all the way to fairy

Chapter 570 Trap

Chapter 570 Trap
At this time, the sky was flickering, and behind the dense clouds, dazzling light spots rushed out of the clouds like stars breaking their shells, flying towards Qingyu Mountain.

As the distance approached, light spots appeared, and Wen Xueluo came in cold white clothes, holding a sword.

Yunli glanced at Heihua whose expression changed slightly, and said with deep meaning: "It's a coincidence that your master is here, just to let her hear how ungrateful and ruthless her spiritual pet is."

Hei Hua came to ask her to terminate the contract, so she naturally wanted to hide it from Wen Xueluo. From the outbreak of the spiritual pet contract to Wen Xueluo's arrival, it took less than a cup of tea. Hei Hua thought that Hei Hua was fooling Wen Xueluo to the vicinity of Qingyu Mountain, taking advantage of it. Prepare, come secretly.

I just don't know how much water Wen Xueluo put in his 'fool'.

Hei Hua's complexion instantly turned pale.

Seeing Wen Xueluo who was about to land, Yunli was full of malice: "You ate your own Yu Xuemei, right?"

A trace of confusion flashed in Heihua's eyes, and his brows frowned slightly, as if he was remembering something, he looked at Yunli in surprise.

With a thought in his mind, Wei Lin asked cooperatively, "Yu Xuemei? Is it a person or a thing?"

Yunli smiled lightly, glanced at her flying sword, and Wen Xueluo, who was walking slowly, said, "Yu Xuemei is a rare treasure of heaven and earth for the demon clan. The demon cultivator takes Yu Xuemei of the same rank , can not only improve cultivation, but also increase the speed of cultivation and break through bottlenecks.

Naturally, even a monster would want such a sacred object.

However, this Jade Snow Rose is not only extremely delicate, but also has no psychedelic or poisonous abilities to protect itself. When it is in full bloom, it is also full of fragrance. A monster with a keen sense of smell can smell its fragrance thousands of miles away. "

Wei Lin was stunned, the treasure was self-deprecating, no matter how weak the creatures in the world have their own way of survival, this Yuxuemei has such a magical effect on the monster race, and there is no way to hide and protect herself, so she was eaten by monsters before long Genocide?

As if seeing his doubts, Yunli explained thoughtfully: "Among all the monster races, Yuxuemei has the best effect on black cloud snakes. They can increase their cultivation speed just by smelling its fragrance, so almost every black cloud snake The wish of Yun Snake all his life is to find a Jade Snow Rose and conclude a contract.

Yuxuemei uses fragrance to help Heiyun Snake cultivate, and Heiyun Snake protects Yuxuemei from being eaten by other monsters and helps them evolve, which is called symbiosis. "

"What's the benefit of forming a bond for the Black Cloud Snake? There should be a difference between just smelling its aroma and eating it?" Wei Lin grasped the key point at once. Since eating it can get all the benefits of Yuxuemei, and he doesn't need to bother to protect it. If there is nothing special, why sign a contract?


Yunli smiled slightly, taking time to appreciate Heihua's increasingly flustered expression, "The fragrance of Yuxuemei can only help Heiyun Snake improve his cultivation speed, if he wants to directly increase his cultivation and break through the bottleneck, he must eat the whole plant of Yuxuemei." Row.

It’s okay when there are many Yuxuemei, just look for it after eating one, but unfortunately, this kind of natural treasure that is perfect and easy to find, was on the verge of extinction a long time ago, and every Yuxuemei plant are very precious.

Therefore, later on, the monster won't eat Yuxuemei immediately after obtaining it, but carefully cultivate it, and wait until the critical moment to consume it, so as to exert its greatest effect.

For the Black Cloud Snake, the conclusion of the contract is the choice to maximize the benefits. The usual aroma can help them improve their cultivation speed. When Yu Xuemei advances, the special aroma it produces can increase the ability of the Black Cloud Snake to break through the bottleneck probability.

And the contract is to balance the cultivation of Heiyun Snake and Yuxuemei, to ensure that they advance at the same time! "

Wei Lin frowned, this effect is not much worse than eating it, and it is long-term. Is the Black Cloud Snake family so favored by heaven and earth?
This kind of perfect good thing, no matter how you hear it, feels like a conspiracy.

Yunli's gaze turned to Wen Xueluo, and she said very slowly: "Not only that, if one day Heiyun Snake reaches the end of his talent, and when there is no way to advance, he can also eat Yu Xuemei, 100% guarantees the success of the advancement."

"This is a trap." Wei Lin frowned.

Jingxu also nodded in agreement: "How can there be such a good thing in the world, all the benefits are taken by the black cloud snake."

Hei Hua argued: "Our Heiyun Snake clan has produced real dragons and flood dragons, and made great contributions in the battle between immortals and demons. This is our reward."

There was a guilty conscience in his voice that he didn't realize. Obviously, subconsciously, he also felt that there would be no pie in the sky.

"Reward you to Wen Xueluo as a spiritual pet?" Yunli snickered, "Don't make yourself famous, this is a trap, or a test.

You yourself are also very clear that it is impossible to fall into the sky, but because you are reluctant to part with the benefits of Yu Xuemei, and because there is no effect for a long time, you just deceive your ears and steal the bell.

Because you inhale the fragrance of Yuxuemei during cultivation, its fragrance will become a part of your cultivation in the long run, and it will still be a part that cannot be replaced. If you can't help the temptation and eat your contract partner..."

