Chapter 564
After a little thought, Xingye quickly made a decision, if he didn't kill her now, he would have a chance in the future, but if he couldn't go back in time to save Bai Lu, he would die now.

He hurried away.

No, he had just flitted not far away when the thin orange gauze meandered towards him, blocking his way.Xingye was so annoyed that he turned around and slashed at Yunli with his sword.

"Duoduo, run away!" Yunli shouted.

Dodo pulled her away hastily, in a panic, Yunli was scratched by a large amount of void force, and the wounds were deep enough to show the bones.

"Sister Yun, why don't you let him go and fight after you go out." Looking at her who was like a toddler, who was unable to walk steadily, and then looked at Xing Ye who was slowly drifting away like floating in the clouds, Duo Dow suggested.

"No, if we let him rush back, Runing and the others will be in danger." Xing Ye, who possesses spatial spiritual roots, is elusive, and has a short-distance space shuttle during the battle, which is almost impossible to guard against.

Looking at Duoduo who has no confidence, Yunli frowned. It's okay to have no confidence in a fight. She said: "Don't worry, he has to be careful in the void, and he can show his strength at most five levels. Let's go, let's chase after him!"

"But you didn't show your strength at all."

"Uh..." Yunli was embarrassed. Thinking back to the two brief fights, it was true. To Xingye, she was like a toddler trying to stop a fast-moving adult. No matter how you looked at it, she had no chance of winning.

Duoduo pursed her mouth, reluctantly said: "I can make trouble when he goes out like last time."

"The same trick won't work after you use it once." Yunli retorted immediately. The most important thing is that unlike them, Duoduo has experienced many battles. It was Xing Ye who didn't know her details last time.

Now, Xing Ye is in a hurry to go back, and he will definitely not hold back, Duo Duo is not his opponent.

Besides, short-term obstruction is meaningless, their goal is to kill Xingye.

After pondering for a moment, Yunli said: "You take Huan Shiling to catch up with him, then leave Ling behind, and get away quickly, I have a solution."

Duoduo was a little skeptical, but Yunli didn't give her a chance to ask, and entered Ling Nei's world in a flash, so she could only take Huanshi Ling to chase Xingye.

Xingye was constructing the passageway, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the gorgeous orange gauze again. In the dark void, the gauze gauze was shining brightly, and it was hard not to notice it.

Xing Ye was about to go berserk, building a passage was no better than walking through the void, it was not sloppy, with these two annoying little bugs messing around, maybe something would happen.

I wanted to let her live for a few more days first, since she would not eat or drink fine wine after toasting, I would send her on the road first.

The bottom of his eyes was covered with frost, and he temporarily put down the construction of the passageway. With the Xuanmo long sword in his hand, the dark void became darker, and the spiritual power flowed. Silver star patterns appeared on the sword, like tiny stars in the night sky.

The sword was ready, and just as he was about to cut it out, he saw an extremely rich orange glow suddenly appearing in the fluttering veil, and together with it, there was an overwhelming cold killing intent, a terrifying coercion if it had substance, a huge and infinite The ferocious breath of a horse.

Accompanied by the chirping sound, a huge figure flew out from the silk yarn...

Xing Ye fell into a daze: "Phoenix! You are actually a Phoenix!"

The huge orange-gold wings are bright and bright, and the dark void is also illuminated at this moment. The long tail drags out a beautiful arc, as if it can wash away all evil and darkness in the world.

Apart from him, there are only Qianshi and the little Butterfly spirit in this void, and the little Butterfly spirit is running wildly, coming out of Ling Nei again, and there can only be Qianshi, the demon cultivator.

She turned out to be the divine beast Phoenix!

No wonder he was able to hide it from Bai Lu, no wonder he was able to escape from the siege of many empress monks...

Xing Ye was full of surprises, and his heart was full of enthusiasm. The mythical beast Phoenix, one of the most powerful monsters in legends, if he could be accepted as a spiritual pet, what would the Wuling Queen Bee do?

At the moment, he was not in a hurry to rush back, and with a drop of heart and soul, he drew out a wisp of divine sense, and with a formula in his hand, a blood-colored contract rune was slowly drawn, tremblingly flying towards the orange-golden phoenix.

At this time, he regretted a little. He shouldn't have signed a blood contract with Bai Lu in the first place. A monk can have many spiritual pets in his life, but there is only one blood contract pet. Even if the blood contract pet dies, no other contract can be made.

Yunli was so angry that she wanted to accept her as a spiritual pet!
How dare you treat her as a spiritual pet!
Today, she must smash this ignorant ant to ashes!
She flicked her wings violently, stirring the power of the void, and the contract rune was torn to pieces before it reached her body.

