Chapter 578
"Unfortunate news, spirit absorption and spiritual consciousness are forbidden here." Before Wei Lin landed, she hurriedly informed.

Wei Linyou went ashore and squeezed the water in his clothes: "What a pity, I can't use spiritual power and consciousness, it's good."

Yun Li was startled, but quickly realized that Fu Yue and the others would also come, and if they couldn't use their spiritual power and consciousness, they wouldn't be able to exert their advantages as a monk in the Empress Yuan Dynasty.

She laughed: "It seems that God is still biased towards us."

Next, the two waited for Mu Yan nearby, not wanting to keep finding the night, they searched almost the entire river, but they didn't see many people.

"Couldn't you not come down?" As soon as she said it, she quickly vetoed it herself. The few of them were by the lake, and they must have seen the changes in the lake, so why didn't they follow in.

After thinking about it, Wei Lin said, "Maybe the landing point is random."

"Ha!" Yunli suddenly became worried. Cousin is just fine. She has been gradually exposed to actual combat decades ago, and has been taught swordsmanship by senior brother Mo Huai and Chu Nan. Facing mortals, self-defense is definitely no problem.

But Ah Yan, she is a pure alchemist, almost relying on magic weapon for most of her self-protection, I hope she will be lucky enough to be with other people.

Things were unexpected, falling in a common place, and unable to use spiritual power and consciousness. After discussing, the two decided to go to the capital first to find out the situation in the Eastern Continent, and then find out where the spiritual energy went.

"Behind the mountain is Shanqing Village. Let's ask about the way to the city."

"You got the news so soon?" Wei Lin was astonished, the two of them came in one after the other, and it only took a while for her to arrive first.

Yunli shrugged: "I met a little girl just after I came out of the water, and I asked a few words casually."

The two climbed over the mountain and came to the village at the foot of the mountain. In the nearest yard, an old man was sitting in the yard, waving a cattail fan to cool off.

Wei Lin stepped forward, knocked on the wooden fence, and asked warmly, "Old man, how can I get to the city?"

The cattail fan in the old man's hand stopped shaking, and he raised his eyes to this side, with a somewhat uncertain expression.

Wei Lin raised his voice and asked again, this time, the old man finally heard it, got up and walked towards this side.

Standing inside the fence, he first looked at the two of them vigilantly, seeing Yunli Weilin in brocade clothes, clear-eyed, and with a demeanor that had nothing to do with bandits, he felt relieved.

After hearing the two people's inquiry, he was surprised for a moment, shook his head and said: "The gate of the town is closed at this time, and you can't enter the town, why don't you stay and rest for a night, tomorrow morning, someone from the village will go to the town, you follow go."

Wei Lin glanced at Yunli, cupped his fists and said, "That's why I'm bothering you."

Thinking about it, the old man hesitated again, and said: "The old man's house is simple, I'm afraid the two nobles won't be used to it, Xu Daqiang happens to be going to town tomorrow, I'll take you to his house, so as not to oversleep and miss it."

Yunli wanted to say that it was not simple, she fell asleep in the field, but seeing the old man fumbled to open the gate of the courtyard, she swallowed the words on her lips.

She could tell that the old man lived alone, and she was still worried that the two of them were bad people.When she arrived at Xu's house and saw Xu Daqiang dressed as a hunter, she became even more sure.

She secretly appreciated that this old man is kind and wary, which is very good.

When the old man explained his purpose, Xu Daqiang readily agreed. At this moment, a little girl came out from the house, followed by a young woman.

Seeing Yunli, the little girl's eyes lit up, and she ran over: "Beautiful sister, are you here to find me?"

"This is your home?" Yunli was also taken aback, and had to sigh for the ingenious fate.

"Miss knows my daughter?" Xu Daqiang was puzzled.

Before Yunli could answer, the little girl was articulate and clattered about what happened to Yunli in the afternoon.

After finishing speaking, her eyes fell on Zhanmeng at Yunli's waist again, and she gently reached out and touched the back of the knife, "Father, mother, I'm not wrong, it's really beautiful!"

Xu Daqiang smiled and clasped his fists at the two: "It turns out that the two of you are from the rivers and lakes, it's a pleasure to meet you."

The young woman held the little girl in her arms, took her hand away from the knife, and apologized with a smile: "Don't blame me, my family used to be a member of the Qinglong Gang for a few years when I was young, this girl I usually listen to his father bragging about how he aspired to be a chivalrous woman since he was a child, and he is very curious about swords and swords."

Yunli waved her hand: "It's serious, the little girl is lively and cute, and I have a predestined relationship with her."

Stayed at Xu's house for one night, and the next day, Yunli was woken up by Wei Lin while she was still asleep. She looked at the dark sky outside in a daze, "What time is it? Is it too early?"

