all the way to fairy

Chapter 579 Jade Rosary

Chapter 579 Jade Rosary

Wei Lin lowered his eyes brightly: "Besides, it sounds like the National Teacher's Mansion is quite powerful."

Yunli was delighted, the investigation finally had a direction, "To solve Cheng Suxin's bloody disaster, we will go to the National Teacher's Mansion to investigate."

Wei Lin nodded.

After talking about the business, Yunli began to gossip: "By the way, what were you and Liu Wuyan talking about last night? Your relationship has grown by leaps and bounds!"

Wei Lin pulled the rein of the horse, and said leisurely: "He probably feels that he and us are of the same kind and cherish each other."

"A fellow?" Yunli was stunned, "How does he look like you?"

The birth experience is completely different, and the future aspirations are also different. How can I be like-minded?

"He is the adopted son of Master Cheng. He and Cheng Suxin are childhood sweethearts. They are in love with each other. Master Cheng has betrothed Cheng Suxin to him."

Yunli rolled her eyes: "This is what he thinks."

Wei Lin was stunned, and Xuan Er frowned: "You mean, Cheng Suxin doesn't like him? I think she is quite close to Liu Wuyan, even in nightmares, Liu Wuyan plays the flute to comfort her."

Now Chang Yunli was a little uncertain, and muttered: "But I think the tone of 'silence, don't be rude' when I first saw it, it doesn't seem like a lover at all."

That is clearly the master's closeness and maintenance to his trusted subordinates, but it also means giving orders.

Wei Lin was slightly stunned, women are indeed more delicate than men in terms of emotions, Cheng Suxin trusts and protects, and Liu Wuyan stays silently, so he has no doubts, now that he thinks about it, he really only saw Liu Wuyan's lingering love.

As for Cheng Suxin, I don't know at all.

Next, he deliberately observed and judged, but Cheng Suxin was surrounded by maids, and he rarely saw it.

However, it is not without discovery.

This time Cheng Suxin went back to the ancestor's house to worship the ancestors, Master Cheng sent a dozen bodyguards and five or six maids.

These people's attitude towards Liu Wuyan is completely towards the leader of the bodyguard, not the master.

It stands to reason that Liu Wuyan is her fiancé-in-law and the adopted son of the Cheng family, so he can be regarded as half master no matter what.

The maidservant's attitude may be influenced by Cheng Suxin, and the bodyguards can only be influenced by Master Cheng.

In other words, Master Cheng didn't take his adopted son seriously.

In this way, there is a contradiction.

Why did he betroth Cheng Suxin, a precious daughter, to Liu Wuyan?

These doubts swirled in Wei Lin's mind, but he put them down. They came to repay Cheng Suxinwen's kindness of a hundred taels of silver, and they left after the repayment. The Cheng family's affairs had nothing to do with them.

The idle and boring Yunli is obsessed with it, and whenever she has a chance, she hangs out with the maid and mother-in-law, and soon makes a mess of the situation in Cheng's house.

In addition to his daughter Cheng Suxin, Mr. Cheng also has an 11-year-old daughter, born to his aunt; and a nine-year-old legitimate son, born to his step-wife ten years ago.

Yunli secretly guessed that the marriage of Cheng Suxin to Liu Wuyan might be the work of his step-wife.

As the saying goes, if there is a stepmother, there will be a stepfather. She loves Cheng Suxin even more, and secretly sighs that her stepwife is petty, a blind stepdaughter, how can her son get in the way!

He also secretly wondered why Master Cheng didn't let his son do such things as offering sacrifices to ancestors?

You know, this is ancient times, only boys can inherit the family business, and only the eldest daughter is allowed to do such a big event as ancestor worship, which is disrespectful to the ancestors.

Seven days later, the convoy reached a dangerous canyon.

The canyon is very narrow, and the carriage can barely pass through. The mountains on both sides are steep and steep, the cliffs are as smooth as a mirror, and there is no grass growing.

On the whole, it looks like a towering mountain peak that was split in half by a sword.

Yunli sighed straight away: "Natural nature is amazing! At first glance, I thought it was done by humans!"

Liu Wuyan smiled and said: "This peak is called Jianlai Peak. There is indeed such a legend. According to legend, a long time ago, this peak was still a whole. There was an immortal whose wife was captured by thieves. The immortal chased him to this mountain and found his wife dead. Starting from the heart, with a single strike, there is the present Sword Cometh Peak."

Yunli raised her head and looked at the cliffs on both sides. This legend is very likely to be true.Donglu used to belong to Cang Lan, and the so-called immortal might be a monk.

Wei Lin frowned and urged: "This valley is dangerous, let's pass through it quickly while the sun is still good."

"Brother Wei is thoughtful. Don't worry, the brothers have traveled all over the world, they are very experienced, and they are well prepared to keep them out of the canyon before dark." After speaking, Liu Wuyan drove his horse to the front of the convoy.

When he was about to leave the valley, someone in white clothes was more snowy, holding floating dust, standing at the entrance of the valley, blocking the way.

Liu Wuyan drove his horse forward, very surprised: "Master of the National Teacher's Mansion?"

