Chapter 562 Lure the Enemy (2)

After finishing speaking, An Ran said to Duo Duo: "Hurry up and go to Qingyu Mountain to ask how the Jue Ling Formation is doing and how long it will take. Don't worry that Xu Yueqing has already found the clues, the formation over there is not ready yet. "

When Yunli heard the news, she couldn't help being speechless. This 'Xu Yueqing' was really conscientious, and started intelligence work before the ground was hot.

Wei Lin looked at the cards, flags and objects on the table, calculated in his heart for a moment, frowned and said, "It will take at least five months, and you should always pay attention to her. If we fail to complete the formation, we will intercept her spies first." Explore, and then think of another strategy to lure the enemy."

After getting the answer, Duoduo turned around and wanted to go back, Yunli hurriedly called her, "Go to Tianwu Forest to send a letter first, let Runing and the others prepare in advance."

She was really afraid of Xu Yueqing's enthusiasm for work, if she made amazing progress and quickly found clues, without the Absolute Spirit Formation, they were no match for Xingye Jingzhe.

After sending Douduo away, she couldn't help complaining: "This Xu Yueqing, what do you think? You are still so active at this time."

The panacea made the killers' hearts flutter, and everyone wanted to get one and leave the Remnant Night Pavilion.It's a pity that the panacea is rare and requires a large number of high-level spiritual plants, and the number that Tai Yizong can produce is limited.

If it wasn't for the power of Xingye and the three great killers, the killers of the Canye Pavilion would have used spirit stones to charge a sky-high price for the panacea.

Fortunately for her, she was able to get the moon first because she was close to the water. With the advantage of being inside the four sects, she got the panacea in private, but she focused on collecting information for the Remnant Ye Pavilion.

"Couldn't she be Xingye's baby too?"

The corner of Wei Lin's mouth twitched: "Guess what, Xingye will let his child be a spy."

He did everything he could to draw a clear line between Chu Nan and Canye Pavilion. In order to prevent Chu Nan from being suspected, Jing Zhe even gave up Yunshu Immortal Mansion.

Yunli frowned: "Isn't her behavior illogical? I haven't seen anyone so loyal to Can Yege."

There is no sense of belonging in a killer organization controlled entirely by drugs, not to mention that Xingye's intentions are already obvious when things have developed to this day.

What he has to deal with is not only the orthodox monks from the four sects and two families, but also the killers inside Canye Pavilion.

In other words, the target of his revenge is the entire Canglan Continent.

In the days that followed, the two were busy setting up formations on Qingyu Mountain. Wei Lin dismantled the Lingxing Supreme Spirit Formation into several parts. Yunli was not good at formations, so he was responsible for the layout of some routines, and he completed the rest.

After six months, the formation was finally completed.

As for Xu Yueqing from Sky Cloud City, he is obviously a qualified spy. Although he discovered the clue early, he did not rush for quick success.

She first went around in a big circle and established a relationship with Mu Shaoxun. In the next two months, after seeing Mu Yan and Mu Shaoxun going back and forth twice, she officially confirmed that there was something tricky between them.

Next, she acted more cautiously, seeking naturalness in every move, word and deed, and others would never see that there was a problem with her if she was not a planner.

As a result of being so cautious, the progress was extremely slow. The formation on Qingyu Mountain had been completed, and she had just found out that every time Mu Yan went to Mu Shaoxun, it was to ask him to help resell the pills.

Yunli and the others who were anxiously waiting could only fine-tune the plan and help her speed up the progress. When she finally sent the message to Canye Pavilion, it was late autumn and frosty.

Yunli sighed faintly: "I have to say that she does have potential as a spy. She has keen insight, can detect clues in time, and can be steady and steady, step by step."

Wei Lin said: "It's not too bold, a lot of information has time limit, blindly cautious may miss good opportunities."

At this time, the Chamber of Remnant Night Pavilion.

Xing Ye sat high on the main seat, his expression was unclear: "What do you think?"

Jing Zhe glanced at the secret letter on the table, "Huoluo Pill, Huichun Pill, Yulu Pill, Mengqing Pill, Buling Pill, etc., for healing, detoxification, and replenishing spiritual power, there are various categories. On the surface, it looks like Privately reselling pills."

"Clumsy technique." Bai Lu sneered, not to mention the shortage of pills from the four major sects, it would be inappropriate to resell pills at this time.

Mu Yan has cooperated with Tianyun Dantang for many years, and wants to earn spirit stones and sell them to Dantang to save worry and trouble, so why ask Mu Shaoxun to send them all the way to Qingyu Mountain.

The answer is obvious, Qianjiuqianshi is on Qingyu Mountain, and the elixir is given to them.

Mangzhong sighed: "You are very courageous."

Two years ago, there was a beast horde on Qingyu Mountain, and Jindan Jianxiu forced everyone to retreat. A few months later, there was a sensational assassination.

At that time, many people guessed that the animal tide in Lantau Mountain might be related to them, but they didn't expect that after the assassination, the two returned to Lantau Mountain.

