all the way to fairy

Chapter 566 Disappearing

Chapter 566 Disappearing
After working together for so long, this is the first time they met Ruoqi as a collaborator.

With previous experience, the two are already familiar with the road, so they directly pretended to be ordinary disciples and went to the mission hall.

Seeing the two people walking in, Ruoqi's eyes flashed with suspicion. As the deputy head of the mission hall, he has issued missions for heaven-level and earth-level killers for many years, and the Jindanqi monks in the pavilion basically know each other.

What's more, in the war of more than 20 years, the killers of the Jindan period have suffered a lot, and now there are not many left in the pavilion, and the few who were unknown before have now recognized them all.

He was very sure that there were no such two people.

The two of them didn't talk too much, before he could ask, they quickly removed their disguises, Yunli smiled and said hello: "Ruo Qi Zhenjun."

Ruo Qi was taken aback, quickly waved his hand to close the restriction, and asked, "Why are you here? Has no one seen you?"

"Xingye Jingzhe died." Wei Lin said calmly.

"What?" Ruo Qi couldn't believe her ears, those two were the strongest in Canglan Continent, who could kill them?
Wait, "What did they get out of the valley?"

Yunli raised her eyebrows, the mission hall is the core organization of Canye Pavilion, Ruoqi doesn't know about Xingye's movements, it seems that there are not many people he trusts, so things will be much easier.

She said: "Just a few days ago, we set up the Absolute Spirit Formation on Qingyu Mountain."

Ruoqi was even more surprised, which meant that they killed Xingye Jingzhe!
Xingye Jingzhe's ability to become the number one powerhouse in the world does not depend on his cultivation. Under the Absolute Spirit Formation, their ability is superior to that of the same level - martial arts experience, and they can fully display it.

The fact that the two of Qianjiu can defeat them in a state of extreme spirituality, doesn't it mean that their experience in martial arts has surpassed that of Xingye Jingzhe!
how can that be?How old are they!

Ignoring his shock, Wei Lin took out a jade box and handed it over: "There are three things we need to do when we come here this time. One is to thank Zhenjun for his help for many years. A little care is not enough to show respect. I hope Zhenjun will accept it."

The material of the jade box is special, and it is a special container for storing precious pills. If Qi's eyebrows skipped a beat, he couldn't think of any other pills that they could take out in such a serious manner except panacea.

"This is the panacea that I promised you before saving Yingmei."

Yunli's addition confirmed his conjecture. Ruoqi opened the jade box carefully, and saw two pills that were shiny and plump, with a strong fragrance, which shocked people's spirits.

Ruoqi pursed her lips, and said slowly: "It stands to reason that the cooperation between us is something you like and I want, and you shouldn't get any rewards. However, the panacea is a life-saving thing for me and my disciples, and it is really hard to refuse." .”

With a slight movement of his fingertips, he took out a box of high-grade spirit stones, "So, let's count it as the one we bought."

Yunli gasped, is alchemy so rich? !
Although she wanted it very much, she still pushed the box back firmly, and said sincerely: "In those years, Zhen Jun and Senior Brother Shen Yi risked being discovered by the pavilion to provide us with convenience.

There is also "Song of Forgetting Love", you can control the Gu trouble in time, you have contributed a lot, these two panaceas are what you deserve. "

If Qi still wanted to decline, Wei Lin interrupted and changed the subject: "The second thing, we are going to search the residence of the three of them, in case any witches and secret arts are left behind."

Ruo Qi was moved, he had heard about the fact that Xiyashan Qianshi directly beheaded all the witchcraft developers without asking.

The Canglan sects intrigue and plan to kill, but they ignore the distinction between good and evil, and the differences between sects, and pay attention to the safety of the common people and all spirits.

This is what righteousness should look like!

He immediately said: "I'll try to remove the guards."

The two originally planned to rely on Duoduo to get in, but with the guards around, their hands and feet were tied. It would be great if Ruoqi helped transfer the guards away.

Wei Lin nodded and continued: "The third thing is to ask Zhenjun to help us analyze and analyze. In the Canye Pavilion, who else may know the development process of the Wugu people."

After pondering for a moment, Ruo Qi said: "Xing Ye is suspicious by nature, there are very few people who can gain his trust. Gu art is related to the secrets of witches and Gu sects, not many people know about it."

The two of Yunli also had this idea. In their opinion, only Mangzhong in Canye Pavilion is the most likely to know.

I came to ask Ruoqi for peace of mind, in case there is any hidden power in the Canye Pavilion.

She asked: "What about Mangzhong, based on what you know about them, would Xingye tell Mangzhong about such things?"

Ruoqi shook his head: "I'm not sure about that either. However, apart from Jingzhe, Bailu, and Shuangjiang, our Ruozi generation is the first batch of killers after the establishment of Canye Pavilion.

