all the way to fairy

Chapter 587 Chapter 586 Origin

Chapter 587 Earth 580 Chapter Six Origin (5)
After recovering their senses, someone immediately opened their mouth tentatively: "There is a daughter in the villain's family, she is eighteen years old, but she can't afford a dowry."

"My son made an appointment early, but the in-laws asked to buy real estate in the town, so the marriage was delayed..."

Xiyue remained indifferent, turned around and walked to the inn, making the stall owners very disappointed, secretly hated that the pie didn't hit her, looked at the sky, and simply packed up and went home.

Back at the inn, the dishes were already served. Lu Fei waved away the waiter who was hesitant to speak, holding his chopsticks and sighing: "I really don't know what to say to you, you pity them, just ask the waiter to call them up. Now that it’s all over, it’s known to everyone, does it feel good to be treated as a second idiot?”

"No, it doesn't matter." Xiyue didn't care, she picked up a piece of beef, chewed it in small bites, and it was very delicious.

Lu Fei shook his head, if he hadn't brought her out of the palace himself, he would have suspected that she was a wolf cub raised by wolves in the deep mountains and old forests.

She doesn't know many very common foods and objects, and she doesn't know the customs of festivals, and she hasn't even seen a married couple.

Half an hour later, Lu Fei, who was full of wine and food, got up: "Hurry up and go back to the house, rest well, and you can go shopping as you please tomorrow."

Xi Yue got up and glanced at the street outside the window. The cold wind was getting tighter, and the long street became empty, only Wen Xiu Kong Nian's porcelain stalls were left rattling in the cold wind.

Just when she was about to look away, she saw Wenxiu in a red robe, and Kong Nian, who was also in a red dress, was running all the way from the end of the long street.

In the cold wind, their faces were red from the cold, but their eyes were shining, like stars on a summer night.

Xi Yue's eyes fell on the bright red clothes on the two of them, such a bright and strong color, it seemed that the cold of winter had been completely burned away.

A glazed white pottery bracelet follows Kong Nian's running movement, looming on her slender wrist, and the red and white set off a stunning beauty.

"It seems that these two people have been looking forward to it for a long time, and can't wait to wear their wedding clothes." Lu Fei was surprised for a moment, and said with a smile: "From this point of view, you have done a good deed."

Xi Yue looked at the cheerful faces of the two, and couldn't help but bend the corners of her mouth. She was so happy in her wedding dress, how lively it would be when they got married!

The next day, the two of Xiyue, who were tired from shopping, went to the teahouse to have a rest, and the owner of the teahouse greeted them from afar, with wrinkled smiles all over their faces.

In the teahouse, the storyteller talked excitedly, "It is said that Princess Huaiyang and Prince Zhao Ming are childhood sweethearts... After going through ups and downs, they finally cleared up the misunderstanding. That year, the capital was full of red makeup, and others were envious.

On the wedding day, someone at the palace banquet was overwhelmed with alcohol, broke into the palace by mistake, and found the 17-year-old Princess Xiyue.

Overnight, the sky collapsed and the earth fell apart. Dongjing Kingdom was panicked. The border army was overwhelming.

A year later, Princess Huaiyang gave birth to her son Zhao Qi. Zhao Ming wanted to support Zhao Qi to the throne and formally change the dynasty, so as to break the curse of Princess Xiyue and minimize the casualties of the Dongjing royal family.

It's a pity that time is running out. Even though Zhao Ming is talented, under the circumstances of internal and external troubles, there is too little that can be done in just three years.

When the time came, Peng Guo attacked and destroyed the capital, Zhao Ming died in battle, and Princess Huaiyang jumped down from the tower with her young child. "

The story is over, and everyone who heard it was moved. The tofu seller leaned against the door, wiped her tears with a handkerchief, and sighed softly: "The beauty is unlucky, and the sky is jealous of the talents. After all, it is God's will to trick people."

The merchant slapped the table and said angrily, "It's not God's will. It's clear that the broom star has absorbed the fortune of the country. If you ask me, such a disaster should have strangled her when she was born."

"Isn't it? The nobles are just too kind."

"People are kind and bullied, and these monsters and scourges should be shredded into pieces."

"I don't know when the national teacher will be able to leave the customs, and the evildoer will be beaten to ashes."

"The broom star is too strong, I'm afraid the national teacher is no match..."

Xi Yue listened with gusto, and after the story was over, she felt thirsty, took a big sip from the tea cup, and immediately frowned, bitter!

She called out the indignant mistress: "Fruit tea."

"Okay." Xiao Er was still indignant, and his voice was full of passion.

"Follow what others say, stupid!" A clear voice was inserted into the fierce cursing, with undisguised sarcasm.

There was a pause in the voice, and everyone looked over in unison, only to see an eighteen or nineteen-year-old young knight, with long hair tied up high, as sharp as a sword drawn out of its sheath.

