Chapter 583 The Origin (1)

"That's fine." Wei Lin had no objection, and it happened that he also wanted to study the jade rosary.

The moment he saw it in the teahouse, a few images flashed in his mind vaguely, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Yunli was very curious, and after getting it, she checked it roughly. The strange fragrance came from the cushion under the jade rosary, and it was the anti-theft method of the National Teacher's Mansion.

As for the specialness of the jade rosary itself, I haven't seen it for the time being.

She took the jade rosary out of the box and put it in the palm of her hand. The overall bead was a light blue moonlight, smooth and shiny, with light golden floc inside, which was really beautiful.

However, apart from being pretty, she still didn't see anything special about it. If it wasn't for the fact that her senior brother said she looked familiar, she would have forgotten about the bead long ago.

"You still don't remember where you saw it?" She asked expectantly. A monk has a photographic memory. Three days and three nights are enough to search for memories.

Wei Lin shook his head, he was also puzzled at this point, logically those pictures are his memory, why can't he remember them?
"Then how to check? You can't even see a flower with your eyes." Yunli was in trouble, "Burning it with fire? Soaking it in water? Or just smashing it to pieces?"

The corners of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, boiling water and soaking it was barely a solution, smashing it was nothing.

He took the jade rosary from her palm, and illuminated it against the moonlight, like the moonlight under the water, the light golden floc inside added to the hazy beauty.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Didn't it mean that it can cure strange poisons, find some poisons and try."

"Okay! I'll catch the rabbit, you go find the poisonous weed!" Yunli agreed, turned around and ran into the woods.

Wei Lin put away the jade rosary, remembering that when he came here earlier, he saw a lot of castors on the side of the road. Castors can be used to extract oil, but the seeds are very poisonous, just three of them can kill people on the spot.

As he was walking, he suddenly stopped. When he put away the jade rosary just now, the floc inside seemed to move!
He hurriedly took out the jade rosary and looked at the moonlight again, but it seemed like his illusion.

Wei Lin recalled carefully, yes, he did see it move slightly just now.

Borrowing the moonlight, he turned the jade rosary little by little and observed it carefully from different angles. It was different from the brilliance under the sunlight. Under the moonlight, the beads were extraordinarily warm and hazy, as if covered with a veil.

"Wow, you found the poisonous weed so quickly?" Yunli came back carrying a snow-white rabbit, and saw him holding a jade rosary with one hand, holding it high above his head, and inspecting it carefully.

She couldn't help being surprised, her speed of catching rabbits was fast enough, but she didn't expect her senior brother to find poisonous weeds even faster!

While speaking, Wei Lin was startled and held the jade rosary closer, "That's right, it's indeed moving."

"The beads are moving? Let me see, let me see!"

Yunli became agitated, ran over Diandian, and took his hand in front of her eyes. After a while, she wondered: "No."

Wei Lin turned the bead lightly and adjusted the angle: "Put this protruding little flower in front of the moonlight."

As the angle was adjusted, the small, hair-thick flower swayed a few times.

"Wow! It's really moving! Brother, how did you find such a tricky angle?" Yunli was so surprised that she didn't even notice that the rabbit in her hand broke free.

She stared at it right and wrong, the center of that tiny flower suddenly lit up with a faint gleam, and the whole world suddenly disappeared, but that tiny flower enlarged before her eyes, filling the whole world little by little.

A slight sound came, the inner edge of the flower bloomed and the outer edge withered at the same time, Yunli couldn't feel anything, and all her consciousness was only the flower that was blooming and withering at the same time.

After an unknown amount of time, Xuhua finally stopped...

The moon sets and the sun rises, and there is no sound on the river bank, only the horse tied up in the woods behind paces from time to time, pulling the rein and trying to reach some weeds farther away.

Suddenly, the rapid sound of horseshoes broke the silence in the forest, and a group of white-clothed mages rode their horses. When they were approaching, they hurriedly reined in their horses, and the neighing of the horses resounded through the forest.

"It's nearby, everyone look for it!"

The leader was giving orders, but he looked past the dense trees and saw the horses behind the lush bushes.

"Be careful, everyone. This kid is extremely skilled in martial arts. That girl has never fought before, but she has a machete at her waist. It is very likely that she is also good at martial arts."


Under the leadership of the leader, a group of people formed a half-surrounding, approached slowly, passed through where the horse was, and walked forward about ten steps, and saw two people lying down on the bank of the river.

One of them was lying down, the other was lying on their stomachs, and the blue moonlight beads on their hands were shining brightly in the morning light.

The mages surrounded them cautiously, and a young mage stepped forward under the signal of the leader, stretched out his hand to sniff the two of them, and said, "I fainted."

