all the way to fairy

Chapter 571 Chapter Family

Chapter 571
The sun rises in the east, and the first rays of the sun dye the robes of green mountains. The green mountains do not move, and the white clouds fly in the blue sky.

As the boat approached, the familiar mountains and rivers of her homeland came into view. Yunli felt timid because of the proximity to her hometown, thinking that she was the reincarnation of a phoenix, not a daughter of the Yun family, and she didn't know how to face her family.

"This is the Kingdom of Liang, and it looks no different from Canglan's other mortal kingdoms." Duo Duo frowned, her anticipation dropped by half.

Unable to give up after thinking about it, he asked again: "Is candied haws really that delicious? My sister said that she used to see Sister Yun slipping away to buy candied haws, but she was so hungry..."

Wei Lin shook his head, interrupting her thoughts: "I still think you are thinking about the seafood in the sea, you come out at sea, and you have to take a boat."

"I've never seen the sea." Duo Duo seriously argued, "What's so delicious about seafood? Those that swim in the sea and run on the ground are all monster meat. My sister said that candied haws are the most delicious food in the world. If you don't eat them, you can't live without them." whole!"

Wei Lin was speechless: "Don't worry, when you arrive in the capital, you can eat as much as you want. Just don't forget to get down to business."

Duoduo smiled, and patted her chest to promise: "I know, I will know your family well, and I will go directly from the void in the future."

Wei Lin felt that she was going to be disappointed, although ordinary food was carefully processed, but the ingredients were limited, it would not suit her taste.

"Brother, you should help me change back to my previous appearance." Yunli struggled for a while, and finally decided to meet her relatives in the appearance that Yunli should grow up.

She is indeed not from the Yun family, but it is still open to question if she is not taking over other people's identities. Parents are old, so why let them know these things, it will only be entangled and bored.

Wei Lin nodded, this was also his idea, sometimes white lies are needed.

"Duoduo, you remember, when you arrive in the capital, don't talk too much, especially about my identity." Yunli warned worriedly.

When they landed on the shore, the three of them flew with their swords, and they arrived in the capital in a short time.

With a sweep of Wei Lin's consciousness, he saw a white-haired old lady in the flower hall of the main courtyard of Weining Duke's Mansion, sitting on a big golden thread python pillow and laughing, surrounded by young daughters-in-law, big girls, and maids. Across the room, there were a few little boys with long hair running around happily.

He was stunned, and his eyes suddenly became hot. Although he had expected it, he still felt that the impact was not small when he saw it with his own eyes. When he left, his mother was in her prime, and she didn't want to see her again.

At this time, he somewhat understood why he had to cut off the mortal relationship in order to cultivate the Tao.

He blinked his eyes, his vision returned to clarity, and said, "I'll go in first, and we'll meet up in the palace after we're done."

Yunli nodded nervously. After so long of psychological training, she still couldn't help feeling timid when she arrived, and didn't even dare to use her consciousness to check the situation of the princess mansion.

Her solemn appearance made Dodo make a decision immediately: "Brother Wei, I will follow you."

If you are not careful, you don't control your mouth, and you don't get picked up by Sister Yun, it's better to stay away from her.

At this moment, Yunli had no time to care about her little thoughts, she turned her eyes away from the gate of the Princess Mansion, she was about to turn around to find a place where there was no one, and climbed over the wall incognito, when the gate opened, she trotted out from both sides of the gate relying on the guards .

Looking at the carriage slowly approaching in the mansion, Yunli froze in place, it depends on the specifications, it is her mother's carriage!
Seeing her standing there in a daze, with no intention of moving away, the guard at the door hurriedly shouted: "Get out of the way!"

Yunli's feet spun slightly, and she subconsciously wanted to use startling footwork, but suddenly realized that this was commonplace, and immediately took a few big steps to the side, walking to the side.

A corner of the car curtain was lifted, and Yunli looked over subconsciously. From her angle, she couldn't see clearly what was going on inside the car, but could only see her fingers hanging on the brown back-patterned car curtain, as dry as a branch.

Suddenly, the car curtain was completely lifted, and a kind old woman poked her head out tremblingly, her snow-white silver hair was neatly combed, and her forehead was fixed with a reddish-brown phoenix pattern, looking calm and dignified.

Looking across Yunli's face, the old man's muddy eyes suddenly opened wide, and a compelling brilliance burst out from within.

"Stop!" shouted the old man.

The driver stopped the car smoothly and quickly, and the guards were also orderly, without causing the slightest commotion.

The moment she met those eyes, Yunli froze in place for a moment. Although the eyes were lowered and the upper eyelids drooped, blocking most of her expression and no longer as bright as she remembered, she still recognized them at a glance.

That's her mother!

Princess Zhaoren got out of the carriage, broke away from the maidservant's hand, walked towards Yunli in three steps at a time, and grabbed her hand.

Yunli supported her staggering body, opened her mouth, her throat seemed to be stuffed with a ball of cotton wool, she couldn't say anything, but tears rolled out all at once.


Hongying exclaimed, she was about to go forward in a hurry, but unfortunately she was also old, and almost fell to the ground in desperation, ignoring her annoyance, she hurriedly called out: "Hurry up and help the eldest princess."

Long before she spoke, the clever little maid stepped forward and supported the eldest princess.

Hongying breathed a sigh of relief, and saw that Princess Zhaoren was in tears, holding the girl in yellow tightly by the hand. She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but for some reason, she didn't say anything, so she hugged the girl into her arms Li, bowed his head and wept bitterly.

The girl's face was as white as jade, her bright apricot eyes were filled with mist, and the teardrops were falling down one by one like broken beads.

Hongying frowned slightly, this girl's face was pretty, like a new willow in March, delicate and clear, after seeing it for a long time, she felt vaguely familiar.

"Mother, what's the matter?" A middle-aged noble lady came down from the carriage behind and hurried over. While stepping forward to take the place of the little maid to hold Princess Zhaoren, she turned her head to look at Hongying and asked with her eyes.

"Great-grandmother." Immediately afterwards, another young girl came and called out in doubt.

Their voices finally came to the attention of the crying mother and daughter. Princess Zhaoren pressed the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, and said in a hoarse voice, "This is the granddaughter of your sister-in-law's family in Lanxi. It's the first time she has come to the capital... "

Yunli was stunned for a moment, laughing through tears, the ability to make up nonsense was inherited from her mother.

Suspicion flashed across the lady's eyes, she looked around Yunli calmly, took two steps forward with a smile, took her hand affectionately, and praised: "She is the granddaughter of Lian's sister-in-law, she is really good-looking, Like a fairy."

Yunli blinked her eyes, considering her age, she also called her mother as her mother, most likely her brother's wife.

But as the granddaughter of Lian's sister-in-law's family who was temporarily arranged by my mother, I have to call her grandmother, which is really hard to say.

She lowered her head shyly.

Princess Zhaoren ordered: "I won't go to the palace, you take Sister Ting to the palace and come back earlier."

As he said that, under the suspicion of the woman and the girl, he dragged Yunli back to the princess mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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