Chapter 584 The Origin (2)

On the first day of the first lunar month, the new year was overjoyed, and the palace was full of joy. There was no background in pearl picking, and she offended the nanny in charge.

Suffering from hunger and cold, she had no choice but to come to the small cave on the side of Zhaoyang Palace again. She thought, if the luck is gone, it will be gone. It is important to fill the stomach now and get through this difficulty.

After waiting for a long time with the little hole, finally seeing Princess Xiyue rubbing her sleepy eyes and walking out of the side hall, Caizhu hurriedly meowed a few times like a cat, Princess Xiyue immediately looked over here.

When she came running over, Caizhu blushed and said: "Mama is embarrassing the servants, they don't give food, I don't know if the princess... the princess has... more?"

Begging for food with three or four-year-old children, it's embarrassing to pick pearls.

Princess Xiyue inside the palace wall didn't have any difficulties, she nodded, turned around and ran into the palace and came out with a food box.

As soon as I handed out a plate of plain silver flower cakes, I heard an angry curse from the back room: "Little broom star, it's early in the morning, ping pong pang, are you running away? The broom star with rotten roots..."

The ugly curses came one after another, vitriolic and vicious, even if Caizhu knew that her curses were probably true, she couldn't help feeling sympathetic to Princess Xiyue.

Such a fate was not what Princess Xiyue wanted, after all, she was only a three or four year old girl.

Cursing and cursing, the voice got closer, the nanny came out from the back room, stood by the west corner door with her hands on her hips, pointed at Princess Xiyue and continued to curse.

Caizhu was more sympathetic, with Mammy's attitude, secretly, she didn't know how to rub the princess.

At this time, she saw Princess Xiyue with a cold face, slowly bent down, picked up a stone, half-closed her eyes to aim, then rounded her small arm, and threw it out suddenly.

"Ouch! Sangmen Xing, who cheated on his heart, deserves to be a short-lived ghost. Believe it or not, I mixed a rat poison and poisoned you to death, little evil..."

Picking pearls is a bit overwhelming, the distance from Jiaomen to here is at least three or four zhang, Princess Xiyue is so young, she is so good at her head!
Coincidence right?
As she thought this way, she saw the little girl in the palace wall picking up the stone and throwing it neatly, hitting the nanny again.

Once can be a coincidence, twice can be...

The pearl-picking complexion turned pale, Princess Xiyue could not be the reincarnation of a goblin, could she?
She almost ran away.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it has been twelve years. The little palace maid who was bullied back then has now become an aunt in charge.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Caizhu led two rows of young maids to walk slowly on the palace road. When she turned a corner, she saw the Zhaoyang Palace not far away standing quietly in the afterglow of the setting sun, as deserted as it was back then.

Twelve years have passed, and Princess Xiyue is already 12 years old, with only two years left to live.

Caizhu couldn't help sighing. After the Spring Festival that year, she was favored by the aunt of the Shangyi Bureau and transferred to the Shangyi Bureau. After several years of experience, she was promoted step by step to be the aunt in charge.

After that, she never went to Zhaoyang Palace again. She only heard that three years ago, the nanny of Zhaoyang Palace passed away, and no palace servants were arranged to be on duty.

With a few words of emotion, Caizhu slowly retracted his gaze, without squinting, and moved forward.

The little maids behind them unconsciously held their breath and quickened their pace. During the festival, no one wanted to suffer from the bad luck of the cold palace.

The sun gradually sinks into the horizon, the silvery full moon rises slowly into the sky, and the orange palace lanterns are gradually lit up. The Zichen Palace is brightly lit, as if it were daytime, singing and dancing, and the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet begins.

The sound of silk and bamboo and laughter came from far away, making the other palaces seem extraordinarily deserted, and the bustle of the entire palace seemed to be concentrated there.

A black shadow turned in from the northwest corner door, followed the shadow of the eaves corridor, avoided the guards, and shuttled nimbly among the palace buildings.

A quarter of an hour later, he stopped at the gate of Zhaoyang Palace, and looked up at the plaque on the door by the faint light of the palace lantern. His clear eyes fell like water and moonlight, and he could vaguely tell that he was a young man in his prime.

Lu Fei took out a special rope and threw it on the high palace wall. In just a short while, he used the rope to easily climb into Zhaoyang Palace. He threw the rope away and turned around, "Hey!"

He was taken aback by the fact that under the shadow of the white parasol tree in the courtyard, there was a person sitting with his chin propped up, staring at him.

Shocked for only a moment, he quickly reacted, strode forward and covered the man's mouth.

Caught off guard, he pushed the man with the stool onto the tree trunk behind him, and through the sparse moonlight falling between the leaves, Lu Fei finally saw clearly that it was a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old.

