Chapter 591 The Origin (9)

Xi Yue said lightly: "You can't buy this jade hairpin with a thousand pieces of gold."

Situ Bei choked, he had always been obsessed with smelting and casting swords, and his appreciation of jade was only average, he could only see that this white jade hairpin was not extraordinary, as for whether it was hard to buy or not, I don't know.

Xi Yue didn't bother with him, and directly stated her intentions: "Your uncle has a piece of meteorite iron, and he used that piece of meteorite iron to forge a sword for me. This jade hairpin is the reward."

"This..." Situ Bei hesitated. Uncle bought that piece of meteoric iron from a merchant from the south. It is said that it is an extraterrestrial object and is an excellent forging material. If it wasn't for tempering it, uncle would not have hurt his arm.

If she agreed to this deal, wouldn't her uncle be injured in vain and pay a lot of materials and labor?

But disagree, what about my uncle's arm?If you can't heal your arm, let alone make a sword, your daily life will be affected.

Situ Bei was confused.

Xiyue put away the jade hairpin: "I won't make it difficult for you. You want the beautiful jade to ask Doctor Yu to sell it. If Doctor Yu doesn't accept this hairpin, just let go of the deal. You guys should think about it carefully."

After speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Situ Bei to stand where he was, continuing to struggle.

But overnight, Zhujian Villa made a decision and agreed to trade with her. Xiyue simply took out the white jade hairpin, and reminded Situ Bei to change the name of Yu Tianxian. Soon, Yu Tianxian agreed to treat his uncle.

Xiyue and her party were invited to live in the Sword Forging Villa. She drew the blueprints after flipping through the sword manual books, and then exchanged and revised them with the swordsmith repeatedly.

It took more than a year, and finally in late May of the second year, Jiancheng was released.

The blade of the sword is like a mirror, with a cold light, exuding the pleasure of blowing the hair off. The hilt is blue, like a clear summer sky. The milky white rain orchid blooms quietly on the sword lattice, and the shallow stems and leaves under the silver branches and leaves are entwined and spread. A small hollow ring is bent at the end of the hilt, which can be used to tie a sword tassel.

The blue is dreamy, the milky white is beautiful, the silver is elegant, combined with the coldness of the blade, it is exquisite and beautiful.

Situ Bei glanced at her expression, although he knew it was unlikely, he still did not give up and asked: "Miss, is this sword to be given to Brother Lu? Can you give it up? We Jianjian Villa is willing to exchange half of the family's wealth."

Xiyue put away her sword and shook her head firmly: "No change."

After walking a few steps, she stopped again and asked, "When will Lu Fei come back?"

A few days ago, Zhujian Villa had a batch of swords to be sent to Changchun Villa, but there was not enough manpower, so Lu Fei helped escort them to Changchun Villa.

"There is something wrong with that batch of goods, and it will take a while. I'm afraid they won't be able to return until next month."

"Next month," Xi Yue's eyes flashed with worry, and she lowered her eyelids slowly, "I see, thank you for letting me know."

After finishing speaking, she continued to move forward, her back was stretched long by the setting sun, revealing endless loneliness and heaviness.

A few days later, the breeze was gentle and the sun was warm. Xiyue stood by the waterside pavilion, staring blankly at the blue lotus in the water. She couldn't help feeling a little bit of fear in her heart. It was already the end of May, and there was only one more month left...

"What are you looking at, so preoccupied?" A familiar voice sounded, Xi Yue looked over, and a tall and tall figure stepped out from the criss-crossing green shadows.

"Lu Fei!" After being stunned, she was overjoyed, "Didn't you say something went wrong with the sword and you won't be back until next month?"

Lu Fei stepped forward a few steps and stood beside her: "I'm not from Zhujian Villa, and if something goes wrong, it's useless for me to stay there."

He looked her back and forth, with a little nervous voice: "Are you okay in the villa, no one bullied you, right?"

Xi Yue was startled, her eyes were sore for a moment, she shook her head, and said softly, "Lu Fei, I don't want to die."

Lu Fei's heart tightened suddenly, it was because he thought that she was running out of life, so he hurried back.

After being speechless for a while, he said with difficulty: "Didn't you say that there is no difference between this life and the next?"

"But in the next life, there will be no you." Xi Yue stared sideways at the green lotus leaf. In the past, she had lived like this in her lifetimes. There is no difference between this life and the next life for her, and she naturally has no fear of death.

But now, there is a difference.

Lu Fei only exists in this life, even if they meet by fate in the next life, it won't be him anymore.

The sun was shining gently, and in the gentle breeze, the leaves above her head were swaying gracefully, casting mottled light and shadows on her face, flickering and flickering, and the whole person seemed to be drifting, which was very unreal.

Lu Fei only felt thousands of fine needles stabbing his heart heavily, causing a dull pain. He raised his hand and gently squeezed her shoulder, as if to confirm her existence: "It's okay, I will look for you in the next life."

Xi Yue turned her head suddenly, her eyes seemed to be lit up with thousands of stars, she pursed her lips slightly, and her smile was bright and beautiful like summer fireworks, but tears rolled down the corners of her eyes: "Although it's impossible, but you will I am still willing to meet me, I am very happy."

"I'll figure out a way." Under the sun, the boy faced the light, unable to see his expression clearly, only heard his voice was extremely firm.

Lu Fei raised his hand and gently wiped away her tears.

This was the first time he saw her smile. Others said that she was a cold beauty. In fact, she was more beautiful when she smiled like a flower, and the world seemed to be a little brighter.

The two stood side by side by the water, letting the sun shine, silent for a long time.

After a long time, Xiyue finally collected her emotions, turned around and ran to the guest courtyard: "Wait for me here."

Lu Fei was puzzled, and after a while, she saw her walking slowly with a long carved red lacquer box, put the box into his hand, and said with a smile: "Here, here it is, a birthday present!"

"For me?" Lu Fei was stunned, then his eyes darkened, and he understood that this was an early birthday gift.

"Yes, open it and have a look."

Lu Fei pursed his lips, slowly opened the wooden box, and a blue long sword came into view.

He picked up the sword and took it out of its sheath. The sword was thin and long, with a faint cold light. A leaf swirled down and broke in two when it touched the sword.

No need to try, he also knows that this sword is much better than the one won by the head of Ling Xiao faction.

"Like it?"

Lu Fei nodded. Who wouldn't like such a sharp weapon, so martial arts practitioners lightly brushed the blade with his fingertips, and asked, "What's its name?"

Xi Yue smiled slightly, and it was worthwhile for her to change the blueprint nearly a hundred times, "It doesn't have a name yet, you are its first owner, you can get one for it."


"I designed this with my own hands, isn't it beautiful?" Xi Yue raised her eyebrows proudly, "The Zhujian Villa wants to exchange half of the family property, hmph, am I the kind of person who looks at things outside of me?"

Lu Fei recalled: "You insist on staying in Jianjian Villa just to forge it?"

"That's not right. I'm not a swordsmith after all. Some details are unreasonably designed. After communicating with the swordsmith, the drawings must be changed in time."

After a pause, she urged again: "You are its first owner, and maybe its only owner, so give it a good name."

Lu Fei pondered for a moment, then said softly: "Just call, Mo Li."

(End of this chapter)

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