Her biological clock has always been very accurate. When she has nothing to do, she always wakes up at five o'clock to practice exercises. This day, it is estimated that it is only three or four o'clock.

When parting, Yunli planned to pay the reward, and then realized that they had no money, so she had no choice but to pry a spirit bead from the bead-shaped defensive magic weapon and keep it in the guest room.

The two followed Xu Daqiang to the entrance of the village, where a dozen or so people had already gathered, Xu Daqiang explained to them: "It's a long journey, everyone walks together, so we can have someone to take care of us."

Wei Lin nodded, and asked again: "When can I go to town?"

Xu Daqiang said with a smile: "Don't worry young man, he will arrive at Chenshi, and will never delay your affairs."

"Chenshi!" Yunli was startled, it's only Yinshi now, a full two hours, four hours!
An old lady patted the bullock cart: "If you don't mind, girl, come up and sit. Walking all the way, your feet really can't bear it."

Yunli waved her hands again and again: "No, no, please sit down, ma'am. I am young and vigorous, and I am also a martial arts practitioner. This distance is not a problem."

The bullock carts were full of women and children, and if she got on, someone would have to get off.

According to the experience passed down from generation to generation, the timing was just right. Not long after the group arrived at the gate of Yi'an Town, soldiers opened the gate.

Saying goodbye to the villagers of Shanqing, the two of Yunli rushed to the chariot and horse shop to buy horses without stopping, and asked about the way to the capital.

"The young man has good eyesight, and he looks like a connoisseur. This is a good horse for thousands of miles. As the saying goes, a horse is a gift for a hero. This horse is really a good match for the young man." Xu Shi saw that the two were dressed in extraordinary clothes. He almost closed his eyes with a smile, and kept boasting.

Wei Lin took out the bead flower from Yunli's hair, and buckled another spirit bead: "What a thief, I lost my money bag, so I use this jade bead to pay for horse money."

The beads are the size of corn kernels, crystal clear, with a thick, indelible green in the middle.

As a clerk in a carriage and horse dealership, he naturally has some discernment. The clerk recognized that Yuzhu was extraordinary, and smiled like a chrysanthemum.

At this moment, a sneer came from the side, "A man, even if he loses his purse, he doesn't need the accessories from the girl's house to exchange for money. What do you keep the jade hairpin on your head and the jade pendant around your waist for?"

Yunli turned around and looked, and saw a man in brown clothes leaning on the trunk of a big banyan tree not far away with his sword in his chest.

She rolled her eyes angrily, thinking that this man is sick, and her brother's jade hairpins and jade pendants are all earth-level magical artifacts, and a piece cannot be cut.

Although her bead flower is also an earth-level magic weapon, but the spirit bead is picked out and replaced later. She can use the spirit bead as money, but of course she cannot use the jade hairpin and jade pendant.

"Speechless, don't be rude." A soft voice sounded, Yunli looked over, and a young woman walked out of the Jinyifang behind the big banyan tree.

She is wearing a thin smoky powder gauze, and the hem of the skirt spreads out like flower petals. The black hair is only casually tied into a bun with a white jade plum flower hairpin.

But her eyes were wrapped in black cloth, which split the gentleness and beauty of her whole body, like a crack in the smooth jade.

Moreover, Yunli saw the bloody disaster between her eyebrows.

"Miss!" The brown-clothed man walked over quickly, and supported the woman with the maid on the left and the right.

"Miss Cheng." The man obviously knew the woman, and greeted her warmly, his attitude was much better than that of Yunli and the others.

The woman nodded gently, and said: "Wu Yan is outspoken, and he didn't intend to offend the young hero and the girl."

Yunli watched her speak into the air, and hurriedly squeaked to show their positions: "Miss Cheng is polite, it's just a word."

The woman turned sideways slightly, finally found the right thing, and continued to speak softly: "Young hero and young lady forgive me, after all, it was rude and rude first, and this hundred taels of silver is the right of the little girl to make amends."

After speaking, the servant girl trotted over and handed over a money bag.

Yunli was stunned, it's unnecessary!
Wei Lin declined politely: "Miss Cheng is polite, this brother has no malicious intentions, so there is no need to do so."

Miss Cheng hadn't said anything yet, but the clerk tried to persuade her: "The two must be foreigners. Miss Cheng has always been kind-hearted. Miss Cheng heard that your purse was stolen, and she deliberately used this as an excuse to help you!"

Yunli blinked her eyes, a strange feeling arose in her heart, even if she was kind-hearted and wanted to help them, there was no need to get a hundred taels of silver, right? Could this Miss Cheng be a money-scattering boy?
Wei Lin cupped his hands and said gratefully: "We are really short of money, so we will have the audacity to accept it. If you dare to ask Miss where she lives, there will be a rich reward in the future."