The man in white was silent.

The convoy had already stopped, and the horses raised their hooves uneasily, rattling the bluestone.

Yunli was delighted, poked her head out, and came up with whatever she wanted, just as they wanted to find the National Teacher's Mansion to investigate, the mage from the National Teacher's Mansion automatically came to their door!

I saw the mage in white standing quietly at the Taniguchi, with the aura of a man who is in charge of everyone, and a sharp voice came out when he spoke: "Hand over the jade rosary, and leave you with a whole body."

"Jade rosary?"

Liu Wuyan's face turned pale suddenly, and he hurriedly explained: "We don't have jade rosaries in Cheng's residence, did the mage make a mistake?"

The man in white slowly raised his eyes, "The National Teacher's Mansion is right."

As soon as the words fell, the floating dust in his hand was as fast as lightning, and attacked Liu Wuyan, who drew his sword to meet the enemy.

However, the gap between him and the white-clothed man was too great, and he was lost after only a few rounds, and the bodyguards hurried forward to help.

However, the canyon was narrow, and there were too many people, they couldn't move around, and their hands and feet were even more restrained. After a while, several bodyguards were stained with blood.

"Ali, you protect Miss Cheng, I'll help them." As he said, Wei Lin tapped his toes, stepped up and down a few times, joined the battle, kicked all the bodyguards away, and then pulled out one of the bodyguards With a fluttering slash of his big knife, he brushed aside the floating dust that was stabbing at Liu Wuyan.

"You must not kill him!" Yunli yelled from behind, even if they could not use spiritual power and consciousness, they were still monks, and they were not allowed to kill mortals at will.


Wei Lin didn't turn his head back, he carried the panting Liu Wuyan to the back, and said softly, "Leave it to me."

However, everyone felt that he disappeared from the spot like a cloud of green smoke, there was no fierce struggle, and in the blink of an eye, both of them stopped, and the floating dust fell to the ground, making a crisp sound on the bluestone slab.

The knife in Wei Lin's hand was already on the neck of the man in white.

The breeze blew across the valley slowly, and the audience was silent. The bodyguards looked at Wei Lin with shocking eyes. That was the mage of the National Teacher's Mansion, and he was able to restrain him with one move!
"Speechless! Wordless!"

Cheng Suxin's flustered voice came from inside the car, and Yunli quickly comforted her: "Miss Cheng, don't worry, the villain has been subdued, and Guard Liu is fine."

Cheng Suxin was still worried, she opened the curtain and wanted to get out of the car. The maid helped her and explained the situation hurriedly to her. Liu Wuyan also said that she was fine, so she was relieved and returned quietly. inside the car.

Wei Lin raised his hand to knock the man in white unconscious, and threw him to Liu Wuyan, "Leave it to you to handle."

But Liu Wuyan was in trouble, the mage of the National Teacher's Mansion cannot be killed, if something happened to him, the whole Cheng family would have to be buried with him.

After thinking for a while, he ordered the escort to trap the man in white, walk out of the canyon, find a dense forest, wake up the man in white again, and said, "Master, is there some misunderstanding here, our Cheng family is just a quiet businessman , I have never seen a jade rosary."

"Hmph!" Even if he fell into the enemy's hands, the man in white still looked stern and arrogant, "You Cheng family are so brave, you dare to hide the jade rosary privately, the National Teacher's Office will not let the Cheng family go!"

Liu Wuyan sharpened his eyes, put the dagger at the throat of the mage in white, and said sharply: "I repeat, our Cheng family has nothing to do with the jade rosary. We cannot afford to offend the National Teacher's Mansion. If you are destined to die, then you..."

A look of panic flashed across the mage's face, he held back for a while, and said, "Liang Panpan, the jade-faced thief, confessed that she put the jade rosary in your escort car..."

Outside the dense forest, because of Wei Lin's rescue, the whole team was in awe of him, and asked them to protect Cheng Suxin personally. He sat outside on the shaft of the carriage, while Yunli entered Cheng Suxin's carriage, and was curiously asking Cheng Suxin's personal servant girl about the jade rosary. .

The servant girl's eyes trembled, and she said slowly: "The jade rosary is the most precious treasure of the National Teacher's Mansion. It can cure the world's strange poisons. It was stolen from the National Teacher's Mansion by the Jade-faced Snitch a year ago. Over the years, countless families in the two countries have been destroyed because of this."

Yunli blinked, two countries?

Isn't an institution like the National Teacher's Mansion serving the royal family?How come the national teacher of Daqing can still go to Nantang to do his best?

"Miss Yun, the little girl has something to ask." Cheng Suxin's soft voice sounded.

Yunli suppressed the doubts in her heart, "Miss Cheng, please tell me."

Cheng Suxin bit her lip, her slender body seemed to be blown down by the wind blowing from the window, her voice was full of anxiety.

"The National Teacher's Mansion is very powerful, and the jade rosary is a favorite of the National Teacher. I'm afraid they won't let the Cheng family go easily. Mr. Wei is very skilled in martial arts, and my daughter wants to ask you two to escort us back to Qianjiang."

