all the way to fairy

Chapter 558 Hysteria

Chapter 558 Hysteria
At the same time, Mohuai Chunan who was thousands of miles away also guessed them.

Chu Nan looked complicated, and said with emotion: "You are still as courageous as ever."

When they tracked down the person who robbed the mother Gu, they guessed that the other party had a magic weapon like the Immortal Mansion. Since she personally admitted that the Mother Gu had been resolved, the Immortal Mansion of the person who robbed the Mother Gu was naturally in their hands.

The death of Zhongxing's master and servant was obviously the work of a monk from the Immortal Mansion, and the two appeared in Nanling City not long ago.

Obviously, it was they who assassinated Zhongxing's master and servant.

Mo Huai sneered: "I'm not very courageous, and I don't dare to put spies under the nose of Shizun and others."

Chu Nan's eyes darkened, "In a place like Canye Pavilion, she has no other choice."

His voice was austere, and there was a hint of guilt, but when he looked carefully, it seemed like an illusion.

He patted Mo Huai's shoulder lightly, and said earnestly: "It's fine if outsiders don't understand, we've been with her for many years, and how has she ever behaved towards Canye Pavilion?"

Mo Huai didn't know this, but when he thought of her deception, his heart felt like a huge boulder was crushed, making him breathless.

Reason told him that the identity of the demon cultivator was of great importance, and it was normal for her to conceal it.

However, when he thought that he had hidden An Ran, everyone, but not Qian Jiu, he couldn't help being jealous.

Looking at his expression, he was still not relieved, Chu Nan was about to continue to persuade, the spirit boat suddenly shook, and the defensive formation was activated instantly.

The two of them didn't care about anything else, they went out to check it out, their spiritual senses swayed, the dark wind roared below, the dark clouds churned endlessly, and the stirring spiritual power caused the world to change color, which was caused by the fighting skills of the two empress monks.

Amidst the billowing clouds, the man stood firmly in it, his wide gray clothes blended into the dark clouds, and the wind was surging with the sleeves waving.

On the other side, the woman was wearing a glowing red dress. She made a formula with her left hand, raised her right hand, and grasped it vaguely. A blood-red scimitar condensed from her hand.

Chu Nan's face suddenly changed, and he said solemnly: "It's Zhenjun Fuyou and Zhenjun Yuheng!"

These two True Monarchs of the Loose Cultivation Alliance are a Taoist couple, but their relationship is not so harmonious. They have a small quarrel every three days, and a big quarrel every five days, and they have to fight over trivial matters from time to time.

There is nothing wrong with their husbands and wives' family wars, they just suffer from passing spirit boats and spirit boats, and if encounters happen, they may lose money or even lose their lives.

The two hurriedly withdrew their consciousness, tried to stabilize the spirit boat, and stayed away from this place.

At this moment, Zhenjun Yuheng's blood-red scimitar was fully formed, and he slashed towards Zhenjun Fuyou who was facing him.

Fuyou Zhenjun did not take a step back, his gray clothes fluttered in the wind, he raised his sleeves and waved lightly, a light gray aura appeared in front of him, firmly blocking the scimitar.

The two of them refused to give in, and the airflow of opposing spiritual power rushed straight up into the sky. Before Chu Nan Mohuai could respond, the spirit boat was overturned by the unstoppable airflow, spinning uncontrollably.

Fortunately, the protective circle had been activated before, avoiding the risk of being thrown out, and also thanks to the good quality of the spirit boat sent by Ye Zheyan, otherwise it would have been torn apart.

However, several people on the spirit boat were turned upside down and lost their heads.

"Master Consonance!"

Slightly controlling their figure, the two hurriedly went to check the escort target of this trip, the situation of the real Lingxi, and when they turned their heads, they saw that the door of Lingxi's room was knocked open, and two figures, one green and one white, were thrown out of the room. It was the real Lingxi With the maid Du Man.

The two hurriedly flew forward to catch the master and servant respectively.

Du Man, who was caught by Mo Huai, turned her head and saw Chu Nan blocking Lingxi, her complexion changed suddenly, and she exclaimed, "Let her go!"

After finishing speaking, he wanted to break away from Mo Huai and rushed towards Chu Nan.

The spirit boat was still tumbling, and it was very difficult to stabilize her figure. Mo Huai failed to catch her as she struggled, and was pushed staggeringly instead.

Mo Huai frowned, this maid was confused and couldn't tell the priority.

He knew that Lingxi had a hidden illness, and before leaving, Master Suxi had repeatedly told him not to let Lingxi meet the young man unless it was an emergency.

However, now is the critical time when life is at stake, and if you worry about hidden diseases, you may lose your life.

As soon as Daoist Lingxi came back from the bewilderment, he saw a handsome man with a gloomy face opposite him, with a blush at the end of his eyes, charming and charming, like a blood-stained peony.

Lingxi felt a tingling pain on his face, his eyes were in a trance, his cheek seemed to be cut by something, and scarlet blood dripped down his jaw into the bright red peony bushes at his feet...

