all the way to fairy

Chapter 580 Clues

Chapter 580 Clues
Shopkeeper Wang suddenly realized that the customer wanted to read a book. He hurriedly said, "What kind of books do you want to buy? Our Changqing Bookstore has a complete range and various editions, which can definitely meet your needs."

Wei Lin nodded, and said in a low voice, "Please take me to the storage place for historical books."

Shopkeeper Wang introduced politely: "Young Master, please rest here, the old man ordered someone to move here."

"No need," Wei Lin reached out to stop him, "Take me there."

Yunli said to the waiter, "I'm only curious about Lin Zhiqu, the idle book about ghosts and goblins."

The guy understood: "Take you there?"

Yunli nodded, and said to Cheng Suxin: "Miss Cheng, do you want to come with me?"

Cheng Suxin smiled slightly: "Naturally."

Yunli was not surprised, since the attack on Jianlai Peak, Cheng Suxin wished she could follow them all the time, not only asked her to live with them in a carriage, but also arranged her in his courtyard after returning to Qianjiang Cheng's mansion.

Following the buddy to the designated area, Yunli took out one, and after reading the beginning, she knew it was a story about a little goblin who met in a scholar's room at night, and immediately put it aside to check another one.

She reads very fast, turning to the next page with a glance of her eyes, the man thought she was looking for a book, and said courteously: "Girl, what book are you looking for, I have read most of the books here, please describe it to me." I will be able to help you find out the general content.”

Yunli didn't raise her head, and continued to scan while saying, "It's okay, I'll do it myself."

They don't even know what they are looking for, so how can they describe it to others.

Cheng Suxin said with a smile: "As for choosing a book, you really have to do it yourself. Apart from the content of the story, you also have to choose what you like."

The buddy agreed with a smile, but said in his heart, you are blind, of course you didn't see it, the way she flipped through the books, she didn't pick a book to read, she clearly had a clear purpose, she was looking for something.

Yun Li agrees with Cheng Suxin's point of view, and she responds: "Yes, stories and articles have always been carrots and greens, and everyone has their own favorites. Even if it is the same person, the books they like are different in different periods."

While speaking, her eyes narrowed slightly, "Liu Sheng of Nanyang, looking for Princess Xiyue, went to Longyan Mountain, and met a girl by chance, girl..."

After a while, she put the book down. The familiar beginning, at first glance, is the life-and-death sadomasochism between the scholar and the little goblin, but the name 'Yue' has a deep relationship with her, even if she saw it in the book, she couldn't help it. Pay more attention.

After flipping through a few more books, I finally found a place that might be what they were looking for, Eagle Ridge.

According to the book, Xiongying Ridge is located on the southeast border of Nantang, surrounded by a flat river, but Xiongying Ridge stands alone, with lush forests in the north of the peak, deep and quiet, and thousands of feet standing on the south wall of the peak, which is extremely dangerous in the world.

The most amazing thing is that the mountains are like spring all the year round, full of vitality, there are all kinds of mushrooms and wild vegetables, and small animals such as pheasants and hares are everywhere.

Even in the year of great famine, Xiongying Ridge is still full of vitality.

Because of this peak, the villages around Xiongying Ridge have no worries about food and clothing, and live a prosperous life, which is the envy of many people.

Because the south of the peak is extremely dangerous and no one can climb it, if you want to enter Xiongying Ridge, you can only enter from the north. Thousands of miles to the north of Xiongying Ridge, there is a deep valley like Jianlai Peak. Fenglin City is located at the mouth of the valley. If you want to go to Xiongyingling must enter Fenglincheng.

And the city lords of Fenglin City all came from the village near Xiongying Ridge, without exception.

With a thought in her mind, Yunli asked tentatively, "Is there really Xiongying Ridge in Nantang?"

"Isn't it!" Her question made the buddy see hope, and he told him what he knew about Xiongying Ridge.

Among the many messages, Yunli grasped the key point. The National Teacher's Mansion should also be in awe of Fenglincheng.

She squinted her eyes, and it seemed that Xiongying Ridge really had a lot to offer.

Later, when she saw the information about Xiongying Ridge, she focused on it. Such a strange place was especially favored by story writers. There were many places mentioned about Xiongying Ridge, but no new information was found, which made Yunli very disappointed. .

Suddenly, her hand flicking the book paused, "In the seventh year of Zhaowu, Zhang Sheng of Jinchuan, in order to find the trace of Princess Xiyue..."

His eyes swept over, and after reading the whole story, the story of the scholar and the flower demon, apart from the beginning, there was no mention of Princess Xiyue.

Yunli closed the book, and asked: "Who is Princess Xiyue? Why do I read that the beginning of many novels is that the scholar is looking for her?"

