Chapter 588 The Origin (6)

Lu Fei was stunned. After being together for five months, he thought he knew her a little bit, and he would not be stingy with small acts of kindness, such as buying a steamed bun for a beggar, helping an old man to lift a heavy object, and helping someone fall down. a bit.

But she is by no means warm-hearted. She is also sarcastic on weekdays and doesn't care much about anything.

Even myself, the benefactor who has been with her for five months and rescued her from chasing soldiers many times, did not see her so grateful.

However, he never expected her to say something so rational that it was almost ruthless. Objectively speaking, old man Wen is indeed more suitable than Kong Nian, but besides rationality, there are human feelings, the relationship between husband and wife, the relationship between father and son, and all kinds of things. miss.

"Ants are still alive, let alone human beings. Old man Wen still has his wife and children alive. Why die? You think reincarnation is shopping."

Xi Yue reminded: "Kong Nian also has parents alive."

Lu Fei rubbed his brows helplessly: "I didn't say that Kong Nian deserved to die, for Wen Xiu, whether it was Kong Nian or Old Man Wen who died, they were all trying to gouge out his heart, there was no difference.

This is not a question of whether to die or not. The root of the problem is that the emperor is fatuous. "

Xi Yue is very innocent: "I know, but the unlucky thing has already happened to their family, they can't resist the government, they can't resist the emperor, they can only try their best to minimize the loss."

Lu Fei was powerless and felt that he was playing the piano to a cow, "A dead father and a dead wife are the same, there is no difference in loss."

"One is a man, one is a woman, one is young and the other is old, what's the difference?"

Lu Fei was about to bleed: "Your father is dead, and your mother is dead, isn't it the same?"

"I don't have parents, but it should be different, after all, they are two people." Xi Yue tilted her head slightly and thought for a while, before answering very seriously.

Lu Fei was stunned, and Xuan Er had some guesses: "Are you alone?"

Xiyue nodded.

Lu Fei was relieved, no wonder she was so indifferent to the emotions between people, she didn't have any, how could she empathize with others.

Seeing her without sadness or joy, and without any emotional ups and downs when she mentioned her life experience, Lu Fei felt a little distressed, and said softly, "I will be your relative from now on."

Xiyue stared blankly at him, her black pupils shone with tiny stars, her eyes were always like calm lake water, but now the lake water seemed to be wrinkled by the breeze, causing shallow ripples.

After a while, she blinked her eyes, as if she had regained her senses, her eyes regained her composure, she turned her head sideways, looked at the endless night outside the window, and calmly said: "No need."

Lu Fei immediately became angry: "Hey, what's your tone, I'm a handsome young man, young and promising, if I'm your relative, why don't you get rid of you?"

Xi Yue raised her eyebrows, and sneered: "A young and promising man will be hunted down for three months?"

Lu Fei was angry, for whom would he be hunted down, "They have more than 100 people, and they have eaten more rice than me for decades. I can draw with them, which is already very good!"

Xi Yue stroked the broken hair that was blown by the wind on her forehead, and added rigorously: "With my assistance, the tie was barely made."

Lu Fei hesitated for a long time, and said angrily, "What an unpleasant girl."

Xi Yue curled her lips and didn't care. Thinking of the white pigeon he let go, she asked, "What did the pigeon do just now?"

Mentioning this matter, Lu Fei's depression dissipated in an instant, and he decided not to argue with her: "Homing pigeon at home, thank you for your jade rosary, my mother's poison has been cured."

"Are you going?"

Lu Fei nodded: "At the beginning, I said it was a loan, but now that my mother's poison has been cured, I will naturally go back and return the jade rosary to the owner of Zhaoyang Palace."

"No trouble, I'll see you off."

"It's very generous of you to give away something from your master."

Xiyue paused, and changed the topic: "It's been two months, why haven't the pursuers found us yet?"

"Why, you're not used to being chased by anyone?" Having said that, Lu Fei couldn't help being surprised, as before, being able to escape for a day or two was already the limit.

A few days later, Xi Yue was sitting in front of the fire cage roasting sweet potatoes when Lu Fei pushed the door open and said, "Most of the pursuers have withdrawn."

Xi Yue raised her eyes and asked with her eyes.

Lu Fei felt heavy in his heart: "In the past two days, there have been rumors on the street that Princess Xiyue was born in Nanming. She is 16 years old this year. How can the General Zhenguo's House care about avenging his son's son?"

"How could this matter spread?" Xi Yue raised her eyebrows. As far as she knew, the number of people in the entire Nanming Kingdom who knew about her existence would not exceed two digits.

Lu Fei sneered, "Of course it's the handiwork of those powerful officials and noble relatives. Every family wants to replace the royal family."

Xi Yue was silent, and said after a long while: "You can leave at ease."