Wearing a half-new light pink shirt, her hair is full of black hair tied into a single-snail bun with a simple white jade hairpin.

In addition, the whole body, without any accessories, looks like a maid from Zhaoyang Palace.

Lu Fei looked around vigilantly, but didn't see any other palace people, he breathed a sigh of relief, and whispered: "I'll let you go, don't make a sound, just blink if you agree."

The girl in pink blinked obediently, and Lu Fei moved his hand a little away. Seeing that she really didn't yell, he put down his hand, and his eyes showed appreciation: "That's right, what can be smaller than my own?" Life is more important. I’ll just borrow one thing and leave as soon as I find it, and you’ll pretend you didn’t see it.”

The girl didn't speak, just looked at him silently.

Lu Fei took her as her acquiescence, dragged her back and walked towards the main hall, "Which room does your master live in?"

The girl obediently pointed to the right side hall.

Entering the hall, the tables and chairs are full of red sandalwood, and the antique shelves are full of rare objects, but they are too crowded and there is no aesthetic feeling at all.

Lifting the bead curtain, bypassing the screen where the koi play in the water, one can see that the bed covered with a light gauze curtain is indeed the palace of the master.

Lu Fei let go of the court lady, first searched on the antique shelves, then rummaged through boxes and cabinets, even the bedside and other corners were spared, but he still didn't find the jade rosary.

Unwilling to give up, he searched for another piece, but found nothing.

"Why not?"

Lu Fei rubbed his chin, puzzled, and muttered to himself: "It is clearly recorded in the booklet of the Household Office that the jade rosary was awarded to Zhaoyang Palace on New Year's Eve three years ago. Isn't it the same one as three years ago?"

He tilted his head and asked, "Has Zhaoyang Palace changed its owner in the past three years?"

The girl's eyes flickered, and she moved to the bead curtain that separated the inner and outer rooms, picked up one of the bead curtains, pulled aside the colored thread that was attached to the bead curtain, and took out a shiny blue moonlight bead from it.

"Jade rosary!"

Lu Fei strode over and reached out to take it.

The girl backed away from him with her arms raised high.

"What do you want?" Lu Fei understood instantly, but the other party took the initiative and refused to give it to him, so he could only ask for something.

The girl still didn't speak, but only raised her hand to gesture. Lu Fei was taken aback, and suddenly realized that the court lady hadn't spoken from the beginning to the end, and he almost blurted out: "So you are dumb! Ouch—"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he suddenly felt a pain in his foot, but the clear almond eyes of the palace lady on the other side were still as calm as ever, as if she didn't step on that foot just now.

Lu Fei hugged his feet, hissing in pain. After a while, he calmed down and said with a tiger face, "You palace lady, you have a lot of temper and strength."

When he was relieved, the little maid continued to gesture her intentions, but Lu Fei was at a loss and didn't understand what she wanted at all.

Pointing to the table outside, he asked, "Can you write?"

The palace maid shook her head, a little discouraged, she didn't give up, and continued to gesture.

For a quarter of an hour, Lu Fei racked his brains and guessed all kinds of answers, and finally guessed the right one. His eyes widened in shock: "You want to leave the palace?"

The maid nodded.

"This..." After hesitating for a moment, Lu Fei quickly agreed that it was just taking one person out of the palace, and the jade rosary was more important.

The maid in pink put away the jade rosary, and gestured again. With previous experience, Lu Fei quickly understood it this time, and gave it to him after leaving the palace.

He squinted and snorted softly, he was a little mute, quite cautious.

The two went out of the side hall and returned to the courtyard wall where he came down again. Lu Fei was thinking about how to bring out a girl who didn't have any martial arts background, when suddenly the palace maid broke a branch and stood under the plane tree. After groping for a while, he squatted down and started digging.

After a while, she dug out a celadon jar and saw what was in it. Lu Fei took a deep breath: "Are all your maids so rich?"

Good guy, a whole pot of gold and silver ingots, all of which are 50 taels each, almost blinded him.

The little maid turned a deaf ear to his fuss, she took out a piece of cloth to wrap the gold and silver ingots, tied a knot on her back, and motioned Lu Fei to squat down with her back facing her.

The corners of Lu Fei's mouth twitched, for the sake of the jade rosary, he had no choice but to squat down and carry her on his back while pinching his nose, and pulled the rope to get out of Zhaoyang Palace.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, all the palace people who were not on duty went to join in the fun outside the Zichen Palace. The palace alleys were extremely deserted. Lu Fei was familiar with the terrain of the palace. He took the girl to avoid the guards and came to the cold palace in the northwest corner. He did the same thing and climbed over the wall out of the palace.

Leaving the range of the imperial palace, the bustle rushes in, the streets are brightly lit, the crowds are bustling, and the cries of small merchants are endless.

