all the way to fairy

Chapter 563 The Battle of the Absolute Spirit

Chapter 563 The Battle of the Absolute Spirit
With one kick in the air, Yunli flipped around, and before landing, she felt a wind blowing from the back of her head, and Xiaoxiao's sword energy came through the air.

She tilted her head slightly, bent her body in an incredible arc, let go of the sword energy, and tapped her toes lightly on the swirling fallen leaves, shooting towards Xingye like an off-string arrow.

With the previous lesson, how dare Xingye let her get close, the Xuanmo long sword interweaves an airtight sword formation in front of her, without the blessing of spiritual power, her strange power is not easy to handle.

Yunli held the Mengzhan Dao and slashed wildly around Xingye. Unfortunately, no matter which direction she attacked, Xingye's Xuanmo long sword was able to block her in time. In the end, he didn't even move the ground, and only separated her with sword energy. .

Obviously, after a short trial, Xingye has found the best way to deal with her.

Yunli pursed her lips. Without spiritual power, Xingye's advantage lies in experience, and he is also a sword cultivator. Although he is not as pure and powerful as Jing Zhe, his attack power is far superior to ordinary monks;
Her advantage lies in her strong body, great strength, not being close to her, so she can't give full play to her advantages. In addition, she needs to sleep, so a war of attrition is not feasible.

Then, exchange injuries for injuries!
With her eyes fixed, she raised the Meng Zhan Dao and slashed horizontally. When she touched the dense net woven by the sword energy again, she didn't look for another loophole like before, but ignored it and slammed into it.

Xingye's eyebrows twitched, and the long sword in his hand danced at high speed. A more fierce and dense sword energy was generated from the long sword, and the black sword light was almost connected into one piece, as if it had substance.At the same time, his feet moved sideways suddenly, trying to increase the distance again.

However, it was too late.

Yunli was close to him, and his speed was so fast, he passed through layers of sword lights in an instant, and the Mengzhan Saber slashed hard at his shoulder.

Xingye reacted very quickly, immediately grasped the back of the knife to stop the Zhanmeng knife from pressing down, and at the same time, with a flick of his wrist, sent the long sword towards Yunli's heart, forcing her to let go.

Yunli did not dodge or dodge, she raised her left hand, and also pinched the blade with her bare hands. The right hand holding the knife was still exerting strength, and the clear peach powder blade almost fell into Xingye's shoulder, and blood flowed out, covering the entire right hand. The shoulder was soon soaked with blood.

Of course, all his attacks were also absorbed by Yunli, and the overwhelming sword energy cut her to pieces from top to bottom, her yellow shirt had turned into a red one, and her face was covered with blood, with no facial features visible at all.

Xingye was slightly surprised, but immediately relieved, she is a demon cultivator, no matter how much she pretends to be human, the fierceness in her bones will not disappear.

Competing strength with demon cultivators is something only fools can do.After a stalemate for a while, Xingye finally broke free from Yunli and opened the distance again.

Yunli wiped her face and stepped forward with the saber again. After advancing to the eighth step, her body was further strengthened, and the sword energy without the blessing of spiritual power could cause some superficial injuries, which looked scary.

After this time, Xingye became more cautious, she attacked five times in a row, and only managed to get close to him once.

The two of them, Yunli was covered in blood, they slashed and hacked around Xingye, in a panic;

The cassock on Xing Ye's body obviously had a special effect, and the blood-stained area quickly recovered automatically. His white clothes were dusty, and his figure was elegant. It seemed that he had dealt with it lightly.

On the surface, Xingye has an obvious advantage. In fact, Xingye has a headache. I don't know what kind of demon cultivator he is. He is very good at melee combat. As long as she gets close to him, he can shoulder, headbutt, elbow, knee goug...

Every part of the body is likely to attack!

The battle on Qingyu Mountain was fierce, and the atmosphere outside the Qinghe Valley was also stagnant.

Sensing the powerful aura spreading from the southeast, the two parties who were fighting stopped at the same time, and the crowd was restless.

Someone yelled: "Demon cultivator!"

"What are they trying to do? Are they launching a beast tide?"

"Have you seen the beast tide of demon cultivators in the transformation stage..."

The hearts of the people are uneasy, if they are not of my race, their hearts must be different. The grievances and grievances of human cultivators are one thing, but if demon cultivators are mixed in, the nature will change.

Song Yin, who knew Yunli's identity, was even more flustered. Could it be that she really wanted to mobilize the monster clan for revenge?

As the distance approached, the first person, dressed in a moon-white robe, was indifferent and peaceful. Under the gentle breeze, the sleeves of the clothes and the silver-white hair intertwined in an elegant arc, as if he was about to become a fairy in the next moment.

The vast and mysterious pupils of deep blue like the sea attracted everyone's attention, as if they were the center of the world.

Demon cultivators have a long lifespan. When Run Ning rose up, these human cultivators were still able to bribe Lord Yama, and he stayed in the center of Tianwu Forest all year round. Few cultivators had ever seen him.

