all the way to fairy

Chapter 573 Entering the Urn

Chapter 573 Entering the Urn
Although she tried her best to convince herself, her body was trembling all the time, even if there were all kinds of possibilities, as long as the most unfavorable possibility for them came true, they would not be able to bear the consequences.

It's just that right now, her eyelids are jumping faster and faster, her mind is in chaos, and she can't calm down and analyze it at all.

A faint scent of bamboo leaves suddenly drifted across the tip of her nose, Yunli was stunned, there was no bamboo in Lenggong, she quickly scanned the surroundings, and there was indeed no bamboo, not only in Lenggong, but also in a hundred miles around.

When I smelled it again, the bamboo fragrance disappeared without a trace, as if the faint fragrance just now was just her illusion.

In the blink of an eye, she finally understood where the sense of crisis came from. The fragrance of bamboo came from Duo Duo!

That's not the scent of bamboo, but the scent of green bamboo emitted by the lin powder on the wings of the bamboo butterfly penetrating into the skin. When the brother was designed by the blue book, Can Yege tracked him by the scent of the lin powder of the bamboo spirit butterfly on his body The location, report to Zhengdao.

However, Duo Duo can enter the void in an instant, and no matter how strong the scent of lin powder is, it will be cut off, and it is meaningless to track her.

"No, it's a trick!" Yunli's complexion turned pale, and she suddenly realized that the other party was not trying to track her down, but was trying to make sure whether Duoduo had left.

Then the opponent's target is Ah Yan and her cousin!

At this moment, Dodo's anxious voice came, "Sister Yun, sister and the others are gone!"

There was a hum in Yunli's mind, all the messy thoughts disappeared in an instant, and her mind went blank.

"What's going on?" Wei Lin asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know." Duo Duo was incoherent with tears in her eyes, "I went back just now... there was no one there, the waiter said... I didn't see them go out..."

Yunli tried her best to calm herself down, and asked, "Where is Ayou, are you by my side?"

"Yes." Dodobaba looked at her, waiting for her to make up her mind.

"That's good." Yunli took a deep breath, spread her hands, and a contract rune slowly emerged in the palm of her hand, "They are fine for the time being, let's talk about the bamboo spirit butterfly powder on your body."

"Bamboo spirit butterfly powder?" Yunli's composure affected Duoduo, she blinked her eyes, crushed the tears in her eyes, and lowered her eyes to check her whole body. They are both butterflies, and the blood of Yingmeng spirit butterfly is far higher than that of bamboo spirit butterfly. She quickly found the same kind of Lin powder on her shoulder.

Duoduo tried hard to recall, "We traveled from the Wanqing Palace Yujian, no one touched my shoulder."

Wei Lin guided in a deep voice, "Think carefully, have you met any acquaintances on the road, and has anyone stepped forward to speak."


"What about on the street? Was there an accident? Did someone accidentally touch you?"

There is a formation above the large city square, so if there is no important matter, generally no one will fly in the city, and the monks are very vigilant, and they keep their distance even on the street, and there is no crowded situation.

His thoughts became more and more smooth, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he shouted: "The waiter!"

Wei Lin's eyes were like lightning, and he raised his voice and asked, "Did the waiter serve food from your side?"

Duoduo nodded blankly, and blinked her eyes in doubt: "Is the waiter a bad person? But we often go to that restaurant, and we know that waiter..."

Yunli shook Huanshiling, her eyes were cold, "Go, go to Tianyun!"

When things got to this point, she calmed down instead. The purpose of mangzhong is the panacea. If he wants to get it directly from Ayan and his cousin, this move is intended to divert the tiger away from the mountain;
If he cooperates with Fuyue and intends to obtain the panacea from Fuyue, then the goal is for the two of them, and this move is to lure the king into the urn.

No matter what the situation is, in a short time, Ah Yan and her cousin are not in danger.

Soon, a few people appeared outside Tianyun City and came out of Huanshiling. Yunli immediately activated the contract with Ayou, and quickly found its location, which was not far from Qingque Mountain .

Wei Lin stared intently at the lush forest, and said, "It seems that this round is mostly to lure you into the urn."

Qingque Mountain is the property of the Lin family, if he hadn't cooperated with Fuyue and simply asked Mu Yananran to refine the panacea, he would never have chosen Qingque Mountain.

Duoduo clenched her fists, raised her head and said to Yunli: "At such a short distance, sister Yun, can you resist the void? Let's go directly to Ah You, the sisters must be with him."

Yunli shook her head, stroking Huanshiling with her fingertips: "They chose to use the bamboo spirit butterfly powder to confirm your departure, they must know that you can escape into the void, and there must be a way to confine the space to deal with it."

Wei Lin sacrificed his flying sword and said, "Let's go!"

Soon, a few people came to Qingque Mountain, the mountain was quiet, the wind passed through the forest slightly, rustling, not far from them, there was a Xuelingxiang rabbit squatting in the dense bushes, holding a section of white vine Chewing happily.

There was no fluctuation of spiritual power, and there was no trace of the formation. Yunli and Li looked at each other, stepped forward, searched for the contract, and did not encounter the formation until they reached the gate of Shuying Xiaozhu.

Wei Lin frowned, and said softly, "It's still Shuying Xiaozhu's own formation."

Yunli was suspicious, the senior brother had sneaked into Shuying Xiaozhu, and he was familiar with the layout of the formation inside, so maybe they guessed wrong, Mangzhong didn't cooperate with Fuyue, robbed Ayan and cousin, just to get them out of their hands Get the panacea?
Or, is there another trap in Shuying Xiaozhu?

Regardless of the situation, since Ah Yan and the others are inside, they have to enter.

"Duoduo walks to the back and pays attention to the space situation at all times, and must make sure that the place where he is about to step can enter the void."