The girl with a lot of money sitting next to her was holding a cup and drinking heavily.

The storyteller was displeased, and said coldly, "What's your opinion, young hero?"

"What devours the fate of the country, what bastards are, they are just the words of the royal family who confuse black and white. Princess Xiyue is clearly a member of Jirui. With her own luck, she can delay the dynasty's downfall."

As soon as the words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked. The curse of Princess Xiyue has been around for a long time. This is the first time someone said that she is Ji Rui.

Xi Yue stared blankly at Lu Fei, with some inexplicable emotions in his heart. He sneered, and put the teacup in his hand heavily on the table: "After all, it's all appearances. Let me ask you, why is it her?" Three years after death, the country died?

If she really devoured the luck of the country, she should live well, instead of dying before the country's demise. "

The storyteller immediately retorted: "If she hadn't devoured the fate of the country, how could her lifespan be prolonged?"

The crowd echoed, and the bearded man spoke convincingly: "In the beginning, she could only live to be four or five years old. She lived to the end of the last time. If she didn't steal the fortune of the country, how could she live so long?"

Lu Fei rolled his eyes: "Uncle, you are 30 years old, how much national luck have you stolen? The luck of nearly ten countries has only increased by one year. What kind of shit is this national luck!"

A man who looked like a scholar said angrily, "Why are you swearing?"

Lu Fei stood up, stepped on the bench, and pointed at the scholar's nose: "You are the one who scolded, it's okay for these ordinary people to understand, you are a dignified scholar, and you follow what others say.

If you look up the history books, you will find that for more than 2 years, the country where Princess Xiyue was born every time is a decadent and declining country.

The dynasties of these countries were already on the verge of decline, and it was the birth of Princess Xiyue that delayed the demise of the dynasties.

The kings knew it well, and while using her power to continue the country, they pushed the cause of the country's subjugation to her. It was really shameful, and they deserved to be the king of subjugation. "

The common people in history didn't know, so they went to see the scholar and asked, "Is that really the case in those dynasties?"

The scholar murmured and didn't dare to say anything, he didn't read well, and his family wanted him to take care of the family business, so he came to Jinci Town with the steward, how could he know this.

At this time, a young man in brocade clothes walked out of the private room on the second floor, and said in a loud voice: "I never thought that there are people who are well-read. I heard Princess Xiyue curse since I was a child, but there is one thing I don't know. He is an ominous person. The royal family of all dynasties Why was it kept in the palace?
Not to mention far away, the third prince of Dongjing Dynasty has a bad character, and was taken to Baihu Temple since birth, and returned when he became an adult.

Princess Xiyue, who can devour the fate of the country, lives instead in Xia Fengxuan, which is a palace lane away from the emperor.Hearing what the young man said today, he suddenly became cheerful. "

As he spoke, he clasped his fists at Lu Fei from a distance: "I'm in Pingyang, Jiang Shida, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Pingyang Jiang's family?" A businessman exclaimed, looking at him eagerly.

Lu Fei lazily returned a salute: "Lu Fei, you can't talk about reading a lot of books, just browse casually when you're bored."

Xiyue retracted her gaze, seeing the crowd dispersed, merchants flocked to Jiang Shida to get close, the lost soul storyteller put away his belongings, and was about to leave, she frowned, stepped forward a few steps away from the crowd, and slapped the broken silver on the storyteller's table, Said: "Tell, story."

The storyteller's eyes lit up, and he smiled obsequiously: "What story does the girl want to hear?"


The gavel was startled again, and the storyteller's ups and downs sounded again, but the number of people listening to the story was much less. Many people were shocked by what Lu Fei said and needed time to digest it.

After Jiang Shida dealt with the merchants, he came to their table and had a pleasant chat with Lu Fei. Only Xiyue held the cup and listened fascinated.

At this time, Wenxiu walked over with his head drooping, and handed over two silver ingots: "Anian and I can't get married anymore, so I'm here to return the dowry money to the girl."

Xi Yue was puzzled: "Why?"

People in the teahouse all looked at it, the absurd story of gifting a bride price as a marriage had already been widely circulated last night, almost half of the people in Jinci Town knew that the two of them were getting close, why did they suddenly not get married?
Wenxiu's voice was full of despair: "My father didn't know that the girl gave the bride price, and he had already revealed the government's notice. If it can't be fired, our family will be taken to the vegetable market and beheaded."

Everyone was astonished, and sighed that God's will trick people.

Xi Yue asked: "Your father, can you burn it?"

Before Wenxiu could answer, someone said: "The official kiln can't be fired, let alone the private kiln, this matter is pending."

"My father said that he has mastered the essentials of firing red porcelain." Wenxiu's voice trembled when he said this, and he was obviously not sure.

