Chapter 569
Hei Hua was in pain, twisted his body, the jet-black scales spread like water waves, covering his whole body quickly, his figure swelled rapidly, in an instant, a huge dragon python appeared in front of several people, its body was extraordinarily thick, like a silver basin.

Wei Lin turned back and turned to look at Yunli hastily. After many years of experience, seeing the snake and python again, she didn't tremble and couldn't move.

He breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that the body of the Jiaomang was still soaring, and the space was being squeezed inch by inch, recalling the situation when Heihua transformed into a dragon, if it fully showed its original shape, it would not be enough for the entire Qingyu Mountain to be fully occupied, so he hurriedly shouted: "We Get out."

Ruoshui's master and apprentice retreated quickly as early as the first time. At this time, they had reached the edge of the restraint, but Yunli did not move for a long time. She held the Mengzhan Saber tightly, and there seemed to be flames in her light orange pupils.

Thinking of Hei Huayuan and seeing her strange appearance behind Hei Huayuan, Wei Lin quickly said, "You two go out first."

In fact, he is not optimistic about this surprise attack. Although Hei Hua's strength is not as strong as Xingye Jingzhe's, his physical strength is far beyond.

Under the Absolute Spirit Formation, they are not inferior to Xingye Jingzhe in combat skills and experience; but they have no advantage against Heihua, who has rough skin and thick flesh. Besides, he and Wen Xueluo have a spiritual pet contract, and they will die by time consumption He's also unrealistic.

However, Yunli had already made a move, so he could only keep up.

While speaking, Wei Lin quickly opened a gap in the restraint, and closed it again after Ruoshui's master and apprentice went out, then he raised his sword and jumped into the air, gliding briefly in the air, and landed beside Yunli.

Hei Hua seemed to be scrupulous, her huge dragon body coiled around her, but she didn't dare to wrap around Yunli, leaving a gap around her body.

The huge head protruded from the body that was stacked like a hill, growled towards them, and said, "I came here this time only to hope that you can help break the master-servant contract with Wen Xueluo, and I have no other intentions."

The long beard around his mouth trembled slightly with his opening, drawing a majestic arc, and the three bumps on the top of his head were even more hideous in beauty, which was the symbol of a dragon.

As long as the horns are raised, he can completely lose the body of the python and turn into a dragon.

The flames in Yunli's eyes became more and more intense, almost bursting out of the sockets, and said in a hateful voice: "Can you break the contract for me? I help her kill you, an ungrateful thing!"

As she said that, she was like a howling flame, and she had already reached the top of Hei Hua in an instant. She exhaled and raised her voice, Zhan Meng held it high, and then chopped off her head without any tricks!

Where the blade fell, it was exactly where Heihua Qicun was.

Under the sunlight, Tao Fen's blade became more and more clear, like a dream, but Hei Hua's expression changed drastically, and his body twisted, trying to avoid the blade with all his might.

However, surrounded by anger, she was full of murderous aura, and the coercion of the beast's aura erupted in an all-round way. The suppression of blood and overwhelming murderous aura made Hei Hua paralyzed and trembled uncontrollably.

Hei Hua's heart trembled, as early as Bai Lu's death, when the four major sects broke through Qinghe Valley, and Xing Ye Jing Zhe didn't show up for a long time, everyone in Cang Lan guessed that the two had died.

There are different opinions as to who died at the hands of whom, but in private, Wen Xueluo was categorical, insisting that Xingye Jingzhe died at the hands of Qianjiu Yunli, and guessed that the two were ambushed and killed by the Absolute Spirit Formation.

Although he was very dissatisfied with Wen Xueluo, he believed in her wisdom, so before coming here, he had already guessed, but when he came in, he found that it was exactly as Wen Xueluo expected. He was only slightly surprised for a moment, and then quickly calmed down.

Being able to kill Xingye Jingzhe in the Absolute Spirit Formation, the fighting skills and experience of the two of them needless to say, but he is the Great Demon of Transcending Tribulation, his physical body is extremely tyrannical, without the blessing of spiritual power, Cang Lan's weapons are rare can hurt him.