Yunli sneered, and she would not elaborate on the following words, but everyone present already understood that since Yuxuemei's fragrance had become part of Heiyun Snake's cultivation, without the fragrance, it was naturally impossible to advance further.

"Impossible, impossible!" Hei Hua's face was pale, and he screamed again and again, "The contract is my family's inheritance, it is impossible to entrap us, absolutely impossible!"

Yunli's tone was light, and her eyes were stern, "Yes or no, you know better than us."

Hei Hua's complexion was as pale as paper, and as a cold-blooded animal, the sweat on his forehead overflowed layer upon layer.

After tens of thousands of years of practice, he is naturally not the only one who owns Yu Xuemei, and he is not the only one who betrayed the contract and ate Yu Xuemei.

Strictly speaking, he is already the leader of the Black Cloud Snake Clan, and many of his fellow Clans even ate the contracted Yu Xuemei at the eleventh and second ranks.

Searching the memory, these fellow clans, except for a few who died in battle, did indeed stagnate after eating Yu Xuemei and successfully advanced.

These phenomena are not unnoticed by the clansmen, but those who choose to eat the contract Yuxuemei have almost reached the limit of their talent, and it is difficult to go further.

Hei Hua suddenly recalled that when they were cubs, they had a partner. Back then, the two snakes had almost the same talent, age, and cultivation level. When they went out to practice, they discovered Yu Xuemei together and signed a contract with each other.

Later, that partner went out in distress and urgently needed to restore his spiritual power and increase his cultivation to defeat a powerful enemy, so he had to eat his own Yuxuemei with tears in his eyes.

Hei Hua clearly remembered that when that clansman escaped from danger and returned to the clan, his cultivation speed was not as good as his own. Later, when he ascended to the twelfth level, he was still stagnant at the ninth level.

At that time, all the clansmen believed that he did not have the assistance of Yuxuemei's aroma, so his cultivation speed would slow down.

It is precisely because of the lessons learned by this clansman that I value Yu Xuemei so much. I have been stagnant for many years in the middle of the tribulation and tried my best to fail to break through. In desperation, I ate the contract partner.

Looking back now, even without Yu Xuemei, with the talent of that clansman, it shouldn't have been so many years without making any progress.

Hei Hua fell into an ice cellar, his lips were trembling, and he kept murmuring: "Impossible, impossible..."

At this point, Yunli's goal has been achieved, she glanced at Wen Xueluo meaningfully, and said to Wei Lin and the others: "Let's go."

Wei Lin nodded, and also cast a meaningful glance at Wen Xueluo, then turned and walked towards the depths of Lantau Mountain.

Hei Hua's performance has already shown that he did eat his contract partner when he broke through the late stage of crossing the catastrophe.

A partner who has been with him for tens of thousands of years and has been of great benefit to his practice has ended up like this, which shows that he is cold-blooded and ruthless.

Wen Xueluo is not a good man and a faithful woman, this time Heihua came to find Ali to make a bond with her to betray her, and now there is a lesson from Yu Xuemei, Heihua's life will not be easy in the future.

Not far from the few people, Wen Xueluo's calm voice sounded, "Go back."

The pitch is neither high nor low, the speed of speech is neither fast nor slow, and no emotion can be heard, reminiscent of the calm before the storm.

Yunli and the others returned to the depths of Qingyu Mountain, Jingxu looked at Yunli curiously: "It seems that you hate Heihua?"

During the tribulation period, the big monster took the initiative to send him to his door. If he accepts this guard, it will be a great help even if he goes to Qingxuan Continent later.

Moreover, being a demon clan, she should feel empathy for Heihua being forcibly accepted as a spiritual pet by Wen Xueluo, why would she rather help Wen Xueluo than help him terminate the contract, and hope that Wen Xueluo can rub Heihua.

And the termination of the contract, listening to Hei Hua's tone, is not a difficult task for her, this is simply unheard of.

Yunli said coldly: "I hate snakes, especially the black cloud snake."

Jingxu raised her eyebrows, that's it?Isn't it a bit willful!

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, Wei Lin interjected: "The outer formations have to be re-arranged, let's set up a special protective formation, we have something to deal with next, the formations will trouble Zhenjun and Senior Brother Jingxu gone."

"Should be." Zhenjun Ruoshui agreed softly, and then discussed the details of the formation.

At this moment, Wen Xueluo, who had returned to the resting place, also asked this question: "Why can Yunli terminate our contract?"

Hei Hua exhaled unobtrusively. On the way back, Wen Xueluo still didn't say or do anything, but the stagnant atmosphere almost made him unable to breathe.

Now that she finally spoke, the dull atmosphere finally dissipated a bit.

Hei Hua's eyes flickered slightly, and he replied honestly: "The four spirits have a high status among the monster clans, they are above all the monster clans, and they are natural kings.

The so-called monarchs, ministers, fathers and sons, the four spirits' control over our monster race is above all contracts, as long as she wants, she can cancel any contract with monsters. "

As he said that, he glanced at Wen Xueluo, but saw that her expression was calm, and her calm eyes were somewhat insightful.

Hei Hua looked away calmly, and continued: "Of course, if both parties to the contract have a lot of background, there is a price to be paid for forcibly rescinding the contract.

For example, your ancestors are kind to this plane, and I am a gift from Heaven to you. If she forcibly terminates our contract, she will act against the sky, and will definitely suffer the backlash of Heaven. "

Hei Hua shook his head, "It's a pity, she won't be fooled."

 Thanks to the busy leftovers for the monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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