Chapter 586 The Origin (4)

Lu Fei took a glance from the corner of his eye, and saw the person who should have already escaped, pinching the stone and aiming at it, and threw it suddenly, another soldier was hit.

He was astonished, judging from the short time we got along, she really didn't have any martial arts foundation, but the accuracy of throwing stones was quite accurate!

At this moment when he was slightly stunned, several stones flew in, none of them fell through.

Without anyone's orders, two nimble soldiers immediately rushed towards Xiyue. During the battle, they had to deal with the opponent's sharp archer as soon as possible. They were from the army, and they still had common sense.

Lu Fei hurriedly flew forward to stop the two of them, since she threw the stones accurately, it is natural to let her perform well, as long as there is more chance of winning.

Besides, she is extremely strong, even though she has no internal strength, the lethality of the stone cannot be underestimated, and she has more than one share of the pressure for him.

After fighting for a while, Lu Fei seized the opportunity, snatched a horse, rushed out from the soldiers, picked up Xi Yue who was throwing stones, and galloped towards the city gate.

As soon as Xiyue, who was sitting in the back, sat down, she turned around and threw all the remaining stones in her hands. The two soldiers who had chased nearby immediately felt pain in their eyebrows and fell to the ground.

The heart of the soldiers behind trembled, and they couldn't help slowing down. When they wanted to chase again, the two of them were already running out of sight.

The leader of the chasing soldiers turned around to grab the bow and arrow, set the bow and pulled the string, and the arrow shot through the air like lightning...


The horse galloped wildly, and after an hour, he finally threw off the pursuers. Lu Fei heaved a sigh of relief, and reprimanded him without turning his head: "Didn't I tell you to go first, and you don't know martial arts, what a fool."

After being trained, he felt his shoulders sink, but before he could react, the people behind him limply fell towards the horse.

Lu Fei was startled, hurriedly rushed over to catch her, a sharp arrow pierced her shoulder, almost piercing through her entire right shoulder...

in the palace.

The middle-aged female officer Lan Wei knelt down suddenly, her face was like golden paper: "Your Majesty, the princess is gone."

"What?" The emperor suddenly stood up, staring at her with wide eyes, and repeated: "What did you say?"

Lan Wei was about to cry, and she suppressed her fear and said: "The slave girl went to Zhaoyang Palace to deliver food, and found that the lunch box hadn't been moved, so she hurried in to check, and the princess was gone."

The emperor sat down on the couch in a panic, confused. Wang Xi, the chief eunuch in front of the imperial court, was surprised for a moment, but he didn't care about presumptuousness, and hurriedly asked: "So, you didn't see him in the morning?"

"Breakfast has not been moved."

Wang Xi asked sharply, "Why didn't you go in and check?"

Lan Wei shivered: "In the past, the princess was sometimes in a bad mood. When she didn't eat, the servant thought it was also this time..."

"Bastard!" The emperor was furious, grabbed the teacup and threw it at the female official, "I'm promoting you to be a female official, I'm not making you eat nothing, even a little girl can't stand it, what use is it for you!"

"Your Majesty, calm down." Lan Wei bent down, regretting in her heart, if she had known today, she would definitely live in Zhaoyang Palace.

Nanny Zhang took care of Princess Xiyue for 13 years, and she died in her sixtieth year. She is only thirty now, and taking care of Princess Xiyue for five years, how much luck can be swallowed up.

Wang Xi's cloudy eyes flashed an imperceptible light, and he reminded: "Your Majesty, the most urgent task is to find the princess back."

"Yes, yes, come, come—"

"Your Majesty!" The guard pushed open the door and entered.

The emperor was about to order her to search and arrest her, but she finally regained some sense of reason when the words came to her lips. Right now, only a very few people know that Princess Xiyue has been born. If they search for her with great fanfare, they will definitely cause panic and instability in the government and the public.

After calming down, he said, "Prince Xuan."

The guard glanced at Wang Xi, but did not receive any hint, so he led the order out.

"Wang Xi, Lan Wei."

"The servant/servant is here."

"Secret search of the whole palace."


The prince knew that Nanming would perish before he became emperor, so he didn't bother to plan. These years, he should eat and drink, and his life was a happy and carefree life.

Hearing that Xiyue was gone, he immediately became angry: "I will provide her with delicious food and drink, what are you doing?"

Having said that, I went out of the palace to look for it. If there was an accident and she died unexpectedly, their happy days would have to end early.

When Xiyue woke up again, it was already night.

The moon outside the window was extraordinarily bright, and the room was brightly lit. Lu Fei was pouring strong tea, his face was full of tiredness, as he raised his hand, his sleeves slipped off, and his exposed forearm was wrapped with a white cloth, with blood oozing from it.

She was stunned, and a warm current flowed through her heart. In the past 16 years, this was the second time she woke up with someone by her side. The first time was on the raft, and it was also him.

