Chapter 589 The Origin (7)

Xi Yue's heart trembled slightly, she pursed her lips and asked, "Where did you see that?"

Lu Fei didn't expect that she would not deny it at all, so he stood there for a while, not knowing what to say.

After a while, he told about the origin of Bai Yuzan and his inference.

Xiyue lowered her eyes, concealing the mixture of light and darkness at the bottom of her eyes, and pulled the corners of her lips weakly: "I didn't expect that broken hairpin to be quite a hindrance."

She turned and walked towards the bed with a calm voice: "You go, I'm going to rest, you don't have to say goodbye to me tomorrow."

"Farewell for what?"

Lu Fei was stunned, furious for a moment, and pulled her over: "You are heartless, the young master has protected you for so long, there is no credit but hard work, you are good, thinking about parting ways with me every day... ..."

Facing her gaze, Lu Fei's remaining swearing came to an abrupt end. Deep in those almond eyes, which were always clear and serene, there was clearly a loneliness and sadness that could not be concealed.

He almost blurted out: "I don't want to be separated from you."

Xi Yue was dazed, and after a long while, she spoke softly: "Aren't you afraid of being swallowed up by me?"

"Didn't I say it, that's the royal family's words that turned black and white, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

"What if, if I were a ten thousand-year-old monster, the luck of a country would be equivalent to a piece of candy..."

Lu Fei rolled his eyes and interrupted her: "Let you stop listening to Mr. Shu's nonsense. Those stories in the book are all fabricated by him out of thin air, and there is no basis at all."

Xi Yue lowered her head slightly and said nothing.

Looking at the girl in front of him, thinking of the records in the history books, Lu Fei felt as if a ball of cotton was stuffed in his heart, and he was so stuffy that he couldn't breathe.

When he was reading books before, he just felt that Princess Xiyue was very pitiful. She lived in a cold palace from birth to death, with no one to accompany her, no one to care about her, and she was always alone.

Now, with the living Princess Xiyue standing in front of him, he had a deep understanding of the harm those ruthless actions had done to her—making her live like a human being.

She is cold-hearted and indifferent, drifting indifferently outside the world, like a god who has fallen into the mortal world, watching the joys and sorrows of the world with cold eyes.

It's fine if her nature is like this, but she clearly wants to have friends and participate in the world, otherwise when she thinks that she is going to leave, she won't be sad, and she won't sneak out of the palace to go to the palace at the last time of her life. Explore the joys and sorrows of the world.

Lu Fei tried his best to suppress the depression in his heart, and asked awkwardly, "Well, are you really 16 now?"

"Well, one year and six months left."

She said this very casually, as if she was saying that tonight's noodles were not bad, without any emotions such as fear or regret.

Lu Fei frowned, subconsciously wanting to reprimand her for her disregard for life, opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say, her fate is doomed, nothing has changed in the 2 years of history.

He felt powerless, pondered for a moment, and asked, "Do you have any wish?"

Xi Yue frowned, she didn't like the emotion called pity in his eyes, only the weak need sympathy, she can't be the weak.

"I have no wish, you can go, I want to sleep."

"How could there be no wish?" Lu Fei didn't believe it. "Don't you like looking at the scenery, eating, drinking and having fun? Misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, bright mountains and beautiful waters, lonely smoke in the desert, boundless Gobi, vast grassland, what do you like best, we will focus on arrangements."

"Whatever, wherever you go."

Lu Fei: ...

"What about the customs, don't you want to watch people get married? The marriage procedures for ordinary people are simplified and not lively enough. Let's go to rich and noble families to watch the excitement;
The climate in Shuzhou is pleasant, and the Flower Festival is unique; Wen County gathers many lantern craftsmen, and the Shangyuan Lantern Festival there is the only one there, and the capital city and the imperial palace can't compare..."

Xiyue was a little moved, the lantern festival in the capital was already so lively, and it was even grander than it, so I wanted to see it.

She asked: "The Lantern Festival will be in more than ten days. Where is Wen County? Can I make it there?"

Lu Fei was stunned for a moment. Wen County is in the southeast, so it is indeed quite far away. After silently calculating, he said, "There are still seventeen days left, hurry up, there will be time."

As soon as she heard that she was going to hurry, Xiyue immediately lost interest and said, "Let's go to Zhujian Villa as planned."

In order to watch the lantern festival, she tortured herself to death, so she wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

Lu Fei sighed, and gave up so easily, it seems that the Lantern Festival is not what she particularly likes.

"Do you really have no desires? Even monks who see through the world of mortals will also be attached to temple incense. I don't believe that you really have no desires and desires."

Xi Yue looked at him strangely: "Why do you care if I have a wish?"

