Chapter 585 The Origin (3)

When he was shocked, the girl had already squeezed to the front of the crowd and raised her hand to touch a cute jade rabbit lamp. The old man on the stage smiled and asked, "This girl has the answer?"

The girl shook her head, pointed to the rabbit lamp, and took out a bunch of copper coins and shook them.

The old man was startled, and said: "Girl, we don't sell the lanterns here, if you guess the lantern riddle, you can take it away for free."

The girl glanced at the rabbit lamp, cupped her fists at the old man, turned around and was about to leave.

"It turned out to be a heroine, disrespect and disrespect." The man dressed as a scholar in a blue straight suit stopped the girl and smiled warmly, "Does the heroine want this rabbit lamp? Wait a moment, and when Xiaosheng wins it, I will give it to the heroine." .”

"Brother Wang is so fast!" The man in brocade clothes stood in the crowd, with a half-smile on his face, and the face of the scholar surnamed Wang turned red.

The man in the fancy dress withdrew his gaze, and said in a gentlemanly tone, "What kind of lamp does the heroine want, Xu can also help."

The corners of Lu Fei's mouth twitched upstairs, these scholars, what kind of eyes do they have, they dare to recognize a heroine just by clasping their fists, how can she have any martial arts.

He shook his head, and the situation below changed again. Before the two scholars had time to tell the lantern riddles, a streamlined voice suddenly sounded: "Hey, where did this little beauty come from? Let me have a look."

A folding fan stretched out, gently lifted the girl's chin, and unscrupulous eyes wandered over her body: "This little face is tender, you can pinch water, ouch, little beauty, you look at me like this, brother's!" My heart is going to melt."

The man exaggeratedly covered his heart, and laughed flamboyantly. The two scholars looked at each other, and the crowd fell silent. They retreated half a foot away tacitly, because they all recognized the man.

Xu Shao'an, the son of the Zhenguo general's mansion, the empress's own nephew, and a well-known playboy in the capital.

The queen has no biological children, and all her mother's love is devoted to this nephew, even the daughter of the servant of the Ministry of Industry, who has been molested by him in the street, and there are not a few civilian girls who have been raped by him.

Everyone looked at the girl with sympathy, and it was miserable for her to fall into the hands of this dude.

Xu Shao'an, who smiled wretchedly, didn't wait for the girl to beg for mercy in fear. From the beginning to the end, she was very calm, only frowning slightly when her chin was lifted by the fan, without fear or begging for mercy.

It seemed that the one standing in front of her was not a well-known dandy in Kyoto, but just a piece of wood that was an eyesore!

Xu Shaoan shook off this absurd idea, stretched out his hand to grab her buttocks and said with a smile, "Let's go home with my brother."

Seeing this, Lu Fei upstairs hurriedly put his hands on the window sill and prepared to come down to rescue her. No matter what, she helped to find the jade rosary. She was half of her mother's savior, and she had just left the palace. There is no reason not to help.

The girl calmly raised and retracted her feet.


Earth-shattering screams resounded through the street, Lu Fei was startled by the sound, his hands slipped, and he almost didn't fall from the stairs.

On the opposite side, Xu Shaoan, the villain of the capital, crossed his legs and covered his lower body with his hands, screaming so heartbreakingly, his face was as pale as paper, and his forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

All the men present felt their stomachs tighten, and looked at the girl with astonishment. They never expected that, looking at the quiet and well-behaved girl, she acted so obscenely, how many women would kick that part?
The key point was that when she kicked this kick, she didn't hesitate at all, her face didn't turn red or her heart beat, and her eyes didn't change, as if she was just lifting her foot very normally.

The girl's every move was too calm, like a martial arts master, Xu Shaoan's guards were all shocked, and they didn't react for a long time.

With no evil young man in the way, the girl continued to walk out slowly, the crowd consciously made way for her, and all watched her leave.

No, she stopped at the scallion pancake stall at the side, picked up a scallion pancake, ate it, and stretched out her hand to hold the string of copper coins in front of the boss.

Although the owner of the scallion pancake didn't see the specific situation clearly through the crowd just now, Xu Shaoan's flirting words just now are still filled with screams in the eardrums, and the changes in the crowd are enough for him to piece together the general idea of ​​what happened.

After hurting Xu Shaoan, instead of running for his life, he came to buy scallion pancakes!

This girl is either a peerless master or mentally ill.

Seeing that he didn't respond, the girl couldn't help shaking the hand holding the copper coins in front of his eyes. The scallion pancake boss took two coins from her palm in a daze, and then watched her sipping and admiring the beautiful scenery around her in a daze.

"Quick, catch her!"

At this time, Xu Shaoan's personal servant finally realized, yelled with trembling lips, and rushed to help Xu Shaoan to check his injury.