There was a faint smile on Miss Cheng's lips, and she shook her head slightly: "It's nothing, it's just a little money, you two don't have to keep it in mind."

After saying that, with the help of the maid, she got into the carriage.

Yunli was still a little distracted, and the clerk was chattering about Miss Cheng's background and kindness.

Miss Cheng, named Suxin, is the daughter of Master Cheng Zhiyuan, the No. [-] Escort in the south of the Yangtze River. Unfortunately, Cheng Suxin was born blind.

Miss Cheng knew that her eye disease was born and could not be cured, so she begged his father to cure her blindness to help the poor and help the poor, and to do good deeds.

The Cheng family often donated clothes and porridge, and if Miss Cheng encountered difficulties when going out, she would also generously donate money.

Yi'an Town is the ancestral home of the Cheng family. Miss Cheng came back to worship the ancestors this time, and she will return to Qianjiang in a few days.

"So that's the case." Yunli nodded. There is no harm in doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. Even if it can't bless this life, it will benefit future generations.

After leaving the car dealership, she discussed with Wei Lin: "Let's help her get rid of this bloody disaster and end this karma."

Wei Lin has no objection, they are monks, after they leave, they may not be able to see each other again in this life, and things like karma cannot be owed for too long.

The two waited outside Cheng's courtyard for two days, and finally saw Cheng Suxin set off for Qianjiang again, with five carts full of cages.

Not long after leaving the city, Yunli and Yunli pretended to meet by chance, and said that they were going to Qianjiang. The kind-hearted Miss Cheng invited them to go with them.

Seeing that Yunli and Yunli only followed the periphery and did not go to Cheng Suxin's side, he let down his guard a little.

After a day's journey, Liu Wuyan chose a leeward hill to set up camp at dusk, Wei Lin leaned against a tree trunk and closed his eyes to rest, while Yunli used him as a human pillow and fell asleep soundly.

The night was dark, and suddenly there was a melodious sound of flute, Wei Lin raised his eyes, and saw Liu Wuyan sitting on a tree next to Cheng Suxin's carriage, playing the flute, with a focused and serious expression.

Wei Lin's eyebrows twitched slightly, he had previously felt that Liu Wuyan and Cheng Suxin had an unusual relationship, how could any lady let the guards help her at will, it was still in public.

Now in the middle of the night, playing the flute to Cheng Suxin's carriage, the relationship between these two people is unusual no matter how you look at it.

The No. [-] Escort in the south of the Yangtze River, who have traveled from south to north, may know better than the pampered dignitaries in the capital, and they may know more clearly about strange and beautiful places.

Thinking of this, he raised his voice and said, "Guard Liu is very interested."

Liu Wuyan stopped, slightly surprised: "Young Master Wei is still awake? But my flute disturbed your sleepiness? I'm sorry."

Wei Lin thought to himself: You also know that the sound of the flute disturbs the people, playing the flute at night, what do you think.

He kept slandering in his heart, but he said: "It's okay, the melodious sound of the flute makes it more interesting."

Liu Wuyan smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, my young lady suffered great changes when she was young, and she has nightmares every night. When I play music outside, she will know that I am there, so she can sleep peacefully."

"An accident?" Wei Lin was surprised.

"Back then, Cheng's family was just an ordinary rich family in Qinzhou. A thief sneaked into Cheng's house in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, Mrs. Cheng died, and the young lady was also frightened and had nightmares every night."

After briefly mentioning a few words, Liu Wuyan stopped talking, and Wei Lin started another topic: "I think you have an unusual relationship with Miss Cheng, are you not an ordinary guard?"

"You and your junior sister are not like ordinary senior brothers and sisters."

"We are in love with each other, and we are engaged."

Liu Wuyan glanced at the carriage: "So do we."

Perhaps the same situation made him want to talk, he jumped down from under the tree, walked over quietly, looked at Yunli, and lowered his voice: "Will you wake her up?"

Wei Lin smiled: "Don't worry, as long as there is no danger, even if you beat the gongs and drums beside her, she will not wake up."

Liu Wuyan wanted to find out their details and confirm that they would not harm the Cheng family. Wei Lin wanted to get some clues from him, so he kept bringing the topic to Liu Wuyan's experience.

Chat all night.

The next day, Yunli looked at the two brothers Wei and Liu who were screaming affectionately, and was very puzzled. What happened last night?

After setting off again, Yunli received a signal from Wei Lin, slowly fell behind, and whispered: "We are now in the Daqing Kingdom, and this year we will be called Chenghan; there is also Nantang in the south, and it is worth noting that it is the National Teacher's Mansion."

"National Teacher's Mansion?" Yunli raised her eyebrows, as soon as she heard the name, she knew that it must be a place that is good at divination and fortune-telling, as well as mysterious arts.

Look for the disappearing aura, they might be able to help.

(End of this chapter)

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