Among the Nascent Soul cultivators present, only Jinqing Ningjun from Tianxin Pavilion and a few people have heard a few words from him from the equal contract spirit beast.

However, some people's spiritual pets recognized him. At that moment, all the contracted spirit beasts bowed their heads in respect, and some of the low-blooded ones even prostrated themselves on the ground.

In this situation, although everyone has never seen the Demon King, they still have some guesses about his identity.

As the only sect that has close contacts with the demon cultivators of the Tianwu Forest, True Monarch Jinqing stepped forward and asked tentatively, "Demon King?"

Hearing the voice, Runing turned his head slightly to look, and the figure of Jinqing Zhenjun was clearly reflected in the deep blue sea-like eyes.

Jinqing Zhenjun was startled, under such a peaceful gaze, all her secrets seemed to be seen through, and there was nothing to hide.

Runing's expression softened a bit, as if making a statement, but also as if greeting, "The descendants of Nangong Yuqing."

The corners of Jinqing's lips curled up just right, pointing out her identity neither humble nor overbearing: "Nangong Jinqing, the seventh pavilion master of Tianxin Pavilion, dare to ask the demon king, what is the matter?"

Amid everyone's nervousness, Runing turned his gaze to Bai Lu who was not far away, and said softly, "Come and clean up a traitor."

It wasn't that Yunli was going to take revenge, Songyin felt relieved, and looked at Bailu as well, the matter of this Wuling queen bee is not a secret among demon cultivators.

Back then in Jiuliyuan, Bailu colluded with outsiders and wantonly killed his fellow clansmen, causing all the monster geniuses to die before they entered the real Jiuliyuan.

Although there was a change in Jiuliyuan later, most of the people who entered died, and even without the previous massacre, few of the monster clan could come out alive, but this does not mean that murder can be erased.

Bai Lu's complexion became more and more serious, and she couldn't stop sneering: "I didn't expect that I would be so honored that I could get the Demon King to come here in person."

"This face is for the [-] fellow clansmen who died because of you." Run Ning's expression was light, his eyes swept over everyone here, his voice was low and majestic, "If you dare to intervene in the internal affairs of the monster clan, you will be killed without mercy."

As soon as he finished speaking, dozens of transformed demon cultivators behind him rushed to Bailu's surroundings and surrounded him like a thunderous battle.

The high-ranking killers of Canye Pavilion, you look at me, I look at you, quickly make a decision, step forward to help.

It stands to reason that they also have to abide by the agreement between human cultivators and demon cultivators, but as Bailu is the lore of the Canye Pavilion, if they let him die at the hands of demon cultivators, they cannot bear Xingye's anger.

A bit of struggle flashed in Fu Yue's eyes, ever since they learned that Xingye Jingzhe, like the Supreme Elder Ling Su, was also a monk who came out of Jiuliyuan, they didn't expect to kill them both in this siege.

What they want is to curb the development of Canye Pavilion and consume the strength of Canye Pavilion and Canglan factions. After more than 20 years of fighting, this goal has basically been achieved.

But who would have thought that Remnant Ye Pavilion was actually a remnant of the Witch and Gu Sect, and the peace that was originally made would not work, and now the various sects and factions have withdrawn one after another, but the four factions are trapped here, in a dilemma.

If Yaoxiu confronted Canye Pavilion because of Bailu, it was almost dozed off and came to give away pillows, they could take the opportunity to withdraw.

Moreover, judging from the movement of Mu Yan'an from the sect, Yunli Qianjiu was most likely on Qingyu Mountain and was seriously injured. The most urgent task now is to capture Qianjiu before Donglu appears.

But in this way, the demon cultivator has a reason to intervene in the human cultivator's affairs, and the agreement exists in name only.

After struggling for a while, he made a difficult decision, the situation of the two races of humans and monsters cannot be messed up.

This hole cannot be opened!

He finally said: "Stop them."

The other monks of the four factions and the two families were also hesitant, but now that Fuyue stood up to make a decision, they naturally obeyed without making up their minds, and shot one after another to stop the other killers.

Seeing that they could tell the difference between the serious and the serious, Runing nodded invisibly, signaling Hong Yu and the other monsters to attack with all their might.

As the lore of Canye Pavilion, Bailu's strength is naturally good, but the characteristics of the Wulingfeng, his strength is more reflected in the assassination and escape. Soon Bailu couldn't hold on anymore.

At some point, the sky was filled with white mist, and the world became hazy and subtle.

Bai Lu wanted to escape.

Hong Yu let out a long roar, and behind him appeared a phantom of a huge fire lion several meters high, and powerful fluctuations of spiritual power soared into the sky.

He jumped up and merged with the phantom behind him. When he fell, he turned into a mighty fire lion with a red body, and the long mane on his neck danced like a flame.

The fire lion roared, and countless streams of flames sprang up from its body, roaring and rushing into the white mist. After a few back and forth, the white mist disappeared completely.