Mangzhong is also from our Ruo generation. Later, he made great contributions and was promoted to lore. He is responsible for taking care of the daily affairs of the cabinet. To Xingye, he is an outsider after all.Gu techniques are unique to the Wu Gu sect, so he probably wouldn't tell. "

Wei Lin had a thought, the first batch of killers should have a deep understanding of Canye Pavilion, what he said is most likely unmistakable.

He confirmed: "Does the Remnant Ye Pavilion still have hidden powers?"

Ruoqi smiled, and asked back: "Thousands of years ago, Xingye Jingzhe's strength was already at the top of the Canglan Continent, why didn't they directly seek revenge from the four major factions?"

"What they want to take revenge on is the whole world." Yunli blurted out without thinking. This is an indisputable fact.

Ruoqi shook his head: "Will it be difficult to deal with the monks in the world when the top four sects are dead?"

Yunli looked at him and asked with her eyes, Ruoqi didn't give a shit, and said: "The four major sects have lasted for tens of thousands of years, and geniuses have emerged in large numbers, and those monks who have reached the limit of their lifespan may not necessarily die.

Before the change of Jiuliyuan, every 3000 years, some disciples would bring back sleeping grass and other spiritual plants from it, and the Kunyuan Zengshou Pill was also strictly controlled by the four major sects.

The rise of Canye Pavilion is only a short 1000 years, and its foundation is short, how can it compare with the four major factions, in terms of fundamental strength, how can it compare with the four major factions.

Although Xingye Jingzhe is very strong, it is somewhat difficult to destroy the four factions. "

"Ha!" Yunli's eyes widened, and she lost her voice: "They still have hidden powers!"

Nima, their next target is Fuyue and others.

Seemingly seeing what she was thinking, Ruoqi said, "Don't worry, the only thing these great powers care about is their lives. Now that the Eastern Land is about to open, they will never take it lightly unless it is a catastrophe."

After a pause, he said again: "You find a place to wait, I'll go to the awn seed to test it first, and then try to transfer the guards of Xingyao Mountain and Luoye Mountain."

The two of Yunli had no objection, "Let's go to the yard before and wait."

They have lived in that courtyard for many years, and they are very familiar with it. It is also a quiet place, and there is only a small courtyard near Lanshu, which is perfect for temporary shelter.

Entering the small courtyard, Yunli was filled with emotion, and said softly: "I didn't expect that we would come back."

At this time, Duoduo came out from the void, her eyes widened, she was full of shock: "This is the courtyard where you used to live!"

In the whole yard, except for the stone table and bench on the left, there are only a bunch of uneven bare tree trunks.

Think about the side hall of Wanqing Palace where my sister lives, with green trees, colorful flowers, and fragrance of spiritual fruits; and the main hall of sister An next door, every brick, tile, plant and everything is exquisite.

Dodo looked at Wei Lin sympathetically: "Brother Wei is too miserable, to have lived in such a poor place for so many years."

The culprit, Yunli, touched the tip of her nose guiltily, "It's not that bad, is it? The house is built on the spiritual veins, and the spiritual energy is very strong."

"There is also a spiritual vein under the Wanqing Palace, and it is more intense than here." As soon as she finished her sentence, she was met with a merciless rebuttal by Duo Duo, Yunli was a little reluctant.

Wei Lin frowned, "It's been so many years, why haven't any leaves grown?"

After Ah Li left, he felt that the bare tree trunk was good to prevent people from sneaking in and eavesdropping. He didn't care if there were no branches and leaves.

Only now have I noticed that these trees have never grown branches and leaves!
Yunli was stunned, recalling the scene back then, she couldn't help being horrified. After practicing Huanshiling, these trees really never grew again!

She lowered her eyes, looked at the Huanshi Ling on her wrist, walked up to a tree trunk, and penetrated into it with her spiritual sense, only to find that there was only a faint vitality in the trunk.

These vitality support them from dying, but it is not enough to re-grow branches and leaves.

She checked the ground again, and there was nothing abnormal, the soil was very normal, as evidenced by the lively cherry blossoms blooming in the yard next door.

The aura flowed from her fingertips, and the fantasy silk was lighted up by the way. When the silk passed through the trunk smoothly, this time, she felt that the sporadic vitality was taken away.

This little vitality is really slim, if she hadn't comprehended the law of wood spirits and absorbed the heart of grass and trees, it would be difficult to find it even if she paid attention to it all the time.

Huanshiling has a lot of power, they have already gotten used to it, they were surprised for a while, then put it down, Yunli looked around, and said: "Duoduo, you should go back to the void and hide."

It is well known that Dodo is Ah Yan's spiritual pet. If people find out that she is here, it will be difficult to hide her void power.

Duo Duo reluctantly returned to the void, but within a quarter of an hour, Ruo Qi hurried over.

"The mango seeds are gone."

