all the way to fairy

Chapter 582 Borrowing a Knife

Chapter 582 Borrowing a Knife
Yunli shook her head secretly, everyone knew the vitals, but the vitals were protected, without a little strength, how could they pierce easily.

Blood gurgled from Master Cheng's heart, and soon stained his clothes red. He also took advantage of the pain to temporarily suppress the effect of the drug, and raised his hand to push Cheng Suxin away.

Master Cheng took a deep breath, his face was full of pain and regret, and said: "I will not shirk the sins I committed. If you want revenge, you can take our lives."

His gaze became more and more Suxin, and he looked at the child in the arms of his step-wife, his eyes suddenly softened: "It's just that I was soft-hearted back then, I let you go, and raised you for 11 years, now please let Haoer go, he is innocent of."


Cheng Suxin seemed to have heard a big joke: "I saw with my own eyes that you drowned my infant concubine sister, and let the daughter of yourself and a female bandit take the identity of my sister.

You will let me go, but Steward Zhou said that only our Cheng family can withdraw the money my father saved from the capital bank.

After leaving the capital, you have to use my father's name to act, just in case, you can only keep me.Over the years, you have been monitoring me tentatively and never stopped.

After the Escort was on the right track, you killed the donkey and steward Zhou, and asked Wu Yan to report my whereabouts to you. "

The charitable face of 'Master Cheng' was cracked, and his voice was cold: "That old fellow Zhou Chun should have died a long time ago, I gave him such a favor, yet he still misses your father, secretly leading the magistrate to suspect me.

I just didn't expect that he didn't really surrender in the first place, hiding the facts that you can see.

Our skills are not as good as others, and our brothers are willing to bow down, but I don't know one thing, what's going on with the National Teacher's Mansion?How did you talk about moving the National Teacher's Office? "

Yunli squinted at him, this 'Master Cheng' is really treacherous and cunning, he keeps saying that he will come if he wants revenge, and he is willing to bow down, giving Cheng Suxin the illusion that she has controlled the situation, but in fact it is just delaying time.

Drugs are effective, and the "Master Cheng" who was born as a bandit knows how to do it. Cheng Suxin is tenacious and has far-reaching plans, but he still has too little experience in the world.

Sure enough, after many years of repression, seeing the revenge of the big revenge, Cheng Suxin seemed to want to express the grief and anger in his heart, and let the bandits die to understand.

"In the past few years, I have used the name of doing good deeds to make friends with people in the world. I originally thought that one day I would use their power to eradicate the Cheng family's bodyguard bureau, but I didn't expect that the sky would kill you.

I accidentally saw someone sneaking around, put a delicate box on the escort car, and checked it quietly out of curiosity, it turned out to be a jade rosary.

The jade rosary is a rare treasure, few people know it, but when I was young, my eyes and pupils were abnormal and my temperament was withdrawn, so my father found all kinds of interesting things to make me happy.

Although I haven't seen the jade rosary with my own eyes, I have seen the blueprints in the book, and I also heard from my father that the jade rosary is in the National Teacher's Mansion. "

Cheng Suxin finished speaking in one breath, turned her white pupils, and asked with a sneer: "Is this the sky that wants to kill you?"

'Master Cheng' didn't speak, just gasped for breath, the dagger was still stuck in his heart, as the blood flowed, his eyes blurred, as if he was about to fall into a coma.

Cheng Suxin wanted to pour out her hatred, so naturally she wouldn't make him faint. She picked up the fine wine on the table and poured it on the wound of 'Master Cheng'.

The shrill screams resounded through the night sky, and the night wind passed through the front of the hall, and the people on the ground felt the chill seep into their bones.

"A few days ago, the National Teacher's Mansion finally came to the south of the Yangtze River, and I put the objects contaminated with strange fragrances in the darts, which really caught their attention and found the Cheng family.

As for your precious daughter, she always likes to snatch my things. I just made a small plan and let her take the initiative to snatch the brocade handkerchief specially prepared for her. "

Involving his own daughter, 'Master Cheng' became excited, raised his hand with difficulty, and pointed at Cheng Suxin: ""

In just a short while, his hand fell down again weakly, his face was full of desolation: "Do you know why I keep using your father's name? You were born rich, so how do you know the suffering of us lower class people? If you can be a good person, who Willing to be the bad guy?

Before our brothers fell into the grass and became bandits, it is not that we did not think about supporting our family with our hands. We also used our martial arts to open an escort agency, but every step was difficult.

Blackmailed by bullies, bullied by peers, squeezed by the government, our bodyguard agency was ruined when it opened its first business. Without huge compensation, we can only fall into the trap.