Very arrogant!

Jingzhe's eyes flashed brightly, and he said in a deep voice: "I remember that Li Zhou is good at using poison, especially his Thousand Flowers Dreaming, which is extremely troublesome. What they want is the Dream Clear Pill, and the others are just smoke bombs."

Bai Lu clenched her fists: "Didn't Yue Qi say that Mu Yan was uncharacteristically last month and added another delivery of medicine? It seems that the poison of Qianhua Lumeng has not been cured yet. Pavilion Master, this is a good opportunity."

Jing Zhe also responded: "Fuyue already knew that Qianjiu's spiritual root is excellent but he has no celestial fate. With his knowledge, he must have guessed that there is someone behind Qianjiu, but still pursued him with great fanfare. This is not in line with his temperament."

With Fuyue's cunning, knowing that there is someone behind the opponent, he should borrow a knife to kill someone.

He paused, and said in a deep voice: "Qianjiu has a lot of secrets, this opportunity cannot be missed, Pavilion Master, I will go in person."

Xingye twirled the jade-colored thumb on his fingertips, thought for a while, and said, "I'll go with you."

"This..." Jing Zhe was slightly startled. To deal with two Golden Core stage monks, it's impossible for the two of them to attack together.

"That little butterfly has a very high attainment in space, if they want to leave, you can't stop them." Xing Ye let go of his fingers, and without waiting for Jing Zhe's answer, he made a decision immediately.

He also told Bai Lumangzhong: "The two of you are in charge of the affairs of the cabinet, remember, you must not let the two of the four factions withdraw."

He was talking about two people, but he kept looking at Bai Lu, apparently he was actually explaining to Bai Lu.

The day was dim, and the east was turning white, and the forests of Qingyu Mountain were still gray and numb.

Suddenly, an extremely thick shadow appeared among the trees.

"Pavilion Master, Master Jing Zhe, long time no see."

The brisk female voice was particularly loud in the quiet dawn, feeling the strangeness of spiritual power, Xing Ye raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Extreme Spirit Formation?"

He quickly understood the intentions of the two of them, and his eyes were mixed with contempt and sullenness: "The fact that you can think of this trick shows that you are not stupid. It's a pity that conceited geniuses can't grow up."

The two of them, as the top powerhouses in the Canglan Continent, are not only strong in cultivation, but also have unparalleled experience in martial arts. Two brats with no hair at all, dare to compete with them in experience!

Yunli's white fingertips lightly brushed the blade of Mengzhan Dao, "Thank you for the guidance, Pavilion Master, let's see if it grows up."

Jing Zhe took half a step forward, she didn't know whether it was on purpose or not, she just happened to stand at the horns with Xing Ye, vaguely intending to surround Yun Li and the two of them.

He said: "I'm curious, isn't it exactly what you want when we confront Fu Yue and the others?"

Because of this, it never occurred to them that this would be a trap.

Yunli replied very politely: "Donglu is about to open, I'm worried that you will die in the thunder calamity, and I'm not happy that you can't take revenge with your own hands."

The corners of Jing Zhe's mouth twitched, he didn't believe a single word of these nonsense, wouldn't it be exactly what they wanted to die in the thunder calamity.

Looking around, the dry Sosuoluo was all over the place, Jing Zhe's eyes were fixed, and he urgently warned: "Pavilion Master, it's Sosuoluo!"

After reaching the late stage of the Nascent Soul, the body has undergone advanced training over and over again, not only the strength has been greatly increased, but the efficacy of most poisonous herbs and poisons on them has also been greatly reduced.

But Sosuoluo is a poisonous weed in Jiuliyuan. It is originally a spiritual plant in the upper realm, and its toxicity is not compromised.

Jing Zhe stopped talking nonsense, the natal sword was in his hand, and with a sharp momentum, he stabbed Yunli straight, Yunli raised his hand, and blocked it with the Dream Slashing Saber.

When the swords and knives met, there was a crisp impact sound, and Yunli felt a dull pain in the skin of the arm holding the knives, as if being cut by countless sharp sword auras.

Her complexion changed slightly, Jing Zhe is the No. [-] Sword Cultivator of Cang Lan, without the blessing of spiritual power, she can still have such power, it is terrifyingly strong.

At this time, a blue long sword was inserted beside him, and Wei Lin said calmly, "Your opponent is me."

Seeing him, Jing Zhe had a complicated look on his face. This apprentice was once his pride, he was the successor he carefully cultivated.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a fairy fate, and there is a powerful protection behind him, so he is destined not to be used by them.

Sighing lightly, he said, "Forget it, let me see how much your swordsmanship has improved."

Wei Lin was stunned for a moment, he heard this sentence often during the short year of master and apprentice.

Unexpectedly, hearing this sentence from his mouth again, it would be such a scene.

He turned his wrist slightly, and tilted the blade of the sword. The faint skylight passed through the shadow of the tree and hit it.

