's the temperament of the whole body, or the woman named Xiaoyan, they can match Ye Xue's master and apprentice.

This little episode was quickly forgotten by everyone in the teahouse, and they continued to discuss enthusiastically.

"Who do you think will kill them?"

Hearing this question, An Ran Mu Yan also put aside Ye Xue's affairs and concentrated her mind on the discussion downstairs, which was their purpose today.

Although the assassination was carried out secretly and smoothly, but it will leave traces after the shot, especially this time with the use of Duo Duo's void teleportation and Yunli's space two hole cards. If people notice something, they can do it in advance Prepare.

There are all kinds of guesses below, and there are guesses that Fuyue and other four factions Yuanying monks did it. The reason is naturally that Zhongxing and others withdrew from the encirclement and suppression, which caused dissatisfaction among the four factions;

There were also those who guessed about Canye Pavilion. In fact, among the high-ranking monks in the mainland, Canye Pavilion stood at the top. If Xingye Jingzhe and others did it, it would be reasonable.

Moreover, Xing Ye is a rare spatial spiritual root, so it is not impossible to directly teleport into Zhong Xing's room.

For the time being, no one was thinking about Yunli and Yunli, and An Ran Mu Yan's tense heartstrings relaxed a little.

An Ran said: "She was indeed reckless this time. Since there is a small world, she should take a long-term plan."

With things like hole cards, there is an extra risk of exposure if you use them once. Besides, this time it is similar to the situation where the mother gu disappeared. It is easy for the four factions to think about space.

The more An Ran thought about it, the more she frowned, "Ye Xue didn't set a deadline, and it's the same for these three people to kill later. Why are you in such a hurry?"

"It's okay, there is a small world now, even if it is discovered, there is no danger." Mu Yan pursed her lips. In fact, she couldn't understand their actions, especially their next step was to kill Xingye Jingzhe.

It stands to reason that the confrontation between Remnant Ye Pavilion and the four major factions is the best situation for them, and this situation was also created by them.

Improving their cultivation during this period, and when both sides suffer a loss, it will be much easier for them to attack again.

But now, they actually want to break the balance with their own hands!

She really couldn't figure this out.

At this moment, someone outside said: "I guess, it was Yunli Qianjiu who did it."

An Ran weakly held his forehead, look, it's easy to make people suspect them.

Mu Yan didn't expect that someone would speculate on them so soon. After thinking about it, she said, "Perhaps, they didn't intend to hide it from the beginning."

An Ran shook her head, looked outside, and said the conjecture was a gentle-behaved male cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage on the second floor.

As soon as his words fell, someone retorted, "Although the two of them are the best in the world, they are still at the Golden Core cultivation level. Can they kill the two empress monks silently?"

Wen Yanan unfolded the folding fan in his hand, shook it twice, and analyzed loudly: "Don't forget, the head of the Ye family is also a monk of the Yuan Dynasty, and he was killed by them in front of the house in less than a quarter of an hour."

The noisy crowd froze and fell into deep thought. From this point of view, it was not impossible.

"I heard that the Ye family members chased them out of the city for a kilometer that day, and they completely lost their traces. This time when they assassinated Zhenjun Zhongxing, the killers also came and went without a trace, which is somewhat similar."

"Space? Could it be that they have a secret treasure of space?"

Hearing this, An Ran couldn't sit still anymore, she almost revealed all the cards, she turned her head and said: "Duo Duo, go ask them what they think."

Soon, Duoduo brought back news, "Sister Yun said, if you know it, you will know it, and someone can snatch it away."

An Ran: ...

Can the hole card be called if the hole card is exposed?

This method pays attention to a surprise, everyone knows how to succeed in the future under precaution.

As if knowing that they would think so, Duoduo said again: "Sister Yun also said that if they rely on this convenient method, they should be like Wen Xueluo."

Mu Yan was slightly stunned, Xuan Er smiled and said, "It's us who underestimated them."

(End of this chapter)

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