Chapter 572
As soon as they entered the Chunhua Courtyard, they retreated from the servants, and the mother and daughter cried again, and it took a quarter of an hour to get better.

Princess Zhaoren stroked Yunli's hair affectionately, her voice choked up: "Mother thought that she would never see my sister Li again in this life."

Yunli's nose turned sore when she heard that, she turned her head and tried to hold back her tears, "It's my daughter who is unfilial."

Princess Zhaoren shook her head, and said in an amiable voice: "Our sister Li wants to become a fairy and protect the common people in the world. How can mother keep you by my side for my own selfishness?"

Yunli was silent, and said softly but firmly: "My daughter will definitely live up to my mother's expectations."

After a pause, she asked again, "Where's Daddy?"

She wanted to ask this question when she was outside the mansion, and she was worried that her father had already passed away, so mentioning it would make her mother sad. Now that she has seen the objects in the house, they are all in pairs. How many things does her father have? It is an old thing that I am used to, so I can ask with confidence.

Princess Zhaoren's eyes were soft, "You know, he loved painting all his life. He used to be busy with government affairs and had to let it go. Now that he has free time, he has to paint a few strokes every day.

In a few days, it will be Chongyang, Linchuan Qihuashan will hold a cultural meeting, and the direct disciples of the old Huang Lingshan will also go, your father rushed over a few days ago. "

Yunli smiled lightly, her father loves to draw like an idiot, he was only three years old at the time, but he was bored, so he used a branch to draw a decent grasshopper on the ground. point.

Adhering to the concept of drawing from a doll, I teach myself how to draw whenever I have free time, without even thinking that I can't hold a pen tightly.

At that time, I was very idle all day long, and I was happy to learn from him. Later, under the recommendation of my father, I worshiped under the old master Huang Lingshan, the master of painting.

Thinking of Huang Lingshan, Yunli sighed again. After Huang Lingshan accepted her as a disciple, the senior Huang Lingshan went to travel and collect scenery. She was too young to follow, and she had no time to learn from him, so she went to Canglan to practice Taoism.

Princess Zhaoren talked about the family affairs in these years again, and Yunli felt guilty again. Grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents of the Wei family have all passed away, and the parents are still alive because of the life-prolonging pills and spirit jade brought back by them. , and the bones of the body are also tough.

The middle-aged woman she met at the door was indeed her brother's wife, but the girl was actually her younger sister's granddaughter, Yunli almost dropped her jaw in shock.

Because they were selected by the "immortals", and the few families are almost all the dignitaries of the Liang Kingdom, no one dares to provoke them. In the past few decades, they have continued to grow and prosper, and even Ah Yan's second uncle's family has become an honorary earl's house .

The target is too large to transfer.

After finishing her daily life, she carefully considered her words and started to talk about business: "We came back this time because a secret realm will be opened in the swamp in the west of our country Liang in more than [-] years. At that time, many people will go to cultivate demon cultivators. There will be a mixture of fish and dragons. I'm afraid someone will hurt you."

She raised her head, Princess Zhaoren held her hand tightly, and said nervously: "Did something happen to Cang Lan?"


Yunli waved her hand and was interrupted by her as soon as she uttered a word, "Although your mother is old, she has a very clear mind. , no more immortal masters will come to the country of Liang."

She raised her eyes and stared into Yunli's eyes, "Tell me honestly, is something wrong?"

Under her gaze, Yunli felt a little guilty, which was too sensitive.

She had no choice but to confide a part: "No, it's the secret land of the western swamp that I mentioned. All sects and sects are preparing to enter the secret land, so they don't care about accepting disciples."

"Really?" Princess Zhaoren expressed doubts.

According to the monks in contact with Liang Guo, there are quite a lot of people in these sects, and a new batch is replaced every ten years. No matter how you look at it, they are all sects with a thriving population, and it is not impossible to squeeze out a few people.

"Really!" Yunli was categorical, and quickly changed the subject, "After discussing with a few of us, we decided to set up a formation in the palace. If you are in danger, you can enter the formation and teleport away."

Princess Zhaoren's expression changed drastically, and she hurriedly asked: "Are you causing trouble in Canglan? Is there someone trying to harm you?"

Yunli had no choice but to do everything possible to hide it. After laying the groundwork for so long, she was heard the moment she opened her mouth.

She definitely can't tell the truth, if she let her family know that they are about to become the public enemy of the whole Canglan, she won't worry about death.

In desperation, Yunli had no choice but to tell her that monks were not as immoral as they thought, and it was common for monks to conceive a jade without a crime, and the formation was just in case.

Maybe she broke the public's inherent impression of monks, Princess Zhaoren couldn't recover for a long time, and didn't ask any more questions.