Lu Fei choked, but he couldn't say clearly, he wanted her to have no regrets in her last time.

After a stalemate for a while, he walked out dejectedly. When he reached the door, he was still unwilling, turned his head and asked earnestly again: "Do you really have no desires? How can one live without desires."

Xiyue stepped forward and pushed his head out. Just as she was about to close the door, she caught a glimpse of the guest room diagonally opposite. A woman was pacing back and forth in the room with her baby in her arms. Her hand was gently patting the baby. As he listened intently, he could faintly hear soft nursery rhymes escaping from his lips.

Xi Yue was stunned, her gaze followed the woman unconsciously.

"What are you looking at?"

Lu Fei's words pulled her back from her thoughts, Xiyue looked away, and her voice was almost whispering: "What's the use of having a wish, and it can't be realized."

After finishing speaking, the door was about to close, Lu Fei hurriedly held the door, "Why don't you say it, how do you know it can't be realized, let's find a way together."

Xi Yue raised her eyes, and the corners of her lips curled up in a mocking and sad arc: "I want to grow up like a normal child, is this possible?"


Lu Fei's hand slipped from the door, and she still closed the door. This wish really couldn't come true.

He turned his head, and through the window, he also saw the mother who was obliquely across the way putting the child to sleep. His heart felt as if it had been pricked by a needle, and it was throbbing with pain.

"Hey, it's better to be the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, be happy with your love and hatred, and don't care about trivial matters." A faint sigh came from above, Lu Fei looked up, and saw Jiang Shida upstairs holding a wine pot, leaning on the railing, with a sad face, it seemed that he was borrowing money. Wine soothes sorrow.

"Brother Jiang, what do you mean by that?"

Jiang Shida couldn't help sighing: "Children of the Jianghu, as long as you are upright in your heart, it doesn't matter if you run into a girl's boudoir at night, unlike those delicate and aristocratic daughters, it is offensive to look at them more, and they are annoying!"

Lu Fei jumped up to the third floor, and just a few steps closer, the strong smell of alcohol hit his face, while Jiang Shida's face was slightly red, his eyes were blurred, and he was already drunk.

"Which family's daughter's boudoir did you break into at night?" Lu Fei took the jug in his hand, good guy, there was nothing left.

He was a little curious, Jiang Shida was an open-minded person, what could cause him to be so worried.

Jiang Shida sighed: "What a rush, I just kindly helped to pick up the sachet and caused a lot of trouble, and I couldn't go home because of it."

Lu Fei raised his eyebrows. When he met Jiang Shida again, he felt a little strange. The aristocratic family cared about these etiquettes the most. The new year was approaching, and it seemed strange that he, a member of the aristocratic family, was wandering outside. It turned out that he was in debt.

He looked at Jiang Shida, who was drunk, and thought about it. As the saying goes, he speaks the truth after drinking, and he took Jiang Shida back to the guest room: "Brother Jiang, you come from an aristocratic family, and you are well-informed. I have something to ask."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Shida's voice was steady and his words were clear. If it wasn't for close contact, it would be difficult to find that he was actually drunk.

Lu Fei looked outside and lowered his voice: "There are so many princesses born in the royal families of various countries, how can we identify who is Princess Xiyue?"

"This matter..." Jiang Shida stretched out a finger, paused for a moment, and shook his finger, "I don't know the secret of the royal family. It is said that this secret has been passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth."

Lu Fei was a little disappointed, and immediately asked, "What about the founding emperor?"

There are many countries on the mainland, not only the aristocratic families that successfully usurped power, but also dynasties that rose from the grass. According to this, these founding emperors naturally don't know this secret, and how to pass it on.

"The National Teacher will tell them."

Lu Fei pursed his lips, thought for a while, and then asked: "What about the time? Did the princess recognize her as soon as she was born, or did it take some time?"

"I know this." Jiang Shida raised his chin proudly, but unfortunately he was so drunk that the raised chin quickly dropped.

"My aunt said that no matter whether she is favored or not, as long as the princess is born, the emperor will come and check it out in person. She should have recognized her right after she was born."

Lu Fei frowned, this is difficult.

The emperors of all dynasties have tacitly wanted to tarnish Princess Xiyue's reputation, and it is impossible to raise her as a normal girl. How can this wish be realized?

He frowned and left, tried Jiang Shida a few words the next day, and found that he had no impression of the drunken words, so he swallowed the instructions that came to his lips, as if nothing happened.

Since it was already the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, Lu Fei proposed to spend New Year's Eve in the town before leaving. Jiang Shida heard about it and decided to stay, and the group had a different New Year's Eve.

After that, Lu Fei no longer hurried on the road, but walked slowly all the way, admiring the scenery and people along the way, and only rushed a little on the eve of the Huachao Festival, and arrived in Shuzhou two days in advance.