They were demon cultivators who were also born in Tianwu, and they naturally knew the skills of the Wuling Queen Bee. Soon, Bai Lu was seriously injured, but the killers of the Canye Pavilion were stopped by the monks of the four sects and two monks. Down, gradually away from the siege circle.

At a critical moment, Bai Lu decisively activated the contract and summoned Xing Ye.

Inside Qingyu Mountain, Xingye moved several feet across the ground, the fingers holding the sword trembled slightly, and a slanted knife wound on his arm was deep enough to show the bone.

He was approached by Yunli again.

He glanced around and found that he had reached the edge of the formation. His figure was no longer erratic from left to right, but was running straight towards the periphery.

Yunli chased after him, saw him stabbing the barrier with a sword, and said, "Don't waste your energy, since we dared to lure you here, how could we let you escape."

Not wanting to, Xing Ye suddenly turned around and swept across with his sword.

At this time, Yunli was very close to him, standing almost in a straight line with him, and now she moved aside, she would be swept by the sword light no matter what.

Although she has rough skin and thick flesh, she is not afraid of getting hurt, but in battle, if she gets a little less injury, she will save more strength and increase her chance of winning.

She immediately leaned back, and the sword light almost slid past her waist.

Pfft, something broke at the waist.

Standing up and looking, he saw that the small pouch containing a few spare spirit stones had already arrived in Xing Ye's hands, and he quickly opened it.

Yunli wiped her face, pretending to apologize, "I let you down."

Xing Ye's expression was gloomy. There are other formations nested in the Absolute Spirit Formation, and spiritual consciousness is also forbidden. Being inside it is no different from ordinary people.

The periphery of the Absolute Spirit Formation is another trapped formation, without spiritual power and consciousness, even if you are familiar with the formation, you can't solve it.

In order to bring out the greatest effect, this set of combination formations is arranged absolutely, even Qian Jiu Er, who is inside it, is no different from ordinary people.

That is to say, even if they killed the two of them, they would not be able to get out without obtaining the formation.

She thought that something as important as the formation would be carried with her, but if she didn't have it in her purse, where would it be?

In the blink of an eye, he thought of Little Butterfly. With her spatial attainments, she could hide in the void with the array cards, wait for the battle to end, and then throw out the array cards.

Xing Ye's heart sank, and he hoped that Bai Lu would find him sooner.

As soon as he thought of Bai Lu, his brows became hot. It was the spiritual pet contract between him and Bai Lu.

Strong spiritual power gushed out from the contract, Xing Ye didn't feel any joy, what he and Bai Lu concluded was a blood contract, they could sense the life and death crisis of each other.

Something happened to Qinghe Valley!

Yunli lifted the saber, and was about to fight again, when she saw strong spiritual power gushing out from the center of Xingye's brows, she immediately told her to stay away.

Xingye, who has recovered her spiritual power, is no match for her.

After retreating a certain distance, she saw clearly that the source of the spiritual power was the contract rune of the spiritual pet, and now she was relieved, the farther the distance between the two parties, the greater the spiritual power required to activate the contract.

Qingyu Mountain is far away from Qinghe Valley, under the siege of Runing and others, he can't last long.

No, Xingye's fingertips flickered with silver light, and a black hole flashed behind him, and in the next second, his figure disappeared into the black hole.

"I go!"

Yunli was stunned, she didn't expect that he would use his little spiritual power to escape into the void, he valued Bai Lu so much!
It was also fortunate that he valued Bai Lu, if he used these spiritual powers to attack her, she might not be able to withstand it.

She looked to the west, saw that the sword energy was overwhelming, Wei Lin Jingzhe fought inseparably, with a radius of several kilometers, all the trees were cut off.

Guessing that there is no danger for a while, she shouted: "Brother, let's go after him, be careful yourself."

The space fluctuated a bit, and an array card fell out. She picked it up and quickly opened the array to go out, and then closed it again.

As soon as she came out of the formation, she immediately entered the world of Ling Nei, and Duo Duo was also unambiguous, leading Huan Shi Ling into the void, chasing Xing Ye.

Soon, they caught up with Xingye, and Yunli immediately threw out the Huanshi Ling to wrap around Xingye.

Xingye, who had recovered his spiritual power, naturally easily dodged away. Seeing her coming out of Ling Nei, he was also stunned for a moment as he hurried back, and cried out: "Xianfu!"

Mustard space, storage bags and other space appliances are very common, but immortal mansions where living people can live are rare.

He hesitated a little, should he rush back to rescue Bai Lu, or kill Qian Shi first and get her fairy mansion?

Yun Li, who was not familiar with the void environment, was swept away by the power of the void.

"Sister Yun!" Dodo exclaimed and chased after her.

 Thanks to /klSeraph, book friends 161219180356007, Bai busy leftovers, Huanxi 202082545, Huaihe, Pink Zhiyuan for their big monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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