It was also inconvenient for them to show up when they came back this time. It was an accident that Yun Li was recognized by Princess Zhao Renchang at the door, so this "granddaughter of Lian's sister-in-law's family" only stayed at the princess mansion for three days before returning to Lanxi Yun's house.

The two of Yunli went to the imperial palace in secret, and selected a remote palace to start deploying the teleportation array. Thanks to Xing Ye, as a rare space spirit root, he really tried his best to give full play to the advantages of the space spirit root, and the talisman formation method was the same. .

It's just that the inventory is a little low, there are only three sets of space teleportation arrays, and only ten space teleportation symbols have been searched. The only surprise is a silver and white jade pagoda, which can isolate a separate space after activation.

Compared with ordinary spiritual power shields and isolating magic tools, it is superior in that its interior is self-contained. If this magic weapon is used to deal with Heihua, he will not be able to obtain spiritual power through the spiritual pet contract at all.

Even if Wen Xueluo is watching from outside, the pet contract will not take effect, because its internal space is independent of Canglan Continent.

It's a pity that it needs to be activated by the spiritual power of space. Among them, Duo Duo is the only one who has something to do with space, but Duo Duo is a creature of the void, who absorbs the power of the void to cultivate, not the spiritual root of space.

In addition, Xing Ye's wealth is mostly reflected in the spiritual stones. Apart from the spiritual stones, Jingzhe's ring contains a bunch of swordsmanship secrets. Yunli really wants them to learn from Ning Wujue.

During the days when the palace was set up, the two elders used excuses to come to the palace to see them from time to time. Occasionally, he would go home to accompany his parents when he was free, and entered into filial piety for a short time.

The years on their side are quiet and good, but the Canglan Continent is not peaceful.

With the intervention of the Yaozu and Haizu one after another, the pressure on the four major sects is great. Under such circumstances, the Taiyi sect 'Fuyu', who was recuperating from his wounds, rushed back to the sect after leaving the seclusion, but he met Xuling and Xu Ling. Sanxiu Fuyou Zhenjun and Yuheng Zhenjun clashed.

Because of his injuries, Zhenjun 'Fuyu' died at the hands of the two. The senior officials of the Taiyi Sect were furious, and the disciples below were also filled with righteous indignation, threatening to trample Xuling down.

Fuyou Yuheng and the two Zhenjuns complained, saying that 'Fuyu' started the move first, they were husband and wife in their own territory, 'Fuyu' suddenly called at the door, and they didn't say a single reason, the move was a killer move.

The two true monarchs asked Tai Yizong to give an explanation, and they could not have their homes destroyed for nothing.

One wave of ups and downs, another wave of ups and downs, Lin Chen, the light of Taiyi, has been in a coma for many years, and died recently, and the Taiyi sect is in a bleak state.

No progress has been made in fighting for the rights and interests of the Eastern Land. All sects and factions use this as an excuse to criticize the Taiyi Sect for being unkind and unrighteous, and even the Dao of Heaven can't stand it.

There are also conspiracies and provocations, saying that if the Su family loses the seat of Taiqing Peak, the Lin family will die, and there must be tricks in the future.

However, some of the Lin family, such as Fu Yue, who knew that Fu Yu was Yu Sheng, couldn't tell.

The situation in the Canglan Continent has undergone tremendous changes. Mu Yan Anran had a rare leisure time due to the cessation of the war. Because Fuyu was nominally Master An Ran, and when the master passed away, An Ran would naturally be heartbroken and thank guests behind closed doors.

Mu Yan couldn't go out, so Douduo had to come to Liang Guo to play with Yunli and the two. One time, Wei Lin's mother Qin Shi bumped into her and blurted out: "This is my granddaughter, why don't you show it to us."

Yunli was down for a few seconds before she realized what she meant, and hurriedly denied it, Qin really regretted it.

After several months of depression, when Tai Yizong gradually recovered from the pain, Dodo immediately asked to go out for a walk.

Arriving in Tianyun City, Duo Duo went straight to the biggest restaurant and ordered a large table of spiritual meals to reward herself.

After eating and drinking, she slumped on the chair and patted her stomach contentedly, "I'm so full."

Mu Yan shook her head and said angrily, "It's just that you didn't come out, and you didn't lose your food."

"Sister Yun said that you should also pay attention to the atmosphere when eating, and you can eat well when you are in a good mood." Duo Duo is confident.

Mu Yan laughed, "I don't want to learn if I'm good, I actually learned some nonsense from her."

Although there was reproach in her words, her eyes were full of doting, which made An Ran roll her eyes, and muttered, "You're not used to it."

After finishing speaking, An Ran looked out of the window, with her left hand stroking Ah You's tiger hair.

There are many shops outside the window, and there is an endless stream of pedestrians, which is a prosperous scene.