After the sound transmission instructed Dodo, she nodded to Wei Lin, and under his leadership, she passed through layers of formations and arrived at the water pavilion in the center of Shuying Xiaozhu.

"Is it underground?" Wei Lin asked via voice transmission.

"Yes." Yunli was a little surprised.

"The following is the secret room where Fu Jian recuperated."

So far, Yunli is basically sure that Mangzhong chose to cooperate with Fuyue. The choice of Shuying Xiaozhu can barely be called a coincidence. Fujian Zhenjun’s secret room for healing is the most secret place in Shuying Xiaozhu, except Fuyue Waiting for the high level of Taiyi sect is little known.

Dodo stepped into the void, and quickly confirmed: "There is a space confinement below."

Yunli nodded, and raised her voice, "We're here, why don't we show up and chat?"


After the loud noise, the water under the water pavilion seemed to be boiling, gurgling and bubbling, the center of the pond gave off a soft light, and the water flowed to both sides, and after a while, a transparent light curtain was revealed.

Inside the light curtain is a spacious open-air room. From the ice bed on the left, it can be seen that this is the secret room where Jane was healed, but the roof was blown off.

An Ran Mu Yan stood in the corner of the room, with Ah You squatting under her feet.

After confirming that they were all right, Yunli's tense heartstrings relaxed a little, and then she turned her gaze to the other side of the ice bed, Mangzhong standing with her arms folded, and Xu Yueqing behind him.

"Hey," Mang Zhong shook his head with emotion, "Young people nowadays are so bold, they dare to break into a trap even if they know it is a trap."

Wei Lin took two steps forward, and said calmly: "If we don't break in, Lord Mangzhong's plan will come to nothing."

"Hmph!" Yunli glanced sharply at the surroundings, "The majestic headmaster of the Taiyi sect actually colluded with the killer of the Canye Pavilion, what a righteous leader!"

"Teacher?" Mu Yan in the corner raised her eyes in astonishment.

An Ran frowned and looked around, suddenly realized: "This is Shuying Xiaozhu!"

"It's true that I have underestimated you. How much do you know about your master's affairs?" Fu Yue walked out from the west side of the house. There was originally a corridor leading to the outside world. Because the stone house collapsed, there was a lot of mess stone.

An Ran pursed her lips, and said back: "The journey of cultivating the Tao is turbulent and dangerous. Master's teachings are kept in mind as disciples, and I dare not be inaccurate. Dare I ask Master, what does this mean?"

Fu Yue, who was familiar with the truth, instantly heard the sarcasm in her words, and laughed angrily: "It's good to keep it in my heart, did your master's death have your handwriting, how could the good-natured one fight with Fuyou Yuheng? "

An Ran's eyebrows and eyes were smooth, as if to say that the weather is really good today: "Master, you are joking, Master passed away 26 years ago, how could Ning Wujue's death have something to do with this disciple."

Since Fu Yue pointed out the matter of Fu Yu, there is no room for change in today's matter, so there is no need to continue to pretend to be a snake, releasing this news, maybe it can disturb his mind.

"What!" Fu Yue was shocked, and Xu Yueqing was also surprised. Who is Fu Yu Zhenjun all these years?
"good very good!"

Fu Yue put his clenched fist behind his back, gouged out the eyes of the two of them, and quickly looked away, the two of them still have great uses, now is not the time to care.

Yunli frowned, the purpose of Fuyue was senior brother, he had a secret agreement with Buyuan, Zhuo Rujinqing and others, they were not guaranteed to be there, the five Yuanying Zhenjun, it was very tricky.

At this time, Mu Yan suddenly said: "This true gentleman is cooperating with our head teacher because he wants the panacea. He no longer has it. The formula of the panacea is in the hands of both of us. You have found the wrong person." .”

Yunli was overjoyed, this is good news!

Mangzhong will cooperate with Fuyue, and it is completely aimed at panacea. If there is a crack in the cooperation, you are afraid that you will not be able to provoke it!

Besides, it's not that Panacea and the others didn't hold back.

Mangzhong took some time off, and said to Fu Yue: "The disciples of your sect are really courageous, no worse than our killers in Canye Pavilion, and they are still thinking about splitting us up at this moment."

He shook his head, and jokingly said to Mu Yan: "No more, it can be refined."

Mu Yan told the truth: "We have added or subtracted the alchemy recipes that were handed over to the sect. With Senior Brother Danyang's talent, he can indeed figure out the correct alchemy recipes, but the timing is uncertain."

Mangzhong's expression changed slightly, there were only six temporary antidote left in his hand, which was only enough for him and Ming'er to last for three years, and there was no definite time for studying the alchemy.

"Fellow Daoist Fuyue, I have attracted the two of them, and I have done what I promised you. Can you give this panacea to me first?"

"Fellow Daoists, don't fall for their tricks." Fu Yue's voice was cold, "When we take them down, I will fulfill my promise."

"You're lying to me, you don't have any pills, how can you fulfill your promise, and just use a few detoxification pills to fool you?" Yunli squinted at him with a sneer on her face, "That's right, Mangzhong doesn't know panacea, how many What a fool."

Wei Lin shook his head: "You guessed it wrong, you will only bother to fool it if it is useful. His goal has already been achieved, so why bother to do anything else, the most important thing is to eradicate the Canye Pavilion killer."

A few people talk to each other, even if Mangzhong knows that they are provoking, but the panacea is too important to him, and Fuyue can't come up with the panacea, he has to make a plan early.

"I have lured them here for you, the cooperation has been completed, and I will not participate in the following things."

As he spoke, his figure flashed, and he had already arrived at Mu Yan Anran's side, and he was about to run away if he grabbed Mu Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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