Chapter 590 The Origin (8)

Someone next to him said: "Brother Situ, why are you still stunned? No one in the Jianghu knows that Xinglin Miaoshou doesn't like gold and silver, but only loves beautiful jade. Hurry back to the village and bring all the beautiful jade at home."

Situ Bei woke up like a dream, and rushed back. Xiyue and the two ordered the dishes, but before the dishes were served, they saw him coming with his servants, carrying two huge boxes.

Some people were envious immediately: "I didn't expect Zhujian Villa to be so rich that they could easily carry out two boxes of jade wares."

"Don't compare your family wealth with the Sword Forging Villa. They can make a lot of money with just a famous sword. Even if they don't produce materials and only help with casting, the processing fees charged are not cheap."

Lu Fei shook his head, and said, "This behavior is doomed to return in vain."

Although his voice was very low, he couldn't stand the crowd around him, most of them were martial arts practitioners who were watching all directions and listening to all directions. Immediately someone asked: "Brother, why did you say that? The box has not been opened, Miss Yu has not come out, brother How do you know that the jade in the box is not in the mind of Miss Heyu?"

Lu Fei smiled slightly: "Doctor Yu often goes to the town for free consultations, and he doesn't value money and other things outside of the body. Whether the consultation fee is satisfactory does not depend on the value. She also emphasized earlier, sincerity."

For the last two words, he deliberately paused, and then glanced at the two big boxes: "Just search for two big boxes, anyway, I haven't seen the sincerity of Jianjian Villa."

"I got dizzy from work." Situ Bei patted his forehead annoyedly, then clasped his fists at Lu Fei, "Thank you, young hero, for reminding me."

Then he hurriedly ordered people to prepare trays and gift boxes. He first selected a dozen pieces of beautiful jade that he thought were the best, and knocked on the door of Yu Tianxian.

Yu Tianxian only glanced at it, and then vetoed everything: "It's not to my liking."

Situ Bei laughed a couple of times, and told the servant: "Go back and bring the Hetian jade lock that belongs to Second Miss."

Next, the servants of Zhujian Villa went back and forth between the villa and the inn, but unfortunately none of the utensils they brought were from Heyu Tianxian.

Everyone couldn't help but feel sympathy for Zhujian Villa. Xinglin's wonderful hands, Yutianxian, are equally famous for her superb medical skills, and her eccentric temperament. to no avail.

The so-called suiting her heart doesn't mean that it depends entirely on her will. If she wants to cure her, even if you give her a stone, she will think it's what she wants.

When twilight fell, Situ Bei bid farewell to Yu Tianxian through the door, saying that he would not disturb her rest and would come back tomorrow.

After he left, the crowd also dispersed, and the people living in the inn were about to have dinner. Xiyue changed her posture and raised her own doubts: "Why do you call her Doctor Yu, and they call her Miss Yu?"

Lu Fei mixed the noodles, and said casually: "She is a doctor and a woman, you can call her Doctor Yu or Miss Yu."

After a pause, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Xiao Er said that the jelly in the west of the city is good, shall we try it tomorrow?"

Xi Yue nodded: "You are correct, she prefers the title Doctor Yu."

"When did you pay attention to these things?" Lu Fei was a little surprised. She and Yu Tianxian had only met each other on both sides. With her temperament of not caring about everything, it was strange to see which title Yu Tianxian liked.

Xi Yue shrugged: "I don't care, she's very obvious, you can see it at a glance."

Just as he was talking, Jiang Shida strode over, sat down, and complained: "You don't wait for me to eat. Xiao Er, come to a bowl of chicken shredded cold noodles, I'm exhausted!"

The pampered son of a noble family has already passed the age of laying the foundation, and he wants to join the entry school. Lu Fei doesn't think he will gain anything, so he still cares: "How is your side, have you seen the head of the Lingxiao sect? ?”

"Hey, don't mention it, I saw it, but he didn't accept my young master, and my mouth was broken." Jiang Shida poked the table with the tip of his chopsticks as if venting his anger, as if the table was the stubborn head of the Lingxiao faction.

"By the way, what were you talking about just now, Doctor Yu?"

"Xinglin Miaoshou Yutianxian, she..."

Before Lu Fei could finish his sentence, Jiang Shida was overwhelmed and excited: "Is she here too?"

Lu Fei nodded and pointed to the guest room, "It's next door to us."

Jiang Shida blushed with excitement, held Lu Fei's left hand with both hands, and said earnestly: "Brother Lu, let's discuss it, let's change rooms."

Lu Fei didn't understand, Jiang Shida was a bold person, but he came from a family, and his basic necessities were better than those of Jianghu people. He picked that room for a long time, saying that it had a better view from that direction.