At this time, a slender figure came into view, An Ran was startled, and said in surprise: "Xu Yueqing!"

Hearing this name, Mu Yan was also very surprised. She hurriedly followed her gaze and saw Xu Yueqing walking through the crowd and disappearing at the end of the street without looking sideways.

Mu Yan was shocked: "Why is she still in Sky Cloud City?"

The death of Xingye Jingzhe proved that Lantau Mountain was a mess. Even if Xu Yueqing did not receive definite news because the dragons in Canye Pavilion collapsed without a leader, they should have guessed something from the change.

Her identity as a spy of the Canye Pavilion has been exposed, and instead of fleeing for her life, she left Tianyun City, but even swaggered and went out in her true colors, what was she going to do?
"Do you want to follow up?" Mu Yan asked.

"This..." An Ran wasn't sure either. After the Canye Pavilion collapsed, the killers died or escaped.

Yunli and Yunli ignored killers who had no enmity, and they didn't have time to preside over righteousness and evil.

In their view, without the high-level organizations like Xingye Jingzhe, the killers of the Remnant Ye Pavilion are no different from the orthodox monks. They are both monks. They will do both to save their lives or to covet other people's treasures.

The so-called karma, right and wrong morality, the way of heaven has its own judgment.

Therefore, they didn't care about the whereabouts of Xu Yueqing, the spy of the Canye Pavilion. They thought that after the incident was revealed, she would immediately flee away. Unexpectedly, she is still wandering around in Tianyun City!
After thinking about it, An Ran said, "Duoduo, go over and see where she went."

It's hard not to be curious about something so abnormal.

After less than a cup of tea, Duoduo came back and said excitedly, "She went to see Mangzhong!"

After finishing speaking, while flashing towards the void, he hurriedly said, "I'll go and tell Sister Yun and Brother Wei."

Before she finished speaking, she had disappeared from the private room.

An Ran sighed: "Unknowingly, Dodo has become more sensible."

She was not so active when encountering such things before. Unless she was interested in something, she would never give orders and never take the initiative.

Mu Yan smiled and said: "Children will grow up slowly, we don't need to worry, we just need to give her time."

While speaking, the private room restraint sounded, and when his consciousness swept away, he saw Fu Yue standing outside the door with his hands behind his back.

"Sister Yun, I found the awn seed!" Duo Duo hurriedly said as soon as she came out of the void.


Yunli's hands for making the formula paused, her mind didn't keep up, the formula collapsed in an instant, she didn't care, she just stared at Duo Duo.

"Lvyunxuan in Tianyun City."

Wei Lin finished the last hand formula, stopped forming the formation, and asked: "What is he going to Tianyun City for? It's dark under the lights?"

Mangzhong is now the main target of the four major sects. At this time, he ran to Tianyun City, the gate of Taiyi sect. Is this for provocation or revenge?
Dodo shook her head: "I followed Xu Yueqing to find him, he was asking about our last setup..."

After hearing this, Yunli was stunned. This means Xu Yueqing is still working for Canye Pavilion!
"Could it be that there is a temporary antidote for Devil May Cry in Mangzhong's hand?" After she finished speaking, she was startled, and hurriedly said, "Hurry up and take your two sisters back to Taiyi School, and don't go out for the next few days."

They set up a situation earlier to prove that Xu Yueqing knew about the relationship between Cousin Ayan and them. If Mangzhong wanted to avenge Xingye, he would not mind killing them both to vent his anger.

"it is good!"

Watching Duoduo leave, for some reason, Yunli had an ominous premonition, feeling that she had overlooked something.

While thinking about it, seeing that Wei Lin also frowned, she panicked even more, "You also feel the problem?"

"not good!"

Wei Lin's eyes froze, and he asked anxiously: "Can you call Duo Duo back, we have to go there quickly."

"What did you think of?" Yunli panicked completely. She has no contractual relationship with Duoduo, and there is a void to separate her. How can she be called back.

Wei Lin also quickly realized this problem and paced anxiously.

"We didn't think carefully. We only thought that Mangzhong would not be trusted by Xingye. It is very likely that we don't know the secrets of Gu insects, but we forget him. The first thing I seek is the panacea!"

The blood in Yunli's whole body froze, and her voice trembled: "You mean, he will catch Cousin Ayan and force them to take out the panacea?"

Wei Lin looked solemn, "If this situation is okay, Mang Zong has never seen a panacea before, in order to be safe, he will wait for the poison of Devil May Cry to be cured before attacking them. I am afraid, he chooses to cooperate with Fu Yue .”

Yunli's complexion was pale, and she murmured: "Ayan is the only alchemist who survived from Jiuliyuan in history. My cousin is also talented. Even if I cooperate with Mangzhong, I will give him the panacea. Ayan and the others won't have it." dangerous."

(End of this chapter)

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