Chapter 565

Even so, Xingye still trusts Bailu more.

Cultivation promotion, identity change, youthful friendship replaced by suspicion, not as good as a contracted spirit beast, how sad and helpless this is.

On the one hand, Jing Zhe understands Xing Ye, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, when standing at the peak of power, there is a servant whose strength and prestige are not weaker than his own, even he himself cannot guarantee that he will not be suspicious.

On the other hand, he was inevitably disappointed.

"Instead of caring about our relationship, you might as well think about how to collect Qianshi's body later." Jing Zhe's voice became colder.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a startled female voice say, "So the pavilion master intends to leave me a whole body?"

Jing Zhe's mind was shaken, and she turned her eyes to look, only to see Yunli walking out of the green shadow in a willow-yellow gauze dress.

Not only did she come back to Canglan from the void alive, she even changed her clothes!

Yunli knocked on her head angrily: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault, I'm too impulsive, how can I crush Lord Pavilion Master!"

"I'm not afraid of showing off my tongue when I talk big." Jing Zhe was full of disdain, and he admitted that he was really surprised to see her come out alive.

After thinking about it, the pavilion master hurried back to Qinghe Valley to rescue Bai Lu, he must have ignored her, since there is that little butterfly spirit who is as simple as drinking water in and out of the void, it is normal to bring her back alive.

Thinking about this clearly, Jing Zhe sneered in his heart, it turned out that Bai Lu's position in his heart was already so important.

If the bit of spiritual power he recovered just now was used to attack Qian Shi, she would definitely die, and if he joined forces with him, Qian Jiu would still be an opponent.

It would be too late to kill the two of them, leave the Absolute Spirit Formation, and rush back to Qinghe Valley.

"Then he gave this to me?" The sneering voice drew back Jing Zhe's attention, looking at the dark green ring held up by the girl, his pupils trembled, Xingye's ring!
Jing Zhe was in a state of turmoil, and almost all the monk's wealth was contained in the storage utensils such as the ring, and no one would give it away easily. What's more, this ring contained Xing Ye's most important items.

No, how could he die!

He is Xing Ye, the genius killer Xing Ye, in nearly ten thousand years, many amazing and brilliant geniuses have died in his hands.

How could he die in the hands of the little demon cultivator who was lower than him by a whole realm, how could he die in the void that was most beneficial to him?
Wei Lin's eyes froze, taking advantage of his confusion, he seized the opening and stabbed him in the heart.

Even though Jing Zhe was still in a trance, facing the blade as sharp as autumn frost, his tempered fighting instinct made him react subconsciously. When Li Lian was about to stab his heart, he turned his body slightly to avoid the vital point.

Mo Lijian stabbed at the outer edge of the left chest, Wei Lin turned his wrist slightly, and immediately held the sword to cut across to the right.

However, the pain in his body had brought Jing Zhe back to his senses, and his feet moved sideways, leaving him several meters away in an instant.

The gurgling blood stained the red and white shirt, and also stained Jing Zhe's eyes, and he quickly sealed the meridians in his left chest.

One blow missed, Wei Lin didn't rest for a moment, he stepped forward, under the sun, Mo Li's cold light sparkled, breathtaking.

Yunli holds Mengzhan in her hand and steps forward to help, Taofen's blade draws a dreamy trail in the air.

Without spiritual power and consciousness, Jingzhe was on equal footing with Wei Lin, because he had lived a few more years and was proficient in martial arts, he slightly overwhelmed Wei Lin.

Now that Yunli joined, the balance was immediately broken. Moreover, she took the path of breaking the situation with force, and the Meng Zhan Dao was surprisingly heavy, restraining their light and agile attacks to a certain extent.

After more than a dozen back and forth, Jing Zhe's physical strength was gradually exhausted, even though his response was correct, he was still sent flying by the Meng Zhan Dao.

He thrust his sword into the ground, supported his swaying body, panted heavily, and looked at the two who turned over and attacked again together, Jing Zhe felt sad in his heart.

It's just such a young two juniors who broke their plan for many years!

When they learned that Donglu was about to appear in the world and the path of ascension would start again, they changed their plan and decided to delay the outbreak of the Gu disease until they ascended to the upper realm.

First, to avoid cause and effect, to ensure a smooth ascension to Qingxuan; second, at that time, the monks of the Canglan Continent after the Yuan Dynasty will either ascend to the upper realm or fall into the thunder disaster. There is a shortage of high-level monks, so the Gu worms can play their role to the maximum.

Unexpectedly, the two discovered the voodoo in advance, and informed Fu Yue and the others through Ji Ruochen's mouth, and the voodoo became useless.