The leader picked up the jade rosary and put it back into the rosewood box, saying: "Tie it up and take it back!"

Nanming Kingdom, Imperial Palace.

At the beginning of the snow, the majestic palace is all silver and white, and the eaves and verandas are decorated with lanterns and festoons. The bright red palace lanterns are even more joyful against the backdrop of the snow.

The palace people who shuttled among them were also infected by joy, with smiles on their brows and eyes, and they worked very hard.

Also, during the New Year's Day, there are so many rewards, who wouldn't be happy.

Located in the west of the imperial palace, the magnificent Zhaoyang Palace is quiet and silent, which is incompatible with the beaming imperial palace. Even the cold palace in the northwest corner is a bit more lively than it.

At noon, the sun was still hiding behind the thick clouds, and the sky was dim, like evening.

Two ashes and pink figures appeared at the end of the road. One tall and one short, the two figures came from the wind and snow carrying a flower hoe, stopped at the side of Zhaoyang Palace, and began to plow the ground.

The little court lady Cardamom Nianhua, her eyes were red, the tears on her cheeks were still wet, and she complained in a crying voice: "What kind of place is turned on New Year's Eve, she clearly sees that we are not going well, deliberately making things difficult, and won't give me food."

"So what if it's difficult, she's a nanny, let you choke with her..." The court lady Xiaolan rubbed her hands that were flushed from the cold, her tone tinged with reproach.

After the reprimand, seeing the little palace lady picking pearls with her nose red from the cold, her big tears falling on the ground one by one, and smoking, she felt even more unlucky, so she raised her voice and reprimanded: "It's New Year's Eve, you're mourning, hurry up!" If you do some work, you can finish your lunch earlier!"

The little maid blinked, crushed the tears in her eyes, choked up and said: "Sister Xiaolan, I'm sorry, I got you into trouble."

"If you know you're going to be troubled, hurry up and get out of this unlucky place." Xiaolan's tone was a little impatient. If it's New Year's Eve, being dragged out to dig the ground would make no one feel good.

There was a loud noise from inside the palace wall, as if something had fallen.

Caizhu was startled, and immediately followed the prestige, but only saw the high palace wall, she glanced timidly at Xiaolan's expression, and whispered: "It seems that something happened inside."

"Don't worry about Zhaoyang Palace's business. Do your job! How long do you want to dawdle?" Xiaolan rubbed her hands that were stiff from the cold, raised her eyebrows and raised her eyes, and scolded in a cold voice.

Caizhu pursed her lips. She was transferred from Huanyi Bureau to Sihua three months ago after being a prisoner. She has no background and everyone can step on her.

She rubbed her empty stomach, stopped talking, and buried herself in her work.

The cold wind was biting, and the two of them were shivering from the cold, and they couldn't even hold a flower pick, let alone dig the ground.

Suffering from hunger and cold, Xiaolan's patience quickly ran out, she threw the flower hoe on the ground, and said sharply, "You will be punished for what you caused!"

After speaking, he turned around and left.

"Sister Xiaolan! Sister Xiaolan!"

Caizhu called a few times, but Xiaolan turned a deaf ear to it. She walked back and raised her voice, "If you don't teach you a lesson, you won't know how to control your temper. If you don't turn over the land, don't come back to eat!"

Picking pearls was anxious and angry, and she might not be able to finish the search by night by herself.

She also wanted to leave, but she was indeed a burden on Xiaolan. If she didn't finish the book, she would give Mammy an excuse, and she might not know how to torture her later.

Unable to live up to her stomach singing empty city plan, the cold wind seemed to become more bitter, she knelt down and inserted her hands into her knees, trying to warm them with her body.

However, she was cold all over, including the hollows of her knees. Instead of warming her hands, her legs became even colder.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw something bright under the palace wall. She walked over slowly, squatted down, and pushed aside the rocks, revealing a hole the size of a fist.

Caizhu poked his head over, looked in, and met a clear eye.


Caizhu was taken aback, and sat down on the ground, his heart beating non-stop.

After a while, she leaned forward again, this time, the people inside backed away, and did not look out of the hole, only then did Caizhu see clearly that the owner of the eyes was a three or four year old girl.

Wearing a bright red brocade robe with makeup and flowers, it is luxurious and new, but it is extremely irregularly dressed, with a large section of underwear exposed on the chest, and the hair is scattered behind the head.

Caizhu was stunned. Although Zhaoyang Palace is the head of the West Six Palaces, it is a veritable cold palace. Except for an old lady who waits here, there is no one else, and there is even no guard at the gate of the palace. The cold palace of classics is even deserted.