"It's just a paradigm." The buddy didn't take it seriously, "Scholars from the Xiling and Beichen dynasties especially like to start their stories with this paradigm. Perhaps there really is such a missing princess in history."

Cheng Suxin smiled lightly and shook her head: "I don't think so. Which emperor would give such a title to his daughter? It's clearly fabricated by poor scholars."

The man was puzzled, "Miss, please clarify."

Yunli smiled, and said: "Water rises into tide, water falls into tide, the so-called tide rises and falls, Xiyue, Luoyue, isn't this a curse on the princess. Which courtier dares to propose such a name for the princess? Do you think you have lived too long?"

The ancients read books for the sake of the emperor's family, and serious scholars would disdain such things as entertainment for people.

Even unsatisfactory poor scholars are unwilling to write story books. Story books were originally the drafts of stories told by storytellers, so they originated from the people in the market.

Most of these people have only learned to recognize characters, and have no contact with systematic teaching.
The word Xiyue sounds nice, but the meaning is not good.

The guy suddenly realized: "That's how it is."

Deng Deng Deng!
There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and the skirt rubbed against the ground, making a rustling sound. Immediately afterwards, Yunli smelled a strange fragrance.

She looked over, and saw the girl in purple walking up the stairs briskly, Yunli tilted her head: "Miss Cheng, it's your second sister."

The smile on Cheng Suxin's lips stagnated slightly, and her eyebrows frowned slightly: "Why is she here?"

Yunli definitely didn't know about it, and when she arrived at Cheng's house yesterday, she caught a glimpse of Second Miss Cheng.In this Second Miss Cheng, she didn't see the slightest trace of being a lady, and she didn't know who taught her how to dress, it was neither fish nor fowl.

Miss Cheng Er has dark skin, big bones, and heroic eyebrows and eyes. If she dresses up properly, she is also a heroic little beauty; but her dress is gentle and soft, which is called nondescript.

Second Miss Cheng went upstairs and quickly glanced at the audience. Seeing Cheng Suxin and the others, she turned her head away in disdain, not intending to come over at all.

Then, Yunli saw her walking towards Wei Lin holding up her skirt, "Brother Wei Lin, so you are here."

The girl's unique brisk voice was crisp, and the girl's feelings were about to grow into a peach blossom forest, Yunli's face suddenly turned black.

She slapped the book in her hand on the shelf, raised her voice and said coldly: "Brother Wei Lin, what kind of sister are you, you are not ashamed at such a young age."

All of a sudden, the customers who were picking out the books in the bookstore looked over, and Miss Cheng's complexion turned red instantly, with tears in her eyes, she grabbed Wei Lin's sleeve: "Brother Wei Lin, she..."

"Second Miss Cheng respects herself." Wei Lin turned sideways, avoiding her hand, his delicate brows were slightly frowned.

Cheng Suxin scolded in a low voice: "Second sister, don't be rude."

With the support of the maid again, she hurriedly walked towards that side, and whispered admonishment as she walked: "Young Master Wei just came to Qianjiang yesterday, and he only met you once, how can you..."

She bit her lip, unable to continue, but the maid next to her was blunt: "Mr. Wei is Miss Yun's fiancé-in-law. Second Miss knows how to be ashamed. She shamelessly posted it in front of others in public."

The master and the servant explained clearly what Miss Cheng was thinking, and the guests in the bookstore were all surprised. The two calls to Brother Wei Lin just now were called intimately, so it was the first time they met. .

This Second Miss Cheng is indeed too self-respecting.

The pointing of the guests made Second Miss Cheng's face flushed with shame and indignation, but at this moment, Cheng Suxin had already walked over and saluted: "My little sister is young and doesn't know anything, please forgive me, Mr. Wei."

"Who wants you to care!" Miss Cheng couldn't bear it any longer, and yelled at Cheng Suxin, a flash of hatred flashed in her red eyes, she raised her voice and tore off the black cloth wrapped around Cheng Suxin's eyes, "You are just blind , why bother with me!"

The black cloth fell, revealing a pair of blank eyes, and the guests who watched the excitement all backed away in horror.

In the past, people in Qianjiang only knew that Miss Cheng was born blind, but now they know exactly what kind of blindness is.

The eyeballs are gray and white as a whole, without a little black, and they are sky-blind people.

Cheng Suxin was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly raised her sleeve to cover her eyes. The maid exclaimed and picked up the black cloth, and quickly wrapped it around her again.

The blush on Miss Cheng's face dropped a little, and she said triumphantly, "You still dare to fight with me just like you."

The contemptuous tone and disdainful eyes, as if looking at an irrelevant beggar, caused everyone to talk about her.

"You are so young, so vicious..."

"Disrespect elder sister..."