However, when you came to Qianjiang and opened an escort agency in your father's name, everything became so easy.Those people clearly didn't know him, but once his name was announced, the bullies greeted him with smiles, and his peers offered to help promote and seek cooperation. "

Cheng Suxin's white pupils turned blood-colored, she rushed up and held the dagger, stabbed it down fiercely, and roared: "That's the reputation my father accumulated, you killed him, and you still use his name to enjoy his accumulation Prestige of contacts, you should die!"

At this time, the 'Master Cheng' who had lost the power to resist, flashed a ruthless look in his eyes, quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed her neck, and said with a grin: "I was able to let you go 11 years ago, and I can kill you 11 years later.

Hmph, you ignorant dead girl, today's father will teach you the last time, no matter how powerful the drug is, the effect will be greatly reduced if you take it for a long time. "

While speaking, he tightened his five fingers, and Cheng Suxin's face immediately turned purple: "I have traveled all over the world, and I have never seen any drugs. The effect of these drugs on me is greatly reduced!"

A bodyguard who was about the same age as 'Master Cheng' struggled to get up, sucked in the air-conditioning and complained: "I said a long time ago that this girl can't be kept, and you have to get rid of the roots. Brother, you just don't listen."

A teacup flew out and hit 'Master Cheng' on the forehead. He fell straight down, and the hand holding Cheng Suxin's neck loosened.

"Cough, cough..." Cheng Suxin fell to the ground, clutching her chest and coughing desperately, taking a big gulp of air.

The five bodyguards who were about the same age as 'Master Cheng' immediately became nervous and stared at Wei Lin: "This is our grievance with her. It's better for Wei Shaoxia not to get involved, it's for your own benefit."

'Master Cheng' who sat up staggeringly also said: "Cheng is willing to give away all the family property, please don't meddle in this matter."

Cheng Suxin, who had fallen to the ground, came back to her senses, and was surprised by her omission. Hearing the words of 'Master Cheng', he sneered and said: "You think everyone is like you. If Mr. Wei and Mr. Wei want money, you will be sent Just leave it to the National Teacher's Office, and you will have a bright future."

After finishing speaking, she got up and pulled out the big knife of the bodyguard next to her, and slashed at the bodyguard who complained, but her strength was too weak, and it was very laborious to pick it up, let alone kill people.

Cheng Suxin was a little desperate. She knew that she was weak and couldn't lift the knife, and after hinting many times, Liu Wuyan gave her a dagger in private. Unexpectedly, it got stuck in the thief's chest and couldn't be pulled out.

She hated herself for being useless, for wasting so much thought, destroying the Escort industry, and having a thousand-year opportunity to bring the living enemies together smoothly, but she still couldn't do the blood hatred with her own hands.

If I knew it earlier, I would have poisoned it, and it would bring harm to some innocent people...

Holding the knife in both hands, she lifted it up with all her strength, and stabbed the middle-aged bodyguard next to her in the abdomen, but the bodyguard had recovered a little mobility, her upper body sank slightly, and her knife was stuck between the ribs again.

Cheng Suxin was desperate, and in a trance, she went back to that day, the red corners of her mother's mouth were shocking, the ferocious executioner got up from her with pants in his hands, and walked away cursing.

And she couldn't do anything.

At this time, a peach-pink knife handle stretched out, and under the candlelight, the silver-white blade was cold, reflecting her desperate eyes.

Cheng Suxin raised her head and fell into a pair of clear apricot eyes. The girl pursed her lips with a serious expression: "Your father is right, there must be joy in a family of good deeds, my knife cuts gold and breaks jade, and is invincible."

Cheng Suxin's eyelashes trembled, and tears rolled down. She grabbed the peach powder machete and stabbed it hard, the blade penetrated into her body until it reached the handle.

The strong man's eyes were wide open, and before he could utter a word, he tilted his head and lost his breath.

The gushing blood instantly stained Cheng Suxin's hand holding the knife, she blinked quickly, her hand trembled rapidly, and the blood fell from between her fingers, and blood plum blossoms bloomed on the floor.

She bit her lip, slowly stopped the trembling of her hands, drew out the knife, and the body of her enemy fell to the ground.

Cheng Suxin got up, held the knife and looked at the other person. She remembered that when she walked out of the room, she saw this person pull the knife out of the maid Xiaoshui's stomach.

I still remember that at that time, the blood drew a desperate arc in the air and flung it on my face. The man grinned ferociously and waited for his reaction.

How did you do it then?

He touched the liquid on his face, frowned slightly, and asked doubtfully, "Daddy, is it raining? Why is it so hot?"

Cheng Suxin tightened her hand holding the knife, pursed her lips, and stepped forward a few steps, stabbing in and out, just like how he killed her personal maid back then, neatly.

"Miss, no, Miss Cheng, spare my life! Miss Cheng, spare my life!" The deaths of two people in a row finally made this group of lunatics realize the situation and begged for mercy repeatedly.