I heard that Zhaoyang Palace was originally the residence of a favorite concubine of the late emperor, but she fell out of favor somehow. Thinking of her friendship, the late emperor did not put it in the cold palace, but directly sealed Zhaoyang Palace. Over time, Zhaoyang Palace It became a veritable cold palace.

But how can there be children?
Judging by his clothes, his status is not low!

The late emperor passed away many years ago, the three or four-year-old child is naturally not the late emperor's daughter, could it be that some concubine secretly gave birth to a princess and raised her in Zhaoyang Palace?

Or which maid made peace with the guards and got this girl?
The little girl in the palace suddenly turned around and ran into the house. Caizhu was about to look away when she ran out again, holding a steaming steamed bun in her hand.

When she came to the cave, she stretched out the steamed stuffed bun, and the rich soup soaked the steamed stuffed bun skin and spread to the tip of the pearl-picking nose. She couldn't help swallowing, and when she recovered, the steamed stuffed bun had already reached her hand.

Caizhu looked at the little girl in the cave, and said softly, "Thank you."

After finishing speaking, she stuffed the buns into her mouth two or three times, and in just a few breaths, she finished eating the buns the size of an adult's fist. She greedily licked the oily residue on her hands, but tears flowed down her face.

Because of a mistake, she hasn't been able to eat since yesterday. She is alone in this land, and she is destined to never finish searching today, so there is no need to think about dinner.

Unexpectedly, her last meal this year was given by a strange little girl in the cold palace.

The little girl looked at her for a while, then turned around and ran into the house again. After a while, she came out with a food box and handed the contents to the pearl collector through the hole.

In addition to the steamed buns, there are golden chestnut shrimp cakes, single-cage golden custard cakes, and crystal osmanthus cakes. If the hole was not too small, she might have handed out the bowl of black fish raw porridge as well.

Picking pearls while eating and crying, after eating the hot food, the body finally warmed up, no longer like an ice sculpture.

She was about to say something more when there was a soft creak beside her, which was the sound of the palace door opening.

The little girl immediately took the food box and ran into the hall.

After a while, a nun dressed in a palace dress in Chu color came into the field of view for picking pearls. Judging from her clothing and accessories, her rank should be from the third rank to benefit people.

Caizhu was startled, there are not many nuns of this rank, currently only His Majesty's personal maid and the fourth concubine's female officer are of this rank.

How could the nanny in the cold palace be so high-ranking?
Just when he was puzzled, he saw some prominent eunuchs from the Ministry of Internal Affairs carrying several boxes into the courtyard. Under the command of the nun, they entered the right side hall, which was the main hall that the little girl ran in and out of just now.

Obviously, these things are for little girls.

Picking pearls was even more curious. Since the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent something, the little girl could only be a princess.

Princess, why live in the cold palace?

In the blink of an eye, a name came to her mind, and she broke out in a cold sweat.

Princess Xiyue, it's Princess Xiyue!

Princess Xiyue was born in Nanming Kingdom!Nanming is about to perish!

Shocked for a moment, Caizhu felt relieved, this country that is so rotten to the bone is finally about to perish!

There is a well-known legend in the mainland, when Xiyue is born, the country will perish.

She is an ominous omen, the death knell sounded by the god of death.

The pearl divers family was originally a family in Nanming that lasted for hundreds of years. Later, because of the slander and rebellion of her grandfather's family, her family was also implicated, and she was convicted and confiscated as an official slave.

When she was young, she had heard her grandmother tell about Princess Xiyue's curse.

As time goes by and the sea is changing, it is unknown when the curse of Princess Xiyue began. Every 100 years, she will be born in the royal family, and then die on a certain birthday.

Within three years after her death, the dynasties will definitely change, without exception.

What's even more frightening is that her living time is slowly increasing. At first, she can only live to be four years old, and gradually, she will be five or six years old...

By the last hundred years, when the Dongjing Dynasty was born, she had been able to live to the end, and if there were no accidents, it would be the same in this life.

It is said that thousands of years ago, her name was not fixed, but it must have the word Yue in it.

Later, an emperor was so angry that he named her Xiyue, Xiyue, and Luoyue. He hoped that she would die and never come to this world again.

The subsequent emperors felt that this title had a very good meaning, so they inherited it.

Grandma said that it was Princess Xiyue who seized the vitality of the dynasty, and the dynasty would fall. She is an ominous person, and anyone who gets close to her will be swallowed up by her.

Caizhu was a little scared. If she ate the food given by Princess Xiyue, would she take away her luck?

PS: Thank you Yizhi Xiangda for your monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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