The only thing to be careful about is the suppression of Yunli's blood.

After repeated weighing, he still came.

It is true that she is a descendant of the Four Spirits, but he is only one step away from Hualong. The gap in blood is not too big to resist, and the other party has obviously been seriously injured!
She thought that she, a thug during the tribulation period, would take the initiative to send her to the door, and the other party would be overjoyed, but she never expected that she would not even give her a chance to speak.

What's more, he didn't expect that there was such a disparity in bloodlines from hers, and there was an overwhelming murderous aura, even the hell Shura was nothing more than that.

Just when Hei Hua was in despair, his brows became hot, and a strong spiritual power gushed out from it. With this spiritual power, Hei Hua let out a neigh, and his limp body finally gathered a little strength, and the huge dragon body twisted instantly, avoiding it. Open seven inches.

When the Zhanmeng Saber fell, it actually broke through his defense, broke through the scales, and sliced ​​into the flesh.

Hei Hua was startled, this slash without fancy tricks, this slash full of anger, if he hadn't avoided Qicun in time, it would have been broken here today.

He swam out with his seriously injured dragon body, and with the last bit of spiritual power, he ruthlessly slammed into the formation barrier.

The key to the formation on Qingyu Mountain is the Lingxing Lingxing formation, and the surrounding formations are the Shuiyue Thousand Layers formations in the Canglan Continent, which were shattered inch by inch under the impact of Heihua's all-out effort.

"Grass! Another spiritual favor!"

Twice, she was contracted by the spirit pet to do bad things, Yunli was so angry that she only had time to throw the knife with her backhand, but Heihua was so fast that the Zhanmengdao only cut a scratch on the tail of Heihua.

In the blink of an eye, Hei Hua had already swam hundreds of meters away from the Absolute Spirit Formation. With a flash of inspiration, he transformed back into a human form. His legs were dripping with blood. He staggered a few steps while holding onto the tree trunk before he stood still.

Yunli's eyes sharpened, and she raised her foot to chase after her, but a hand stretched out beside her, and grabbed her, "There's no rush for revenge at this moment."

The familiar voice calmed down Yunli, who was surrounded by anger. She stood on the edge of the Absolute Spirit Formation and looked at Heihua coldly: "If you dare to step here again, you will never return!"

Hei Hua was ashamed, trying to suppress the anger in his heart, and said: "Why don't you agree with what you said?"

After a pause, he hurriedly expressed his loyalty: "As long as you can help me release the contract, this subordinate is willing to be your bodyguard, pledge allegiance to the death, and protect you thoroughly!"

Yunli sneered: "Just you, a piece of rubbish, wanting to be Lao Tzu's bodyguard, just dreaming of your spring and autumn dream!

Why don't you ask Shaohao Luo to release the contract for you, it's just to see that I'm easy to bully, and to take advantage of the opportunity.Reptiles in the dark, ungrateful beasts..."

Hei Hua's face became hot when he was told that, 3 years ago, he had seen the power of that phoenix, and wherever he went, monsters with a slightly higher cultivation level became his dinner.

If it hadn't been for ten years, when Jiuliyuan was closed, he might find him and eat him.

To him, the self that failed to transform into a dragon is a great tonic. In Jiuli Yuan this time, if he hadn't been in a hurry to get rid of the demon, he probably wouldn't have let him go.

Feeling Wen Xueluo's constant approach through the contract, Hei Hua hurriedly suppressed the thoughts in his heart, and hurriedly argued: "I am one step away from transforming the dragon, and now I am only tired by Wen Xueluo, and my cultivation is only..."

"whispering sound!"

Yunli interrupted his argument, with disgust on his brows and eyes: "Only Wen Xueluo would consider an ungrateful dragon python who has stopped cultivating to cross the catastrophe period."

Hei Hua was taken aback, "Stop crossing the tribulation period? What do you mean?"

 Thank you La80 for your monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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