"You're awake, how are you feeling? Wait, I'll call the doctor over."

After Lu Fei crackled, he turned around and went out to call the doctor.

The white beard doctor took the pulse and said: "There is no danger of life, but the wound has not healed, so it needs to be taken care of."

Lu Fei frowned slightly, and quickly let go, thanking the old doctor for sending him away, then turned around and began to scold others: "Tell me about you, you didn't even squeak when you were hit by an arrow, and you almost went to see the Lord of Hell." do you know?"

Thinking of the situation at that time, he couldn't help being shocked, his entire back was swollen high, and if it wasn't blocked by the arrow, he would have almost bled to death.

Facing the reprimand, Xiyue remained calm, and only raised her finger to point at his arm, gesticulating, "You're hurt too." '

Lu Fei glared at her: "Can you compare with me? I'm from the rivers and lakes, and I'm going through the wind and rain. This little injury is nothing. Besides, you were hit by an arrow. Do you know how dangerous it is to pull out an arrow?"

Xi Yue shook her head, she grew up alone in the deep palace, so she had no chance to see these things, but even if she knew, she didn't care.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Lu Fei also knew that he asked the question knowingly.

After a while, he regretted endlessly: "You are born with supernatural powers, you have not specially practiced it, you are so good at throwing stones, and you have a strong heart and are not afraid of pain. If you are in the Jianghu, you will become a good archer. It's a pity."

Xiyue was not interested in the archer he was talking about, so she looked at the bright moon in the sky, and was about to continue sleeping.

Not wanting to, Lu Fei had a sudden thought: "After you recover from your injury, do you want to learn martial arts from me? You are a bit older, but you are talented, and in time you will become a peerless master."

Xi Yue resolutely refused.

Lu Fei didn't give up, and slowly seduced: "Don't you want to travel and see the scenery? If you learn martial arts well, you don't have to worry about meeting bad people and going wherever you want. Look at me, visiting the palace is like visiting your own garden... "

Xi Yue secretly rolled her eyes, she had to be sick to learn martial arts, and in the last two years, she naturally learned whatever martial arts she wanted.

She pulled the quilt over her head, refusing to listen to his chatter.

"Forget it, you have a good rest, I'll hire a carriage, and I have to go early tomorrow morning." Lu Fei is not in a hurry, and they don't know how long it will take for them to escape the pursuit of General Zhen Guo's mansion, and there are opportunities for her to realize The importance of martial arts.

In the days that followed, as Lu Fei expected, the General's Mansion was relentless in their pursuit, and they would be found again soon after leaving them behind, which made him wonder if the lifeblood of the young master of the Xu family was completely ruined.

Of course, every time he got rid of his pursuers, he would try to lure Xiyue to practice martial arts, but Xiyue's refusal was as decisive as ever, and Lu Fei was so angry that he wanted to part ways with her.

The only thing that makes Lu Fei happy is that under his guidance, she can already speak some simple words, and she doesn't need to rely entirely on guesswork to communicate. The downside is that it is even more irritating.

Except when the chasing soldiers came, she would flee with her. The rest of the time, she would be lazy, sleeping until the sun was high, and then she would go shopping, enjoy the scenery, eat, drink and have fun.

Time gurgled like running water. In March, they passed the lotus pond, walked through the star frost, passed through the waterfall, and drank the moonlight together. They finally arrived at Jinci Town on the eighth day of the winter month, and the pursuers of the general's mansion had disappeared for three days.

Lu Fei walked sideways and said, "Jinci Town is a hundred-year-old porcelain capital, and it is very famous in the whole continent. There are countless caravans coming here to buy goods, and the people coming and going are complex. This time we can stay for a longer period of time."

Thinking of her doing whatever she wanted, he simply held Xi Yue's sleeve: "Follow me closely, don't get lost."

Xi Yue raised her finger and pointed to the place where the crowd gathered not far away, "Where?"

Lu Fei glanced at it from a distance, "The official announcement says that the emperor of Nanming will use blood-red, clear porcelain to worship the gods during the New Year. If the official kiln can't fire it, the announcement is issued to encourage skilled craftsmen all over the world. Whoever fires it will reward 300 taels of silver."

Xi Yue commented: "Stingy."

"300 taels, that's a lot, it's enough for ordinary people to eat for ten years." Lu Fei rolled his eyes unceremoniously, "But these officials have always been black-hearted, so 300 taels for their black hats is indeed a little less. "

Xi Yue was surprised, these days, she already had an idea of ​​money, and she also knew how stupid it was to buy candied haws with silver ingots.

However, she did not expect silver to be so valuable.

Calculating silently, this time she would only need to take two silver ingots when she came out. For a moment, she felt that the burden on her back was a bit heavy.