The guards woke up as if they had just woken up from a dream. They drew their swords and raised their knives and chased after the girl. Lu Fei upstairs was also awakened by his voice, and hurriedly jumped down, resisting the fool who was leisurely eating cakes and enjoying the scenery, and ran away .

A quarter of an hour later, in the woods outside the city gate, Lu Fei put her down and supported the tree trunk, like a fish out of water, gasping for breath with his mouth open.

After a while, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and when he looked up, he saw that she was still holding the scallion pancake, and he was suddenly out of breath.

"If you beat someone, why don't you run away and buy some cakes? Didn't the palace give you food? I think you are such a fool!

It seems that I can't sleep tonight, I was really killed by you, my Tianzi No. [-] room! "

This time the girl didn't step on him, she stared at him blankly for a while, then suddenly split the scallion pancake in half and handed him the uneaten half.

Although the voice was small, it was loud enough to be heard clearly in the quiet forest. Lu Fei's face turned red, and his admonishment lost steam.

"Ahem!" He cleared his throat, and took it naturally: "I've been tossing around all night, and I'm really hungry."

After eating the cake, Lu Fei got up: "Considering the time, it's time for the people from the General's Mansion to enter the palace to ask for the order to open the city gate. We have to leave overnight. I remember there is a small river nearby, let's go by boat!"

He sighed secretly. After discovering that the jade rosary was stolen, the palace would definitely think that he left the capital overnight, and now he was doing something wrong to increase his suspicion and help Uncle Lu attract pursuers.

The girl had no objection and silently followed behind him.

Da da da!
As soon as he reached the river, he vaguely heard the sound of hurried horseshoes. Lu Fei froze and quickly broke two hollow reed poles. After a simple demonstration, he quickly dived into the water with the girl.

The sound of horseshoes approached from far to near, and soon came to the vicinity, and bunches of torches almost illuminated the forest.

"They just left the city not long ago, so they are probably in this area, search!" The order of the pursuers was especially loud in the silent night.

The person in charge of chasing them was obviously a veteran, accurately estimated their footsteps, and searched the vicinity several times before leaving.

When they were far away, the two came out of the water, guessing that the pursuers would return in a while, Lu Fei pulled out the long sword at his waist, chopped down a few trees, skillfully cut the branches, and within three quarters of an hour, A simple raft is finished.

He immediately pushed the raft into the water and pulled the girl up again: "Don't worry, it's very reliable. I made a bamboo raft and went into the sea when I was seven years old. I know how to build a boat. Making a raft is a piece of cake."

As he said that, seeing the girl curiously stepping on the overflowing water, without any fear at all, he couldn't help but frown, why is this girl so weird, she doesn't run away after being beaten by a dude, and she is not afraid of being hunted down, she puts her mind at ease. On the trivial things.

After thinking about it, Lu Fei decided to be a good person to the end, as long as her destination is not to the north, he will give her a ride first.

"Where are you going out of the palace?"

The girl shook her head.

"I don't know?" Lu Fei was dumbfounded, "Then what are you doing here?"

The girl pointed around, remembering how leisurely she was wandering in the street, Lu Fei guessed casually: "Look at the scenery?"

The girl nodded.

Lu Fei Petrochemical.

Of course, he didn't believe this answer. Escaping from the palace privately is a serious crime. To take such a big risk just to see the scenery is to deceive ghosts.

However, he didn't continue to ask, since the other party didn't want to tell, he wouldn't force it, "My name is Lu Fei, what about you?"

The girl pointed to the sky.

"The moon?" Lu Fei raised his head, the bright moon had already risen to the highest point, shining brightly and cleanly, demurely and serenely.

Looking at the girl in front of him again, she seemed quiet and well-behaved, but in fact she refused to take the slightest bit of disadvantage, and would step on her feet if she didn't agree with her. Now that he thought about it, he felt a dull pain in the back of his feet.

After thinking for a while, he said: "I think Wang Ziyue is more suitable for you, why not call you Ah Yue from now on?"

Xi Yue rolled her eyes, that's what she wanted to say.

Lu Fei was already used to her bad attitude and unconscionable behavior, and he didn't care about her white eyes, and said, "Close your eyes and cultivate your spirits, the people from the General's Mansion will come back if they don't catch us. For the rest of the journey, I’m afraid it will be difficult to rest in peace.”

As she said that, she saw Xiyue sitting on the spot. After two breaths, she tilted her head, and the sound of long breathing sounded, and she fell asleep!
Lu Fei was dumbfounded. Who the hell is she? This is a raft, the water is up to her ankles, and it is bitingly cold. How can she fall asleep so quickly? !
"Hey, are you really asleep?" Lu Fei couldn't believe it, he knelt down and pushed her gently, and Xi Yue fell back limply.

