all the way to fairy

Chapter 581 There must be Yu Qing

Chapter 581 There must be Yu Qing
Yunli was startled, and subconsciously looked at Cheng Suxin, just in time to catch a glimpse of the flickering curve of her lips, revealing a sense of carefreeness.

Miss Cheng's death is related to Cheng Suxin?

The National Teacher's Mansion is looking for the jade rosary, and when it comes to Qianjiang, it should also look for Master Cheng. If you want to threaten Master Cheng with your children, you should not kill the second Miss Cheng.

Under what circumstances, the National Teacher's Office will be impatient to kill Miss Cheng Er?
The secret of the National Teacher's Mansion that Miss Cheng overheard by accident, was discovered?But what does this have to do with Cheng Suxin?
It can't be that Cheng Su has exhausted his calculations in his mind, and when he discusses secrets at the mage meeting of the National Teacher's Mansion, he will deliberately leave Miss Cheng in anger.

She glanced at Wei Lin beside her. If she could use her spiritual sense, it would be great to discuss and discuss. She was feeling emotional when she saw Master Cheng come out with a sullen face, ordered a few powerful bodyguards and strode towards the backyard.

This behavior made everyone even more flustered, and the step-wife called out to Master, and hurriedly followed.

The maids and servants also didn't care about the rules, they rushed to the backyard together, and got into trouble with the National Teacher's Mansion. It's not certain whether the Cheng Mansion can exist.

Master Cheng took the bodyguards straight to Miss Cheng's yard. When Yunli and his party arrived, they were rummaging around. Miss Cheng's box and dowry were all opened, not even the bed was spared.

"Master, you should say something, what's the matter?" Step-wife asked the youngest son to be led by the servant girl.

Master Cheng's face was so gloomy that water dripped out, and he said, "Don't make trouble."

The step-wife was so angry that she almost couldn't breathe. How could life and death be called adding to the chaos.

Liu Wuyan pulled her away, and said in a low voice: "Master found the clue of the jade rosary on the second lady, and determined that the jade rosary is in our Cheng family. We are given one hour to hand over the jade rosary, otherwise the Cheng family will be destroyed."


The step-wife exclaimed, and immediately lowered her face, her sharp eyes swept across all the servants present like a sword: "Whoever took it, hand it over quickly, the things of the National Teacher's Mansion, are we ordinary people able to take it?"

The maidservant knelt down on the ground and hurriedly said that he had never seen the jade rosary before, and his wife said coldly: "If the Cheng family dies, the National Teacher's Office will not let you go."

The middle-aged man who looked like a housekeeper straightened up, looked back at the people kneeling behind him, and said loudly: "Madam is right, if you touch something from the National Teacher's Mansion, you will die if you touch it, they don't care about the innocent or not, the jade rosary Even if it is an elixir, it is not worth paying for the lives of the whole family. Whoever takes it, hand it over quickly!"

"Housekeeper, I really didn't take it. If the notice hadn't been posted, I wouldn't have known about the Laoshizi jade rosary."

"Me too, who took it, take it out quickly, don't kill everyone..."

The master is in a hurry, and the servants are also in a hurry. They are all grasshoppers on the same rope, and no one can escape.

"Master, I didn't find it." The search bodyguard's forehead was covered with sweat, and his voice was trembling when he replied.

Master Cheng's face turned pale, he suddenly pushed aside the crowd, knelt in front of Yunli Weilin, and said in panic, "Master, you saw that our Cheng family really doesn't have jade beads, please forgive me, Master!"

Yunli: ...

Wei Lin: ...

In the panic of the Cheng family, Yunli rolled her eyes: "You are mistaken, we are not from the National Teacher's Mansion."

"Master, if you don't believe me, everyone in Cheng's mansion is free to rummage, and I just ask Master, please spare my family, the jade rosary is really not what we want to take!" Master Cheng obviously didn't believe it, and said to himself.

Yunli and Yunli have repeatedly stated that they have nothing to do with the National Teacher's Mansion, so Master Cheng reluctantly believed it. Cheng is willing to donate half of his family wealth."

Wei Lin's eyes flickered slightly, and he said: "The family wealth will be saved. Now that the world is not afraid of the National Teacher's Mansion, it is Fenglin City. We can escort you to Fenglin City."

Master Cheng couldn't ask for more, he called the young hero a hero, and then hurriedly asked everyone to go back and pack their bags.

Yunli pulled Wei Lin to an unoccupied attic, and asked, "Shall we go to Xiongying Ridge? I think Yunhuang Island is more likely. It is recorded in the official history, and it is not clear in various ways. It cannot be the person in power back then." Are you trying to hide something on purpose?"

After a pause, she continued: "Yunhuang Island is in the north of Chenghan. Let's go to Yunhuang Island first, and then go to Xiongying Ridge to save time."

"What about the Cheng family, don't you care?"