Cheng Suxin's eyes became more and more determined, he raised the knife and slashed three people in a row, and finally came to the side of 'Master Cheng', and said coldly: "Go to hell, and confess to my parents!"

When the words fell, she stabbed in without hesitation.

'Master Cheng' raised his hand unwillingly, the dagger stuck in his chest had been pulled out at some point, but unfortunately he no longer had the strength to push the dagger into Cheng Suxin's neck.

That knife is really excellent, the blade is still cold when it enters the body, it sucks away all the energy in the body in an instant.

After killing her biggest enemy, Cheng Suxin turned around with the knife in her hand, and walked towards step-wife, mother and son step by step.

The stepwife, who was stunned by the accident, came back to her senses and tried to raise her hands to protect her son, praying with her eyes open: "Su, Suxin, Haoer is innocent."

"Our Cheng family is also innocent." Cheng Suxin knelt down and slowly raised the knife.

"Big sister." The immature and timid child's voice was full of fear, Cheng Suxin's eyelashes trembled, and the knife stopped in the air.

She raised her eyes slowly, the boy's round eyes were full of mist, and the depths of the pupils were full of fear, Cheng Suxin suddenly realized that these eyes were dark, like grapes, smart and cunning, and they were the eyes she envied.

Every time he saw himself, he would open his mouth to reveal his fine white baby teeth, calling out in a baby voice, "Big sister."

Cheng Suxin's hand holding the knife trembled uncontrollably again. She tried her best to hold the knife tightly, but she couldn't swing it out no matter what.

Finally, she lowered her knife and said to her stepwife: "From now on, he can no longer be surnamed Cheng, and can no longer act in my father's name."

For the rest of his life after the catastrophe, there is no one who would not agree to his step-wife, she hastily agreed, if it wasn't for the fact that the drug hadn't completely passed, I'm afraid he would have left with his son in his arms.

The great revenge was avenged, and Cheng Suxin's energy seemed to be drained all at once. She walked over and returned the Meng Zhan Dao with both hands: "Thank you for borrowing the sword, miss."

"You're welcome." Yunli took the knife, "The injustice of fate and the tragic experience really make it difficult for people to maintain kindness, but because of this, those who are treated unfairly and suffer hardships, but can still retain kindness It’s even more precious.”

Cheng Suxin obviously didn't expect her to say such a thing, and was stunned for a while, Yunli smiled: "I don't mean to ask you to continue to do good deeds in the future, I just admire you and your father very much."

After finishing speaking, he was worried that his words would bring up Cheng Suxin's sad past, and asked, "What are your plans for the future?"

"Do I have a future?" Cheng Suxin smiled wryly.

"Why not." Yunli tilted her head slightly, and stretched out her hand, "Since the revenge has been avenged, give us the hot potato, the jade rosary."

Cheng Suxin was stunned for a moment, without being pretentious, she took out a red sandalwood box from the carriage and handed it to Yunli, thanked her again, turned and walked out.

"Miss!" Liu Wuyan hurriedly called her, he knelt on the ground, his eyes were red: "I failed to detect the villain's malice in time, and even, even helped him to monitor Miss, it is my subordinate's dereliction of duty."

He kowtowed heavily and said in a hoarse voice, "I beg you to give me a chance to pay off your merits and use the rest of your life to protect your safety."

The other bodyguards and bodyguards suddenly said in unison: "This subordinate is willing to follow Miss, and pay off the crime!"

Cheng Su was stunned. For the sake of revenge, she never dared to trust anyone easily. Even if most people in the mansion did not know the true face of the thief, she dared not reveal anything.

In this operation, he was afraid of their bad deeds, and even simply fascinated everyone. He didn't expect that after learning the truth, there would still be some people willing to stand by his side.

Wei Lin said lightly: "Whether to go or stay, we will make a decision later, you leave here first, and we will take a step first."

After speaking, he pulled Yunli onto his horse and left.

In the night breeze, there was a conversation.

"Your Meng Zhan Dao, how did she move it?"

"Because I want her to pick it up."

Cheng Suxin was slightly stunned, it turned out that the knife was called Zhanmeng.

Canglan continent, sea area.

After more than half a month, the Tianshui cage formation was finally opened, Fu Yueruning and other leaders of various forces left behind their hands, and rushed to the Misty Swamp with them.

Seeing the big hole half a zhang wide, Fuyue was out of breath, and he was still too late.

A group of people jumped off one by one like dumplings.

At this moment, the culprit who made them panic was pointing at the sparkling river under the moonlight: "We traveled fast for three days and three nights, Cheng Suxin and the others should be heading in the opposite direction, it's far enough, let's rest."

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Thank you Huanxi 202082545 for the big monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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