"Miss Cheng is really pitiful..."

Miss Cheng's proud expression froze on her face. She didn't understand that Cheng Suxin's eye disease was so terrible, why did people still defend her?

I am the second miss of the Cheng family, the apple of my father's eye. Usually, these people are very close to flattering me when they see me, but now they dare to accuse me!

Angry and panicked, she turned to look at the fairy-like young man. When she first saw him yesterday, she was astonished. How could there be such a delicate person in the world? , I suddenly understood.

Zhuozhuo is like willows in the spring moon, and Xuanxuan is like the morning glow, which makes people unable to help but be moved.

She eavesdropped on the conversation between her father and Liu Wuyan. His martial arts are the best in the world, and he is most likely a mage of the National Teacher's Mansion. If she can achieve good things with him, the National Teacher's Mansion will definitely not deal with the Cheng family again.

However, the fairy boy who had quietly entered her heart lowered his head, flipped through the book in his hand, and turned a deaf ear to her embarrassment.

At this moment, Second Miss Cheng was in an unprecedented embarrassment. She stamped her foot, knocked Cheng Suxin away, and ran away covering her face.

On the other side, Yunli watched a scene where sisters were tearing each other up, and couldn't help frowning. She never liked the scenes in this drama where sisters turned against each other because of men and trivial matters, especially the sisters of a family.

A big family pays attention to the prosperity of all, and the loss of all. If one person has a good reputation, the world will look up to the girls of this family; sisters who marry well can also benefit themselves.

What's more, even cats and dogs have some feelings in the family relationship of more than ten years, because of the unfair distribution of rouge and hairpin rings, and the jealousy of men, they have to calculate each other, life and death, what kind of sisters are these.

On the way from Yi'an Town to Qianjiang, she had a good impression of Cheng Suxin. Although she was blind, she didn't complain, and was optimistic and kind.

Along the way, she saw many beggars greeted Cheng's car with a smile. There were also knights who came to help when they heard that she was being hunted down by the National Teacher's Mansion, but she persuaded them to leave.

However, she, who is kind to outsiders, is full of malice towards her sister.

Although she didn't understand what Cheng Suxin did, Yunli didn't say anything, mainly because she couldn't like Second Miss Cheng either.

She continued to flip through the book to search for clues, and after a while, Cheng Suxin came back with the help of her maid.

It was approaching noon, and she had finished reading all the books about stories, chronicles and talks in the bookstore, and almost checked Wei Lin's historical classics.

Cheng Suxin took them to a restaurant in the city for dinner. While waiting for the food to be served, the two of Yunli found a corner and whispered about their harvest.

In the historical classics, there are many strange places, the most notable ones are Xiongying Ridge and Yunhuang Island.

"According to legend, Yunhuang Island is the residence of overseas immortals. Someone went to ask for medicine when he was critically ill, and when he returned after a few years, he was not only cured of his illness, but also brought back countless rare treasures."

Yunli was suspicious: "Is this recorded in historical books? Shouldn't this paragraph appear in the storybook?"

"The identity of the person seeking medicine is not simple. It is mentioned in many places that it is vague, and it is only vaguely revealed that it is the royal family."

"From this point of view, Yunhuang Island really exists."

Wei Lin nodded, and said again: "The classics of Changqing Bookstore only reach the Beichen Dynasty 3000 years ago, and there are no more ancient books. Let's look at other bookstores in the afternoon."

At this time, the sound of horseshoes came from the street below, and there was a familiar voice: "Quickly! Quickly—"

Liu Wuyan's arms were bloodied, he whipped his horse and drove quickly from the end of the street, anxious and frightened.

When approaching Changqing Bookstore, he hurriedly shouted: "Miss! Miss!"

He got off his horse, grabbed the man at the door, and asked sharply, "Where's my lady?"

The guy was covered by the skirt, almost breathless, and he couldn't speak at all. Fortunately, the guy next to him was alert and hurriedly pointed to the restaurant.

Liu Wuyan turned around, just in time to see Yunli Weilin by the window, his body went limp for a moment, and he sat down on the street, gasping for breath.

Wei Lin jumped in front of him from upstairs, and asked, "Brother Liu, what happened? Are you here?"

"Is my lady all right?"


"That's good."

Liu Wuyan took a deep breath, then got on his horse and galloped away, only saying, "Brother Wei, please help me protect Miss."

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd. In this situation, it was clear that something had happened to the Cheng family.

Yunli and the others didn't care about eating, and hurried back to Cheng's house. When they entered the house, everyone in the house was uneasy, and all the servants looked at Master Cheng's yard.

Cheng Suxin's maid asked one of them, and the boy's teeth were chattering: "Second Miss is dead, and the National Teacher's Mansion killed her."

(End of this chapter)

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