"Well," Yunli said with a headache, "it stands to reason that we have already repaid the favor of increasing the silver, and we should not interfere in ordinary affairs, but the Cheng family is also considered a family of good deeds, and it is not appropriate to allow it to be destroyed by the National Teacher's Office." .”

While talking, there was a sudden noise below, listen carefully, it turned out that it was Master Cheng who dismissed the servants, and the servants were worried that no one would protect them, so they didn't want to leave.

Yunli frowned, the National Teacher's Mansion is powerful, and with their momentum, they will surely win, even if Master Cheng's family attracts the main force, they will not let the servants go.

She was about to go down to persuade Master Cheng when she saw Cheng Suxin come out and said softly: "Let's go together, the goal is too big, Miss Wei Gongziyun only has two people after all, there is always something that can't be taken care of, the one who dies first at that time is the most likely That's you.

Let's go separately, most of the mages will chase us, you took the money, and asked some bodyguards to protect us, so we will be fine. "

Although her voice is soft and soft, it has a firmness that is different from ordinary people, and people are unconsciously convinced by it.

Seeing her sigh again, she said: "The mansion does good deeds without asking for anything in return, but now that we are in dire straits, I can only be cheeky and ask for something in return.

I remember Wudang Zhang Shaoxia, Emei Zhou Nvxia, and Luoxia Xu Shaoxia were all in Qianjiang.Uncle Qian, take my post and ask them to protect you for a while. "

The old servant whom she called Uncle Qian burst into tears, choked up and knelt down on the ground: "Thank you, Miss."

The rest of the servants hurriedly paid their respects and didn't care about getting the money, they greeted their family and relatives, picked up their bags and hurried away.

Soon, half of Cheng's servants left, and most of the rest were bodyguards and a few important managers. Yunli frowned: "Master Cheng, why do I feel weird?"

Liu Wuyan must have told him in detail about the fighting power of himself and his senior brother, and they can completely protect their family of four.

He left so many bodyguards and guards, and he didn't think about the helpless servants at all, which conflicted with the rumored good man.

After thinking about it, she felt that she was harsh again. Whoever stipulated that kind people should not be afraid of death, and who would have too many bodyguards at a critical moment.

Wei Lin didn't want to, but said: "I think it's Cheng Suxin who is weird."

Yunli looked at him, and saw him looking thoughtful: "She said what she said, she seemed to be sure that the National Teacher's Mansion would not chase after the servant."

Yunli's eyes widened suddenly, and she lowered her voice: "You mean, she has the jade rosary?"

In this situation, the only way for the National Teacher's Office to give up innocent people is to know the clear clues of the Jade Rosary.

Wei Lin whispered: "What is the clue of the jade rosary on Miss Cheng's body?"

Yunli thought carefully about the details of seeing Miss Cheng today, but found nothing. They had just arrived at Cheng's residence and knew nothing about Miss Cheng's past dressing habits, words and deeds.

At this time, Master Cheng's family had already packed their bags and was looking for them everywhere in the courtyard. Yunli had no choice but to put aside her thoughts for a while, and jumped down from the attic with Wei Lin, and escorted Master Cheng's family away on horseback.

For the convenience of traveling, there are only two carriages, one for Mr. Cheng and his son, one for his wife and Cheng Suxin. When they approached the gate of the city, they saw a few mages in white clothes standing at the gate of the city.

A young sorcerer raised his eyebrows and shouted coldly: "The Cheng family is so brave, how dare they..."

Before he finished speaking, but seeing the old man with white beard and hair in front of him raised his hand, the young mage immediately fell silent and swallowed back the words behind him.

The old man slowly raised his eyelids, passed over the face of the bodyguard of the Cheng family, and finally landed on Wei Lin, and said contemptuously: "Boy, I advise you to take care of the affairs of the National Teacher's Mansion!"

Wei Lin remained expressionless and continued to ride the horse.

"Arrogant boy." With an order, all the sorcerers flew towards Wei Lin, and within a moment, none of the sorcerers fell to the ground, and blossoming blood plum blossoms bloomed on the white clothes.

Under the horrified gaze of the sorcerer, the Cheng family carriage walked out of the city gate calmly in the afterglow of the setting sun.

As soon as he left the city, Master Cheng poked his head out of the car window and cupped his hands again and again: "Thank you young man, young man is good at martial arts, young man is very kind and virtuous, Cheng will never forget it."


Wei Lin cherishes his words like gold, but Master Cheng has the desire to chat freely, and keeps asking: "May I ask what school the young hero comes from, this swordsmanship is the best in the world..."

With that inquisitive posture, Yunli doubted that his next sentence would be to betroth Cheng Suxin to his senior brother.

At this time, a strange fragrance floated through her nostrils, which was exactly the same as the second Miss Cheng's body. She turned her head slightly and smelled that the fragrance came from Cheng Suxin and his stepwife's carriage.

Strangely, she has been in contact with Cheng Suxin for a while, and she has never found that she uses this kind of scented rouge powder, and she has not smelled it on her stepwife.