Jiang Shida chuckled: "I heard that Yu Tianxian is not only outstanding in medical skills, but also a stunning ice beauty. If you are close to the water, you will get the moon first. If the younger brother succeeds in a good deed, there will be a big thank you."

The corners of Lu Fei's mouth twitched, he had never seen him before, and he fell in love with him just based on rumors in the world, no matter how he heard it, it was outrageous.

Jiang Shida smiled obsequiously: "Brother Lu, do you have any objections?"

Just as Lu Fei was about to agree, he saw Yu Tianxian open the door, and his icy and condensed eyes shot straight at this side. He felt embarrassed, and it is always bad to talk about other girls behind his back.

The dull Jiang Shida didn't receive his gaze for a long time, and still kept talking. Lu Fei had no choice but to say hello: "Doctor Yu, come out for dinner."

Jiang Shida's whole body froze, he turned around slowly and saw the woman dressed in white, her face was like ice and snow, her eyes were like cold pools, and she had icy muscles and jade bones.

"Cough, cough, Jiang Shida in Pingyang, looking forward to Miss Yu's beauty for a long time..." Under Yu Tianxian's cold gaze, Jiang Shida's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally he couldn't speak at all. He just forced himself to laugh and said to himself: This ice beauty lives up to its name, it is as cold as a thousand years of ice.

"A long time?" Yu Tianxian sneered, "The girl next to you is also an ice beauty with a peerless appearance and a cool temperament. Why don't you have a good relationship with her? Aristocratic daughters from aristocratic families should not be insulted, but we Jianghu daughters can be slighted at will?"

Jiang Shida's scalp was numb. Didn't he say that the sons and daughters of the Jianghu don't care about trivial matters? They just talked a few words, so why are they still on the line.

He turned his head and glanced at the person next to him. This junior sister Lu Fei was indeed extremely beautiful, as beautiful as an autumn moon, and her demeanor was equally cold.

If the coldness of Yu Tianxian is ice and snow, icy cold to the bone; then the coldness of this girl Ah Yue is the cold dew in late autumn, with a hint of being out of the world in the coldness, and every time he meets her gaze, he feels ashamed and raw Not the slightest thought.

At the moment of embarrassment, I heard Yu Tianxian say bluntly: "I study medicine to help the world, not to increase the bargaining chip for marrying into a noble family."

After he finished speaking, he walked away.

After the people walked away, Jiang Shida sighed straight away: "Why have you been so slow recently, there is no hope now."

Xi Yue frowned: "She hates you, it's not because you speak ill of her behind her back and she hears it, but because you don't respect her."

Jiang Shida looked at her in surprise, and then at Lu Fei, full of puzzlement. Although they had been together for nearly three months, this Ayue girl was really cold-tempered, and she always ignored others, and he didn't agree with them at all. After she said a few words, why did she suddenly open her mouth to explain the confusion?

After being stunned for a moment, Jiang Shida saluted solemnly: "Please teach me, Miss."

Xi Yue said sternly: "You don't know anything about her, just relying on a few rumors in the world, you are going to have a good relationship with her. To put it bluntly, isn't it just because you listen to her beauty and want to be your confidante.

As for the medical skills she worked so hard to learn, to you, it is just the icing on the cake of a beauty. It is no different from the piano, chess, singing and dancing learned by prostitutes.

You are indeed insulting her, and she didn't pour hot tea at you directly, it's her self-restraint. "

Jiang Shida was stunned and remained silent for a long time.

Lu Fei remembered the words Yu Tianxian left before he left with a flick of his sleeve, and suddenly understood why she said before that Yu Tianxian preferred the title of Doctor Yu.

The appellation reveals people's attitude invisibly. Calling Qiyu girl shows that in everyone's mind, she is a woman first, and then a doctor.

Yu Tianxian is a person with great ambitions, so naturally she doesn't like people paying too much attention to her gender and appearance.

"Respect..." Jiang Shida murmured in shame, "It turns out that I am no different from those dandies and lechers."

He got up suddenly and strode out.

"Guest officer, your face is ready, guest officer, guest officer!"

"Brother Jiang, where are you going?"

"Go and apologize!" After leaving this sentence, Jiang Shida disappeared at the door of the inn.

The shop clerk raised his face and stared blankly at the two of Xiyue, "Then this side..."

Lu Fei was helpless: "Bring it here."

Three days later, the martial arts tournament was held as scheduled, heroes and knights showed their martial arts, needless to say first-class masters, they were all expected to fight for the sword; although those young knights knew that the sword was hopeless, they fought vigorously, and their fame is now at hand.

Lu Fei quickly stood out among the young and middle-aged knights. Every time the competition ended, a large group of people would surround him. He has a good feeling in his heart and seizes all the time spent together.