"This..." Yunli hesitated, they had already repaid the gift of silver, and it was time to set off to find the whereabouts of the spiritual energy, but the Cheng family's confrontation with the Shangguo Shifu was like a fly shaking a tree.

To put it bluntly, the First Escort Bureau in the south of the Yangtze River is also a merchant. How can it compare with the government, not to mention that the National Teacher's Office is very unusual.

"Miss Cheng has a bodhisattva heart. A weak woman knows how to help those in need. We martial arts practitioners, if the road is uneven, we can't draw our swords to help. What use is this martial arts?"

Wei Lin's chivalrous speech came from outside, Yunli nodded accordingly, Cha Lingqi is not in a hurry, it doesn't matter to send Cheng Suxin back first.

Not long after, Liu Wuyan came back and said that he had released the mage in white, and ordered a bodyguard to go ahead and rush back to Qianjiang to inform Master Cheng of the situation.

Yunli glared at Liu Wuyan angrily, he let him go, they haven't asked the man in white yet!

Wei Lin grabbed her and said, "I think the jade rosary is a good breakthrough."

Even without spiritual power, their five senses are far more sensitive than ordinary people. Liu Wuyan's interrogation of the mage has already been heard by the two of them.

Wei Lin said softly: "The National Teacher's Office is bound to get the jade rosary. If you follow the Cheng family, you will be able to learn a lot of useful information."

As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake, and if you don't know much about the National Teacher's Mansion, if you rush to find it, you will easily suffer a big loss.

It is safer to go through the Cheng Mansion first to understand them thoroughly before taking action.

With the mage's assassination, the rest of the journey was full of panic. Not only the maidservants, but also the bodyguards talked about the National Teacher's Mansion in fear from time to time.

From their chats, the two of Yunli slowly pieced together information about the Imperial Teacher's Mansion.

The National Teacher's Mansion has a long history, and its establishment time is untestable. It has existed for much longer than the two countries. It is independent of the two countries and serves the royal families of the two countries.

It is rumored that the National Teacher's Office can even intervene in the emperor's abolition!

Regardless of the rise and fall of dynasties, the National Teacher's Mansion has stood still and has not changed.

This reminded Yunli of the Pope in the ancient West, called religion, but actually the supreme ruler.

"Maybe there are also monks in Donglu." Wei Lin said in a deep voice, any organization has a limited lifespan, and the National Teacher's Office has existed for too long, which is unreasonable.

Moreover, no emperor would like to have an 'overlord' in charge.

An organization that has surpassed all dynasties for thousands of years, he can't think of anything other than monks' absolute suppression of mortals.

Along the way, the mages of the National Teacher's Mansion kept coming to intercept and kill them, but they were all repelled by Wei Lin. The bodyguards headed by Liu Wuyan admired Wei Lin so much that many people even wanted to worship him as their teacher.

When he finally arrived at Qianjiang, it was already half a month, Mr. Cheng was at his wits' end, and there was no time to greet his daughter's return.

Although the news was sent back early, the Cheng family responded, and the Cheng family was safe, but accidents occurred one after another in the escort and warehouse.

Escorts are all about reputation, and now the reputation of the Cheng family has fallen to the bottom, and employers have come to the door one after another, almost ruining the whole family.

The Cheng family is in danger.

At dusk, when Master Cheng returned home, the first thing he did was to call Liu Wuyan for questioning.After Liu Wuyan reported everything in detail, Master Cheng became depressed and hated the jade-faced Snitch.

Without the diamonds and porcelain work, if she dared to steal the jade rosary, she also had to have the ability not to be found out.

It doesn't matter that she was arrested, why did they implicate the Cheng family?
After a while, Master Cheng asked with a sullen face, "Then Wei Lin's martial arts are really so strong?"

"It's rare in the world!" Liu Wuyan's eyes lit up, full of admiration, "We kept meeting the mages of the National Master's Mansion later on, and he always defeated the enemy with one move!"

Master Cheng's turbid eyes moved, and his eyes were stern: "Could it be someone from the National Teacher's Mansion?"

Liu Wuyan hesitated, he also had the same conjecture, the National Master's Mansion recruited all the world's unique learning, and recruited all the world's geniuses, who's martial arts are higher than the mages?

"If they are, they will definitely look for the jade rosary first, and you should observe it secretly." After finishing speaking, he waved Liu Wuyan back, and continued to check the escort escorted a year ago, guessing who the jade rosary might have fallen into.

Now, only by finding further clues from the jade rosary, can the crisis of the Cheng family be solved.

On the second day after arriving in Qianjiang, Yunli and Yunli went to the largest bookstore in Qianjiang, and Cheng Suxin accompanied them as the host.

"Miss Cheng?" The shopkeeper was not surprised when he saw her. The Cheng family had accidents one after another, and the eldest lady still had time to go shopping in the bookstore. Moreover, she was a blind girl.

Cheng Suxin nodded slightly, and said: "These two are distinguished guests of my Cheng family, I will take them to the bookstore."

(End of this chapter)

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