With a thought, she leaned over and leaned close to Wei Lin's ear: "Did you smell a special fragrance?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Wei Lin's eyes, and he shook his head lightly. There were indeed a lot of smells nearby, the only ones that could be called fragrance were the fragrance of flowers and plants on the roadside and the fragrance of all kinds of rouge powder sachets on the female relatives.

These scents are ordinary, not special.

Yunli's eyes flickered: "I know what is the clue of the jade rosary on Miss Cheng Er, Yixiang."

This fragrance is too subtle, even the senior brothers have not smelled it, it is very likely that special means are needed to track it, just like Lei Ji Falcon tracking the mutated bamboo spirit butterfly Lin powder.

If it wasn't for the strange fragrance of the jade rosary itself, it might be the anti-theft measures of the National Teacher's Mansion, but Cheng Suxin took advantage of it.

She must have dyed the second miss Cheng with a strange fragrance, and deliberately provoked her to leave her and her senior brother's sight.

The mage followed the strange fragrance and still couldn't find one. No wonder they believed that the jade rosary was in Cheng's house.

But what is Cheng Suxin doing?

Yunli suddenly remembered the servants who left, they were going to invite those young heroes and heroines to guard them, and they should have not left Qianjiang at this time.

At this time, Cheng Suxin released the fragrance to attract the mages to chase them and create vitality for the servants?
He is really a kind person, but why is he so cruel to his sister?
After traveling until midnight, they finally arrived at a teahouse. The bodyguards knocked on the door, woke up the owner of the teahouse who was already asleep, and fixed a table of good wine and food for them.

After witnessing Wei Lin's extraordinary martial arts, the panic of destroying the door was temporarily put aside by them.

Master Cheng poured wine and served dishes himself, thanking Wei Lin for saving his life, and the bodyguards of Cheng's family also kept toasting, praising Wei Lin's extraordinary martial arts skills.

While drinking, they poured a slice, only Yunli Weilin and Cheng Suxin at the other table were left sitting still.

Seeing this, the owner of the teahouse said again and again that he did not do any tricks, and said that the disaster year was difficult, and he had survived the disaster year with the favor of Miss Cheng. How could he murder his benefactor.

Cheng Suxin got up, bowed Yingying: "My father is benevolent and righteous, I can't do such a thing of repaying kindness and revenge."

As she said that, she tore off the black cloth over her eyes, pulled out a dagger, walked over in twos and twos, and said to Yunli Weilin: "This is my grievance with them, I hope you two don't interfere."

Yunli blinked her eyes, shocked: "You can see it!"

Those eyes were still gray and cloudy, without pupils, but now the eyeballs turned slightly, no longer dull, and Cheng Suxin moved quickly, not like a blind person.

The ones who were more shocked than Yunli were Master Cheng and Yi Ying who were lying on the ground. They looked at Cheng Suxin as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight: "You are...not blind!"

Yunli was shocked, her eyes gliding over Cheng Suxin and Master Cheng, she had a vague idea in her mind, Cheng Suxin is not Master Cheng's daughter, how can a father not know that his daughter is really blind.

Cheng Suxin brushed her eyes with her hand, and smiled sourly: "Daddy said, there must be more celebrations in a family of good deeds, my eyes are not blind because he did good deeds in the first half of his life, and the heavens couldn't bear to take away my light.

Therefore, he is more willing to give and help the poor, but he is used by you bandits.You deliberately pretended to be poor and destitute people, begging your father to take you in, saying that you would do some rough work in the house and beg for food.

Dad is kind and readily agrees.A few days later, you found out the situation in the mansion, and began to show your true nature, killing my whole family and taking my property.

At that time, I was only five years old. Because of the wind and cold, I was lingering in the bed and never went out. You have never seen me. "

Those horrifying white pupils were full of mourning, and the fingertips holding the dagger trembled slightly, just like her voice: "I saw you pushing the door and entering with a knife full of blood that day, and suddenly you came to me!" I forgot to be afraid, I heard someone say 'how is a blind man' before I came back to my senses.

In order to survive, I took advantage of the situation and pretended not to see, and even... called your father coquettishly. "

The tears in her eyes could no longer contain them and rolled down. It was hard for Yunli to imagine how much will a five-year-old child must have to act innocently and innocently in the Shura field where her relatives died tragically. The murderous intent of the executioner, and in the next ten years, carefully concealed the hatred, and entertained the enemy's knees.

"So, he is a bandit? I married a bandit?" The frightened and angry voice of the step-wife came from behind.

Cheng Suxin said coldly: "I have hinted to you a long time ago that you were deceived by the Cheng family's money and insisted on marrying in, no wonder others."

She raised her dagger, her eyes were sad and cold: "Today, I will avenge dozens of members of my Cheng family!"

As she said that, she knelt down and stabbed Master Cheng's chest fiercely. Unfortunately, she was powerless, and she didn't choose the right place to stab, and the dagger got stuck between her ribs.

 Thank you, Da Luo Jinxian, for your monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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