all the way to fairy

Chapter 574 Rescue

Chapter 574 Rescue
While Yunli's mind was tense, she had some expectations. If Mangzhong could open the formation, she would throw Huanshi Ling in immediately, and pull Ayan and her cousin into the world of Ling Nei.

It's a pity that a blazing sword light struck his hand, and Mangzhong's arm was dripping with blood in an instant, half of his arm was almost broken, and he let go of Mu Yan.


Yunli shouted urgently, she had already guessed about this situation, the previous provocation was also to force out the secretly hidden enemy, but now that Fu Yue's goal is mostly achieved, she may not care about the life and death of Ah Yan and her cousin.

Mu Yan stood up with An Ran's support, and gestured to her that nothing was wrong.

Yunli let out a breath, looked at the place where the sword light came out, and saw Zhenjun Buyuan coming out of the darkness, holding the long sword in his hand, pointing the tip of the sword at the ground, a drop of dark red blood dripped on the ground, and a small smoldering flower bloomed on the stone slab. blood flower.

After that, the blade was as clean as new, with a cold light.

Mangzhong folded his arms, his expression changed drastically, he looked at Buyuan, then at Fuyue, tentatively in surprise: "I didn't expect you to have such a good relationship."

Among the fleeing Canye Pavilion assassins, he was the biggest target of the four factions. Fuyue risked the disgrace of the world by cooperating with him. For this kind of thing, not to mention the monks he sent, even his own senior brothers, It is also necessary to avoid it.

What's the trick between Fuyue and Buyuan?
Yunli leisurely reminded: "Master Mangzhong, be careful. Not only is Bu Yuan Zhenjun befriending him, but Zhuo Ru and Jin Qing are also there. With one against four, it's time to show your lore!" Strength!"

Mang species: ...

Damn girl who talks sarcasticly, but how did she know?
How many things did she hide in those years?

"It seems that you know quite a lot." Accompanied by Fu Yue's cold snort, two figures came out from the darkness, one was dressed in Shi Qing, not angry and majestic; the other was indifferent and quiet, with eyes as gentle as water.

It was Zhuo Ru and Song Yin.

Fu Yue didn't want to waste too much time on Mang Zhong, so he turned his gaze to Yun Li Wei Lin, and cruelly hooked his lips: "If you want them to live, you should come in obediently, and capture them without a fight."

He turned his eyes, and his eyes fell on Yunli, "After all, you and I have a mentor-student relationship. Obediently sign a contract of spiritual pets and protect my Taiyi sect. I can let the past go."

"As for you," he looked at Wei Lin again, "it was also our mistake that caused you to live in the Canye Pavilion. However, you have indeed committed countless murders. As long as Yu Sheng sincerely makes up for it and is dedicated to good, we will give you a happy ending." A chance to turn the merit into a crime."

Yunli rolled her eyes, "Why don't you go to the sky? If you go in, do we look like idiots? Do you still mean to mention the relationship between master and apprentice? ? You also want to be my master, and you will really give yourself money."

He retorted and sneered, but he was secretly happy in his heart, it would be much easier if he was relaxed, but why didn't Zhenjun Jinqing come out?
Just wondering, Wei Lin asked in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Can you control Songyin?"

Yunli slightly curled her lips, they thought of something, "Yes."

Wei Lin tightened his grip on Li Li, and while listening to her voice transmission about the latest plan, he took over the banner of sarcasm: "I'm afraid Headmaster Fu Yue has been taken away by others, or he wants to delay time, so he shouldn't be so naive." Speech."

Not only did they understand Fu Yue's plan, but Mang Zhong, who was surrounded by Bu Yuan, Zhuo Ru, and Song Yin, also understood it, and he was angry and suspicious.

It's just that the current situation does not allow him to think too much, so he questioned coldly and made the last struggle: "This is your sincerity for cooperation? Huh, what a hypocrite, I don't know how your granddaughter who is proud of you will know your face. Disappointed?"

Cooperating with an old fox like Fuyue, how dare he have no backup, he let Ming'er get in touch with Lin Xi early in the morning, and lurk beside her.

The Lin family is in troubled times, and Fuyue is busy catching Qianjiuqianshi, and has neglected Lin Xiduo. It is so easy to get close to a woman who is trapped by love.

Fu Yue frowned, then stretched it out again, and said coldly: "If something happens to her, I will definitely crush your precious great-grandson to ashes."

Speaking of the latter, he was already a little impatient, winning Qianjiu was the most important thing, and he would not have time to play tricks with Mangzhong.

His eyes sharpened, and he said coldly: "Let's do it together, kill him first."

As soon as the words fell, eight khaki beams of light suddenly appeared around Mangzhong's body, his body sank involuntarily, and a dark purple short knife appeared in his hand.