The next moment, he stabbed Jing Zhe between the eyebrows at the fastest speed.

Jing Zhe's eyebrows and eyes were light, ignoring the sharp sword energy, when the blue long sword pierced in front of his eyes, he raised the long sword upright.

After a soft 'ding' sound, Wei Lin's sword-holding hand was covered with scars, and bright red blood beads popped out one by one, and in an instant they joined together, soaking most of his hand.

On the other hand Jingzhe was not injured at all.

Wei Lin's gaze paused for a moment, and then it lit up with a burning light, and his heart was full of fighting spirit.

He could see clearly that Jing Zhe didn't seem to move, but in fact his wrist was moving with incredible speed and high frequency within a small range, blocking all his sword energy.

Wei Lin shook the Mo Li sword in his hand, and shot straight at Jing Zhe like a shooting star, Jing Zhe raised his hand casually as usual, and easily blocked it.

But soon, a look of surprise appeared on his face, Wei Lin's wrist also moved slightly and at a high frequency, and he was actually imitating him.

In the second match, Wei Lin was still injured, but his wounds were reduced by half.

Jing Zhe's mood was even more complicated. Even his talent in martial arts could not help but envy him. If he was given more time, the name of Cang Lan's number one swordsman would be changed.

Feeling sorry in his heart, he didn't hesitate at all in the movements of his hands, he stopped probing, lightly pressed the sword with his fingertips, and went straight to Wei Lin's heart with a blow of wind leaving a mark.

Let him continue to study, I'm afraid he will really capsize in the gutter.

Faced with Jingzhe's shocking move, Wei Lin naturally didn't dare to be careless, his body flickered, and he left the place abruptly.

He tapped his toes lightly, and at the same time as he jumped high, he used the autumn wind to blow the leaves with his backhand. In an instant, something came out of nothing, and a gust of wind was stirred up. Speak softly.

Jing Zhe's advancing figure suddenly froze, and then retreated quickly, widening the distance. When he reached a safe distance, he lowered his eyes and saw that the wide sleeves of the robe were full of fine cracks.

He stretched out his hand and folded the wide robe sleeve into the sleeve seal, and when he raised his eyes, his eyes were full of fighting spirit: "Only in terms of experience in martial arts, you are indeed an opponent worthy of serious consideration!"

The passionate two quickly fought together.

On the other side, when Wei Lin swung the Jingzhe long sword away, Yunli spun his feet to get out of the way of the two of them, and swung the saber at Xing Ye who was preparing to watch the battle.

Xing Ye raised his eyebrows in surprise: "You actually want to single out, you have courage!"

He couldn't be more clear about Jing Zhe's strength. He didn't think that the young Qian Jiu would be his opponent. It was only possible with the joint efforts of the two of them.

Unexpectedly, the two of them once again exceeded his expectations, taking the initiative to single out before he made a move.

However, he didn't take it seriously, but he hadn't heard that Qianshi had any unparalleled combat skills. Without spiritual power, as a demon cultivator, she was just stronger.

However, the strength of the monk Nascent Soul is not a vegetarian. Facing the monks of the same level, her strength can indeed have an unexpected effect, but for herself who has been promoted to a monk for many years, this strength is not enough.

He raised his hand to hold the Mengzhan blade, twisted and pressed his wrist, and was about to hand over Yunli's knife, but Taofen's scimitar did not move at all.

This was beyond Xingye's expectation, he immediately increased his strength, and used all his strength, the blade of Zhanmeng tilted down.

Yunli immediately exerted her strength, tightly clenched the Mengzhan Saber, and she grinned: "Speaking of which, the pavilion master should have heard about my strength, and has never personally seen it."

As soon as the words fell, Xing Ye felt the wind in his crotch, his scalp exploded, and he immediately let go of Zhanmeng Dao and bounced up, Yunli's light pink lotus embroidered shoes barely rubbed against the seam of his crotch.

"You—" Xingye was ashamed and angry, who would have thought that a fair and lovely little girl would play in such a rogue manner, that she would just tease her legs when she came up.

Yunli slammed her feet on the ground, leaped lightly, and held the knife in both hands above her head in the air, intending to strike him head-on.

Having seen her strange power, Xing Ye didn't dare to push it any further, so he sacrificed his Xuan Mo long sword to block it.

The sword hit one place heavily, and unparalleled strength came from the sword. Xing Ye felt his arms sink, his legs bent a little unconsciously, and his body swayed slightly.

Before he could stand still, he saw Yunli's foot coming in front of him again. Xingye's face changed slightly, and he quickly shook the Mengzhan Saber away with both arms, and stepped back again to open the distance. Almost an inch to touch.

If this kick is kicked, with the opponent's strange strength, all his teeth may collapse.

Thinking about it, Xingye felt a dull pain in his gums.

He immediately swung his sword and took the initiative to attack, not daring to give Yunli a chance to get close.

 Thanks to Summer Raindrops and JY Fanmei for their monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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