Hearing this, the heaviness in Lu Fei's heart dissipated completely, and he was so suffocated that he almost couldn't breathe: "You want me to leave so much, anyway, we have been together for five months, and the stone should be warmed up!"

Xi Yue rolled her eyes, who was talking about going back to see his mother every day, complaining about wasting time saving her.

Lu Fei sat down in front of the fire cage, picked up the teacup and drank it vigorously, then cleared his throat, and said loudly: "The famous Jian Qingfeng was born in Zhujian Villa, and the owner of the village decided to invite all heroes from all over the world to hold it in March in the spring of the year. In the martial arts conference, the winner will get a famous sword. The opportunity is rare, so I will naturally go to see it, how about it, do you want to go together?"

When there was a lot of fun, Xiyue readily agreed, but then said suspiciously: "Don't you have a sword, and you also want a famous sword?"

"As the saying goes, a sword is worthy of a hero. No one in the martial arts would want the Qingfeng sword forged by Situ Xiong himself. I bought this sword for five taels of silver after I left the island. How can it compare with the Qingfeng sword?"

"Can you beat those people?" Xi Yue expressed doubts. Although his martial arts is indeed very good, but after all, he is talented. How can he compare with those 80-[-]-year-old martial arts masters.

Lu Fei was so choked that he said angrily, "Can't I just go and see?"

After finishing speaking, he stared bitterly, can't he be more tactful?
"Zhujian Villa is far away from Jinci Town, and it will take half a month's journey at the fastest. If we start earlier, we don't have to rush so much on the road."

Xi Yue nodded, and said again: "Let's hire a carriage to make it warmer."

"You are really my ancestor." Lu Fei gritted his teeth.

The next day, I went to a carriage and horse shop and hired a spacious carriage, bought a few thick quilts to spread on, and added food and clothing and other items. On the third day, the two set off on the road.

The further north we went, the colder the weather became, and the snowflakes fluttered and fell all over the ground.

This day, Lu Fei was again speechless by Xiyue, he lifted the curtain of the car and went out, just sat on the shaft of the car and watched the driver drive the car.

On the official road, there are quite a lot of vehicles coming and going, and from time to time, a horse gallops past. Needless to say, they are also going to Zhujian Villa to participate in the martial arts conference.

"Brother Lu? What a coincidence?" A surprised voice came from the side.

Lu Fei turned his head and saw that Jiang Shida lifted the soft curtains of the windows in the luxurious carriage that was parallel to them, and was very pleasantly surprised.

"Brother Jiang! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Lu Fei felt that there was a destiny, and Jiang Shida left Jinci Town not long after the teahouse that day. He didn't expect to meet again here two months later.

"Brother Lu, where are you going?"

"Jiangjian Villa is going to hold a martial arts conference, let's join in the fun and learn a lot. Brother Jiang is going back to Pingyang?"

"Jiang Fu, stop! You guys stop too."

Jiang Shida jumped off the carriage with a serious expression: "Brother Lu, come with me."

Lu Fei was puzzled, thinking of Jiang Shida's character, he knocked on the wall of the car to inform Xiyue, and followed him.

The two left the official road for a certain distance, and after making sure that there was no one around, Jiang Shida lowered his voice and hurriedly said, "What kind of martial arts conference are you participating in, a big thief, and you are dying?"

Lu Fei was stunned, his eyes widened immediately, and he said in displeasure, "What big thief, brother Jiang, please explain clearly."

If he just borrowed the jade rosary and used it, he would become a big thief.

Xuan Er, he felt something was wrong, the jade rosary was delivered to Yunhuang Island by the way, according to Uncle Lu, no one chased it along the way, so no one in the palace noticed the missing jade rosary.

Ah Yue is not a talkative person either, how did Jiang Shida know that he took the jade rosary?
Jiang Shida earnestly said: "Brother Lu is a person who is unrestrained and righteous. I know you are not a small person. You must have a reason for being a thief, but not everyone in the world understands righteousness like me. The martial arts conference is full of heroes. You Isn't this going to die?"

"How did you know that I'm a big thief?" Lu Fei was puzzled, he was dignified and full of justice, so he didn't look like a thief no matter what.

Jiang Shida felt that he would not shed tears when he saw the coffin, so he said angrily: "The white jade hairpin on your junior sister's head is a gift from the emperor, you didn't steal it, could it be that the emperor rewarded you?"

Lu Fei's mind was a little knotted, and before he could sort it out, he heard Jiang Shida say: "Five years ago, King Jing'an accidentally got a piece of rare and beautiful jade and presented it to the court. .

The emperor wore the jade pendant himself, and gave the earrings to the empress, leaving the jade hairpin in the treasury.To be able to take away the jade hairpin from the royal treasury is not a robber. "

Lu Fei's mind was a little confused, and he confirmed: "You can't read it wrong, the style of the hairpin is quite simple."