I thought it was just a failed plan, but I never expected that they would fall into the hands of the two of them.

The heavens are going to kill the witches and Gu sects!
At the end of the road, Jing Zhe felt unwilling and asked: "I don't understand, why you want to help the four major sects, they want to kill you."

"Don't worry, after you die, I will definitely let Fu Yue and the others go down to accompany you." Yun Li said coldly, while Wei Lin didn't say a word, and stabbed at him with his sword, not giving him any time to breathe.

From dawn to night, after a long period of fierce battle, Jingzhe was already scarred and scarred, even more embarrassing than Yunli's before. The scattered wounds penetrated deep into the flesh and blood, and the internal organs were also damaged in many places. With the loss of a large amount of blood, his vision was blurred.

Facing Wei Lin's stabbing blade, he could no longer dodge it. Seeing that Li Li's blade was about to pierce his heart, the Meng Zhan Dao flew obliquely and threw the blade away.

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows and asked with his eyes.

Yunli pursed the corners of her lips, and said: "After all, he has a master-student relationship with you for a year, the karma of killing a master cannot be involved, I will come."

After saying that, she flipped her wrist, and sent the Mengzhan Dao straight into Jing Zhe's heart.

Wei Lin was stunned for a moment, glanced at Jing Zhe, who was lying on his back, already dying, put away the Mo Li sword, and said calmly: "I don't have a master like him."

Yunli shook her head, "Teacher, preaching and teaching karma can also solve doubts. He taught you for a year, this is an undeniable fact."

After finishing speaking, she looked down at Xingye's ring in her hand, feeling a little melancholy: "I don't know how much Senior Brother Chu has feelings for his father. He was separated from Master Lingxi since he was a child, and he didn't feel any maternal love. Now I kill him again." I feel a little sorry for his father."

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows: "What, do you regret it?"

Yunli shook her head: "I don't regret it, but I hope he can hate me less..."

To Jing Zhe, their conversation was hazy, as if it came from the distant sky.

Originally, he didn't care about it, and just quietly enjoyed the last peace before death. Hearing this, his half-closed eyes suddenly widened, and he uttered with difficulty: "You said... what?"

Facing his behavior like cheating a corpse, Yunli and Li immediately stepped back three feet, making sure that Jingzhe had only his last breath left, so they felt relieved.

Yunli was startled and said, "What's wrong with him? Returning to the light?"

While speaking, Jing Zhe's extremely sluggish aura suddenly rose steadily, and his face became ruddy visible to the naked eye.

"Burning soul!" Yunli was even more vigilant, and hurriedly confirmed to Wei Lin, "Is the formation all right, won't it collapse?"

Burning the soul is a taboo technique, very few people know it. When faced with a certain death situation, burning the soul can restore the person to a full state in a short time and strive for a glimmer of life.

His soul was damaged, and he was either dead or stupid afterwards, but after all, there was an extra hope.

Wei Lin was fully on alert, but he was a little puzzled. Naturally, other places could gain a chance of survival through burning souls, but this place was in the Absolute Spirit Formation, and even burning souls would not be able to return to full strength.

Although he didn't recover his spiritual power, he recovered his physical strength. Jing Zhe stood up, his gaze as sharp as a sword: "You said just now that Chu Nan's mother is the Phantom Palace Lingxi?"

Uh, burning the soul is to restore physical strength?

Yunli nodded and said in surprise, "You don't know about this?!"

No way, Jingzhe is the No. 1 killer, even if Xingye actually trusts Bailu more, on the surface, he has to show that he values ​​Jingzhe.

Besides, Jing Zhe was the one who grew up with him outside, Xingye left offspring, so there's no need to hide it from Jing Zhe, right?
Jing Zhe suddenly laughed madly: "Illusion Palace? Illusion Palace! Hahahaha... You actually chose a descendant of the Qin family, hahaha..."

Smiling and laughing, his voice was full of grief and indignation, his eyes were scarlet, and he looked up to the sky and roared angrily: "Xing Ye, are you worthy of my mother!"

After yelling, he spat out a mouthful of bright blood, his breath was weak again, and he fell to the ground.

Yunli and Wei Lin looked at each other, both a little surprised, Jingzhe has enmity with Suxi Zhenjun's family!

Jing Zhe turned over and lay on his back. He tried to open his eyes, looked at the night sky, and somehow hid the bright moon in Yuanwei Garden behind the clouds, leaving only a few dim stars.

In a daze, he returned to that night again, when his mother's pleading and weeping kept echoing in his ears, he and Xingye struggled forward, trying to push the man away from his mother.