Lu Fei hurriedly pulled back, and was beyond shocked: "I really fell asleep!"

Could it be that he is really a master of martial arts, and his skill is too low, so he didn't see it?
He reached out to feel her pulse, but he didn't feel any internal force.

It was still a long way to go to Cuizhu Town at dusk, and it was not a problem to stay on the raft all the time, so Lu Fei decided to go to the town to buy a boat and replenish food and clothing by the way.

As soon as she entered the city, Xiyue was attracted by the steamed stuffed bun shop at the gate of the city, walked over with one turn, and found an empty seat to sit down.

"Guest officer, what do you want to eat? Steamed buns, steamed buns, and millet porridge..."

"Take two drawers of buns away."

Shocked again, Lu Fei said to the shopkeeper, and walked over to pull her up, he really wanted to yell at her, this is an escape, not an outing, how could there be time to sit down and eat slowly!

Although Xi Yue was reluctant, thinking that he was the only one who took the initiative to get along with her in the past 16 years, she didn't insist.

While waiting for the store to pack, Lu Fei found that villagers kept coming into the city, heading towards the south of the city. When he took a closer look, he found that the surrounding area was very deserted. Where to?"

The shopkeeper asked in surprise, "Didn't the two guest officials come to see a doctor?"

Seeing Lu Fei's bewildered face, the store owner enthusiastically said: "The day before yesterday, Xinglin Miaoshou Yu Tianxian passed by our Cuizhu Town, and he was going to have a free clinic in the town for three days. Today happens to be the last day. It's a rare opportunity. Why don't you two guest officials also go to see her?" Take your pulse."

Lu Fei was about to refuse, but when he caught sight of the person next to him, he changed his mind, "Uncle Xie let me know."

He had heard the name of Yu Tianxian, the eldest lady of Changchun Villa, the successor of the medical sage, she had some reputation in the martial arts in her early years.

Now that I have met her, it would be good to go and see her dumb disease.

After asking about the specific location, the two took their buns and went to the free clinic.

After Xiyue finished eating a drawer of meat buns, and waited for a while, and finally fell to them, Lu Fei hurriedly pushed Xiyue over and said, "She can't speak, please ask Doctor Yu to show her."

Yu Tianxian was two years old, dressed in white clothes better than snow, she looked like a fairy, but her actions were extremely clean and neat. While feeling her pulse, she asked, "Why are you dumb? Born? Poisoned? Injured?"

Naturally, Lu Fei didn't know about this, and was about to signal Xiyue to tell her with gestures, when Yu Tianxian let go of her hand and said coldly: "She's not sick, next."

"Not sick?" Lu Fei was stunned, "Why can't she talk when she's not sick?"

The crowd also looked over curiously.

"She has not spoken for a long time, and her vocal cords have shrunk. Please guide her to speak more, the next one."

There are still so many people queuing up behind, it's not easy for Lu Fei to continue to occupy her time, and they are still fleeing.

Since Yu Tianxian said that she was not sick, it was probably true. As for the specific guiding method, I will ask another doctor.

"Thank you, Doctor Yu."

After buying the necessary items, I was about to buy a ship, when I saw soldiers in armor galloping into the city, spying on them.

Lu Fei has a bad heart, he has the experience of seeing a doctor before, most of the crowd knows them, and it will be a matter of time before they are identified.

In fact, even before the pursuers arrived at the free clinic, they were identified by those who left after seeing their illnesses as soon as they entered the city.

Then, they were blocked on the street.

"You are so brave, you dare to hurt our young master, the general has an order, catch him alive!"

Lu Fei drew out his sword and lowered his voice: "Ah Yue, you go first, head south all the way, I will chase you later."

After finishing speaking, he lifted his sword and jumped into a fight with the pursuers.

Although Lu Fei is very skilled in martial arts, he is hard to beat with two fists, not to mention that his opponent is a well-trained army, with tacit cooperation and orders and prohibitions. After a while, it will be difficult to parry.

As soon as he picked up the leader's spear, before he could kick his breath in the future, Lu Fei felt the wind blowing in the back of his head, and a spear had already stabbed him; people.

He turned his body slightly, avoiding the vital parts, and raised his sword to block the attack of the three people in front of him, but he didn't wait until the spear entered his body.

A moment of doubt flashed across Lu Fei's mind, and he heard the spear fall from behind, without giving him time to clear up his doubts, the leader who had been thrown away shook his spear and attacked again.

Just at this moment, a stone flew from behind, hit the leader's forehead with a slap, and bright red blood flowed out instantly.

Lu Fei was taken aback, anyone help?

call out!
Another stone flew in and hit a soldier's hand. The soldier shook his hand and his spear fell to the ground.

PS: Thank you Xiaoxiang Yanying for your monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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