His consciousness was damaged, Xingye's face turned pale, and his breath suddenly became weak. However, the desire in his eyes did not diminish in the slightest.

There are two ways to collect spiritual pets, one is to rely on one's own outstanding talents and profound opportunities to attract monsters, and actively seek to recognize the master.

The second is to defeat them. The stronger the bloodline of the monsters, the more they admire power. As long as they are defeated, they can be convinced.

Not to mention recovering divine beasts, even recovering powerful ordinary monsters requires a lot of effort, and it's normal not to succeed once.

Wait, she has such a close relationship with Qianjiu, could it be that she is Qianjiu's spiritual pet?Already have a master?

No matter what, try first. If there is a master, then kill Qianjiu first. Anyway, you are going to kill him, and you can also harvest a divine beast by the way.

The thoughts in his mind turned sharply, he sacrificed the Xuanmo long sword, regardless of the consumption, and made the strongest blow.

However, the surging sword intent did not stop Chengfeng at all, her wings folded slightly, forming a protective posture around her body, and shot like sharp arrows.

At this moment, she has completely surpassed the limitation of the void, and she has arrived in front of him in an instant.

The terrifying heat coming to his face finally made Xingye calm down. He wanted to move away, but his body was completely out of control, shaking uncontrollably, and it was extremely difficult for him to even move a single step.

Xing Ye recalled how similar the situation of being stuck in a quagmire and struggling to move forward when he met the Nascent Soul cultivator before he was conceived was very similar to now.

No, more powerless than that feeling.

Falling into the realm of the Nascent Soul cultivator is restricted in his behavior. At this moment, his body seems to be out of touch with his soul, his consciousness is extremely clear, but his body is completely out of control.

Xingye's eyes were stained with fear, no!Do not!Do not--

In his desperation, the orange phoenix went forward without hesitation, pierced straight through his body, and then stood upright. The huge wings spread out suddenly, and a clear cry resounded through the void.

Xingye's body froze for a second, and then collapsed, leaving only one ring falling into the depths of the void.

The orange gauze floated by, rolled up the ring, and danced slowly around the orange phoenix.

At this time, in Qingyu Mountain, Wei Lin, who was fighting Jingzhe in full swing, was in a state of anxiety, so he slowed down a word, and she chased into the void!
That is nothingness!
Even Xing Ye, who has a spatial spiritual root, has to be careful inside, what's the point of her chasing after him!
How long have you been in here, why haven't you come back?

At this time, the ground suddenly shook, Wei Lin was slightly stunned, thinking it was his own illusion.

The fighting skills among high-ranking monks are earth-shattering, and it is very common to change the world, but now they are in the Lingxing Lingxing Formation, and their ability is higher than that of ordinary top warriors. How can they have such power.

However, Jing Zhe on the opposite side also looked suspicious, and Xuan Er's eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief.

Wei Lin was in shock, and swiped his sword with his backhand, taking advantage of Jing Zhe's dodge, he shifted and changed his position, and went to the direction of Jing Zhe earlier.

On the southeast sky, phantoms of mountains and peaks slowly emerged, first the top of the mountain, then the mountainside, the bottom of the mountain, and the outline of the city. There are still people moving in the city!

As soon as this idea came to mind, I saw nine full moons rising into the sky around the phantom, faintly surrounding the 'mirage'.

Not only did they see this scene, but at this moment, all the creatures in the Canglan Continent saw it.

"what is this?"

"Is there any secret treasure born?"

"It seems to be the southeast sea..."

Those who didn't know it rushed to the southeast sea area in a hurry to find the secret treasure.

Some people's faces were full of surprise and uncertainty, only a few experts recognized it, and they were too excited to be themselves.

Outside Qinghe Valley, Xiao Zhen frowned, uncertain: "Is this Donglu?"

Over the past 3 years, the stars have changed, the sea has changed, and Donglu is no longer what it was in the records, but the general outline of the territory has not changed.

No one answered him. This situation and this scene show that Donglu is indeed about to appear in the world. The Canglan Continent, which has been sealed for more than 3 years, is very likely to be unsealed.

Everyone was happy at first, and then different emotions emerged in their hearts.

Ye Xiao and the two great powers are thinking about how to persuade the four major factions to get a piece of the pie from Donglu;

The four major factions also have different thoughts, most of them are extremely happy, some even weep with joy, after so many years, they are finally coming to the top.

Many of them are post-Yuan cultivators. Once the ban is lifted, they can ascend to the upper realm.

Fuyue Zhuoru and others are both happy and anxious. Needless to say, they are so anxious that Qianjiu has not yet caught it. After the world is unsealed, the rules of heaven and earth will definitely be strengthened, and the price to be borne by the immortal will be multiplied several times.