Lu Fei stood still and stretched out his hand: "Leaving the palace."

The girl was also very straightforward, handed him the jade rosary, turned around and walked towards the bustling street.

"What a strange girl." Lu Fei shook his head, walked into the market with the jade rosary in his mouth.

As he was walking, he saw the girl in front of her turn her legs and suddenly walked towards the old man selling candied haws.

Lu Fei couldn't believe that after spending so much effort to get out of the palace, if she didn't leave quickly, she would still be in the mood to buy candied haws!

With such a dazed effort, he saw her take off the cloth bag from her back and was about to open it, but Lu Fei rushed over and covered her hand.

The girl looked at him, her dark eyes were full of surprise.

"Ahem, I didn't follow you. I have to pass this street where I want to go." Lu Fei explained, took out two copper coins, bought a bunch of candied haws and handed them to her, and then pulled her away. to the corner of no one.

As soon as he got to the corner, Lu Fei hurriedly scolded: "You don't know if your money is not in vain, you little girl, what should you do if you are being watched by bad guys!
Buying candied haws with silver ingots, you can figure it out, your 50 taels of silver ingots, even if you buy all his candied haws, it is not enough for him to give change.It's really been a long time in the palace, and I don't eat fireworks. "

The girl stared at him blankly, as if she hadn't recovered.

Lu Fei was suspicious: "You are not a fool, are you?"

As soon as the words fell, he felt her body move slightly, and in the blink of an eye, he remembered the kick in the palace, and hurriedly moved away.

Sure enough, the girl's foot stepped heavily on the ground.

Lu Fei was proud: "If you fail twice with the same move, wouldn't you be a fool all these years—"

Lu Fei hugged his left foot in pain and spun around in circles: "You white-eyed wolf, I'm so kind to help you, thanks to you being so ruthless, didn't I just say you're a fool, why are you holding grudges like this? Ouch, it hurts to death Me, what did you eat to grow up, you have so much strength!"

The girl took a few steps back in disgust, then, regardless of his yelling, she picked up the candied haws and took a bite.

Her eyes lit up in an instant, shining like stars against the backdrop of the lights, and then, she bit the candied haws with a crackling sound.

Seeing this, Lu Fei couldn't help muttering again: "No conscience."

The girl still ignored him, eating candied haws with relish, as if it was the most delicious thing in the world.

He shook his head, took out a copper coin and handed it to her: "I have something urgent to do, so I have to go first. I will buy this copper coin and get one free, so let it go!"

The girl looked at the copper coins in her hand, then at him, and then imitated him by clasping her fists. Her posture was extremely irregular, which was extraordinarily funny to watch.

Lu Fei turned and left, passing by the old man selling candied haws, suddenly remembered how she was eating candied haws, it seemed delicious.

He walked over, bought a bunch, and bit off one bite. Lu Fei's nose and eyes were suddenly congested, sore!
Lu Fei rubbed his sore gums, turned his head to look, the girl was still standing there, most of the candied haws were gone.

He felt that water began to secrete from his mouth again, so he hurriedly looked away and walked away quickly.

Back at the inn, someone was already waiting for him in the room, "Young Master, have you got it?"

Lu Fei nodded and took out the jade rosary, the man became excited: "Madam is saved now!"

Hearing this, Lu Fei's tense heartstrings also relaxed for a moment, and he handed the jade rosary to the man, saying: "Tonight at the earliest, tomorrow at the latest, the palace will find that the rosary is lost, and tomorrow morning, you will take it with you." If the jade rosary leaves the city, I will draw their attention away."

"Yes, my lord."

The man turned to leave, and stopped suddenly when he reached the door, saying: "These days, the young master has been exhausted and exhausted, and now I can breathe a sigh of relief when I get the jade rosary. Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, the young master may as well go out for a stroll, Nan Ming The Mid-Autumn Festival here is very different from that on the island.”

Lu Fei nodded, "Uncle Lu, be careful on the road."

Sending the big man away, Lu Fei sighed softly, he couldn't really feel at ease if his mother's poison was not understood for a day, how could he really relax.

He opened the window, the moon was bright and clear outside, the fire trees and silver flowers were shining, his eyes were slightly lowered, and people were surrounded diagonally opposite. On the high platform, the old man held a note and read aloud: "This riddle is the two remaining flowers by the pool in front of the hall..."

Lu Fei's eyes showed envy, Nanming's Mid-Autumn Festival was indeed quite different from that on the island, such lively lantern riddle guessing had never happened on the island.

Suddenly, he found a familiar figure pushing into the crowd.

"She didn't really come out to go shopping, did she?" Lu Fei couldn't believe it, this didn't look like a maid who escaped from the palace!

PS: Thank you book friend 161219180356007 for your great reward!
Thanks to Yizhixiang and hzhz1234 for their monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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