"Ah—" There seemed to be tens of thousands of steel needles in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the pain was piercing. She hugged her head and screamed in pain, her eyes gradually turned red, and her madness became more and more intense.

Du Man's face changed suddenly, and she hurriedly shouted: "Reverend Sui Yin, let her go quickly!"

Under the madness, Lingxi was full of explosive power, and suddenly threw away Chu Nan, a light blue flame rose from his fingertips, the air seemed to be ignited, and under the scorching air waves, the cassock on Chu Nan's body melted like ice.

He was startled and hurriedly backed away.

Different fire!

Lingxi looked crazy, "Liar! Liar——"

Clusters of light blue flames flowed out from her fingertips and flung them everywhere. In an instant, the flames raged in the spirit boat, and her own hair was also burned by the flames.

At this moment, the spirit boat's protective magic circle became an obstacle instead.

Chu Nan made a decisive decision, abandoned the spirit boat, opened the protective magic circle, and got out of the range of the spirit boat.

Losing their protection, they were directly exposed to the tumbling dark clouds. Chu Nan was in a hurry and wanted to leave quickly, but the consonance in such a situation did not allow anyone to approach at all.

In this situation, Mo Huai also frowned. They were sure to restrain a crazy Golden Core cultivator, but they couldn't restrain a Golden Core cultivator with a strange fire.

Most of the different fires are tyrannical. If it is not the master, even the Nascent Soul cultivator would not dare to approach easily.

The same is true of Master Suxi, no matter how much he loves his granddaughter, he should not give her such a destructive strange fire. When she is sick, the destructive power is astonishing.

Finally, she understood why Du Man's first reaction was to close the yard when she fell ill last time.With the power of this strange fire, if it cannot be stopped in time, the entire Chu Yu Pavilion will be wiped out.

The turbulent sea of ​​clouds is gradually calming down, apparently the two True Monarchs Fuyou Yuheng found out about their situation and stopped.

Mo Huai was secretly anxious. These two Nascent Soul cultivators were alone and had no taboos. In front of the strange fire, if they coveted it, it would be bad.

He hurriedly stabilized: "Du Man, how long will this situation last?"

Du Man panicked, "Not necessarily, half a month for a short period, and several years for a long period."

Chu Nan Mo Huai was stunned, let alone half a month, even a few breaths are not enough time.

They were in a hurry to get angry, but Lingxi was still frantically fighting around. There was a sea of ​​flames around her, and her figure could no longer be seen clearly. Only the sad smile and questioning from time to time showed that she was still alive.

"Hahaha—liars, all liars—"

"Flame of the Blue Spirit!" A surprised and unfamiliar voice sounded, and Chu Nan Mo Huai's heart skipped a beat, and the two True Monarchs Fuyou Yuheng really came.

Mo Huai and Chu Nan bit the bullet and stepped forward, "Your Tai Yizong Qing Banquet|Tianxin Pavilion Suiyin has met two true monarchs."

Zhenjun Fuyou narrowed his eyes slightly, pointed at the sea of ​​fire and said, "Where is this little girl?"

"Phantom Palace Suxi Zhenjun's granddaughter." Chu Nan deliberately bit the word 'Suxi' heavily, hoping they would be more cautious.

"Suxi's granddaughter, Nan Tiankuo's daughter?" Fuyou Zhenjun was even more surprised, his eyes swept across the blue sea of ​​fire, he had mixed feelings, "Brother Nan's daughter is so old."

Mo Huai and Chu Nan looked at each other secretly, the other party seemed to be on good terms with the father of the consonance, but people were unpredictable, and relatives would fight to the death over different fires, let alone friends.

"That's how old man Suxi takes care of Xiaoyun!" Zhenjun Yuheng raised his brows upside down, gritted his teeth with undisguised distress.

"Zhenjun knows my real person?" Du Man was surprised. Lingxi's real name is Nan Yayun. She grew up in the Mirage Palace. Since she came back from forming a pill, she called herself Lingxi.

Except for some disciples in the palace, the name Nan Yayun is known to few outsiders.

Zhenjun Yuheng's brows softened, "When she was born, I was the first person to hug her, she was a small ball, like a cat.

Pity my good sister, if she knows that her daughter has suffered such a suffering, she will be in a state of distress under the nine springs! "

Mo Huai and Chu Nan's heartstrings were a little loose. If the other party said that the younger generation of True Love Chong Lingxi was the best, if they had other plans, it would be considered a buffer for them.

Chu Nan quietly crushed a special talisman given to him by Suxi Zhenjun before he set off, only to hear Du Man reply: "The real person went out to practice, and after decades of walking, the master has been looking for it for a long time. Seeing that his soul lamp is stable , Guessing which secret realm she might have strayed into, she put it down, and only brought her soul lamp with her, just in case.