"Never!" Jiang Shida said firmly.

"My aunt is a concubine in the palace. Back then, all the concubines wanted this hairpin. They tried their best to get the emperor to reward it.

Later, when the family got a good jade, they carved one according to the style of this white jade hairpin and sent it to the palace, so I was very impressed with this white jade hairpin, and I would never admit it! "

Lu Fei's face darkened, his brain turned sharply, he was born in the Jianghu, and he was not as proficient in gold and silver artifacts as Jiang Shida and other aristocratic families, but he could also see that the white jade hairpin was very beautiful.

That day, he saw that her clothes were half new and not old, and she had no other accessories except a white jade hairpin all over her body. He had preconceived his idea that she was a palace maid, and it was not unusual for her to serve her master and get one or two good rewards.

In addition, on the Mid-Autumn Festival that day, all the masters and masters of the palace celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival in Zichen Palace, so it made sense for the maids to stay behind.

But if that white jade hairpin is really what the concubines are vying for, then she cannot be a palace maid.

That day, he was guilty of being a thief, so he left in a hurry after getting the jade rosary, without checking whether there was anyone in the other palaces.

Thinking back, he felt that something was wrong, the whole Zhaoyang Palace seemed to be lit only by that one palace light.

Living in the Zhaoyang Palace, the head of the West Six Palaces, there is a white jade hairpin carved from the same piece of jade as the emperor and empress.

Her identity is already known, Princess Xiyue.

Lu Fei clasped his fists together, and said awkwardly: "Thank you, Brother Jiang, for helping to hide the truth. My junior sister has been weak and sick since she was a child. I heard that jade raises people, but good jade is not something you want. I thought that the one in the palace must be the best, so I touched it." I went to the warehouse and took one casually, but I didn't think about it..."

The corners of Jiang Shida's mouth twitched, this is really lucky, there are so many jade wares in the warehouse, and he can get the best one at a glance.

Lu Fei continued to wait for Ai Ai's explanation: "I just...cough cough, with such a thing, I don't have much reputation in the Jianghu, and I don't dare to be a big thief."

Jiang Shida nodded. Since he is not used to stealing and has no reputation in the Jianghu, it is nothing to participate in the martial arts conference.

After thinking for a while, he warned: "That jade hairpin is rare. Although I don't know many people, it is risky. It's better for my junior sister not to stick it on her head."

Lu Fei naturally promised that she would put away the jade hairpin when she went back, and asked Jiang Shida's purpose, and knowing that he was also planning to go to Zhujian Villa to see and see, he happily invited him to go with him.

Back on the carriage, he stared at the white jade hairpin on her head. The workmanship was fine, and the edges and corners were polished very smooth. The whole jade hairpin seemed to be soaked in water, moist and lustrous, shining brightly.

"What are you doing with my hair? Is it messed up?" Xiyue stroked her hair, turned sideways to the cage next to her, and took out a bronze mirror to take a picture, but the back of her head was rubbed against the car wall. A little messy, but otherwise fine.

She squinted at Lu Fei, threw away the bronze mirror, and started eating the pastry box by herself.

Lu Fei glanced at the coachman outside, cleared his throat, and said, "Big red brocade jacket with white jade hairpin doesn't look good, why don't you change the hairpin."

"I just have this hairpin." Xi Yue looked at today strangely, "Why are you acting weird today?"

In the past, she used the white jade hairpin for all kinds of clothes, and she never saw him say whether it looks good or not.

Lu Fei racked his brains to find a reason: "We are going to participate in the martial arts conference. There will be a lot of heroines at that time. Your clothes and jewelry are not well matched. Be careful that you will be compared."

"It doesn't matter."

Lu Fei: ...

"I'm a young hero who wants to be famous all over the world. As my junior sister, you even wear clothes and jewelry in a nondescript way. You're going to embarrass me!"

Xi Yue rolled her eyes: "Pretentious."

Under Lu Fei's ruthless gaze, Xi Yue felt that she might suffer from indigestion, so she finally compromised, "Okay, okay, change!"

As she spoke, she dug out the bundle, took out a red brocade handkerchief and tore it into strips, and tied it in a high ponytail like Lu Fei.

"Is this okay? Don't lose face of the future heroes?"

"Ahem, cough, yes."

After he finished speaking, he stayed for a while, then got up and went out again, he didn't stop when night fell, and ordered the coachman to drive two hours longer to rest in Wutong Town.

At the beginning of Haishi, the group finally arrived at Wutong Town. When Xiyue was about to close the door and go to sleep, Lu Fei stopped her.

As soon as he entered the room, he said, "You are Princess Xiyue, right?"

 Thank you Yanda for your reward!
  thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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