On the day of the Flower Festival, Lu Fei took Xiyue out for an outing, and urged her to join the girls' red dress ceremony, cutting five-color paper and sticking it on the flower branches, and participating in the solemn and grand ceremony of offering sacrifices to the flower god. Butterflies, making flower cakes, setting flower lamps and other links are not left behind.

Although not a single butterfly was caught, and the flower cakes were made in a mess, her participation in the whole process finally allowed her to blend in, unlike the Mid-Autumn Festival Lantern Festival, when she wandered outside even in the busy city and was just a passer-by on the sidelines.

After the Huachao Festival, they continued to travel around the mountains and rivers. When they arrived at Zhujian Villa, there were only three days left before the martial arts conference.

Jiang Shida complained that the journey was too slow, so he hurriedly went to the Lingxiao faction to deliver the greeting card, wanting to join the Lingxiao faction.

After he left, Xi Yue said to Lu Fei: "Don't you want to make friends with heroes from all walks of life? How do you make friends? Do you want to make an appointment to fight one by one?"

The corners of Lu Fei's mouth twitched, making appointments one by one, thanks to which she could figure it out, "Let's go out for dinner first, and find out who's here by the way."

As he said that, he opened the door and went out. As soon as he reached the stairs, an unknown object flew towards him. Lu Fei pulled the attraction beside him behind him, and at the same time grabbed the flying object - a chopstick.

Looking down, those who threw stools downstairs, those who smashed cups and saucers smashed cups and saucers, and those who smashed tables, had already become a mess.

He frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

The waiter had a bitter face, and pointed to the woman in white who was eating quietly in the corner: "The masters of the Tiger Head Gang spoke inappropriately and offended that girl. The other young heroes couldn't see it. Then we started fighting."

Xiao Er is very worried. Although these young heroes are from famous families, they will not lose compensation after the fight, but if so many items are damaged, if they cannot be replaced in time, it will affect the subsequent business.

Xiyue poked her head out, looked at the miserable situation below, and said puzzledly: "Didn't you say that all the people participating in the martial arts conference are heroes? How come they fight like punks casually. If there is a grudge, you shouldn't make an appointment Looking for another place to solve it?"

Lu Fei felt that he couldn't hold back his face. This was actually his first visit to the mainland. Most of the information about the situation in various countries was read from books, and all kinds of rumors in the world were no exception.

The island highly respects the martial arts from the mainland, and the stories of heroes fighting for justice are widely spread on the island. As a person who grew up listening to the stories of heroes' happy enmity, he naturally has a good impression of the people in the martial arts.

Unexpectedly, there are quite a few people who don't talk about martial arts.

The girl in white who was eating probably heard their conversation, and suddenly turned her head to look this way, Lu Fei was surprised: "Doctor Yu!"

Yu Tianxian nodded from afar, then shifted his gaze to Xiyue, and said in a low voice: "The speech is very fluent, it seems that the vocal cords have recovered well."

Xi Yue raised her eyebrows, "You also know martial arts."

They didn't speak loudly just now, but the fight was fierce and noisy, and Yu Tianxian could hear their conversation clearly.

Yu Tianxian nodded, and said naturally: "I am a traveling doctor, I have been away all year round, and I have died countless times without any power to protect myself."

As soon as she finished speaking, the actions of those young heroes who were inseparable from the tiger head gang immediately became stiff. After fighting for a long time, they didn't need their heroes to save the beauty.

"Doctor Yu? You are Xinglin Master Yu Tianxian!" A burly young man turned around suddenly and stared at Yu Tianxian in surprise.

When other people heard this, they all listened, and the members of the Tiger Head Gang were even more annoyed. As the saying goes, no one can offend the doctor if you offend anyone, so how did you molested Yu Tianxian?

The burly young man clasped his fists and saluted: "Situ Bei of Zhujian Mountain Villa, if the girl Jade can come, she will be full of brilliance, please move to the mountain villa."

"No, I'm used to living in inns."

A look of embarrassment flashed across Situ Bei's face, and Xuan'er said sincerely: "My uncle hammered a piece of meteorite a few days ago. Please show me Miss Yu."

Yu Tianxian's expression was still very calm: "You should know my rules. During non-free consultations, unless there is something you like, you will never make a move."

Situ Bei said anxiously: "There is a lot of items in the village, as long as the girls are interested, just take them away."

"Since you want me to make a move, then show your sincerity." After speaking, Yu Tianxian turned and went upstairs, ignoring Situ Bei's request.

PS: Thanks to Xiaoxiang Yanying, book friends 161219180356007, and Huanxi 202082545 for their monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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