The day's competition was over, and seeing Lu Fei was surrounded by the crowd again, Xi Yue went back to the inn first, ordered food and waited for him to come back.

Suddenly, she saw a familiar white pigeon flapping its wings and landed by the window, took two steps back and forth, and spread its wings again, it seemed that it found that Lu Fei was not there and was going to look for him.

Thinking of the people around him, Xi Yue took out a chopstick and threw it without thinking.


The carrier pigeon fell.

She ran downstairs to pick up the white pigeon. As she walked, she stopped and took a closer look at the white pigeon in her hand. Why is this pigeon different from ordinary ones?

The beak seems to be longer and more curved.

This thought only stayed in her mind for a moment before she left it behind and went back to the inn with the pigeon.

About a quarter of an hour later, Lu Fei finally escaped from the siege, and before he even sat down at the inn, he began to complain: "Looking at me being entangled by them, it's fine if you don't go to help, but you actually left!"

"I'm coming back to order." Xiyue shrugged, then pouted at the waiter who served the food, "No, the time is just right, you can have hot meals as soon as you come back!"

After a pause, she threw the white dove over: "By the way, your dove."

Lu Fei looked at the listless Qi Lingge, was startled, and asked anxiously, "What did you do with it?"

"It's nothing, I just gave it a chopstick."

Lu Fei checked again and found that the Qiling pigeon was not injured, so he was relieved, and saw that the post on the pigeon's leg was intact, he was very surprised: "You didn't peek?"

Xi Yue rolled her eyes: "I can't read."

Lu Fei was speechless, which means that if she could read, she would definitely peek at it.He shook his head, took out the letter and opened it.

"Did the family urge you to go back?" Xi Yue lowered her eyes and struggled with the slippery jelly on the plate, but her ears pricked up involuntarily, her voice carried a nervousness that she didn't even realize.

Lu Fei hummed softly, "Let me go back before my birthday."

Xi Yue paused, and the jelly that she had finally picked up fell back into the plate. After a while, she picked it up again as if nothing had happened, and asked casually, "When is your birthday?"

"August eleventh."

"That's still early." Xiyue clenched her chopsticks tightly, and silently calculated, there are still more than 140 days, and the time to travel is excluded...

The next day, Lu Fei was defeated by the head of the Ling Xiao sect, ending his competition. Jiang Shida beamed at him and gave him a thumbs up: "Brother Lu, that's amazing! He was able to compete ten moves with the master of martial arts! I admire him! "

Lu Fei was a little disappointed. Although he knew that he was not the opponent of those old seniors and had adjusted his mentality early, but when he really lost and missed the famous sword, he still felt uncomfortable.

Xiyue pursed her lips, and said comforting words: "You are already very powerful. After all, they have decades more skill than you. In terms of martial arts alone, you are much more flexible than that old man."

"You will comfort me?" Lu Fei's heart warmed up, he put his hands on his forehead and looked towards the west, muttering to himself, "Let me see if the sun is coming out from the west today."

Xi Yue squinted at him, then turned to Jiang Shida and asked, "Dr. Yu hasn't agreed to treat Situ Bei's uncle's arm yet?"

The topic turned so abruptly that both Lu Fei and Jiang Shida were stunned for a moment, and after a while, Jiang Shida replied: "No, this Situ Bei must have been working hard for a long time, and his brain muscles have also been roughened. Doctor Yu's heartfelt consultation fee. I suspect that he did it on purpose to create an opportunity to meet with Doctor Yu!"

Lu Fei coolly reminded: "Don't you also pester Dr. Yu every day, in her eyes, you are more annoying than Situ Bei."

Jiang Shida's face was a little red, but he still had plausible words: "I'm making an apology..."

Xi Yue ignored the jokes between the two, lowered her eyes and pondered for a moment, and said, "Let's stay here for a while longer."

Lu Fei thought that the period of time would be ten days, so he agreed without thinking.

The next contestants were all first-class martial arts masters, Lu Fei watched intently, lest he miss a detail.

Xiyue left the words and went to the side to have a rest, then withdrew from the crowd, and grabbed a servant of Zhujian Villa: "Go and tell Situ Bei that I have beautiful jade, and I can exchange it with him."

The servant was overjoyed, and hurriedly sent someone to find Situ Bei, and took her to a waterside pavilion in the villa.

Not long after, Situ Bei hurried over, and before he could catch his breath, he hurriedly said: "I heard that the girl has beautiful jade."

Xi Yue took out the white jade hairpin from her sleeve, Situ Bei's eyes lit up, and he praised: "Good jade! Good jade! I would like to ask for it with a thousand pieces of gold."

 Thank you, darling, I am Da Luo Jinxian, two big monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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