"What?" Yunli suspected that something was wrong with her ears. After Jing Zhe died that day, she asked Duo Duo to come to Qinghe Valley to check the battle situation, and Mang Zhong was there at the time.

After Bai Lu's death, the four major factions took the opportunity to launch a strong attack. In the absence of Xingye Jingzhe, Mangzhong was caught in the battle situation.

In the past two days, the four major factions slowed down their attacks, and he was able to breathe.

If there is no wrong guess, the four major factions slowed down their attacks because they were uncertain about the situation. They should also have some vague guesses. Once confirmed later, they will definitely take advantage of the situation to counterattack.

At this time, how could mangzhong see no one?
Ruoqi smiled wryly: "Wen Ming doesn't see anyone either."

"Escaped?" Wei Lin's eyes moved slightly.

Yunli thought for a while, but it was possible, Mang Zong was one of the four great killers, and probably knew the whereabouts of Xingye Jingzhe.

Even if he didn't know it before, when Bai Lu died and Xing Ye Jing Zhe didn't show up, after returning to Qinghe Valley, his first reaction should be to go to the two of them and check the soul lamp.

Mang Zhong was already selfish, Xingye Jingzhe was dead, Canye Pavilion was not the opponent of the four factions, he had to plan for himself, before the four factions reacted, the most important thing was to leave as soon as possible.

Ruoqi dismissed the guards of Xingyao Mountain and Luoye Mountain on the grounds of looking for awn seeds, Yunli and Yunli sneaked in smoothly, and turned Xingye Jingzhe and Bailu's residence upside down, but found no leftover Gu technique. People are ready to go back to Lantau Mountain.

Before leaving, Yunli said: "The situation of Canye Pavilion is over, Zhenjun should make plans early."

In the current situation, the killers should have guessed something more or less. If they don't leave as soon as possible, it will be difficult to leave after the four major factions confirm their guesses.

Ruo Qi glanced at the flustered assassins outside, and nodded in agreement.

As soon as she returned to Qingyu Mountain, Yunli immediately asked Duo Duo to rush back to the Tai Yi School, and told Duo Duo to spend some time every day to find out the whereabouts of Ear Grain.

There are only some small ants left in the Remnant Night Pavilion, so Fu Yue and other high-level officials don't need to take action in person, they will definitely focus on finding the two of them.

In the case of insufficient cultivation, the Absolute Spirit Formation was their best protection talisman, and the two of them did not intend to dismantle it, they simply changed it, leaving a blank space in the center of the Absolute Spirit Formation for cultivation.

Time passed as the two raced against time to practice, and in a blink of an eye, winter turned to spring, and there was no news of the mango species, and the whole person seemed to have disappeared from the Canglan Continent.

And the Canglan Continent fell into a commotion, the head of Remnant Night Pavilion, Xingye Jingzhe, the remnant of the Wugu Sect, died unexpectedly, and died in an inexplicable way, so far it is unknown who killed them!

The four major sects broke the Qinghegu formation and attacked the base camp of Canye Pavilion. The killers died or fled.

Three months later, Fu Yue officially announced the demise of Canye Pavilion, and would do everything possible to hunt down and kill the escaped killers.

So far, the encirclement and suppression that lasted for more than 20 years has come to an end.

Due to the phantom of the East Land a few months ago, the Canglan Continent has not returned to calm after the war, and the various sects and factions are in high spirits. They use the merits of encircling and suppressing Canye Pavilion as an excuse to force the four major factions to inform the East Land.

Due to the Central Continent Gu attack, the Ye Xiao family, who were on the same front as the four major factions, also stood on the opposite side of the four major factions, and even assumed the leading role, insisting that the four major factions disclose the information of Donglu to the public.

On this matter, the attitude of the four major sects was very tough, and they did not allow any sect family to get involved in Donglu, and even took action to suppress two small sects, as an example to others.

All sects and factions were furious, but their strength was far inferior to the four major factions, and they suffered heavy losses in the encirclement and suppression of Can Ye Pavilion.

Seeing that Yunli could not help shaking her head, at this time, it is time to unite and form a rope. No matter how strong the four major factions are, can they be stronger than the combination of Canglan's various sects and various factions!

On this day, the blue sky was like a wash, and a startled rainbow fell outside Qingyu Mountain. Two familiar figures descended from the flying sword, one with a middle-aged appearance and the other with a youthful face. .

Yunli was very surprised: "Why are they here?"

"Just ask and you will know."

After saying that, Wei Lin got up, walked through the vast area of ​​extreme spirits, and came to the outside of Qingyu Mountain, and said with a smile: "I don't know that the distinguished guest is coming, and I am sorry for the disappointment."

Ruoqizhenjun sighed softly, "Now we, the remnants of Remnant Ye Pavilion, are being chased and killed by the four major sects. I think you are the same, so I come to be a companion."

 Thanks to Yizhixiang, Xiaododing, Cishu Shengge, and Huanxi 202082545 for their monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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