Bu Yuan, Zhuo Ru, and Song Yin rushed towards him from the north, west, and south. Seeing this situation, they were slightly startled. They hadn't noticed this short knife before, and it obviously has a special concealment function.

If you rush forward directly, you may be caught off guard if you are caught off guard.

It's now!

An orange light glowed deep in Yunli's pupils, and she ordered in a strict voice, "Go and protect them!"

The terrifying aura spread from her body, Fuyue didn't dare to be careless, and gave up going forward to besiege Mangzhong, paying attention to the actions of Yunli and the other two.

He was secretly startled. Song Yin once said that her bloodline was much higher than his. Now it seems that this statement is true. There is such a terrifying power at the eighth level. Could it be that she is the Queen of the Demon King?
However, how to protect it?Who will protect?That seventh-order Xuanshuang Yanhu?
Just a joke!
Suddenly, a pair of gentle eyes flashed in his mind, and he felt that he was crazy, how could that be possible?

I didn't want to hear Buyuan's frightened roar in the next moment: "Songyin! What are you doing?"

Fu Yue suddenly turned his head to look, his pupils trembled, he couldn't believe what he saw, Song Yin, who was attacking Mangzhong, froze in stature, abruptly withdrew from the battle, and went to An Ran Mu Yan, killing the two A tiger stands behind him, acting like a protector.

Strong spiritual power gushed out from his fingertips, and quickly turned into a protective shield, protecting him, An Ran Mu Yan and Xuanshuang Yanhu.


Fu Yue's voice became sharp unconsciously, furiously: "What are you doing?"

In his mind, he felt that the contract of spiritual pet still existed, and he was puzzled why Songyin would violate his order?
"Go and kill him!"

He didn't have time to find out the truth, so he ordered Songyin again, and hastily made a formula to suppress Mangzhong's counterattack.

Outside, Wei Lin's fingertips gently slid across the body of Mo Li's sword, and the long sword was raised vertically, reaching to the sky. He slowly closed his eyes, and Mo Li's sword trembled slightly. From the bottom, it flows endlessly.

If the sword intent had any substance, it would spread from the sword body, through the confinement formation, Fu Yue's brows could not help but twitch, as if a light was stabbing.

His heart shuddered, and the immortal should not be underestimated!

He resolutely focused most of his attention on Wei Lin, and only checked Songyin's situation from the corner of his eye. Under the order, Songyin's face flashed a look of pain, and he lifted his foot with difficulty, but he couldn't get down.

This situation shows that the spiritual pet contract is indeed still valid, but it was blocked again.

How is this going?

It has never been heard that the spiritual pet will not obey orders when the spiritual pet contract is normal, and it has never been heard that there are monsters that can prevent the spiritual pet contract from taking effect.

Just at this moment, from the corner of the eye, he caught a little orange glow and shot it from Yunli's hand, passing through the confinement formation without hindrance.

Fu Yue was startled, turned his head quickly, followed Cheng Mang, and saw Cheng Mang submerged between Song Yin's eyebrows, a contract rune emerged from his forehead, that contract rune was so familiar.

The next moment, he felt a heat in his palm, and the same rune appeared in his hand.


A cold female voice sounded beside his ears, and he watched the contract rune in his palm glow orange. The orange light was like a dust removal technique, wiping away the contract rune as a dust stain bit by bit.

With the last traces wiped away, his connection with Song Yin was broken.

Song Yin's expression was no longer in pain.

Fu Yue couldn't believe it, and looked up at Yunli: "What kind of method is this?"

An ominous premonition came from his heart. This layout was based on Yunli Qianjiu's concern for Anran Muyan. They knew there was a trap before, but they wanted to break in to prove that their judgment was correct. They really cared. Second daughter.

As long as the second daughter is in hand, there is no need to set up a siege at all, and Yunli Qianjiu will not leave, but now, Songyin suddenly rebelled to protect the second daughter.

There is also a mango species that restrains Bu Yuan and Zhuo Ru, even if he is the former master, he cannot break through Song Yin's protection for a while.

Undoubtedly, Qianjiu Yunli wanted to take advantage of this time to break through the space confinement and rescue the second daughter.

If they succeed, I have no bargaining chip in my hand, how can I win Qianjiu before Donglu appears in this world!

These thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, Fuyue's ten fingers were flying, and Taoism formulas flowed out, urging the confinement formation with all his strength.

Yunli sneered, raised her fingertips slightly, and a cluster of Nirvana Heavenly Fire flew out of her hand and landed directly on the prison light curtain.

The light curtain vibrated violently, and a rich spiritual light shot up into the sky, like the sun exploding in an instant, blazing and dazzling.

The movement here caught Bu Yuan Zhuoru's attention, and the two of them were also in a state of shock. The crimson flames were as weak as the flames of an old-fashioned oil lamp, and could be blown out by the breeze at any time.