It's a pity that they, who have cultivated Qi, faced the monks in the Yuan Dynasty, and they were no different from shaking a tree, not to mention that hypocrite Yiming was also mad.

They could only watch their mother being insulted and drained of cultivation, they could do nothing but scold and hate.

Afterwards, Yiming, who regained consciousness, only felt guilty for a moment, and wanted to kill them to silence them!

The dignified owner of the Mirage Palace, a gentleman with high morals and respect in everyone's eyes, in order not to damage his reputation, after forcibly occupying his savior, he actually wanted to kill her to silence her!
At that moment, he swore that he must wipe out these righteous hypocrites and all the despicable people in the world!

Obviously at that time, Xingye hated him as much as he did. After getting the substitute puppet, he was the first to choose that hypocrite Yiming.

But, why choose Yiming's descendants, the mother is also the one who raised him...

Jing Zhe's scarlet eyes were round, almost protruding from the eye sockets, her body trembled uncontrollably, as if she was in a world of ice and snow in the twelfth lunar month of winter.

He vowed to exterminate all members of the Qin family's blood line to avenge his mother, but Xing Ye gave birth to offspring with a woman of the Qin family's blood line, and he had protected that bastard more than once.

This life is just a joke, "Xing Ye—"

After a roar of grief and indignation, Jing Zhe's body convulsed violently, then tilted his head, and made no sound, but his eyes were still wide open, the edges of the eye sockets were bloody, like a ferocious evil ghost Shura.

After sniffing and confirming that Jing Zhe was dead, Yunli couldn't help but hugged her arms. His last sentence "Xing Ye" didn't sound like a human could make.

In just two words, people's hearts are pulled into a ball unconsciously. Yunli is very curious about the grievances between Mother of Awakening Zhe and the Qin family of Mirage Palace.It's a pity that Jing Zhe is dead, and she may never know this secret.

Qinghe Valley.

A few days passed in a flash, Tianwu demon cultivator had already returned to Tianwu forest, but Xingye Jingzhe, the strongest in Remnant Night Pavilion, had not returned for a long time, Fu Yue and others were both happy and worried.

The joy was naturally that Xingye Jingzhe probably had an accident. Although they didn't see Xingye Jingzhe leave, but the soul pet was in danger, but the master disappeared, which was obviously unreasonable.

The most likely possibility is that something happened to them.

The worry is, when did Canglan show such great power, Xingye Jingzhe can be said to be the top powerhouse in Canglan Continent, if both of them are invincible, how can they be powerful opponents.

However, all of this is speculation, and we cannot leave without definite news.

Fu Yue was secretly anxious, judging from the elixir secretly sent by Mu Yan, Qianjiu Yunli was seriously injured, if he could take advantage of this opportunity to set up a trap, the chance of success would be doubled.

However, as the leader of the Righteous Path, anyone can leave at this time, but he cannot!
Bang bang bang, just as Fu Yue frowned and was thinking hard, there was a regular knock on the door.

He raised his voice and called, "Come in."

As soon as the words fell, Songyin came in and presented something: "Your letter."

Seeing the letter, Fu Yue raised his eyebrows in surprise. The monks used the sound transmission symbols to pass messages, so who would write a letter to contact him.

With doubts, he opened it. The content of the letter was very short, asking for a panacea.

After reading the letter, Fu Yue fell into deep thought. Ever since the matter of panacea was publicized by Yunli, every day there were letters from the killer of Canye Pavilion asking for the elixir.

However, almost all the low-level killers who contacted them, none of the high-level monks,
This is the first time a high-level person came to ask for it, Fu Yue squinted his eyes slightly, something must have happened to the Canye Pavilion!
After resting for a while, Yunli called Duoduo and took them to Qinghe Valley.

Xingye Jingzhe is dead, they have to confirm that all Canye Pavilion killers who have mastered this kind of Gu technique have been killed.

Although monks always carry important items and secrets with them, if Xingye Jingzhe does not follow the usual path and hides the Gu art in other places, if someone finds out, it will be another bloodbath.

There is also the matter of Dodo, Xingye has seen her space ability, and must have found out that she is Ah Yan's spiritual pet, but no news has come out for a long time.

I don't know if he told anyone else.

Entering Qinghe Valley, although the killers in the valley were in a hurry, they were not in a state of anxiety. Obviously, the news of Xingye Jingzhe's death was suppressed.

Yunli and Yunli went to look for Ruoqi immediately.

PS: Thanks to 941 Desserts, I am a big monthly ticket to Xiaoxiang Yanying, Da Luo Jinxian!

(End of this chapter)

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