In addition, when the world is unsealed, they will ascend to the upper realm, and when they find a way to get down, maybe Qianjiu will already ascend.

In just a few breaths, the phantom of Donglu and the full moon disappeared, and the mainland returned to calm.

In the void, Yunli turned back into a human form, and when she let go of her consciousness, Duo Duo disappeared, but not far away, a pretty woman appeared at some point.

She knelt behind the table, resting her chin with one hand, and still maintained the posture of playing with the cup with her left hand, her face was dumbfounded.

This person Yunli knew, she was the maid of the woman in Tsing Yi, named Qiu Ye.

"Why are you here?" Yunli was stunned, looked behind Qiuye, there was no figure of the woman in Tsing Yi, and looked at her feet, it was still empty, without changing the environment.

Qiu Ye recovered from the shock, hurriedly stood up, bowed her head and saluted: "See Yuedian."

"You..." Yunli opened her mouth, and just as she spit out a word, the aftermath of her transformation completely disappeared, and her body suddenly fell down.

"I go!"

After swearing, she hurriedly called: "Duoduo, where have you been, come back soon—"

"Yue Palace!"

Qiu Ye exclaimed and pointed at her, and Yunli felt an invisible force supporting her body, slowly floating up.

Yunli was not surprised, the woman in Tsing Yi was obviously a master and servant, she was probably from the fairy world, and the void was nothing to them.

"thank you."

Yunli sincerely thanked her, and said with some embarrassment: "Can you help me call my companion, a Dreaming Spirit Butterfly."

While speaking, Dodo appeared within the scope of his consciousness, and was rushing towards this side. He presumably sensed that the battle was over and rushed back.

She hurriedly changed her words: "Oh, no, she's back."

As soon as the words fell, the familiar feeling of weightlessness struck again, Yunli froze for a moment, and when she looked over, Qiuye was no longer there.

She quickly realized that the other party didn't want Dodo to see her, so she couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth, wondering if she was so shameless and mysterious.

Lantau Island.

After a brief shock, Wei Lin froze and stabbed Jing Zhe's vitals, intending to seriously injure Jing Zhe while his mind was in shock.

However, Jing Zhe also had the same intention, cutting horizontally with the long sword, as fast as light, shadow and lightning.

After several times of strong attacks, the two sides fought evenly, and no one could do anything to the other.

"Don't you want to know what that was just now?" Jing Zhe spoke for the first time since the battle.

Wei Lin twitched the corners of his mouth, but did not answer.

I still remember that the first lesson Jing Zhe taught him was that a sword repairer should use the sword in his hand to speak, and if it is not necessary, do not speak.

If you talk too much, you will lose. If the opponent leads you into verbal traps and uneasy situations, it will not only affect the performance of swordsmanship, but also give the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of.

Seeing him silently making moves, Jing Zhe felt very complicated for a moment, he felt aggrieved when he lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot; but also felt sad that the master and apprentice had long since passed away, unexpectedly he still remembered his original teaching.

These complicated emotions only appeared for a short time before they were pressed down by him. He changed the subject and continued to disturb Wei Lin, "Guess, how is Qianshi doing now?"

Wei Lin frowned slightly, unconsciously clenched Li Li tightly, the void was mysterious and unpredictable, he was really worried about this.

However, he was just a little worried, not flustered.

Qingliangyi didn't respond, Huanshiling opened Ling's inner world, and with Dodo's help, his life should not be in danger.

He pursed his lips, and said, "One thing, I'm curious, your swordsmanship has already reached perfection, in terms of swordsmanship alone, Xingye is not your opponent, why do you want to help the evildoers?"

Appreciation floated on Jingzhe's face, "You are really a perfect successor, it's a pity that you can't be used by me."

Wei Lin's expression remained unchanged, and he continued: "Xingye is the son raised by the master of the Wugu sect outside, what about you? Did you follow him since childhood, or did you worship under him later?"

Jingzhe didn't move, as if I was just quietly watching your performance.

"It should be the former. You are too talented to be a slave with your talent. The master of the Wugu sect doesn't think so.

With your talent, you will be a guest wherever you go, and you can only be a servant if you follow him.Even though he sacrificed so much, he couldn't gain his trust. It was not as good as Bai Lu's spiritual pet who later contracted.Tsk tsk, yes, friendship is not as reliable as a contract. "

There was a slight crack in Jing Zhe's expression, and the corners of Wei Lin's lips curled up slightly. As early as in the Remnant Ye Pavilion, he had faintly noticed that Jing Zhe's feelings for Xing Ye were very subtle.

He is loyal, devoted himself to Can Ye Pavilion, and is at the forefront of all kinds of major events.

In order to reduce Xing Ye's doubts, he usually lives in secluded places, and never contradicts Xing Ye in public.

(End of this chapter)

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