Xi Yue pushed the silver ingot back, and Lu Fei helped her and said, "Since it's given to you, it's yours. You and Miss Kong Nian will get married sooner or later, so you'll need it sooner or later."

The 23rd of the twelfth lunar month is the deadline for red porcelain. The two of Xiyue went to the Wen family fire kiln. From a distance, they saw the yamen servants tying up several members of the Wen family, waiting for the kiln to open.

When the first fire-sealing wall was removed, another wall stood up impressively. The Wen family was stunned. Immediately, Wen Xiu's face was as golden as paper, and he roared to rush over, but was firmly restrained by the yamen servant.

The two of Xiyue went inside without knowing it, but the townspeople were in an uproar. From their mouths, the two learned that this is called internal sealing of the kiln.

After the mud embryo enters the kiln, a fire wall is built on the outside first, and then another wall is built inside according to the trend of the outer wall and the gaps, so that the whole fire kiln is airtight.

However, in this way, people will also be sealed inside, smashed to pieces in the fire, and use their own lives to complete the beauty of red porcelain, so this kind of red porcelain is also called blood porcelain.

It is said that for hundreds of years, some people have successfully fired bloody porcelain with this method, but this method is too bloody and the success rate is terribly low, so no one tried it, and it was gradually lost.

After the second fire sealing wall was dismantled, what came into view was a pile of bones that had already been pulverized. Among the ashes lay a glazed white bracelet, which was Kong Nian's pottery bracelet.

Under the extreme high temperature, jade will change color, and gold and silver will melt into water. Only pottery bracelets that have been calcined at high temperature can overflow the glaze color under such conditions, giving off a more eye-catching brilliance.

"A Nian—"

With a low growl, Wenxiu broke away from the yamen servant, rushed towards him, and shouted Kong Nian's name hissingly, his big tears fell into the bones, and startling flowers bloomed.

From the whispers of the people around, the two of Xiyue learned about what happened to the Wenkong family in the past two months.

Early in the morning, old man Wen planned to use this lost ancient method to build himself into a fire kiln. Naturally, Wen Xiu didn't allow it. He stared at his father every day, planning to hide himself quietly in the cave and burn red porcelain with his body.

Unexpectedly, his thoughts were seen by Kong Nian, and Wenxiu was poured over a cup of water with added ingredients, and went in by himself.

Now that things have happened, everyone sighs that God's will tricks people, and there is no destiny. Someone obviously helped them with a gift to fulfill them. However, old man Wen took off the official notice first, so that today's lover is separated from yin and yang.

Lu Fei clenched his fists, it was obviously the emperor's fault, if he didn't want some blood porcelain to worship ancestors, how could there be so many troubles.

Xi Yue was puzzled: "Why did Kong Nian go?" She pointed to old man Wen, "He is the most suitable one—"

Lu Fei quickly covered her mouth with his eyes, preventing her heart-wrenching words from adding insult to injury.

When the yamen servant smashed many failed products, he finally found a blood-colored porcelain plate at the end of the shelf.

Simple and elegant appearance, delicate crystal red like a clear ruby, thin as paper, and sound like a chime.

The yamen servant released Wen's family, left behind 300 taels of silver, and left with a porcelain plate, leaving only Wenxiu's mournful voice echoing in the wind.

Dusk slowly fell to the earth, and at some point, snowflakes floated in the sky, which is rare in the south.

In the wind and snow, a carrier pigeon flew over and landed in front of Lu Fei's window. He took out the thin paper roll and opened it. After seeing the contents clearly, Lu Fei couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, and the heaviness in his heart dissipated a little.

She was about to close the window while releasing the carrier pigeons, when she suddenly felt something was wrong, she poked her head out and saw that Xi Yue was sitting on the window sill, her feet were dangling outside.

Lu Fei was taken aback, flew over, and threw her back into the house: "Kong Nian's death has nothing to do with you, what kind of building did you jump off?"

"I didn't want to dance, and I didn't think her death had anything to do with me." After the initial bluntness, Yue Xiyue's speech has improved by leaps and bounds in the past two years, and she can basically be no different from ordinary people.

Lu Fei thinks so, she is not a real living Bodhisattva, nor is she one of those delicate and weak girls, how could she be so pretentious that she attributed Kong Nian's death to herself.

"Then what are you doing sitting on the window at night? If you don't pay attention, you will fall down."

"I don't understand. The old man Wen is approaching sixty years old. It is the most cost-effective for him to enter the fire kiln to build walls. Why are Kong Nian and Wenxiu vying to get in? They don't look like fools."

Lu Fei looked at her strangely, "You can't really be a wolf cub who grew up in a wolf's den, but that's Wenxiu's father, who gave birth to him and raised him for the rest of his life, whoever is a son can watch his father go to die. "

"But it is difficult for them to live. They are oppressed by the government, and they don't have enough food and clothing. If they die, they may have a good pregnancy in their next life."

(End of this chapter)

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