However, it was such a cluster of flames that could be easily extinguished that gave them great fear. Their souls trembled unconsciously, and a voice shouted from the bottom of their hearts to stay away.

The space-confined formation was operating under load, and the spirit stones stored in each formation eye were consumed rapidly, and spiritual power flowed into the formation eye continuously. However, at this moment, a thought arose in the hearts of several people.


What kind of strange fire is this?
Yunli has a strange fire, they have already known about it, and prepared accordingly, they never expected that her strange fire is so overbearing, it can also burn down the formation!
Zhenjun Buyuan's eyes flashed, and he said anxiously: "Zhuo Ru, go help Yue, Qian Jiu is the most important thing, leave it to me here."

True Monarch Zhuo Ru didn't say anything else, he also had this intention, if they really let them rescue the second daughter, even if the awn seed was chopped into ten thousand pieces, it would be of no avail.

Without hesitation, he dodges back and forth to another key formation, forming horns with Fuyue, trying his best to activate the space confinement formation.

Yunli glanced at Wei Lin, under the fire of Nirvana, it is not difficult to break through the space confinement, but the danger is that after the formation is broken, the senior brother must block Fuyue Zhuoru head-on for a moment, so that she has time to send Ah Yan and the others into Ling Nei world.

Although I don't know why, Fuyue is very cautious towards them, as if they have a big move, but her family knows her own affairs, as a divine beast phoenix, her body has been strengthened repeatedly, she can resist the attacks of the monks after the first Yuan Dynasty .

But brother can't.

He is just an ordinary Golden Core cultivator, no matter how talented, understanding, and experienced he is, he can't make up for the gap in realm cultivation, let alone physical strength.

The only thing he could rely on was the sword cultivator's fierce attack, which might temporarily force Fu Yue Zhuoru to avoid his edge.

Wei Lin's thoughts are all in the sword, and the fighting spirit in his chest is surging. There is only one chance, and there is no room for any mistakes!
This sword must repel the monks after the Yuan Dynasty!

Li Li in his hand seemed to sense his emotions, and made a buzzing sound. Something was slowly flowing, and Mo Li in his hands became extremely warm, and a feeling of mind-to-heart connection emerged spontaneously.

When the nameless thing flowed to the tip of the sword, the apex suddenly lit up with bright brilliance, an irresistible suction attracted the meridian dantian in Wei Lin's body, the golden elixir rotated at a high speed, and a steady stream of spiritual power overflowed from it.

Since the formation of the alchemy, the dantian, which has been empty, once again has a wave of spiritual power, which flows out of the dantian through the meridians and flows into the Moli sword...

At this moment, Wei Lin once again felt the mysterious feeling of knowing a sword when he was fighting Lin Chen outside the Tianwu Forest.

At this moment, he suddenly understood what his kendo rules should look like. It is the fighting spirit that can burn even under adversity, and it is the courage to face a strong enemy and dare to fight.

It is an unyielding will!

Wherever the sword goes, everything is unstoppable!

Wei Lin opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were firm, with an indomitable awe-inspiring momentum.

A sword slash was ordinary, without a flash of aura, and without a strong sword force, it was as simple as it was simple, but it made people shudder.

Seeing the sword's edge fall, Yunli's fingertips surged with magic formulas, and the fire of Nirvana burst into laughter, and the already crumbling light curtain melted like snowflakes.

Huanshiling shot out like a sharp arrow and entered the house immediately.

The three of Fuyue were shocked, and rushed to stop them, Yunli's face was condensed, Huanshiling was like a living thing, lightly bypassing their obstruction, and continued to shoot towards An Ran Mu Yan.

The first wave of stopping failed, Fu Yue Zhuoru was about to continue to intercept Huan Shi Ling, when a sharp intent struck behind him, so fierce that the world could split open, the feeling of extreme danger made the two of them give up Huan Shi Ling by coincidence, and each used their own strength The strongest means of protection.

The stone house was not big, and in this short moment, Huanshi Ling had arrived in front of Mu Yan and the others. Songyin opened the defensive cover in time, and the thin orange gauze surrounded it.The orange glow on it became richer and softer, and the world in Ayane slowly unfolded.

"Behind, An Ran Mu Yan!"

Bu Yuan, who was wrestling with Mang Zong, exclaimed hastily, but Fu Yue Zhuoru was incapable of splitting himself up, and the Qingye Sword Intent swept towards him, and if he was not careful, he would be seriously injured.

What's more, there is another Song Yin, who can't be stopped.

At this moment, at the beginning of the battle, Xu Yueqing, who had retreated to the corner, was as swift as a cheetah, and rushed into the orange light. Before the complicated Songyin could react, the silk gauze was fluttering, and the ground was empty.

(End of this chapter)

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