After arriving at the inn, Xi Yue sat at the window on the second floor and waited for the food to be served. She looked at the passers-by outside the window, most of them were in a hurry, and few stopped.

On both sides of the street not far away, there are many stalls, almost all selling porcelain.

The best porcelain is bought by merchants and sold to various countries, and those with defects will be taken to the street by the owner to sell at a low price.

Among the crowd of middle-aged and elderly stallholders, a pair of seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys and girls attracted her attention.

The girl was wearing a half-worn gray-brown padded jacket, and kept rubbing her hands. The boy ran over from a distance and handed over a paper package, which was two pig's feet in sauce.

The girl took the paper bag and pushed it to the young man, as if she wanted the young man to eat too. The young man puffed out his chest, and his sonorous voice carried far away in the cold wind, "I am strong and I am not hungry at all."

Xi Yue frowned as she watched the two of them push back and forth, and then a pig's trotter rolled to the ground, covered in dust.

The boy picked it up, patted the dirt on it, and said in a compromise: "Okay, okay, I can eat this one."

The girl stopped talking, raised her face and smiled, her eyes turned red when she smiled, she gnawed on the pig's trotter desperately, tears fell down.

"What are you looking at?" When Lu Fei came over, he saw her dragging her chin and looking down intently, her brows and eyes were a little dazed.

Following her line of sight, she saw only a pair of teenagers and girls sitting side by side gnawing pig's trotters.

"Want to eat pig's feet?"

Xi Yue withdrew her gaze, shook her head, and stared at him dissatisfied. In his heart, he knew how to eat!
"Then what are you looking at?" Lu Fei probed out and took a closer look, only to find that the girl was crying all the time, and the boy's eye sockets were as red as a rabbit.

The waiter next to him was clever, and hurriedly said: "These are the boy from the Wen family and the girl from the Kong family, hey, they are also poor people.

The two of them were childhood sweethearts, and the Wen family intended to hire Miss Kong for Wen Xiu, but her father was a scumbag, and he insisted on a 100 taels of dowry from the Wen family to marry the girl.

However, the literary family is not rich. Recently, for unknown reasons, the porcelain fired in the porcelain kiln at home always has many small holes, the quality is not good, and the price cannot be sold.

No, this couple has become fateful couples, unable to get married for a long time. "

marriage?Xi Yue rolled her eyes.

Lu Fei said angrily, "Is this marrying a girl or selling a girl?"

"Isn't that right, whoever married a daughter like his family is so arrogant, hey, Kong Nian, this girl has been bad luck for eight lifetimes, and she has such a father."

Xi Yue blinked, and asked, "Get married, play?"

"Getting married is a great joy, of course it's fun and lively."

As soon as Lu Fei finished speaking, Xi Yue got up immediately and ran downstairs.

"Ah Yue, where are you going?"

Lu Fei hurriedly followed, what kind of trouble was going to happen to this careless person.

"Girl, what do you want to buy, we..."

As soon as Wenxiu opened his mouth, Xiyue handed over two silver ingots, and he quickly waved his hand: "We don't need so much, our porcelain is all flawed, and it's worthless, your 100 taels is enough to buy my whole car."

Xi Yue looked serious: "Cai, Li."

Wen Xiu was stunned, Kong Nian who had just got up and was about to come over to greet her was shocked, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, Lu Fei who was chasing after him staggered.

"Don't get me wrong, what she said is not what you understand." Lu Fei trotted forward, "What she means is that she will give you a gift to hire this girl from the Kong family."

Xi Yue nodded, and said again: "I, see, get married."

The corners of Lu Fei's mouth twitched, and she conveyed her meaning: "She wants to see someone get married, so she will help you with the bride price."

The stall owners next to them stopped selling goods, and surrounded them curiously, looking at Xiyue with the eyes of a fool. The waiter on the upper floor of the inn almost fell from the window. These days, there are still people who help out with gifts, just to see lively!

He was so regretful that his intestines were green. He knew that the distinguished guest had such a weird hobby. He asked others what to do, and his marriage with Yanzhipu Xiaohong also lacked a bride price!
Wenxiu Kongnian was completely stunned, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. He knelt on the ground ecstatically, and kowtowed repeatedly: "Thank you kind man, thank you girl, girl is really the reincarnation of a living Bodhisattva, we two must live a good life in the future, don't forget The girl's kindness..."

Xi Yue was a little impatient and interrupted: "As soon as possible."

Wenxiu replied cleverly: "Yes, yes, as soon as possible! We are going to buy wedding dress jewelry now!"

After finishing speaking, he took the silver ingots, pulled Kong Nian and ran to the tailor shop, not even caring about the trolley for loading the porcelain.

PS: Thank you book friend 161219180356007 for your great reward, and thank you red sleeve book friend 16544484989236918 for your monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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