Unexpectedly, after receiving her sound transmission talisman and rushing away, I saw that the real person was dejected, restless, and gradually became hysterical.Over the years, Master has never given up searching for that person, but there is still no clue. "

Chu Nan was a little surprised, but Du Man reacted very quickly. She was very alert to allies like them, and obviously wouldn't listen to a few words of concern, so she trusted Fuyou Yuheng and his wife.

Explaining like this is just buying time for them.

It's not far from Qinghe Valley, and the crisis will resolve itself when Suxi Zhenjun comes.

Suddenly, the blue sea of ​​flames dissipated, and the dirty monk-shaped real Lingxi rushed towards Chu Nan, grabbed his arm, and complained with tears in his eyes: "A Li, where have you been? I can't find you, and I can't find you." If you don’t come to our baby, don’t you want me?”

Suxi Zhenjun protected Lingxi very well, and basically no rumors flowed out. If it weren't for the mother Gu, she would never have entered the eyes of everyone.

Chu Nan Mo Huai was stunned by the huge amount of information, does Lingxi have a partner?And had children!

Is her Taoist partner's child dead?Or did the Taoist couple change their minds and live and fly with other women?

For Lingxi's move, Du Man, who has been taking care of her, was also very surprised. The last attack was already the fastest time for Lingxi to recover, and she recovered in only half a month.

The current situation is still in the onset, and it only calmed down in a short period of time, which has never happened before.

Hemerocallis is really effective!
She cast a beseeching look at Chu Nan, and softly comforted Lingxi, "Don't be afraid, real, we are all here."

Chu Nan understood Du Man's plea, and asked him to pretend that 'A Li' had a conversation with Lingxi, a look of unnaturalness flashed across his face, and he said awkwardly, "Yes, we are all here."

The same words that Du Man said, Lingxi turned a deaf ear to them. Hearing Chu Nan's words, the corners of her lips curled up in a gentle arc, and said softly, "I'm not afraid."

Facing those clear apricot eyes, Chu Nan was racking his brains, thinking about how to comfort her next, when suddenly those clear apricot eyes were instantly filled with mist, and his eyes expressed fragmented despair, "A Li, why do you Lied to me? Why? Why..."

She went crazy again, clutching Chu Nan's arms tightly, and questioning in a sad voice.

The sadness in those eyes was too deep and heavy, like a bottomless abyss, as if as long as the mind relaxed, it would be drawn into the bottom of the most hopeless abyss.

Two hours later, Lingxi finally slowed down, her eyes were dull and she kept murmuring a liar.

During this period, Fuyou Yuheng never made a move, but instead looked distressed, which reassured Chunan Mo Huai a lot.

Lingxi's strange fire had already returned to the body in Anshun, but they didn't do it. Presumably what they said was true, they did have some friendship with Lingxi's parents.

Before they could ask, Zhenjun Fuyou mentioned that Nan Tiankuo had saved the lives of their husband and wife, and the two had a very congenial temperament, and had experienced together for many years.

Until thousands of years ago, when the campaign to encircle and suppress the Wugu Sect began, Nan Tiankuo and his wife returned to the Mirage Palace to join the battle, but unfortunately died in battle.

Fuyou Yuheng was saddened, and lamented that the disciples of the Dapai could not help themselves, and they resolutely chose to do casual cultivation.

One day later, Suxi Zhenjun rushed over, and after seeing Lingxi's current situation with his own eyes, and after being relieved, Yuheng Zhenjun hurriedly asked: "Dare to ask seniors, what happened to Xiaoyun, how did he get this?" Hysteria?"

Faced with this woman who was as old as his own daughter, Suxi Zhenjun had mixed feelings for a moment. He sighed and said quietly: "Back then, Xiaoyun went out to practice and met a Jindan monk who called himself Muli..."

Suxi's words can be summed up as a story of an old-fashioned hero saving the beauty and meeting a scumbag.

The inexperienced Miss Nan Yayun and her grandfather Suxi Zhenjun were angry with each other, and went out to practice with their master behind their backs. When they were in danger, they were rescued by a handsome Jindan monk Mu Li. Afterwards, the two traveled together and exchanged cultivation skills. experience.

Mu Li's talent is outstanding, and Nan Yayun's understanding of things that he didn't understand immediately enlightened him.

Slowly, the two fell in love and became Taoist couples.

Under Mu Li's guidance, Nan Yayun quickly formed a pill, and Mu Li personally gave her a Taoist name, Lingxi, which was taken from the heart and soul.

Tired of traveling through mountains, rivers and great rivers, the two lived in a common country and lived a leisurely life in seclusion in the mountains and forests.

Later, Nan Yayun became pregnant unexpectedly, and both of them were overjoyed.

No, just one month after she gave birth to the child, she passed out after a meal one day, and when she woke up again, Mu Li and the child were gone.

There was no trace of being touched in the house, and her storage bag and other items were all there, the only thing missing was Muli and the child.

She searched in that mortal country for three years, but found no trace of Mu Li and the child, nor any trace of other monks.

The facts are basically certain, it was Muli who left with the child.

The friendship that accompanied her for decades was actually a deception, Nan Yayun couldn't bear the blow, and just went crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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